The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 971 Primal Reversion? (Two In One)

Chapter 970 Primal Reversion? (two in one)

Boom boom boom! !

Almost the entire Sootopolis City was directly destroyed in half by this attack.

In the huge gully, a large amount of seawater began to pour back.

As for saying.

Isolate the energy Barrier of Sootopolis City?

Rayquaza: I said how come there seems to be a membrane before, and it breaks when I poke it.

This energy Barrier was originally used to block the aftermath of the collision between Kyogre and Groudon.

Aftermath is ok.

Not to mention the head-on conflict to stop Rayquaza, even Kyogre and Groudon can't stop it.

It's just that Groudon and Kyogre only have eyes for each other, so they ignored Barrier.

not to mention.

Barrier is only for the inside, and the defense against the outside is not that strong.

Wait until the smoke gradually dissipates.

Steven, Wallace and other talents who stayed in the same place finally looked at each other, and what they saw from each other's eyes was uncontrollable shock and astonishment.

"Groudon and Kyogre them"


Wallace wasn't finished yet.

I saw the dark blue dragon dragging its tail today and flying from the ruins.

The tail swayed slightly, and it seemed that both the mood and the Contest Condition seemed to be fine.

And the sight of Steven and others, in addition to sweeping Rayquaza, immediately fell on the figure standing on Rayquaza's head.

Black's suit and top hat, Black's eyes with smiles and excitement, and under the corners of the raised mouth, is the outline of determination.

Who is this guy?

This idea is the first thing that pops up in almost everyone's mind.

"The Rayquaza he rides?"


"Rayquaza alone can't do damage on this scale to Groudon and Kyogre?" Phoebe said with a wink on his chin.

"Yes." Drake nodded. "But just now, it wasn't just Rayquaza."

The elderly Drake, who is also the one with the highest vision, saw the situation just now.

In addition to Rayquaza, there are at least three or four powers far beyond ordinary Pokémon.

Who is this person?

Why can it be associated with so many mythical beasts and phantom beasts?


In addition to the doubts in their hearts, everyone is still a little fortunate in their hearts.

At least.

This man is here to help.




While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, two roars of Rage were heard from the seabed outside Sootopolis City.

Immediately after.

Groudon, who was full of anger, and Kyogre, who was also carrying anger, jumped out of the sea and appeared in the sight of everyone again.

"Crap! Barrier!"

Wallace thought of something, and his face changed suddenly.

Is the biggest threat posed by Groudon and Kyogre because of the devastation caused by their collision?

Do not!

What is really harmful is the change to the natural environment that comes with their appearance.

Being a divine beast changed naturally.

Groudon dries up large areas in an instant, quickly losing moisture, both to lakes and to the sea.

Kyogre, on the other hand, will cause widespread rainfall in the area it radiates.

The kind of pouring rain.

These regions can be completely submerged by water in a short period of time.

When Groudon and Kyogre were just recovering, the failure to contain them in time resulted in extensive damage to the Hoenn Region's natural environment.

The resulting chain reaction is that wild Pokémon cannot adapt to such environmental changes.

Or simply lose their lives in the abruptly changing environment.

Either they started to riot on a large scale in order to find the right environment, either killing each other or attacking human towns.

Therefore, Hoenn Alliance and Steven had to decide to sacrifice a Sootopolis City in exchange for a short-term peace in the entire Hoenn Region.

But now.

Barrier was destroyed by Rayquaza.

"Don't worry." Steven reached out to reassure Wallace, "There's Rayquaza here."

Wallace's understanding of Rayquaza is definitely not as good as Steven of Devon.

When looking again at Groudon and Kyogre with doubts.

Discovery is really like what Steven said.

No matter how much Groudon and Kyogre pumped up their energy, how they roared.

The scene where the ground was dry and cracked before, and the scene where the sea water was tumbling and pouring back, did not appear.

"Because, Rayquaza's Ability is an airlock!" Steven's eyes flickered, looking at Rayquaza with his head up in the sky.


Airlock: Prevents any weather present from having an effect.

"Why has Rayquaza been able to stabilize these two super ancient beasts from ancient times to the present? Not only because of Rayquaza's strength, but also because of Rayquaza's Ability. Whether it is against Groudon or Kyogre, it has absolute suppression power. ' Steven said slowly.

Wallace nodded thoughtfully.

Immediately, he suddenly discovered that something was wrong with Steven Contest Condition around him.


Wallace hurriedly supported him, which prevented the wobbly Steven from falling straight down.

Steven shook his head, regaining his energy again.

"Walace, although I don't know who is coming, but it seems to be a friend rather than an enemy, and quickly find a way to call Ruby and Shafiya back from Mew Island. It still needs their strength to appease Groudon and Kyogre."

"The timeline of Mew Island is different from the Pokémon world." Wallace hesitated, but looking at Steven's weak appearance, he gritted his teeth and said, "I see, I will let Teacher try it as soon as possible!"

And when they communicate.

Belonging to Rayquaza's confrontation with Kyogre and Groudon also begins.


Facing the growls of Groudon and Kyogre, Rayquaza uttered a dragon roar without showing weakness.

In the case of one enemy and two, the momentum is not at all lost.

A look of contempt flashed in Rayquaza's eyes.

Still want to play with the weather in front of it?


Must be clear skies.

It Rayquaza said!

Groudon looked at Kyogre, clutching his chest.

Kyogre stared at Groudon's chest.

Had it not been for Groudon at the front, it would have been more traumatized than it is now.


The two super ancient mythical beasts are really hesitating now.

They are full of anger, and when they see each other, they want to compete, but that doesn't mean they are stupid.

The usual Rayquaza is strong enough.

But at least.

They'll last a while, and Struggle a bit, and maybe do a little damage to Rayquaza.

But now.

Rayquaza is clearly on the hook.

They were stronger than them in the first place, but now they are still on the hook, how can they beat them?

But to have them recede now is clearly out of character for Groudon and Kyogre.

And when they hesitate.

Rayquaza in the sky hooked his fingers towards them.

Xia Yan, who was standing on Rayquaza's head, saw this scene, and his expression froze.

"Empty, this is not appropriate, is it?"

Rayquaza glanced at Xia Yan, full of confidence.

【rest assured. 】


Xia Yan was suspicious.

And Rayquaza's behavior obviously angered Groudon and Kyogre again.

Solid/Gai: Can't stand it!

Roar! !

"It's coming again! Be careful!" Steven's face snapped.

In a rumbling sound.

Ground has been turned upside down again, with "Precipice Blades" belonging to Groudon and "Orgin Pulse" belonging to Kyogre appearing again.

Rayquaza didn't mean to give in at all, turned into a green arrow again, and charged straight away.

In the passing green light, Hazy Haze flew out of it and landed in the direction of Steven and the others.

When it was about to land on Registeel, the wrapped Haze slowly faded away, revealing Xia Yan's appearance.

"Mr. Steven, Mr. Wallace."

Standing in front of the two, ignoring the violent roar behind him, Xia Yan greeted with a smile.

real man.

Never look back at the explosion.

And Steven and Wallace finally met Xia Yan, the "mysterious man" driving Rayquaza for the first time.

"You are." Wallace asked hesitantly.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself."

After saying something apologetic, Xia Yan took out the national version of Pokémon Pokédex, "My name is Xia Yan, from Pallet Town, Kanto Region."

"Pokédex owner?!"

Steven and Wallace looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief almost simultaneously.

turn out to be.

Is the Pokédex owner.

Then all their previous worries disappeared.

"Xia Yan, I represent Hoenn." Steven paused halfway through and continued: "On behalf of Hoenn, we would like to express our most sincere thanks to you!"


Substantial kind?

Xia Yan murmured in his heart, but he waved his hand indifferently.

"Rayquaza can hold down Groudon and Kyogre, but he can't completely calm them down. I wonder where Red Orb and Blue Orb are? Only they can completely appease the two super ancient beasts."

Hearing this, Steven and Wallace showed helpless expressions at the same time.

Finally, Wallace explained: "Because of something that happened before, Ruby with Red Orb and Shafiya with Blue Orb, I asked my master to pull them to Mew Island, a place isolated from the Pokémon world. outer space.

The flow of time is different from the world of Pokémon. If you want to come back, you can only come back when the flow of time on both sides is the same. "

The Hoenn Alliance, along with both Steven and Wallace, put their treasures on Ruby and Shafia, the two Pokédex owners.

When the two orbs of Snatch were taken from Maxie and Archie's hands, the two orbs entered the bodies of Ruby and Shafiya.

In order for them to have the spiritual power to control the orb and appease the two divine beasts, Wallace had to arrange for them to enter Mew Island and use the special time flow there to exercise the two of them mentally.

The previous efforts of Steven and the Elite Four were to buy time for Ruby and Shafiya.

"Mew Island?" Xia Yan nodded.

Not too surprised by this result.

Calculated by time.

Pretty much the same.

He looked at Wallace again, "Do you know the space-time coordinates of Mew Island?"


Wallace blinked blankly.

What coordinates?

"I might be able to offer it to you."

At this time, the pale-faced Steven next to him said slowly.


Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

Has Devon Company started to use "∞ energy" to conduct space-time research?


After that, Devon will turn some of its attention to space-time, including the use of "∞ energy" to create a dimensional teleportation device to deal with the huge Meteorite crisis that follows.

"Steven-san, your body."

Xia Yan sensed Steven's body with Psychic, and his face darkened.

Steven showed an indifferent smile, "It's okay, I know."

Look deeply into the face of this genially smiling guy.

Almost exactly the same as the Steven that Xia Yan knew well.

The only difference.

It may be that after becoming a champion, the burden and sense of responsibility on the shoulders are heavier.

In a trance.

Xia Yan raised his hand naturally and patted Steven on the shoulder.

"Take a break, champion. Go on, your body can't take it anymore."

Feeling the weight on his shoulders, Steven froze.

Wallace next to him was also stunned.

Why does it feel like Xia Yan and Steven have known each other for a long time?

Steven actually has this illusion too.

"You" he looked at Xia Yan.

"Don't worry. Leave Hoenn to me for now."

Xia Yan shook his head without explaining.

pass it to me?

do not know why.

Steven and Wallace had no doubts about Xia Yan who said this.

Because he just stepped on the Rayquaza?

Steven nodded.

"I'm going to determine their coordinates."



The ground shook violently.

"Still at Struggle."

Wallace and Xia Yan looked at the direction of the three divine beasts fighting at the same time.

Groudon and Kyogre weren't Rayquaza's Rivals. They were hit so hard before, and the Contest Condition was even worse. How could they possibly beat them?


In Wallace's earphones, there was an urgent message from the Hoenn Alliance president in the Hoenn Alliance war room.

"Wallace, something is wrong! Groudon and Kyogre's numbers are skyrocketing! At a rate that was completely incomparable before!"

Needless to say, Xia Yan and Wallace also discovered something was wrong at the first time.

"It shouldn't be." Xia Yan pressed his chin.

"Primal. Return?"

Wallace repeated the words of President Hoenn Alliance in the headset.

This is an inference made by the researchers in the war room based on the intelligence information and the fluctuation of this energy.

For a moment.

Xia Yan's heart reacted like an electric shock.

Looking towards Wallace.

Watching Wallace feel a little hairy.

"What, what's wrong, Xia Yan?"

"This is Sootopolis City?"


"The Temple of Awakening is also here?"


"Depend on!"

Xia Yan couldn't help but utter a foul language.

Because in the special chapter in my impression, there was no Primal Reversion in this incident, so Xia Yan didn't think about it at all.

The "Awakening Temple" is also known as the cave of the origin of life.

Corresponds to the "Send to God Mountain", which represents the end of life.

The boys Groudon and Kyogre are learning!

The decisive battle will take place.

Taking the opportunity of confronting Rayquaza, they released and absorbed the life and natural energy in the "Awakening Temple", and forcibly carried out Primal Reversion!

Why did Groudon and Kyogre cause more disasters to human beings than the mythical beasts in other regions?

After all, it's because they symbolize "nature"!

Of course, you can also draw energy from nature.

What's more, it's a place like the Temple of Awakening.

in the original.

Rayquaza arrived just as Ruby tried to forcibly appease them with the two orbs, barely giving Groudon and Kyogre much time to react.

but now.

Ruby and Shafiya are still on Mew Island in the dimensional space, and Rayquaza has already beat them up.

was pressed.

Started desperate.


With growl.

A terrifying red light began to appear on Groudon's body. The black lines that were originally connected to the red carapace, like drawing a normal line, began to transform into gold from the foot, and gradually spread upward until it was completely covered.

Primal Reversion Groudon!

Kyogre is similar, the red lines on his body are gradually covered by golden lines, and his body is slowly approaching from Cianwood color to blue-purple.

Primal Reversion Kyogre!

While the two super ancient mythical beasts are returning to Primal, the four eyes are fixed on the Rayquaza in the sky.

Keep your eyes peeled.

Rayquaza couldn't help but be stunned after seeing the changes in their appearance.

Can't afford to play?

next second.

Rayquaza swung his tail and flew in the direction of Xia Yan.

Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.


Rayquaza, don't you have the "Emperor's Organ" and can Mega Evolution by yourself?

【Xia Yan, Mega Evolution! 】

How do you know.

Rayquaza's voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind, that's the sentence.

Immediately after.

Seeing the back of Xia Yan's right hand, two emeralds and the palm of Rayquaza scales were integrated, and the emerald green lines exuded golden Cal.

Delta's logo became more visible.

"Is that so?"

Xia Yan looked down at the back of his right hand.

Take a leap.

Under the load of Darkrai, he came to the top of Rayquaza again.


Looking at the two ancient mythical beasts that forcibly absorbed natural energy for Primal Reversion.

"This time, at least fight them until they dare not emerge for a thousand years."

【Three thousand years! 】

Rayquaza is more determined than Xia Yan!

"it is good!"


Xia Yan pressed his right hand on Rayquaza's head.

In an instant.

The golden delta pattern on the back of Xia Yan's right hand shook violently.

the next moment.

Just like Groudon and Kyogre, the golden lines spread along Xia Yan's palm towards Rayquaza, and the golden lines painted the whole body.

"Hey. Rayquaza, Mega!"


The appearance has also undergone tremendous changes, and both the momentum and the sense of oppression have become stronger.

Wallace raised his head, looking at Rayquaza, who had reappeared in front of him.

Do not.

Mega Rayquaza!

at the same time.

Steven is finally Lock On the coordinates of the time and space where Ruby and Shafiya are located.

But before he could speak.

Standing on Rayquaza's head, Xia Yan's eyes flashed, leaning over with his two sharp horns.

"Mega Rayquaza, Dragon Ascent!"

Seconds them!


PS: 1.2w today! It's not that I don't want to write more, it's that my wrist is sore and swollen. It's been repeated many times this month, and I'm also very helpless. Don't scold me.

(End of this chapter)

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