The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 976 Loading... In Progress (8.2K+!)

This time.

Candice really felt the pressure from Xia Yan.

Although it is a quasi-Elite Pokémon at the same time, Xia Yan's Volcarona obviously cannot be measured by a normal quasi-Elite Pokémon.

Twice instantly kills his own Pokémon, allowing Candice to understand the gap between the two.


Candice isn't discouraged either.

Living in Xuefeng City, a remote and frost-covered city, no one has come to challenge for a long time, let alone a top Trainer. Candice, who is keen on Pokémon battles, has always been very Covet and played against others.


The real top Trainer is just around the corner, how can Candice not be excited.

She takes back Glalie.

Pulled out a Poké Ball again.

"This is the last."

Saying that, she threw the Poké Ball.

In the red light, a snow-white figure appeared, slowly drifting away with the misty Mist, making the figure even more hazy.

Phantom in the snow, Froslass!

Ice and Ghost Pokémon.

Like Glalie, Froslass evolved from Snorunt, but because of the different ways of evolution, it created different appearances and attributes.

This is also Candice's strongest Pokémon.

Although it is still a quasi-Elite-level Pokémon, based on the momentum alone, it is estimated that it is not far from the Elite-level.


It is facing Volcarona who has experienced the double blessing of "Quiver Dance" and "Fiery Dance".

"Froslass, Double Team!"

Candice still chose to rush to attack, but instead of starting with a fierce attack like before, he chose to use the more secure "Double Team".

In an instant.

Seeing that in the hazy drifting snow-white mist, Froslass' figure became more blurred, and the second, third, and even more and more figures appeared.

Xia Yan's expression became a little more serious.

"Volcarona, Hurricane!"


With Xia Yan's voice falling.

Volcarona vibrated three pairs of fiery red wings, and at the same time the sunspots undulating and flickering, the scorching air instantly became violent.

next second.

A roaring Twister flew towards Froslass and the hazy Mist under the wrapping of one after another tearing blade.

In an instant.

The howling wind echoed and drifted across the entire opposing battlefield, and the hazy figure hidden by Froslass finally appeared in everyone's sight.

Candice's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly shouted: "Blizzard!"

Fight the storm with wind and snow!

Two extremely strong opposing air currents collided violently in the field.

The violent air flow caused Ash and the others who were watching the battle next to them to narrow their eyes in order to see the scene on the field clearly.


But Xia Yan whispered softly.

Volcarona immediately spewed out a fiery golden pillar of fire.

Instead of attacking Froslass directly, it came into contact with the storm unleashed by Volcarona earlier.

a time.

The milky white raging tornado was immediately rendered into a golden red.

The fiery flame tornado completed the suppression of Froslass "Blizzard" in an instant.

The rolling heat wave melted all the ice and snow in an instant, and the heat wave once again gained the upper hand in the battle. …

"Froslass, Hail!"

Seeing that the situation is not good, Candice is ready to strengthen Froslass' ice and snow ability again.


This time, Xia Yan didn't give her another chance, and said quickly: "Volcarona, merge into the storm."


An ethereal melodious voice called out.

Volcarona's whole body was filled with dazzling golden fire.

Like a rising golden sun, the dazzling Cal immediately irritated everyone's eyes, and gurgling crystals dripped from their sockets unconsciously.

And Volcarona, who turned into a "sun", instantly disappeared in the firestorm of reaction.

the next moment.

Ash and the others, who had finally recovered, widened their eyes.

"That, that is."

I see.

In the tornado of howling flames, a small butterfly composed entirely of flames slowly emerged.

All the flames condensed into the shape of a flame butterfly.

A huge light cluster danced around the center of the storm.

This scene.

Dawn, who is committed to the Contest competition, and the eldest lady who also has a lot of interest in the Contest competition, are immediately stunned.


Dawn and the eldest lady focused on appearance, while Xiaogang and Paul focused on the power of this move.

Xiaogang was okay, and he admired Xia Yan a little more than he sighed.

Paul was really shocked.

He looked straight at the calm Xia Yan.

It turns out that Pokémon moves can still be combined like this?

"Storm" starts first, blends into the flame of "Flamethrower", and finally ends with "Fiery Dance"?

at the same time.

Paul also completely understood.

At present, he and Xia Yan are not from the same world, so he has extinguished the idea of ​​challenging Xia Yan.

Only Ash.

After a few seconds of sluggish expression, he murmured:

"Okay, amazing!"

That is to say, he doesn't understand the quintessence of the country, otherwise he would have to add a few modal particles.

When the culture is not high, a "national quintessence" can travel all over the world, which is actually quite suitable for Ash's character.

A dance.


The storm stopped abruptly, the air flow scattered, and the sparks of fire dragged and drifted in the air, ending their last Cal before they hit the ground, disappearing from sight.


Volcarona let out a breath, her blue eyes flashing with excitement.

Look at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan also smiled and nodded in response.


In any case, actual combat is always the most effective way to test the results of training and accelerate the mastery of moves.

This combination of hands, Volcarona can't fully grasp in the usual training.

On the one hand, when facing the simulated Rival, Volcarona did not dare to make a full shot.

On the other hand, it is also because the control of timing is not in place.

But in this actual battle, Volcarona has a new understanding of the timing of this move combination, and also has a higher degree of mastery of the combination of moves.

At least.

It is already getting started.


Candice's Froslass fell to the ground, eyes rolling.

"Froslass is incapacitated! All three Pokémon in Gym Trainer Candice are incapacitated! So the winner is Xia Yan from Pallet Town, Kanto Region!…


Xia Yan's first gym experience was handed over to Candice.

feels pretty good in general.

"Huh?! Teacher Xia Yan is also from Pallet Town?"

Dawn was acutely aware of this.


Ash rubbed his nose quite contentedly.

"Although I was surprised at first, Professor Oak told me that there are many talents in our Pallet Town! Not only Teacher Xia Yan, but also Senior Red and Senior Green"

"It's really, Pallet Town, a place full of talented people."

Xiaogang nodded with empathy, "Red and Green are two very good Trainers."

As he said that, he also revealed the color of reminiscence.

It seems to recall the sourness of being abused twice in a row when he faced Crimson and Green for the first time.

But then think about it.

Anyway, it wasn't just him who was abused twice in a row, and even other identities and positions were much higher than him, and the time interval was shorter than him, so there was nothing to be obsessed with.

"Teacher Xia Yan, Crimson, Green." Dawn repeated several names with his fingers.

Ash kept raising his eyebrows at Dawn.

Dawn turned a blind eye to Ash.

"And me!" Ash had to take the initiative to add.

But Dawn gave him a flat sidelong glance.

"Yes. You managed to pull down the quality of Pallet Town."

Ash: "."

"Pickup pickup~~"

"Boom plus boom~~"

Pikachu and Piplup suddenly rolled in their chairs with joy.

"Teacher Xia Yan, this is your Badge."

Candice didn't feel bad about being abused again, but rather respectfully handed "Icicle Badge" to Xia Yan.

And continued: "This time, I did learn a lot."

The flexible use of those combined moves made Candice, who felt like a bottleneck, find a new way forward.

"Don't blame me."

Xia Yan took over the first Badge in his life with a smile.

Candice shook his head immediately, just wondering:

"But I'm actually still curious. With your strength, Teacher Xia Yan, why do you want to have a gym competition?"

Xia Yan lowered his head and touched his nose, and pressed down on the brim of his hat.

"Cough, I've never challenged a gym before, so I want to give it a try."

"This is Teacher Xia Yan, your first gym challenge?" Candice was surprised.


Xia Yan did not deny this.

But seeing Candice showing excitement and joy, she clenched her fist and clenched it hard.

"Teacher Xia Yan's first time, I won it!"

Xia Yan: "???"

The words say so.

But it doesn't sound the same.

Xia Yan put away Badge angrily.

"Actually, apart from that, I want to ask for one more thing."

"What's the matter?" Candice patted her chest.

"Because a friend suffered some special trauma, I want to enter the Xuefeng Temple." Xia Yan said.

"Xuefeng Temple?" Candice frowned slightly.

"I-I want to go to Lake Acuity."

At this time.

The eldest lady, who had been sitting next to her waiting for the end of the gym battle, also stood up and said.


The door of the gymnasium was suddenly pushed open.


The one who came in was a barefooted Stephanie, dressed in heavy clothes, with tape on his nose, short red hair, and a flamboyant forehead. …

"Maylene?" Candice asked in surprise when he saw the person coming.


It is the gym owner of Veilstone City, the Fighting Pokémon Trainer Maylene.

"Miss Maylene?" Ash and Dawn and others also recognized Maylene.

Including Miss and Paul.

Maylene was a little stunned when she saw that there were so many people in the gym.

"Ash, Dawn, Miss, are you all here?" Maylene greeted with a smile while rubbing her nose.

When his eyes fell on Paul, his expression was somewhat unnatural, but he quickly recovered, "Paul is here too."


Paul snorted softly and turned his head.

"What's wrong?" Candice couldn't help asking.

"Come and see."

Saying that, Maylene turned her head and ran outside the gym again.

After everyone looked at each other for a few moments, they followed Candice to the outside of the gym.

Xia Yan followed Volcarona and Ninetales, and continued to press down on the hat.

"Okay. It's all mixed together."

But still followed.

Get out of the gym.

I saw a huge Flying device streaking across the sky.

And this Flying device looks very special.

At first glance, it looks like a pyramid.

But the eldest lady who saw this pyramid turned pale.

"Team Galactic?"

"Is that Mr. Brandon's Battle Pyramid?" Ash said.

"Battle Pyramid?"

Paul's eyes narrowed when he heard the name.

Then he immediately turned to Candice and said, "Sorry, Candice Master, can I Quash in my gym game?"

Hearing this, Candice was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, of course."


After thanking him, Paul strode in the direction where the Battle Pyramid fell.

"Mr. Brandon, I still want to meet you." Ash also expressed his opinion, and after obtaining the consent of Xiaogang and Dawn, he ran towards the pyramid.

"That seems to be where our airship docked?" Xia Yan looked blankly at Ninetales.

"Ow (yes)~~"

"Forget it." Xia Yan shook his head, since he met, he couldn't escape if he wanted to enter the Xuefeng Temple.


He put away Volcarona and Ninetales, and pulled out a Poké Ball again.

"Xia, Teacher Xia Yan, are you Teacher Xia Yan? The Teacher Xia Yan that my father mentioned to me, the Teacher Xia Yan who resolved the Hoenn disaster?"


The eldest lady found an opportunity to talk to Xia Yan.

She also finally remembered who Xia Yan was.

"Huh? Has Professor Berlitz mentioned me to you?" Xia Yan was a little surprised.

Mr. Zvqi's movements are a bit fast.

"Mmmm." The eldest nodded again and again, looking at Xia Yan with a little hope. She was about to say something, but was interrupted by Xia Yan's smile.

"If that's the case, let's come together."


Before the eldest could react, Xia Yan threw the Poké Ball.


An imposing, even more shocking black Charizard appeared in front of Xia Yan.

In the snow-capped Xuefeng City, the faint ink-like scales add a little more eye-catching. …

Unlike Ninetales' gentle and calm aura, Charizard didn't hide his aura at all.

After seeing the fierce Charizard, Candice and Maylene's breathing stopped immediately.

The eldest lady also shrank her eyes, showing a look of fear.

However, Xia Yan jumped onto Charizard's back and reached out to the eldest lady.

"Don't worry, it's nice."


Charizard turned his head sullenly, Spit Up two scorching mists from his nose.


Plantina looked at Charizard, blinking sheepishly.

"What's the matter, let's talk on the way."

Hearing this sentence, the eldest finally nodded, grabbed Xia Yan's hand tremblingly, and came to the dark Charizard's back.

The palm touched Charizard's hard and rugged scales, feeling the temperature on the scales, and Plantina couldn't help shrinking to Xia Yan's side.

"Candice, Maylene, let's go first."


The strong wind roared, and Charizard shook his huge wings, shaking the snow off many houses, and the speed was directly pulled to the fastest, flying towards Brandon's Battle Pyramid.

Looking at Black Charizard who was quickly leaving, Candice and Maylene looked at each other.

Candice murmured, "I'm afraid. In the gym competition just now, did Teacher Xia Yan really keep his hand?"

Although the previous Volcarona was strong.

But compared with the Flash Charizard that just appeared, the momentum is still much weaker.

"You just had a gym match with a trainer like this?" Maylene swallowed and looked at Candice in disbelief.

Candice smiled shyly, "You may not believe it when you say it, but I got a lot of inspiration from Teacher Xia Yan."

"Teacher Xia Yan?" Maylene lowered her head and murmured, but she quickly raised her head and said energetically: "If there is such a top Trainer to help, Team Galactic's operation will definitely fail this time?!"

"Has what Mr. Donggua said already?" Candice was a little surprised.

Maylene nodded.

"Didn't Miss come just now? She wants to say hello to you and is going to Lake Acuity to prepare."

"then now"

Candice looked up and looked in the direction where Xia Yan and Plantina were leaving.

"However, if I can get help from Teacher Xia Yan and Mr. Brandon, I'm afraid I don't have to worry about Team Galactic's chaos in Lake Acuity, right?" Candice said to himself.

"That's the truth!"

Maylene acknowledged her words.

"Then let's go there too!"

With that said, the two also summoned Pokémon and rushed towards Battle Pyramid.

"So it is. Team Galactic has prepared a terrifying galactic bomb, ready to detonate one of the three lakes of Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, and Lake Verity. And the Bell Ritz Professor has you, Diamond and Parr go to Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, and Lake Verity, respectively. Lake Verity and Lake Valor?"

On Charizard's back, Xia Yan nodded as she listened to what Miss Plantina said.

"Yeah!" The eldest pursed her lips and looked at Xia Yan, "My father told me something about you, Teacher Xia Yan, so I hope Teacher Xia Yan can stop Team Galactic! They are all a bunch of lunatics!"…

"Okay." Xia Yan didn't refuse, he still needed help from the Berlitz family, "However, we still need to find a helper."

"Help? That Mr. Brandon from Battle Pyramid?"

Charizard dived down, and she looked at the pyramid she heard on the ground, and an unseen luxury ship not far from the Battle Pyramid.

Xia Yan smiled and did not answer.

Just press the hat to remind:

"Hurry up."

Plantina hurriedly grabbed Xia Yan's clothes.

Charizard was very fast, and when he fell, he didn't care about the person sitting on his back.

Compared with the mildness of Latios, it is relatively more violent.

Fortunately, Xia Yan has long been accustomed to this way of Flying.

If Mega Rayquaza's "Dragon Ascent" is a roller coaster, Charizard is at best a bumper car.

But it was not a good experience for Miss Plantina.


Charizard landed quickly.

Even Xia Yan and the others arrived a lot earlier than Paul and Xia Yan who were the first to leave.

Looking at the huge pyramid, Plantina opened her mouth involuntarily.


When the two approached, the gap in the pyramid opened, but the door opened automatically.


Two people came out.

Among them, the middle-aged man wearing a green military uniform with a serious face is the head of Battle Pyramid, Brandon, and the other is his assistant and student.

"Teacher Xia Yan?" Brandon asked tentatively, looking at Xia Yan who appeared at the door.

"Mr. Brandon, just call me Xia Yan." Xia Yan said politely.

Brandon nodded slightly, and his expression softened a lot.

Although in terms of seniority, Xia Yan is much younger than Brandon.

But the strength shown by Xia Yan in the two incidents of Kanto and Hoenn is definitely worthy of Brandon's respect.

What's more, Xia Yan's contribution, which saved an unknown number of people, is also worthy of Brandon's admiration.

"Okay. The old man Professor Oak and Zivqi Hibiscus told me about you and Steven. I also think that Sinnoh's Xuefeng Temple may be able to help Steven. It happened that I needed to come to Sinnoh, so I caught up. "

It seems.

Devon's face is really great, and the scope of interpersonal communication is also very wide.

The Battle Frontier to which Brandon belongs is theoretically under the jurisdiction of the Kanto Alliance. I didn't expect the old man to invite such a person.

Plantina silently followed Xia Yan's side, watching Xia Yan and Brandon communicate as usual.

Although she just started using Brandon's Battle Pyramid as Team Galactic's airship, that doesn't mean she doesn't understand the meaning and identity of Battle Frontier and the head of Battle Frontier.

This is an existence comparable to the Elite Four to a certain extent.

In the communication between Teacher Xia Yan and the other party, is it actually an equal status?


Brandon, the head of the pyramid, even respects Teacher Xia Yan?

This made Plantina even more curious.

What is the identity of Teacher Xia Yan, the character that her father took the initiative to mention?

With such a strong strength, why challenge the gym?

And after Xia Yan and Plantina arrived for a while. …

Talents such as Paul and Ash are long overdue.

"They're all familiar faces."

Brandon saw the excited Ash and the others and said hello.

"Mr. Brandon!"

The three of Ash first greeted Brandon.

"Eh? Teacher Xia Yan, why are you so fast?"

Ash panted heavily, surprised to see Xia Yan.

"Because. That Charizard?"

Dawn glanced at Charizard beside Xia Yan with some fear, and whispered.

Ash's eyes lit up.

"Black Charizard?! He seems to be very strong?"

"Pickup! Pickup!"

Pishen nodded in agreement immediately.

If it's not acting, it might not be able to do this Charizard?


Charizard glanced at Ash and Pishen, raised his head arrogantly, and let out two white breaths.

Paul also noticed Xia Yan's Flash Charizard, his expression became more serious, and he had a deeper understanding of Xia Yan's strength.


This time his target was Brandon.

Step forward:

"Mr. Brandon, I want to challenge you!"

Brandon glanced at Paul with a serious look and said suddenly:

"Are you Reggie's brother?"

Reggie, the former head of the Battle Frontier Reserves, but in the final battle with Brandon, the entire team lost but was a Pokémon who did not defeat Brandon, and was awakened by Brandon's words.

Finally realizing his inadequacy, he gave up traveling to become a Breeder house owner.

Paul, who once regarded his brother Reggie as an idol, only saw his brother's decadence and thought it was the reason for losing to Brandon.

He didn't want to go down the same path as his brother, so he went even more extreme with Pokémon.


After seeing Brandon, Paul couldn't wait to take on the challenge.

"Yes!" Paul said solemnly.

But Brandon shook his head.

"Although I also really want to accept your challenge, I'm afraid I can't now, you need to wait."

Paul was stunned.


Candice and Maylene are finally here.

Brandon directly stated his purpose, "Master Candice, Xia Yan and I want to visit Xuefeng Temple."

Xuefeng Temple again?


A Zipp car sped up.

Docked in front of the pyramid.

from up.

A shrine maiden in a snow-white costume came down.

"Miss Miko?" Candice was a little surprised.

The person who came was the chief priestess of the Xuefeng Temple, the Son of God.

"Sorry, Candice owner, I contacted Miss Miko ahead of you," Brandon said apologetically.

Candice hurriedly shook her head.

But see.

Miss Kamiko looked flustered, "Mr. Brandon! The owner of Candice! The shrine, the shrine is under attack!"

"Assault?" Brandon's face sank.


Things all come together.

Xia Yan sighed silently.

When he saw Ash and Miss Plantina, Xia Yan had a premonition.

Immediately, he turned over and came to Charizard's back.

Seeing this, Miss Plantina hurriedly followed.

"Mr. Brandon, let's go first."

"Okay!" Brandon responded.

A howling wind rose. …

Standing on Charizard's back, Xia Yan did not leave immediately, but made several gestures towards the docked airship next to him.

next second.


Hearing the sound of the propeller and the engine suddenly sounded, the huge luxury airship also rose.

Seeing this scene, Ash and others said in disbelief:

"So. That luxury airship belongs to Teacher Xia Yan?"

"Let's go there too."

With that said, Brandon walked into the pyramid.

The crowd immediately followed.

Xia Yan took the lead and galloped in the direction of Xuefeng Temple.

followed behind.

It's the luxury ship with Steven in a coma, and Brandon's Battle Pyramid.

And this moment.

It was the Hunter Guild of this world that invaded the Xuefeng Temple.

And the main commander of this operation, Hunter J!

Listening to the report of his subordinates, Hunter J Joe Anna immediately commanded:

"Stop them!"

a time.

Countless Flying-type Pokémon, under the command of each hunter, rose into the air.

The overwhelming posture is quite shocking.

Xia Yan, who was standing on Charizard's back, smacked his mouth.

"I thought I would actually see a group of Metangs."

In the original book, the cards of the Hunter Guild were directly pulled to full value.

The Pokémon dispatched are all Skarmory and Metang, and the quasi-god Pokémon has become a bad street.

As a result, Xia Yan once thought that the hunter guild he ruled in his original world was a fake hunter guild, with no cards at all.

but now.

Apparently calm.

Haven't seen a single Metang from the horde of Flying Pokémon.


This is normal.

Just when Xia Yan was rubbing his chin and thinking about the rationality that the quasi-god Pokémon should not be rotten on the street, Miss Dai Plantina behind him saw so many Flying Pokémon, and her pretty face suddenly turned pale.

Grabbing Xia Yan's clothes and trembling, he said, "Xia, Teacher Xia Yan, front, front."

So many Pokémon, thousands of them?

Even after going through Laser Focus, Plantina's strength is not weak, and she has the potential to be an excellent Trainer.

But it's also a little Stephanie after all.

Faced with so many Flying-type Pokémons with varying strengths, even the top Trainer will find it difficult and avoid the edge for a while?

Inside Brandon's pyramid, Ash and the others looked at so many Flying Pokémon, and they were a little overwhelmed.

"Sit tight!" Brandon said solemnly.

He is also not good at air combat.

But he is not good at it, it does not mean that others are not good at it.

For example, Xia Yan, known as "Little Flying Elite" and "Airplane Brigade".


The current Xia Yan has mastered the magic skill of "clearing miscellaneous soldiers".

Xia Yan pressed his hat with one hand and brushed his waist with the other.

in red light.

Standing in the air with Psychic.

Nine tails danced wildly in the howling cold wind.

The snow-white hair became more and more crystal clear in the sunlight.


Appeared beside Xia Yan.


Ninetales murmured softly, changing from his previous gentle and humble appearance.


With the advent of Ninetales.

In the originally clear sky Soaring in the sky, suddenly the bright Icirrus was scattered. …

Just a few breaths.

The scale of the snowstorm expanded several times.

Almost single-handedly, changed the weather in this area!

"Ninetales?" Plantina's eyes flickered at the appearing Ninetales.

inside the pyramid.

"Teacher Xia Yan's Ninetales?" Ash also asked in confusion.

"So beautiful." Dawn couldn't help but sigh.

Brandon and Paul faintly sensed what Xia Yan wanted to do, so they slowed their breathing and stared at the big screen.

Just listening, Xia Yan whispered: "Ninetales."




next second!

The nine tails that Ninetales opened were even more reckless, and the bulging and cold ice energy continued to pour out of its body.

The falling Icirrus also became Ninetales' strongest weapon at this moment.

Any Flying-type Pokémon that came into contact with Icirrus immediately felt stiff.

The terrifying cold air penetrated into the body along Icirrus.

ka ka ka-

Solid ice crystals spread where Icirrus came into contact.

Immediately after.


In the hazy blizzard, the Flying-type Pokémon, which were originally ferocious, turned into lifelike ice sculptures.

After stagnating in the air for half a second, they smashed down uncontrollably.

After just a few seconds.

Xia Yan let out a long breath.

"Clear the screen, feel comfortable."


The eldest Miss Plantina behind him, and everyone in the Battle Pyramid, froze.

"This is the top Trainer Teacher Xia Yan mentioned by my father?" Plantina was shocked.


The sound of Dawn Piplup swallowing saliva broke the silence in the control room of the pyramid.


It jumped like an electric shock.

Just now.

It's just playing slides there with a Ninetales like this? !

"As expected of the Pokédex owner's 'tactical man', Xia Yan who quelled the Hoenn disaster." Brandon sighed.

"Quiet the Hoenn disaster?"

People were quite puzzled by this.

Immediately after, Brandon briefly told them the details of the Hoenn disaster.

to this.

The people who were already greatly shocked, once again truly felt the shock from Xia Yan's strength.

Paul stared at Xia Yan with burning eyes.

Such a truly top Trainer is what he yearns for.

"However, with Teacher Xia Yan's strength, why do you want to challenge the gymnasium competition?" Dawn raised his doubts while being shocked.

"Maybe it's because of Teacher Xia Yan's special hobby?"

Xiaogang recalled Xia Yan's excitement after agreeing to the gym owner Candice.

Instead, he seemed to have thought of something.

He looked at the excited Ash with "pity" in his eyes.

The words that were held back were ultimately unable to be said.

Based on the experience of someone who came over after being abused several times, Xiaogang wanted to remind Ash.

Hurry up!

Do not participate in the Lily of the Valley competition in Sinnoh Region.


It seems that someone wants to fry fish!

But looking at Ash's excited look, it seemed that he couldn't realize it at all.


Even if you realize it.

It might just increase Ash's excitement for the competition.


PS: There is a fan title event in the book friend circle, don't forget to participate in it~~

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