The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 972 Jade Orb: Obviously I Came First! (8.6K+!)

Chapter 971 Jade Orb: Obviously I came first! (8.6k+!)


After completing the Mega Evolution, Mega Rayquaza's body straightened again and turned into a sharp arrow.

With its head as the center, gurgling energy poured out.

After becoming a Mega Rayquaza, the structural combination extended from its lower jaw once again makes it closer to the appearance of an arrow and arrowhead when it casts "Dragon Ascent".

The two golden satin-shaped objects extending backwards even added to the speed of Mega Rayquaza.

Xia Yan's eyes, who stepped on its head, were cold.

Because of the humble version of Jade Orb, Xia Yan could almost clearly feel the mood swings from Mega Rayquaza and the excited Contest Condition.


Relying on the Mega Evolution triggered by the crude version of Jade Orb, it also caused some inevitable pressure on Xia Yan's spiritual power.


As a Psychic, he doesn't have to worry too much about the consumption of his mental power, and he won't forcefully control Rayquaza like Norman, which will lead to his mental exhaustion and death.

Watching the opposite two also completed the Primal return.

Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre who just wanted to crack the earth and stir up the sea.

Once again suppressed by the Mega Rayquaza "Delta Airflow" ability that completed the Mega Evolution.

The Terrible Sunshine and Lava have not yet been summoned in the "Land of the End".

The "Sea of ​​Origin" has not yet summoned the majestic torrential rain and waves.

It was directly held back.

That feeling.

It was just as suffocating as being abruptly beaten by Rayquaza.


And it doesn't stop there.

Xia Yan repeated his old tricks.

"Victini, Marshadow!"

Victory "Help" from Victory Star Victini, and "Copycat" from Marshadow.

Make Mega Rayquaza blessed again.

to this.

Rayquaza said: "It's never been this cool.

turn out to be.

This is what it feels like to have blessings from the rest of the Pokémon.

Rayquaza, who has never teamed up with any other Pokémon before, feels help from the rest of the Pokémon for the first time.

This feeling seems to be pretty good.

Looking at Mega Rayquaza reinforced again, Wallace opened his mouth.

Finally spit out a word.

"My home. It seems that it's really gone."

With this blow, the city of Sootopolis City has to sink directly, right?

At least.

I want Lu Shen half of it!

Steven, who obtained the spatial coordinates of Ruby and Shafiya, also frowned at this scene.

He's not as "optimistic" as Wallace.

"Commanding super-ancient divine beasts with such terrifying powers, and giving blessings again and again, even made Rayquaza complete the blessings equivalent to Groudon and Kyogre Primal Reversion. Can Xia Yan's body withstand it?"

Only at this moment he still holds the command of the three ancient giants.

How much does a Trainer have to pay to control such a super ancient creature?

The price he had to bear for controlling the three ancient giants, Regice, Regirock, and Registeel, was already beyond his resistance. It was hard to imagine how much pressure Xia Yan had to bear at this time.

He was worried.

Xia Yan has not had time to completely quell the incident.

The body can't take it anymore.

By the time.

If the three super ancient mythical beasts, Rayquaza, Groudon, and Kyogre start a chaotic battle, he really can't stop them.

Then Hoenn is really over.

"Xia Yanta"

Wallace also understood what Steven meant, and couldn't help expressing concern.

Glancing at the pale-faced Steven beside him, the sadness in his eyes became more intense.

Is this the beast?

The price of touching the wrath of the beast is life?

Steven gritted his teeth and said solemnly, "I can't let Xia Yan fight alone! We, prepare to fight!"

Wallace and the Elite Four nodded.

It's their Hoenn thing, and relying on Xia Yan, a Pokédex owner from the Kanto Region, is too much.

To make the trainers of the Kanto Region pay with their lives for their Hoenn, while their dignified champions and Elite Four enjoy the fruits of peace in exchange for the lives of others?

Proud of them, they cannot and will not allow themselves to accept such a result!


Steven and Wallace's concerns about Xia Yan are obviously superfluous.


Like a hand warmer Victini sitting on Xia Yan's shoulder, a steady stream of energy was injected into Mega Rayquaza's body at the same time.

It is also assisting Xia Yan's body.

As long as Xia Yan's mental strength is fine, he doesn't need to worry about physical problems at all.


Xia Yan also used Psychic to say to Mega Rayquaza, Victini, Marshadow and Darkrai:

"After finishing this ticket, add dinner in the evening!"

Lie/Bi/Ma/Da: Oh oh oh oh oh oh! ! !

Roar--! !

Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre Rage growled.

They don't know what to do other than growl.

Fight back?

Primal Groudon looked at Primal Kyogre beside him.

I saw Primal Kyogre dodge his eyes and aim behind Primal Groudon.

Primal Groudon: Grandma's!

Precipice Blades!

Orgin Pulse!

Two powerful moves that represent nature burst forth.


Before their attacks were not enough in front of Rayquaza, now they have completed Primal Reversion and Mega Evolution.

It was the same Rayquaza, who was also beaten with chicken blood, and there was almost no difference.

boom--! ! !

The sturdy "Precipice Blades" broke with a bang, and the surging "Orgin Pulse" quietly annihilated.

The sharp arrow "Dragon Ascent" has already arrived in front of the two super ancient mythical beasts.


At the same time as Mega Rayquaza was about to hit, the "dark hole" that was poised to expand quietly, instantly enveloped two super ancient mythical beasts.

Boom boom boom! !

A large area of ​​the land where Sootopolis City is located collapsed and fell.

Primal Kyogre: You Groudon!

see you.

Primal Groudon grabbed Primal Kyogre's wings and pushed it directly in front of him.


They were inevitably blown away again by Mega Rayquaza's "Dragon Ascent".

But at least.

Groudon was finally no longer the first being to take damage.

If you don't take the first wave of damage, you will win!

But this time.

Neither Xia Yan nor Mega Rayquaza are going to stop.

Xia Yan took a deep breath and commanded:

"Rayquaza, Hyper Beam!"


With the trembling of the air caused by an energy agitation, Mega Rayquaza's mouth suddenly opened, and an orange energy beam burst out of its mouth.

He swept straight towards the two super ancient divine beasts that were constantly flying backwards.

Smashed them completely into the sea!



Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre growled again in pain.

Primal Groudon, who managed to stick his head out of the sea, and Primal Kyogre, who fluttered his wings and rode the current to break through the water.

What greeted them was a tail covered with a thick heavy metal luster and whipped like a whip.

Snapped! !

The sea was turbulent again, rolling up huge waves.

Primal Groudon's cheeks were sunken, and chunks of his armor shattered.

Primal Kyogre's back oozes scarlet bloodstains, and a deep red oozes out from under the massive scales.

The two big ones were slammed into the sea again.

Using the "Extrreme Speed" Mega Rayquaza, it hovered over this sea at an extremely fast speed.

His eyes stared at the sea with interest.

It was quite a gesture of waiting for "Diglett" to stick his head out.

far away.

Steven and Wallace, who were about to drive the three pillars, were stunned.

Even the three divine pillars under them were down.

look at each other.

Want to help?

Interested Mega Rayquaza, won't they all be knocked as Diglett?

Although the Hoenn Region has been legendary more than once, Rayquaza was able to overpower Groudon and Kyogre.

But is there a difference between the words "suppression" and "rolling"?

Boom boom boom! !

Rage's Primal Groudon Struggle tried to get up again, but was shot back into the sea by Mega Rayquaza again and again.

"Empty, you can play by yourself first."

Xia Yan explained something.

With Darkrai's help, he got off Mega Rayquaza's head and landed on Registeel's head again.

Steven and Wallace both stood there dumbfounded.


The crisp footsteps awakened the two from their absence.

"Xia Yan, is your body okay?" Steven couldn't help asking.

Xia Yan frowned.

"To be honest, the pressure is still a little bit."

If only every mythical beast needed the pressure he did with Rayquaza.

It seems that at most it will command seven or eight, right?


Steven and Wallace looked at each other, and looked at Xia Yan again with some respect.

Respect for "martyrs".

"We will do our best to help!" Steven said solemnly.

Wallace nodded.

Saying that, Steven held down his earphones and said solemnly, "Revival Herb, Max Revive, Sacred Ash, all the inventory of Devon, I'll see it in five minutes!"

Wallace next to him also turned his head and pressed his earphones.

"Awaken the healing ancestral hall in the temple and be ready at any time!"

Hearing their words, Xia Yan was stunned.

Look at the pale Steven.

Why don't you think about your body Contest Condition?

Xia Yan waved his hand.

The topic has gone away.

"Mr. Steven, I want the coordinates of Ruby and Shafiya."

Regardless, Mega Rayquaza can still rub Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre hard.

But these two mythical beasts, one represents the land and the other represents the ocean.

Groudon can't die as long as there's land.

Kyogre won't hang as long as the ocean is still there.

"There is."

Steven nodded solemnly, took out a microcomputer from his arms, and pointed to the light spot on it, "If we are here, then Ruby and Shafiya are here."

Xia Yan: "."

All right.

can't read.

"Forget it." Xia Yan took the computer from Steven, "Porygon-Z."

A tiny electric current flickered, and a mass of data entered the computer instantly, and countless data and information were read by Porygon-Z.

Immediately after.

Xia Yan Assist Psychic completed telepathy with Porygon-Z.

Psychic flickers in one eye socket, and data from Porygon-Z appears in the other.


The data began to be visualized and turned into a more three-dimensional thinking structure diagram.

"But, what are you going to do, Xia Yan?" Wallace couldn't help asking.

Space has to be talked about, but if time is added to turn it into space-time, then the meaning is completely different.

How can I bring Ruby and Shafia back from Mew Island?

Steven and Wallace were unexpected anyway.

Xia Yan shrugged, "I don't know the specifics, but I can try."

Steven and Wallace looked at each other.


But see.

Xia Yan spread out his palm, and on his index finger was a black ring like a tadpole, emitting a faint fluorescence.

Immediately after the two Poké Balls opened, Little P and Little D also surrounded Xia Yan's palm.


Wallace, who has a longer heritage, hesitated to speak out.

But you can't do it with Unown alone, right?


Xia Yan touched his arms and took out a palm-sized blue crystal scale.

"This is."

This thing, the two really don't know each other.

But it can be felt that this scale contains power that they do not know.

The scales of the beast?

The thought flashed through their minds almost immediately.

Besides Rayquaza, does Xia Yan have close connections with other divine beasts?

This scale, naturally

The scales of Dialga, the god of time!

Then, under the astonished gazes of Steven and Wallace, Xia Yan took out another silver-white crystal scale.

and also?

The scales of Palkia, the god of space!


Xia Yan cannot do a large-scale time and space shuttle.

But Mew Island, which is already in the Hoenn Region, or in other words, is "next to" Sootopolis City, he can still try it.


He is also someone who has experienced time and space travel several times.

I have never eaten pork, but I have always seen pigs running.

With the power of the question mark Unown, mobilize the scales of Dialga and Palkia.


The peculiar wave halo, centered on Xia Yan's palm, spreads and spreads.

next second.

Xia Yan's arm, as if it was cut off directly, disappeared into the sight of Steven and Wallace out of thin air.



This is just the beginning.

With the data collected by Porygon-Z, Xia Yan was provided with "navigation" of the surrounding time and space.

"found it!"

Xia Yan's eyes lit up.

Then he looked at Wallace, "Wallace, please tell your master. Who is beating me?!"

Wallace looked weird.

He nodded quickly and said, "Okay!"

Saying that, he took out a special communicator.

Mew Island is a place that only the people of Sootopolis know, and only the people of Sootopolis know how to get in and out. In order to facilitate contact, they have a way of communication.

Mew Island.

"Master!! Yes, yes, there is a hand!"

Ruby, who was undergoing special spiritual training, saw a hand suddenly appearing next to him, couldn't help but slapped it, and then exclaimed.

"It really is!"

Shafiya was also shocked and quickly distanced himself from this hand.

"Are you serious?"

Wallace's master, Ruby's master, Juan, the former gym owner of Sootopolis City, rubbed his moustache and said a little in surprise.

"Of course! Master, see for yourself! There really is a hand!"

Ruby pointed to the gently shaking arm that was greeting him not far in front of him.

Who knows Juan is not answering his words at all, holding the communicator, is communicating with Wallace.

"Yes, Master." Wallace's voice came.

Juan looked at the arm strangely.

I saw that my arm was caught on a branch.

Use a little force.

"It, it, it's coming out! Master! It's coming out!" Ruby shouted.

Shafiya pursed her lips, and while she was equally astonished, she gritted her teeth and said, "Chichi, Fire Punch!"

"Wait a moment!"

A voice came from the arm.

Shafiya's Blaziken paused slightly.

I saw a person slowly walk out from behind the arm.


It is Xia Yan!


Xia Yan, who was squeezed out of the space-time tunnel, exhaled slightly and looked around.

Compared with the dilapidated Sootopolis City full of gunpowder smoke, Mew Island is really like a paradise Normal.

At the same time, Xia Yan also found that Mew Island seems to be shrouded in special power, and it has a lot of help for those who are in it in terms of spiritual power.

His previous mental drain on Rayquaza.

After entering Mew Island, not only did his spiritual power get nourished and quickly recovered, but there was even a faint trend of continuing to expand.

No wonder Wallace asked Juan to bring Ruby and Shafia here.

See Xia Yan.

Ruby recovered from the surprise and stood in front of Shafiya calmly, staring at Xia Yan with a serious look.

"Mr. Juan."

Xia Yan didn't take Ruby's vigilance to heart, looked at Juan who was dressed in elegant clothes like a gentleman, bowed slightly, and performed standard noble etiquette.

Juan's eyes lit up.

While smiling in return, he said:

"Are you Xia Yan? The driver of Rayquaza, Wallace said that you helped Hoenn resolve the crisis."

Xia Yan shook his head.

"The crisis isn't over, but I'm here for this."

"Wallace told me, but." Juan looked at Ruby and Shafiya, "the two of them, I'm afraid they can't do it."

Listening to the exchange between Xia Yan and Juan, Ruby and Shafiya also reacted slowly.

It turned out that it was a friend, not an enemy.

"Ruby, who is this person?" Shafiya asked in a low voice.

"I don't know either. But it seems that I know both Teacher and Master, and they seem to have a good relationship." Ruby also replied in a low voice.

"They just said, defuse the crisis in Hoenn, the steerer of Rayquaza?"

Ruby hesitated, "The crisis of Groudon and Kyogre is over?"

Just as the two little guys whispered, Xia Yan also looked at them.

With a smile, he said to Juan:

"Can't you do it? I'm afraid you still underestimate them, Mr. Juan."

"Huh?" Juan froze for a moment.

Standing behind Juan, also as an assistant for this special training, the gym master Feng He Nan from Mossdeep City whispered:

"Mr. Juan, this Mr. Xia Yan, is a Psychic and very strong!"


Juan looked at Xia Yan again in surprise.

Feng and Nan nodded.

"A lot stronger than us."

"Mr. Juan, they leave it to me temporarily, okay?" Xia Yan asked.


Juan rubbed his beard, looked at Ruby and Shafiya, and then looked at Xia Yan.

"Since Steven and Wallace believe you, I don't doubt their judgment."

Immediately, Juan and Feng and Nan stood aside.

Xia Yan walked towards the two of them.

Ruby and Shafiya were somewhat at a loss.

"Ruby, do you know?"

Xia Yan's voice sounded in Ruby's mind.

Ruby looked at Xia Yan unexpectedly, and saw a Psychic halo flashing in Xia Yan's eyes.

Before he could answer, Xia Yan continued:

"You know. After you stopped Archie and Maxie with all their might and forced the two orbs out of them. The Red Orb and the Blue Orb chose you, so you were the key to stopping the turmoil between Groudon and Kyogre.

However, controlling the orb requires enough will and faith, so you will come here for special training. "


Ruby's expression really sank, and her face was solemn.

He glanced down at the back of his gloved right hand.

In the gap of the glove, Ruby saw the fiery red "Omega" pattern, which was the mark possessed by both Red Orb and Groudon.

"You don't need to talk, just nod or shake your head."

Before Ruby was about to speak, Xia Yan interrupted him.

Ruby's mouth that had just opened closed immediately, and nodded heavily.

Shafiya next to him looked at Xia Yan and Ruby strangely, not knowing what they were communicating.

And Ruby, listened to Xia Yan continue:

"I know, you don't want Shafiya to take risks, so you didn't say anything."

Ruby glanced at Shafiya, and under her doubtful gaze, nodded again.

"So. You summon the Red Orb now, and I know you can do it."

Saying that, Xia Yan raised the back of his right hand, and the "Delta" pattern on it was shining brightly.

"Leave it to me, and I'll help you complete your mission."

Originally hesitant, and still a little unable to fully trust Xia Yan's Ruby, after seeing the "Delta" sign, he was stunned for a moment.

He hesitated for a moment.

Ruby still spoke up.

"How can I trust you."

Believe that you are not the same person as Maxie and Archie, want to get orbs to bring destruction?

This is what Ruby means.

But when he saw the national version of Pokédex brought out by Xia Yan, Ruby stopped.


Shafiya made an unexpected noise.

"Introduce myself again. My name is Xia Yan, I'm from Pallet Town, Kanto Region, this is the Pokédex given to me by Professor Oak." Xia Yan said with a smile.

That's why he had to get Pokédex.

Because in the cognition of people in this world, Pokédex represents the absolute recognition of Alliance.

Ruby took a deep breath.

With a firm look:

"I understand."

He took off his gloves, revealing the back of his hand flashing with the red "Omega" emblem.

Ruby's Pokémon also approached him one after another.

Help him and force Red Orb out!


Ruby grabbed his right hand with his left hand, put it on his chest, and closed his eyes.

A few seconds later, Lubi had a look of pain and grimness on his face.

"Ruby!" Shafiya exclaimed.

"Too hard!"

Juan was also a little embarrassed, said solemnly.

"No." Xia Yan stared at Ruby and stopped Juan.

"believe him."

At the age of six or seven, he was able to drive away a boy with a powerful Salamence in order to protect a Stephanie.

He had a willpower that even his father Norman could not have imagined.

Xia Yan's voice resounded in Ruby's mind again.

"For Shafiya!"


A fiery red ball slowly emerged from Ruby's palm, and flew out slowly amid Ruby's painful roar and the help of Pokémon beside him.

Juan looked dumbfounded.

Really, did it?

Xia Yan smiled and said nothing.

But see.

The Red Orb, after breaking away from Ruby's body, flew straight towards Xia Yan.

This scene was something Xia Yan did not expect.

His smile froze.

Red Orb turned into red light and fell into Xia Yan's palm.


Xia Yan looked down at his palm.

I saw on the back of the hand, one after another fiery red lines, intertwined with cyan lines, slowly emerged.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

You, are you not crowded?

"Red Orb made a choice again?" Feng and Nan said unexpectedly.


After forcing the Red Orb out, Ruby sat on the ground weakly, panting violently, his forehead covered in sweat.


Ruby suddenly found himself flying.

Under his incredible gaze, his neck was tightly pressed against Xia Yan's palm.

"Ruby!!" Shafiya also shouted in shock.

"what are you doing?!"

Juan was also very surprised by this scene and shouted sharply.

at the same time.

Juan and Feng and Nan threw Poké Balls, summoned Pokémon, and stared at Xia Yan.

"Let go of Ruby!"


In the shadow behind Xia Yan, Haze surged, and Darkrai suddenly appeared in front of them.

Taking advantage of dozens of "dark holes", all Pokémon couldn't resist the deep sleepiness and fell asleep on the ground.


The duck, duck and onion wanderer held the green sword and pointed at the three of Juan vigilantly.

"Damn! Was it affected by the Red Orb?" Juan gritted his teeth.

Those who are not strong enough will not be able to control the orb.

Will become like Maxie and Archie.


This is how Xia Yan is now.

Look at the powerful Darkrai, as well as the equally powerful Onion Rangers and Sylveon that appeared beside Xia Yan.

Pokémon fell into the sleeping Juan and others, and there was no way.

And the most unacceptable is naturally Shafiya.

Her Pokémon was not hypnotized by Darkrai.

But he didn't dare to get close.

She lay on all fours on the ground, hunched her back, showing sharp tiger teeth, like an angry little wild cat, staring at Xia Yan with bared teeth.


But the coughing sound of Ruby's throat being strangled made Shafiya's fierce appearance just now have to be restrained.

"Ruby." Shafiya murmured in pain, her eyes full of worry.

Xia Yan was expressionless.

Just a little more strength in the palm of his hand, and Lubi's face immediately flushed redder.

He said calmly:

"It's your turn, Shafia. Summon the Blue Orb."

Glancing at the blushing Ruby, he continued: "His life is in your hands. Blue Orb!"

Xia Yan's voice gradually became tough and cold.

"I see!"

Shafiya hurriedly said.

Say it.

Following Ruby's previous appearance, Shafiya raised her right hand.

The seemingly weak Stephanie.

It was an experience that no one else could have imagined.

Living in a wild environment since childhood, with Pokémon as company, this is a special world, and the wild is much more dangerous than Xia Yan's original world.

It's just because she feels her own weakness that the boy was injured in order to protect her against Salamence, so she forced herself to be stronger.


She didn't know.

The boy who protected her back then was actually Ruby in Xia Yan's hands.

In the painful Struggle, Blue Orb also flew out of Shafiya's palm.

for this scene.

Juan is both relieved and worried.

Fortunately, Ruby and Shafiya are indeed geniuses, and it is no wonder that Red Orb and Blue Orb will choose them. He did not expect that the two of them would be able to summon an orb so quickly.

and worried

Naturally, it was Xia Yan who was expressionless after reintegrating into Blue Orb.

At the same time, two orbs are incorporated. If he runs wild, then the Hoenn Region will really be over!

It's just that Juan doesn't understand.

Why did Red Orb and Blue Orb choose Xia Yan after leaving Ruby and Shafiya?

He clearly did not have the power and ability to control the two orbs.


Just listen, Xia Yan slowly exhaled.

He pressed the hat and released the palm that was holding Ruby.

When he raised his head again, he revealed a smile full of sunshine.

"looks like?"


Everyone was astonished.

What's the meaning?

"Cough cough cough—" Lubi, who fell to the ground, coughed violently, clutching his neck.

He reluctantly raised his head to look at Xia Yan, and said angrily, "Do you want to use so much force?"

"Sorry, sorry, forcing Drew to do that."

Xia Yan said sorry in his mouth, but he did not express any apology in his actions.

and many more.

The crowd reacted.

Are these two acting? !

Shafiya was furious.


Ruby was in no mood to argue with Xia Yan, and she couldn't help trembling when she heard Shafiya's angry shout.

"Sha, Shafiya, you, you listen to my explanation."

"Explain what?"

Xia Yan's teasing voice sounded.

Ruby felt a chill in her head.

The hat he was wearing was taken away by Xia Yan.

Ruby was startled and wanted to cover her forehead, but saw that Shafiya was already looking at the scar on his forehead, her expression froze.

In the bright eye sockets, there is a sparkle.

this moment.

Shafiya finally understood.

It turned out that Ruby was the little boy who was injured by confronting Salamence in order to protect her!

When the person I liked as a child overlapped with the person I like now, Shafiya's mood cannot be described in words.


Shafiya, who rushed over, threw Ruby down, tears like Pearl with a broken thread.

Sobbing, "It turned out to be you! It turned out that the person who protected me from the forehead that Salamence hit me was you!"

Feeling the trembling on his body and the clothes that were soon wet, Ruby was also stunned.

He didn't expect it.

It turned out that Shafiya was the little Stephanie he tried his best to protect.


Ruby looked at Xia Yan.

But he saw that Xia Yan had turned his head.

This dog food.

He doesn't eat!

Juan, Feng and Nan next to him didn't understand what was going on.

Simply put.

It was Ruby and Shafia, whom they had long met because of the friendly relationship between their respective fathers Norman and Professor Birch when they were young.

When they were young, Shafia was pursued by a Salamence who had burst into the human city, and as a child Ruby stepped forward and drove Salamence away at the cost of his own injuries.

A drama of a hero saving beauty.

But later, because of Norman and Professor Birch's work with each other, the contact between the two families gradually diminished.

Shafiya only remembered the little boy who had been injured to protect her but forgot his name.

She blamed herself for not having the strength to cause the little boy to be injured at the time, so she was determined to become a strong Trainer.

And Ruby also hated Pokémon battles because his father Norman was busy with some things after the battle with Salamence.

Decided to be a great Coordinator, and later apprenticed with Wallace.

The two meet quietly, but they don't know who each other is.

Because of some things, they made a bet with each other, whoever collected eight Badges or eight ribbons first, and then developed a love for each other.

But because he remembered that person when he was young, he didn't confess.

But now.

Because of Xia Yan's intervention, they finally recognized each other.

Xia Yan's hand directly contributed to the flames.

He looked at Juan, put his hands together, gestured with two thumbs, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Juan, the will of man is not only limited to the bond with Pokémon, but also the bond between people."

Juan was stunned.

He didn't expect this, and he couldn't predict it.

Ruby chose to cooperate with Xia Yan in order to prevent Shafiya from being involved in the danger.

It turns out.

When Ruby is in danger, the potential that Shafiya can burst out is quite terrifying.

Xia Yan looked down at the three interwoven marks of "Omega", "Alpha" and "Delta" on the back of his hand.

Xia Yan's mouth twitched slightly.

Really not crowded?

Jade Orb: Obviously I came first!

"Mr. Juan, they will give it back to you." Xia Yan said.

The dog food is still going on, go away quickly.

"Gah (this dog food, didn't you feed it yourself)?" the honest onion wanderer muttered.

Xia Yan's face paled.

"Wait a minute, Duck Duck takes the lead."



PS: I'm really working hard to write! The plot of Ruby and Shafiya is still very interesting in the original work. I personally like it better, so I have a little more writing.

(End of this chapter)

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