The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 975 This Is The Fun Of Gym Competition? (Two In One)

"Which one of you will come first?"

In the Xuefeng gymnasium facing the battlefield, Candice looked a little excited when he looked at Xia Yan and others on the opposite side.

Not many people come to Xuefeng City to challenge the gym all the year round. During this period of time, they encountered frequent challenges, which made Candice, who likes to fight, overjoyed.

And through the communication and contact with Ash at Xuefeng Trainer Academy, Candice also realized that Ash is a very interesting Trainer, and she is also looking forward to the battle with Ash.

As for Xia Yan.

Although in the Hoenn Region, the news of what happened in Sootopolis City was blocked because of the stable situation of the people of Hoenn.

But with the retreat of Groudon and Kyogre.

Some things can never be hidden.

Especially in a city as famous as Sootopolis City, more than half of it was destroyed. It was impossible to hide it. The details of some joints and the most important process and results were gradually exposed on the Internet.

after all.

For those who participated in this incident, they should be heroes and should be remembered and respected.

Especially a champion like Steven who is ready to die for Hoenn, someone like Wallace who shoulders the responsibilities of a Region champion.


It also includes Xia Yan, who appeared last and turned the situation around strongly.

However, it has not been spread to Sinnoh Region yet.


It is not widely spread in Sinnoh Region.


As an important participant, Xia Yan was not known to Candice for the time being.

It's just from Ash's respectful attitude towards Xia Yan and his words of respectful calling him "Teacher" that Candice feels that Xia Yan should be a rather remarkable person.

"Come first, come later." Xia Yan said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Ash didn't mean to back down at all, and answered calmly.

And took big strides to the battlefield.


For this gym challenge, Ash was well prepared and had full confidence.

So Xia Yan, Dawn and Xiaogang sat in the viewing seat.

Although both of them and Xia Yan met for the first time.

But because Xia Yan seems to be a very easy-going person, and there is Xiaogang who shows the three words "naturally familiar" to the fullest, he doesn't seem embarrassed at all.


From time to time, Dawn always looked at Ninetales, who accompanied Xia Yan, silently combing the snow-white crystal hair, and looked quite elegant.

Seemingly noticing Dawn's sight, Xia Yan looked at it with a smile.

As a result, Dawn turned his head a little embarrassedly, and his face turned slightly red.

"Mr. Xia Yan, is this Ninetales an ice-type Pokémon?"

Finally, Xiaogang broke the peace.

Pokémon in the Alola Region, even in the world of the special edition, are not very common.

"Yes, Ice and Fairy Pokémon."

"Fairy department?"

Xiaogang's eyes lit up, "Is it a Fairy type that is immune to dragon-type moves?"

Xia Yan nodded.

"But Ninetales, it's really suitable for the Contest competition."

Listening to Xia Yan's words, Dawn's cheeks turned even redder.

She knew that Xia Yan had detected her intentions.

"Boom plus boom~~"

Dawn's Piplup also seems to like the mild-mannered Ninetales, waving hello to him. …

Ninetales smiled and rolled it up with a soft, cold tail.

"Boom plus boom!"

For a time, Piplup was like a normal slide, sliding from the end of Ninetales' tail to Ninetales' back.

There was a burst of excitement from Piplup.

After the two little guys made such a fuss, the already harmonious atmosphere suddenly became more comfortable.

Dawn also secretly let out a sigh of relief, and showed a sweet smile.

"The battle has begun."

However, Xia Yan had one sentence that brought the two of them and the Pokémon back.

Ash battles Candice's gym.

In the form of 4v4, each person can use a total of four Pokémon, and only the challenger has the power to replace the Pokémon,

When one side's Pokémon is completely incapacitated, the other side wins.

Such a number of battles is relatively rare in gym battles.


Because Xuefeng Gym is an ice-type gym, the venue for the battle is an ice-type venue.

"Sneasel!" Candice sent out his first Pokémon imposingly.

Ice Pokémon Sneasel.

And Ash is also extremely tough.

"It's up to you, Grotle!"

"Do you use the grass-type Grotle to fight the ice-type Sneasel?"

Xia Yan smiled and muttered: "Reverse Attribute Master? It's really Ash's style."


Dawn vaguely heard Xia Yan's muttering and looked towards him.

Xia Yan just held up his hat and didn't elaborate.

Ash, who has entered the Pearl Diamond stage, has accumulated enough battle experience after going through conferences such as Indigo Alliance and Evergrande Conference.

Although it is not as exaggerated as "The Fighting Man" Crimson.

But he can be valued by Professor Oak, and his ability is still there.

If he does not become a Mega Rookie without reaching a Region, I am afraid it should be easier for him to get eight Badges.


Ash this season.

Because Paul is such a strong opponent, the speed of progress is also very fast.

Learned a lot from Paul.

Just like in this match between Grotle and Sneasel.

Ash and Grotle learned their battle skills from Torterra the last time they fought Paul.

In the end, in a way similar to Paul's Torterra Bide looking for an opportunity, a counterattack directly killed Candice's Sneasel.

It can be said.

This season's Master Zhi is the peak of the speed of battle skills after entering the Kalos Region.

It can be seen from this.

A good Rival, for the Trainer, how much the boosted Help is.

"Win!" Xiaogang and Dawn shouted excitedly when they saw this scene.

"Boom! Boom!


subsequent battle.

In fact, it is also carried out step by step according to the normal gym battle.

That is, the second Medicham sent by Candice, which is a bit beyond the scope of the ice gym.

no way.

It can only be blamed that there are not many ice-type Pokémon in the Sinnoh Region.

Medicham fell under Ash's Staraptor.

Then Candice's Snover defeated Ash's Gliscor, and Ash's Chimchar won. …

to the end.

Candice has one Pokémon left, and Ash has three.

No matter how you look at it, you feel that you are already winning.


Candice is still imposing, and her last Pokémon is the signboard of Xuefeng City, Abomasnow!

Looking at Candice's Abomasnow, Xia Yan couldn't help grinning.

"The quasi-Elite Abomasnow, at least don't let yourself lose too badly, right?"

The fight that followed was nothing to see.

Candice's Abomasnow had an absolute crush on Ash's main Pokémon.

One shot of "Blizzard" knocked out Ash's Staraptor, and one shot of "Wood Hammer" knocked out Ash's Grotle.

And when facing Ash's last Pokémon, the Fire Chimchar.

Abomasnow closed when he saw it, and was decisively defeated.

good guy.

Xia Yan called the good guy directly.

Sure enough, the per capita actor.

The reason why I chose to conduct gym battles in the form of 4v4.

It's because there is really a lack of challengers, so everyone who comes to the gym to challenge them can enjoy the battle.

Xia Yan understood.

In fact, at the level of Ash's current main Pokémon, defeating the top three is already a win.

Even if he loses to Abomasnow in the end, Candice will find a reason to give him Badge.

at this point.

When Candice will "Icicle Badge", Abomasnow has been able to stand by her side with a smile, which is the best proof.

"Teacher Xia Yan, look! Icicle Badge!"

After getting the Badge, Ash immediately went to show off in front of Xia Yan, Dawn, and Xiaogang.

"Amazing." Xia Yan praised with his eyes bent.

"Hey, hehe—it's actually alright," Ash said cheerfully, grabbing the back of his head.

"Pickup pickup (it's okay)~~"

Pikachu, who was standing on his shoulder, also had the same expression.

Xia Yan glanced at Pishen.

To put it in a non-targeted way, in terms of acting skills, the few just now, in front of Pishen, are all rubbish.

"It's my turn."

Xia Yan stood up on his knees.

The three Ash who heard the words immediately cheered him on.


I haven't waited for Xia Yan to speak.

The butler of the gym walked in with two people.

"Two more challengers?"

Listening to the butler's words, Candice looked stunned.

Happiness came too suddenly, when will the Gym Challenge at Xuefeng Gym have to queue up?


When he saw the boy among the two people, Ash was immediately surprised.


It is Ash's rival, Reggie's younger brother Paul!

A facially paralyzed teenager with long hair and drooping dead fish eyes.

But it is indeed very powerful.

Glancing at Ash who was yelling, Paul politely said to Candice, "I'm applying for a gym challenge."

Candice nodded again and again.

But Xia Yan's attention was on the other Stephanie who came in together.

Miss? !

Plantina Berritz!

Subconsciously, he looked towards Dawn.

The two do look a bit alike.

But there are still differences.

For example, Dawn's hair is short and blue, and the lady's hair is long and black. …

The two have completely different temperaments.

Dawn is softer, and the eldest is more arrogant.


Ash Xiaogang and the others didn't seem to be surprised by their appearance.


It's because I've seen so many identical Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny.

But Candice's eyes lit up when she saw the eldest.

"So you also came to challenge the gym? Your body has recovered?"

Plantina was brought back from the snowy mountains by Candice not long ago, and she was in a coma before.

Miss Plantina glanced at Xia Yan and others, pursed her lips, and replied softly, "Well."

In fact, she came to apply to Candice to go to Lake Acuity, but Candice mistakenly thought she was here to challenge the gym.

Seeing that there are so many people in the gym, the eldest young lady, who has been strong in her life, was a little embarrassed to deny it.

"Okay! It's rare to be so lively, but you have to wait."

Then he looked at Xia Yan who stood up.

"Mr. Xia Yan, it's your turn."


Candice clenched his fists and returned to his position, looking excited.

There is quite the excitement that Xuefeng Gym is about to take off.

Xia Yan patted Ash on the shoulder.

He immediately cheered Xia Yan with Dawn and Xiaogang.

And Paul found a corner and sat down silently.

But his eyes swept across Ninetales next to Xia Yan from time to time, his expression became more serious, and his brows were slightly furrowed.

This Ninetales is very strong!

This is Paul's intuition.

Eldest Miss Plantina also sat on the sidelines, leaning her head, hesitating whether to wait for the gym challenge or to tell Candice directly.

However, after meeting only the gaze from Dawn, the eldest lady immediately made up her mind.

"That Stephanie" Dawn turned his head and whispered something to Ash.

But I heard Ash just shouting, "Teacher Xia Yan! Come on!"

"Pickup pickup!


Pikachu made two flower balls out of nowhere, and danced with them.

"Are you ready? Mr. Xia Yan?" Candice asked excitedly, taking a box of Poké Balls from the gym housekeeper.

Xia Yan pressed his hat.

"Although it's a bit rude, I still want to say, Candice master, I want to have a real gym battle."

"Real gym battle?"

Candice was startled when he heard the words.

Ash, Dawn, and the young lady on the sidelines were also stunned.

Paul narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

Secretly: Sure enough!

Only after Xiaogang was surprised, did he explain to everyone:

"Gym. It is an Alliance facility set up by Alliance to test Trainers. Gym owners will make corresponding assessments according to the challenger's ability and strength, and strive to be a test for different levels of Trainers. ."

Xiaogang, who used to be a gym trainer, is the most qualified to explain it.

He continued: "Like Ash just now, it is a normal gym challenge, and what Mr. Xia Yan wants to do is to show the true strength of the gym owner, Miss Candice!"

to this.

Ash said it was a novelty.

It turns out that the Challenge Gym is also divided into levels?

So is he qualified for a real gym battle?

Paul's expression became more serious. …

Although he didn't match Ash's character, his thoughts at this moment were the same as Ash's, thinking about whether he was qualified to fight in a real gym.

"Huh—I see, I see." Candice nodded solemnly.

Immediately, she returned the Poké Ball box to the gym housekeeper, revealing a few Poké Balls around her waist.

The expression of the gym referee also seemed a little serious.

Compared with the previous rules when Ash challenged, the real gym battle is in the form of 3v3, and the rest is not much different.

"Then it's my first Pokémon! Weavile!"



In the red light, Candice's first main Pokémon appeared, the quasi-Elite Weavile.

His aura was far stronger than the Sneasel who fought against Ash just now.

Feeling the momentum of this Weavile, Ash, Paul, Miss and others on the sidelines immediately changed their expressions.

Only Xia Yan was still smiling.

Throw the Poké Ball.


With the emergence of the brilliant fire, the temperature of the forest that was originally on the battlefield suddenly increased.

In the golden flame, the sun incarnates Volcarona and appears in the field.

"Volcarona?" Candice looked serious.

From Volcarona's body, I felt a lot of pressure.

Ash and others immediately took out Pokédex and assisted Pokédex before they recognized Xia Yan's Pokémon.

After the two Pokémon appeared, the atmosphere in the gym suddenly became serious.

"Battle begins!"

As the flag in the referee's hand fell suddenly, Candice, who had seen Xia Yan's strength, did not dare to take any contempt and attacked.

"Weavile, Agility, Quick Attack!"


see you.

Weavile rubbed a pair of sharp claws and walked on the ice with both feet. The ice surface of the ice-based field made Weavile feel like a duck to water, and his speed quickly climbed.

"So fast!" Ash exclaimed when he saw Weavile's speed.

Xia Yan held on to his hat, his eyes shining brightly under the brim of the hat.

"Double dance."

In an instant.

Volcarona's wings vibrated, scattered with the scattered scales and powder, and the whole body was immediately wrapped in golden firelight.

And in that shadowy firelight, Volcarona danced in the flames.

"What trick is this?"

Ash, who had never heard of "Double Dance", was stunned for a moment.

"It's a combination of Quiver Dance and Fiery Dance." Paul in the corner gave a rare explanation, and added: "This Mr. Xia Yan is really strong!"

Paul's older brother, Reggie, was also a great trainer, even reaching the level of the Battle Frontier's head reserve, of course, with a higher vision.

"Ice field." Dawn pointed at the field with a shocked expression, "It's starting to melt!"

You know, Ash's Chimchar just now left no trace on the ice field.

But now, under the flames of Volcarona, the ice field actually melted silently?

Candice and Weavile also encountered this situation for the first time.

Without the blessing of the ice surface, Weavile's speed slowed down, and his movements after being surprised also became a lot slower.

And just at the moment when it was a little stunned. …

A golden butterfly came towards him, growing bigger and bigger under Weavile's unbelievable gaze, and eventually the flames engulfed it.



"Ma, Weavile is incapacitated!" The referee announced the result with some astonishment.

"Second, second?!"

For this result, including the owner Candice, it was a little unacceptable at once.

Even if Weavile is twice restrained by fire-type moves.

But seconds, it's too.

When everyone looked at Xia Yan, their eyes couldn't help but admire a little more.

Candice recovered quickly, clenching her hands.

"I'm getting more and more excited about such a powerful Rival!"


She summons a second Pokémon.

It is also an ice-type Pokémon, and it is also a quasi-Elite level.



Immediately after coming out, he launched an attack.

"Glalie, Blizzard!"

The whistling cold air raged in the stadium, and the greatest firepower was concentrated on Volcarona.

But Xia Yan said slowly: "Volcarona, Annie Heat Wave!"



Volcarona is faster after getting "Quiver Dance" and one "Fiery Dance" blessing.

Before Glalie's frost arrived, the heat wave rolled up and blown by the vibrating wings melted the ice and snow in an instant.

A lot of white mist rises.

In the misty Mist, a small flaming butterfly fluttering back along the heat wave counterattacked, swallowing Glalie in an instant.

Wait until the fog clears.

Everyone in the audience widened their eyes one by one.

"Again, another second?"

"The blessing of Quiver Dance and Fiery Dance has been completed. Mr. Xia Yan's Volcarona is now as explosive as an Elite Pokémon!" Paul had already stood up from his seat.

Such Volcarona.

Can you make three in a row?

This thought flashed through everyone's mind.

"Ice, Glalie are incapacitated! Please replace the Pokémon with the owner of Candice!"

A second kill is fine.

With two spikes, Candice couldn't help but look at Xia Yan, who was always calm and calm.

Xia Yan also nodded slightly apologetically to her.

Baby match, I'm sorry.

But please keep pushing.

Xia Yan, who experienced the Gym Challenge for the first time as a challenger, was inexplicably excited.

He would never admit it.

This excitement comes from a word cough.

turn out to be.

Is that what the Gym Challenge is all about?

He seemed to understand a little bit.

On the other hand, the eldest lady, who was relatively calm before, saw the strength displayed by Xia Yan, and her eyes suddenly burned.

Maybe he can


PS: I didn't stop the car for a while, I wrote a little more, today's 1.2w! Ask for a monthly ticket~~


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