The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 977 Regigigas: I Just Woke Up And Fell Asleep Again? ! (Two In One)

Chapter 976 Regigigas: I just woke up and fell asleep again? ! (two in one)

Xia Yan's "Glaciate", let alone Ash and others, were dumbfounded.

The group of hunters on the opposite side were shocked and their jaws dropped.


Flying-type Pokémon will indeed be at a disadvantage when facing ice-type moves.


This trick has beaten nearly a thousand Flying Pokémon!

Is it a bit too exaggerated?

a time.

The hunters were so shocked that they watched Xia Yan lead the luxury airship and Battle Pyramid to stay at the gate of Xuefeng Temple.

Looking at Xia Yan with a genial smile, the eldest young lady who was following her step by step, the hunters guarding the gate of the temple couldn't help swallowing.

in particular.

When they saw the ferocious and aggressive Flash Charizard beside Xia Yan, and the Ninetales who seemed to be as docile and harmless as Xia Yan, the hunters subconsciously gave way.

How to stop?

Don't dare to stop!

With nearly a thousand Flying Pokémon being killed in seconds, who has the courage to stop Xia Yan?

In this way, in front of all the hunters, Xia Yan walked into the Xuefeng Temple as if nothing had happened.

And Brandon and others who arrived later were not hindered much.

Anyway, a Xia Yan has already entered, and Brandon and these little devils are still missing?

When he entered the deepest part of the temple and saw the legendary hunter J with the three pillars, he was stunned for a moment when he heard the report of his subordinates.

Then he yelled angrily.

With so many people, they were frightened by one trick?

"If you don't want to be held accountable afterwards, now! Immediately! Immediately! Stop them!"

No way, Hunter J can only use this method.

Who made the Hunter Guild's ability to restrain the hunters is too poor, otherwise, with the size of the Hunter Guild, it would not be a big problem to be comparable to the Rockets.

After explaining this sentence, Hunter J threw the Poké Ball.


In the red light, her signature is also Trump Card Pokémon, Salamence.

A violent aura suddenly filled the depths of the entire temple.

"These are the three pillars that guard Regigigas. Originally, I didn't want to do this. After all, the Three Gods Pillars are also valuable and worthless. But now it seems that they can only be destroyed to forcibly awaken Regigigas."

After speaking to himself, Hunter J ordered: "Salamence, Hyper Beam! Destroy them for me!"

Roar--! !

Hearing Hunter J's order, Salamence didn't hesitate.

A mouthful of Rage's Dragon Breath spit out, surging heat and terrifying destructive power.

Among them, the icicle representing the Ice God Pillar Regice burst.

Immediately after.

The rock pillars representing Regirock couldn't withstand the extreme damage from Salamence, and they turned into pieces of Rock and scattered.

Among the thick dust rising up.

Only the last steel column representing the Registeel remains intact.

Can follow Hunter J's posture.

I am afraid that the last steel column will not be spared.

"Salamence, finally, Hyper Beam!"

The orange-red light beam spewed out of Salamence's mouth, with extremely strong destructive power, tumbling towards the steel column.

boom! !


When the raised dust dissipated again, Hunter J, who was wearing sunglasses, looked a little stunned.

"What's the matter, Salamence?!"

Hunter J looked at Salamence, but the same confused look from Salamence responded to her.


It clearly aimed at the statement of the steel column.


An immobile pillar can't avoid Salamence's attack, can it?

But next second.

Hunter J and Salamence rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

"what's the situation?"

I see.

On the entire altar, a large number of steel columns appeared, one by one, and they were extremely dense.

This posture.

It's like the steel column uses "Double Team".

A post will "Double Team"?

Just kidding.

But the truth is in sight.

"Who? Come out!"


Hunter J reacted and roared at the densely packed steel pillars.


In the shadow of the corner, the playful Zorua covered her mouth and laughed, looking at Salamence like she was looking at a big silly man.

turn out to be.

Whether it was the one destroyed by Salamence before or the countless steel pillars that appeared now, it was Xia Yan's Zorua who was making trouble.


Footsteps from far to near.

Xia Yan and Miss Plantina appeared in Hunter J's sight.

"It's you?"

Xia Yan didn't answer him, just glanced at the structure in Xuefeng Temple.

However, it is somewhat different from the structure in his impression of Mikey.

Count this.

In the Xuefeng Temple alone, Xia Yan has already seen three.

Hunter J was furious at Xia Yan's ignorance and the previous phantom's play on her and Salamence.

"Salamence, tear him up! Dragon Claw!"

see you.

Hunter J's Salamence Rage roared, shaking his scarlet wings, and quickly attacked in the direction of Xia Yan and Plantina.

"Charizard, Dragon Claw!"

In the face of the attack, Xia Yan commanded calmly.


Plantina only felt a gust of wind blowing from behind her, accompanied by messy hair, a fierce Charizard in pitch-black color, and immediately waving a pair of sharp "Dragon Claw", her eyes were full of excitement and the suppressed anger was released .

boom! !

The two ferocious flying dragons collided terribly in Yu Xuefeng Temple.


Salamence's sharp Dragon Claw wiped Charizard's abdomen, and the black and hard scales suddenly shattered, and three scarlet scratches appeared on his chest.


The breath of blood, the intense pain, instead of making Charizard flinch, it made Charizard more excited.

Swish! !

The sharp Dragon Claw belonging to Charizard also slashed across Salamence's back without showing any weakness. The ferocious wound was accompanied by the fragmentation of a large number of dragon scales, which was more dazzling than Charizard's and appeared on Salamence's body.

Roar--! !

The severe pain caused Salamence to roar almost subconsciously.

Under the terrifying force, the body was shot straight to the ground, and a huge pit was smashed.

Which is better and which is worse, one move will tell the difference.

Hunter J also couldn't believe this scene.

how to feel.

The Charizard on the opposite side seems more irritable than his Salamence?

Obviously there is a chance to dodge and not withstand the attack, but he chose the most rigid way to fight.


One blow slapped Salamence to the ground, Charizard held his chest high, showing the three hideous scratches on his chest as a medal, and roared at Salamence Taunt on the ground.

How could the violent Salamence endure this?

Immediately, the dust scattered under the stirring Crimson Wings, rolling up a large amount of Rock rubble and rushing straight towards Charizard.


Charizard raised his brows, his eyes became more excited, and he didn't mean to dodge at all.

went straight up.

The fight from fist to flesh is the battle of the dragon race!

Xia Yan slightly raised his forehead.

"This temper is still the same."

Ninetales also imitated Xia Yan, covering his eyes with a tail.

Want it to say.

This kind of dragon-type and Flying-type Rival, it is better to give it "absolutely deep cold", which can almost kill half of its life in seconds.

Seeing that Xia Yan and Ninetales' gods were in sync, Plantina couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Although Xia Yan's strength is very strong, the posture shown has exceeded her expectations time and time again.

But she also had to admit that Xia Yan was indeed a very approachable person. Not only did the eldest lady following him not feel much pressure from Xia Yan, but she saw a lot of gentlemanly demeanor from Xia Yan.

As a member of such a wealthy family as the Berlitz family, the eldest miss still pays a lot of attention to this aspect.

At this time.

Brandon, Ash and the others finally broke through the hunters' block and rushed in.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Hunter J knows that he must not linger any longer.

He can't deal with a Xia Yan.

Not to mention the Brandon group.

Hunters in the Hunter Guild are best at not fighting, but capturing.

High-tech weapons are their foundation.


Bang! !

Hunter J threw something like a smoke bomb, which instantly spread throughout the inner hall, and turned over and jumped onto the scarred Salamence's back.

Passing Brandon and the others, he rushed out.


What she didn't notice was.

When she thought she had blocked everyone's sight and could leave safely.

Zorua with sly eyes in the corner, after receiving Xia Yan's signal, dodged into Hunter J's shadow.

"Cough, cough, cough—"

Ash and others couldn't keep their eyes open from the smoke that also had a pungent and choking effect.

It wasn't until Charizard flapped his wings to dispel all the smoke that he finally recovered.

Only Plantina, who had been with Xia Yan, survived.

Because Xia Yan's Psychic naturally protected it together.

Dawn and Xiaogang were quite moved by this result.

However, Ash, whose body was different from ordinary people, was the first to recover after a few simple coughs.

This fitness.

It made Xia Yan suspect that Ash in this world is really the "Mega Real Rookie".


Wait, if Regigigas recovers, let Ash go up and punch first?

It might blow up with one punch.

Xia Yan thought about the feasibility of this matter.

But Miko-san beside Ash turned pale when she saw the two completely shattered pillars, and staggered and almost fell.

"Pillar of God."

Fortunately, Xiaogang helped him in time.

"Miss Shenzi, Xiaosheng will definitely protect you."


The words are only half said.

The sudden appearance of Croagunk directly gave Xiaogang a "fatal blow".

"I, I, I this time, no."

Poor little Gang, has been hit again and again.

Ash and Dawn and others have long been surprised by what happened to Xiaogang.

Brandon's face wasn't very good-looking either.

"Have the two pillars been destroyed? In this way, Regigigas' slumber has been interrupted."

I saw Xia Yan walking towards the altar.

Instead of approaching the Light Stone in the center of the altar for the first time, he reached out and placed his hand on the only steel pillar standing beside it.

Close your eyes.

The power of waveguide exists in the heart.

But soon.

Xia Yan opened his eyes.

The expression is somewhat strange.

"What's wrong, Xia Yan?" Brandon asked.


However, seeing Xia Yan's palm exerting a little force, Psychic was activated, and the only steel column that was still standing was also pushed to the ground by his strength.


Xia Yan's sudden behavior left everyone at a loss.

"These three pillars are not transformed by the legendary Three God Pillars, but only contain part of their power. Now that the two are destroyed, the basic structure has been destroyed. It is the same without it."

The power of his waveguide did not feel any fluctuations in thinking from the steel column.

This also happened to prove why Hunter J was able to destroy the other two pillars so easily.

at the same time.

Because of Xia Yan's last trip to Ain Okto, he still has a little understanding of things such as enchantments and formations.

"That is to say."

Brandon didn't have any doubts about Xia Yan because of his behavior, just followed his thoughts.

"Well." Xia Yan nodded slightly and looked at the Light Stone that flickered in the center of the altar, "Regigigas, I'm about to wake up."


The expressions of Brandon, Shenzi, Xiaogang, Paul and others changed suddenly.

"Regigigas? What is it?"

Ash stared blankly at Pikachu.


Pikachu spreads both hands.

You ask me, who do I ask?

However, at this time, the Son of God had recovered, and still had the mind to explain to them.

"It is said that a Volcano in Xuefeng City suddenly erupted and engulfed all the nearby mountains and forests."

Brandon added: "It was also at that time that an ancient giant appeared in Volcano, and it created three ancient giants with similar shapes, Regice, Regirock and Registeel."

Miss Miko nodded, "Assisting the power of the three gods, Regigigas quelled the eruption of Volcano, guarded Xuefeng City, and fell into a deep sleep in Xuefeng Temple."

"But there is also a saying that the Volcano that erupted at that time was not just the Volcano in Xuefeng City, but an area that covered a continent at that time. Regigigas single-handedly dragged the continent to form today's Kanto, Johto Region, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Kalos.”

Brandon tells a different Sakamoto legend.

"There is indeed such a saying." Miss Kamiko did not deny this legend.

And listen to their stories.

Ash and the others looked at each other in dismay.

Drag the giant of the continent?

How powerful is that?

Now, the terrifying sleeping giant is about to wake up?

And they will be the first to face that terrifying giant?

Everyone looked towards Xia Yan on the altar.

so far so good.

The top one is Teacher Xia Yan.

Also, Regigigas, who protected the continent at the beginning, should be a friendly Pokémon, right?

Just when they cast their eyes, Xia Yan just finished listening to the descriptions of God Son and Brandon.

Shrugging his shoulders, he added, "Indeed. But don't you think about why the continents that were joined together in the first place will eventually fall apart and be dragged by Regigigas?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

"Why?" The strongest supporter Ash hurriedly asked.

I saw Xia Yan turned his head with his eyes bent, and looked at him with a smile, "Because, Regigigas was smashed by a punch."

Ash: "."

Crushed in one punch?


Like a thunderclap.

It made Ash and the others who were immersed in the legend of astonishment tremble with fright.

When the Light Stone's flickering Cal frequently flickered to the extreme, the huge Light Stone exploded.

A blue halo suddenly appeared.


It was accompanied by a sound that was like a machine, but the anger in it could be clearly felt.

The super ancient giant Regigigas of Koyama Normal suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

Looking at the mountain-like Regigigas, Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.


Pokédex is all a lie.

You told me that this is 3.7 meters? !

Having seen three Regigigas, Xia Yan has never seen a Regigigas shorter than five meters.


Previously in Hoenn, the three ancient giants, Regice, Regirock and Registeel that Steven controlled, were no shorter than three meters.

I am afraid.

That is, Brandon's three "pirated" ones are more in line with Pokédex's description.


Regigigas raised his arms, and the orange Cal flashed from the ends of his arms.

"Darkrai, sleep it!"

Xia Yan said while pulling Plantina away steadily.

Regigigas: I just woke up and fell asleep again? !


PS: Today's 1.3w, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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