The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 974 The Man Of Tactics! (Triple)

"Although I still can't fully express my gratitude to you. But I still want to say, thank you, Xia Yan!"

On the ship of the Devon Company.

Mr. Zifuqi Mujin bowed ninety degrees to Xia Yan, expressing his most sincere thanks.

Xia Yan was ashamed for a while, and hurriedly turned sideways.

"Father, if you do this again, I'll go right away. You can solve Steven's situation yourself."

It has been a day since the disaster that broke out in the Hoenn Region, originating from Groudon and Kyogre, ended.

The Hoenn Alliance personnel who came here are carrying out the most urgent treatment regarding the current dilapidated situation of Sootopolis City.

The people from the Devon company also came.

As the largest private enterprise in Hoenn Region today, it is also a company that made its fortune in mining and Oreburgh, and it is also the largest construction company in Hoenn Region.

Its "German Construction" covers almost all the major regions of the Pokémon world, and there are countless facilities involved in the construction.

Because of Steven's performance and the responsibility and responsibility he has shown as a champion, the relationship between Devon and Hoenn Alliance is still very good, so the reconstruction and restoration work of Sootopolis City this time is almost entirely entrusted to Devon. .

After learning that the incident in Sootopolis City finally ended, and with the help of Xia Yan, Steven's life was saved, Mr. Zvqi, who had not yet fully recovered, also came along on the ship of the German company.

Not only wanted to check Steven's specific situation, but also to thank Xia Yan again.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The old man smiled heartily, and did not put away any gratitude because of Xia Yan's dodging.

He was really satisfied.

The biggest disaster in the Hoenn Region is over.

The son, who had already gone to the battlefield with his death ambition, finally saved his life. What else could make him dissatisfied with his old father?

At this time.

The airship's medical bay door slowly opened.

Steven, who was lying on the hospital bed as usual, was pushed out.

But Nurse Joy, the attending doctor this time, and Blissey beside her, did not look very optimistic.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing this, Mr. Zvqi, and Wallace who was accompanying him greeted him at the first time.

After struggling for a while, Nurse Joy, the special dispatcher of Alliance, said slowly: "Chairman, Mr. Wallace. Champion Steven's physical condition is all normal. According to logic, he should have woken up. However, we found that his Psywave was very weak. , almost negligible.”

"What do you mean?" Wallace frowned.

Nurse Joy pursed her lips and said hesitantly, "In medicine, we call this condition a vegetative state."


Mr. Zvitch swayed slightly.

Xia Yan next to him was also stunned.

The champion, Steven Stone, the richest man in the world in Pokémon, has become a vegetable?

do not know why.

Looking at Xia Yan lying on the bed as usual, the first thought flashed in his mind.

Even if Steven becomes like this, girls who are willing to marry Steven can still be ranked from here to Kanto, right?

Shake your head.

Xia Yan quickly discarded this thoughtless thought. …

What's the matter.

Wallace's expression suddenly became very ugly.

But at this time, he remembered the sentence Xia Yan said before, "they will solve Steven's situation by themselves".

Looking at Xia Yan suddenly, "Xia Yan, what you said just now means. Do you know about Steven's situation?"

With hope in his eyes.

The old man Zvqi who heard the words also remembered and looked at him.

Xia Yan folded his arms and nodded calmly.

"Forcibly controlling three real ancient giants consumes not only Steven's body, but also his energy. Victini can only restore his body, but there is nothing to do with his spiritual power."

After all, mental power is not easy to capture.

"That" Mr. Zvoch opened his mouth.

Xia Yan rubbed against his chin slowly and continued: "I thought about it, maybe Steven's situation can be completely resolved by going to Sinnoh."

"Sinnoh?" Mr. Zvoch was a little surprised.

Wallace's eyes suddenly lit up after a brief thought.

"Xia Yan, you mean"

"Yes. Xuefeng Temple."

"No. You trust me so much?"

Xia Yan looked at the two people in front of him helplessly.

"If you can't trust Xia Yan, who was personally gifted by Professor Oak to Pokémon Pokédex, recognized by Rayquaza, and almost single-handedly quelled the Hoenn disaster, we don't know that in today's Hoenn Region, we can still trust how many people."

Wallace spoke bluntly and said to Xia Yan seriously.

Mr. Zvoch also nodded slightly.

"Wallace took over Steven's champion position, and I also host the recovery of the German Help Hoenn Region. I'm afraid I can only trouble you Xia Yan."

Immediately afterwards, he comforted: "But don't worry. All expenses for your trip to Sinnoh this time will be borne by us Devon."

"All the paperwork. Hoenn Alliance will do it for you, too," Wallace added.


Xia Yan opened his mouth, and before he finished speaking, he heard the old man speak again.

"This German ship No. 1, I have just transferred it to your name Xia Yan."

Xia Yan: "."

He narrowed his eyes and looked around.

Such a large airship is also equipped with the latest technology. In addition to the control room, there are lounges, leisure rooms, medical rooms, training rooms and so on.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an air fortress.

The cost is at least a few, or even a dozen small targets, just give it away?


It is also equipped with professional staff, and there is no need for Xia Yan to worry about it.


"After Xia Yan, we will fully support your Pokémon training needs, and our German company will give you the same treatment as Steven." The old man said again.

This is no different from raising a godson, right?

Dream come true?

Wallace, who wanted to talk, didn't know what to say after hearing that the old man was so "generous".

"And after arriving in Sinnoh, you don't have to worry about Xia Yan. We have a good relationship with the Belrich family of Zvoch and Sinnoh. I have already said hello to Professor Belrich."…

Is Plantina her father?

Assistant to Professor Rowan.

The richest family in the Sinnoh Region, the patriarch of the Berlitz family, Professor Plantina.

The road is really paved.

Xia Yan did not speak.

Full experience told him.

this time.

Not talking is the best way to talk.

Can't let people finish all the conditions in one go?

Sure enough, the old man spoke again.

"The most important thing."

Mr. Zivqi's wise and deep eyes became sharp, and he said slowly: "Xia Yan, I can give you all the information you want about the matter you want to investigate, and the Berlitz family also knows some."

Xia Yan's heart trembled slightly when he heard the words.

It seems.

In Slateport City before, after thinking about it carefully, the old man could still feel Xia Yan's deliberate guidance from the first exchange between the two, and recalled something.

So what do these benefits now mean?


Or. Express support?

Having said all this, Xia Yan really couldn't refuse.

"I have one last request." Xia Yan said solemnly.

"you say."

"Help me make this phone's internet speed the fastest!"

Mr. Zvitch / Wallace: "."

Communication is closed.

The old man rubbed his temples and found Wallace staring at him.

After thinking about it, he smiled and said:

"I can't go into details. But we can trust Xia Yan, he has shown his ability and credibility. Samuel's side, I also inquired, his evaluation of Xia Yan is very high, calling him for."

Wallace didn't speak, waiting for the old man to add.

"The man of tactics."

"A man of tactics?" Wallace was taken aback.

The old man sighed quietly.

"You also know that the 'Fighting Man' Red Crimson, which caused a sensation in the entire Alliance a few years ago, swept the two major Alliances in Kanto and Johto Region in less than a year, although they disappeared for a while. But now it is not long ago. The former once again defeated the Rockets leader Giovanni.

The strength can already be compared to the Elite Four, and even a touch champion.

But such a person, do you know why he calls Xia Yan? "


Wallace's curiosity was piqued.

"Teacher. 'The Fighter' Chihong calls Xia Yan 'Xia Yan Teacher'."

Wallace's expression paused.

Thinking of what his master Juan said when he was communicating with him when he was on Mew Island just after the Sootopolis City disaster.

Teacher Juan of Wallace also gave a very high evaluation to Xia Yan.

It is called "the way of the teacher".

Inspired the greater potential of Ruby and Shafiya.

Make them clear.

For Hoenn, he has created two geniuses who can really take the lead.

"Teacher Xia Yan?"

Wallace murmured, staring at the dark screen.


(Output ah!

Dare to export? ! )”

"Quack~~ (I'll rush for you, you won't live up to my expectations.)"

"Ow~~ (Don't cry, touch your head.)"

"Bu, Buyi~~ (I didn't let you wear a pain mask.)"


Darkrai angrily dropped the phone on the table. …

Putting the "Mask of Pain" on his face.

After a while.

Then he said angrily: [I will go down the road with passersby in the future, I am a dog! 】

In this world, there is not a single friend who can play together.

Darkrai misses a little bit, the big leaves of Cai's group but still stubborn after death, Aaron who is diligent and conscientious, Lucian who forcibly made a turnaround, really can't pull the power of the Rival network base station

It didn't cherish it when four teammates were placed in front of it at the beginning, and it was only now that it regretted it.

Internet addict Darkrai successfully brought down a large number of Xia Yan's Pokémon.


Xia Yan, who entered the "German Airship No. 1" training room, clapped his hands.

The Pokémon immediately put down their entertainment items and looked at him.

"Cough cough." Xia Yan coughed lightly, "Let's talk about one thing first. Later, this airship belongs to us."



Togekiss was the first to jump with excitement.

"So the training plan after that was reworked."

Xia Yan's next sentence made Togekiss faint.

But Beedrill, Infernape, and Onion Rangers like it.

"As you know, Latios was kidnapped by the bad boy Rayquaza, but fortunately Devon is more generous, so our Sinnoh plan continues."

After the Hoenn disaster, Rayquaza must take Latios away in order to show the importance of Xia Yan, the "inheritor".

It is said that it has "the capital of the beast" and can be cultivated.

As much as it did back then to Aster's Noiven, Normal.

I thought he was going to travel to Sinnoh in the handsome Black Charizard.

Unexpectedly, the Devon company is really generous.


The given airship also allowed Xia Yan to finally not have to choose between rushing and training.

"This time, Sinnoh's main force is Milotic, Volcarona, Shelgon and Sliggoo."


Pokémon, who wanted to show his face without being called by his name, lowered his head.

"The rest of the places will depend on performance." Xia Yan said with a smile after looking around.

This sentence.

Immediately, Togekiss, the naughty little guys who were not so keen on training, immediately found the motivation to work hard.

a Trainer.

You can't force a Pokémon to suit your liking, and you can't deprive a Pokémon of its character and fun.

That's not raising Pokémon, that's raising battle machines.

But there are some methods and ideas that can make Pokémons have a direction.

after all.

Pokémon who are stronger than Beedrill, Infernape, Onion Ranger, Shelgon are not very common.

People have all kinds of attitudes, and Pokémon naturally have all kinds of attitudes.

This is an important part of the Trainer's development of Pokémon.

Immediately after.

Xia Yan's training arrangements were also arranged one by one.

This Hoenn disaster, quell the anger of Groudon and Kyogre.

In addition to being recognized by Rayquaza, awarded the title of "Inheritance" by it, and some benefits given by Devon Corporation and Hoenn Alliance, Xia Yan is not without other gains.

"Infernape, teach Milotic how to digest these things for the first time."…

Rayquaza slams Groudon and Kyogre.

Nothing else to talk about.

It really broke them all over the place.

Primal Groudon's Carapace Fragment, Primal Kyogre's Crushing Scale.

One of these things was "digested" by Infernape, and the other naturally fell on the head of Xia Yan's only water system Pokémon, Milotic.


Primal Groudon's Carapace Fragment Help is the same for Infernape, who has now made his way.

But can't stand the number.

Looking at the pieces placed in front of Infernape, like a pile of hills, shimmering with red and yellow halos.

Xia Yan estimated that Infernape's energy block should be able to stop for a while.

For the "first experience" Milotic, it was more difficult.

"Doron Bartto, you won't practice with Hydreigon today. You and Aegislash will face Beedrill and Ya Ya."

Onion Rangers have a strong learning ability.

But the original fighting rhythm and fighting concept are too ingrained.

Here are some of the problems with molding Pokémon.

Although it has been learned from Beedrill for quite some time, it still needs to be improved and strengthened.

Simulate the battle to speed up its learning.

The doubles melee also allows it to better adapt to Xia Yan's tactical system.


For Beedrill and Duolong Bartto, whoever leads Duck to a two-on-two victory is also a very fulfilling thing.

"Togekiss, Sylveon, Ninetales, you continue to simulate 'Fairy Mix'."

This hand, they have started rehearsing a long time ago.

The inspiration was first found from Xia Yan's Teacher, Agatha's "Ghost Legion".

They worked well when they were on top of the Sky Pillar against the just-awakened Rayquaza.

Xia Yan has been fighting Pokémon from the very beginning.

Take your time to Pokémon to combine several moves to burst out more power, such as Beedrill's "Giga Impact" and "Fell Stinger", Ninetales' "Glaciate", Infernape's "Little Precipice Blades" and more.

Now, combine the power of several Pokémon to further increase the level of power.

As the first attempt, it was actually Doron Bartto and Latios during the Masters.

But what really made Xia Yan aware of the direction of development in this area was the Fairy energy mix of the three Pokémons, Togekiss, Sylveon and Ninetales.

Use the Fairy energy of Sylveon and Ninetales to cast "Misty Terrain" to bless Togekiss, and use "Horn of Xerneas" as a relay, causing Togekiss to explode with more powerful moves.

It's really not good, and there are extremely destructive moves similar to the "Misty Explosion" that he used during the Masters.


Such a combination of training also helps Togekiss's strength further.

As Xia Yan's third main Pokémon, Togekiss, who is not very keen on training, has improved a lot slower than Beedrill and Alakazam.

But it is still able to approach the championship level with its talent and the treatment of God's father feeding it.

Reaching the championship level is already predictable, but at least the road has been seen. …

Once proven such a combination is feasible.

Then Xia Yan's "Infinite Legion" is really promising.

At that time, there can also be a combination of Duolong Bartto, Latios, Salamence, and Goodra.

A double-fire combination of Infernape and Volcarona.

and many more.

"Volcarona, a combination of Quiver Dance and Fiery Dance, trying to incorporate the fire of life, is your training goal during this time."

"Shelgon, Sliggoo"


It was cold and windy.

The ship passes through the icy blizzard blowing down Mt. Coronet.

Finally, we successfully arrived at Xuefeng City, the northernmost tip of Sinnoh Region.

Looking at the hazy Icirrus outside the window, Xia Yan gently rubbed the question mark Unown ring on the index finger of his right hand, his eyes twinkling.

Haze emerged slowly behind him.

【What's wrong? 】

Xia Yan didn't look back, just said slowly: "The time left for me doesn't seem to be very abundant."

Darkrai glanced at Xia Yan's ring.

[I always feel that you came to this world not only to investigate those people, but also to do something. 】


Xia Yan shrugged.

Turn around and walk outside.

"Let's go. Since you're in Xuefeng City, Sinnoh, some 'old friends' want to meet."

old friend?



Darkrai looked at Xia Yan's back, turned into Haze and disappeared in his shadow again.

Xuefeng City.

A city shrouded in ice and snow all year round.

It was freezing cold.

Because of this, the Xuefeng Gym in Xuefeng City is not very popular, and many trainers do not like to come to this extremely cold place to challenge the gym.

As everyone knows.

harsh environment.

It is also a test for the Trainer in itself.

Get out of the airship and deliver the sleeping Steven to the care of the crew on the airship.

Take a deep breath.

The wisps of cold air penetrated into the lungs along the breath, and Xia Yan shivered subconsciously under the stimulation of the cold breath.

"Why do you suddenly have a bad premonition?"

"Ow (too cold)?"

Ninetales, who follows him with nine tails, adds a sense of mystery to the hazy and crystal clear environment.

Xia Yan shook his head, "No."

There is a kind.

There is always the misconception that the villains want to harm me.

"Let's go. If you want to enter the Xuefeng Temple, you have to say hello to Candice, the gym owner in Xuefeng City, and take the gym Badge by the way."

Candice, the owner of the Xuefeng City Gym, is also the Teacher of the Xuefeng City Trainer School.

The characteristics of Xuefeng City, in addition to the snow and ice, is the quiet atmosphere in the city.

Walking on the streets of Xuefeng City.

Pedestrians on the road will cast curious glances when they see Xia Yan and the overly good-looking Ninetales beside him.

But the people in Xuefeng City are very calm, but no one came up to talk to them.

Unimpeded all the way to the door of Xuefeng Gym.

But was told by the gym's steward.

Candice was not in the gym, but went to teach at Xuefeng Trainer School part-time.


Xia Yan could only go to Xuefeng Trainer School again.

And when Xia Yan came to Trainer School and found Candice under the leadership of the school staff, he finally understood where his bad feeling came from...

"You are Teacher Xia Yan?!"

Unsurprisingly, in the sound of surprise, a young boy with a look similar to Crimson, wearing a Trainer hat and ordinary Trainer clothing, with a golden Pikachu standing on his shoulders, rushed in front of him with an excited face.

That's right.

Ash barrier, bah, Ash!

"Teacher Xia Yan, my name is Ash! This is Pikachu. Professor Oak has already told me, Teacher Xia Yan, you will come to Sinnoh, so I must study hard with you!"

Although in Xia Yan's original world, he also accepted Ash as a student.

But suddenly seeing Ash after becoming a Trainer, Xia Yan really didn't like it a little bit.


Ash's Pikachu saw Ninetales beside Xia Yan and immediately came down to say hello.

As expected of Ash's "socialite", the skin god who has the title of "Actor".

Xia Yan didn't expect it either.

Dare to come to Sinnoh, he actually happened to meet Ash who was about to challenge the Xuefeng Gym.

He remembered, this should be Ash's seventh Badge, right?

After the challenge of Sunyshore City's power round, Ash's eight Badge will be collected, and the Sinnoh Region's Lily of the Valley Contest will begin.

"Teacher Xia Yan, I'm Xiaogang!"

"I'm Dawn!"

And walking with Ash is also Xiaogang and Dawn in Xia Yan's impression.

and many more.


What about Miss?

Various thoughts surged in his heart, but they did not affect Xia Yan's communication. He smiled and said, "Hello."

Ash is here, doesn't that happen to hit the plot of Xuefeng Temple?

Seeing Ash's moment, Xia Yan knew that the world of this special chapter had become wrong.

"Eh? Mr. Xia Yan, do you want to challenge the gym too?"

And when Candice, who was wearing a sailor suit and tied a ponytail, learned of Xia Yan's intentions, she was surprised.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yan asked.

Candice shook her head.

"No, nothing. It's just a little strange. Usually, few people come to Xuefeng City to challenge the gym, so I came back to Trainer School to work as a part-time teacher when I was free. But these few days, the people who came to challenge the gym seem to suddenly Much more."

Much more?

Xia Yan had a weird expression and asked tentatively, "Who else?"


Candice pressed her chin, and after thinking for a moment, she snapped her fingers.

"Crimson from Pallet Town."

"Senior Crimson?!" Ash's eyes widened.

Xia Yan was also stunned for a while.

The red guy is here too?

What does he want?

Let's fry fish and lily of the valley together?

But Candice didn't finish his words and continued:

"And, from Johto Region. Akin? Silver? Oh, yes yes, and a pretty Stephanie named Little Blue."

Xia Yan: "."

He looked at Ninetales.

Ninetales also blinked at Xia Yan with flickering eyes.

"Ninetales, shall we wait for Hoenn's Evergrande Conference?"

He wants to play the Baby Cup, not the Masters!

"Ow (Ok)~~"

The empathetic Ninetales echoed.

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