The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 981 Don't Know Me Xia Yan, Can You Stand It?

Chapter 980 Don't know me Xia Yan, can you stand it?

Sunyshore City.

A coastal city in the southeast corner of Sinnoh Region, half of the infrastructure of the whole city is almost on the sea, with long and narrow capes as the load-bearing.

The whole city reveals a feeling of extreme technology.

A large number of solar panels have been installed on all buildings in Sunyshore City, with almost no gaps anywhere.

High-tech self-propelled tracks are also found in almost every corner of the city.

It also makes the entire Sunyshore City look like there are not many speeding vehicles.

have to say.

Laziness is the biggest driving force for the progress of human scientific and technological civilization.

The luxury airship has landed on the professional tarmac in Sunyshore City.

Carrying Xia Yan and Steven across the sea to the Sinnoh Region, and flew from the northernmost Xuefeng City in Sinnoh to the southernmost Sunyshore City, the airship built by Rao Steven's family did integrate a lot of advanced technology and equipment. Add energy.

And a big energy city like Sunyshore City happens to be the most suitable place.


Xia Yan, Steven and others who were just about to leave the apron were stopped by the staff of the airship.

And the reason.

It even made Xia Yan and Steven stunned.

"out of battery?"

Steven blinked slightly surprised.

The staff could only give a helpless expression.

Xia Yan just remembered.

Denji is a talented person, both in Pokémon battles and in mechanical construction.

But he just likes to paralyze the entire Sunyshore City power system.

Think of this guy.

Xia Yan still remembers that he once played against Denji in the "Lily of the Valley Youth Competition" in another world.

It is indeed a genius who is comparable to Daye in both talent and hard work.

In this world, Denji is also known as the strongest gym trainer in the entire Sinnoh Region.

But it's because it's too powerful.

As a result, the battle gradually lost its fun.

Instead, they invested in mechanical construction.

Today's Sunyshore City can develop into such a technological scale, at least half of the credit for electricity.

And the electricity times during this time period, it seems that a special and particularly electricity-consuming machine was built in his gym, which eventually led to the insufficient power supply of the entire Sunyshore City, right?

"never mind."

Xia Yan patted Steven's shoulder, "Since it's here, you can replenish your energy whenever you want. Let's go to Cynthia first."

Hurry up and tell Cynthia what happened this time, and then throw the pot to her.

Steven nodded, no longer insisting.

He looked down at his phone.

"She's at. Sunyshore Cafe."

on the way.

The population of Sunyshore City is not large.

As the largest Harbor city in Sinnoh Region.

Sunyshore City has a large number of boats entering and leaving every day, and it is also the most prosperous city for export and import in the Sinnoh Region.

Every day, many people come from out of town famous.

Follow the navigation.

Xia Yan and Steven quickly found the "Sunyshore Coffee Shop", while Plantina went to the Pokémon Center to find Pal.

As soon as he opened the door.

What comes over is the strong aroma of mellow coffee.

The lights in the cafe are dim, and there is a candle on every table.

It seems that the power outage in Sunyshore City has also had a big impact on the coffee shop's business.

And Xia Yan's attention was attracted by the beautiful figure lying on the bar.

He was wearing a black trench coat, slender, and his long golden hair like a waterfall fell naturally. While leaning against his chin, a pair of eyes stared at the menu on the bar with a bit of entanglement.

In front of her, the owner of the coffee shop was even more helpless.

The girl has been hesitating for more than an hour here, but she didn't place an order.

In other words, today's business is really bad, otherwise the boss will drive people away.


Beautiful almond eyes, tangled in the last two categories on the menu.

"Is it a latte? Or is it a mocha? A latte is more fragrant and a mocha is sweeter"

Being able to finally find two choices from the huge menu was the result of her best efforts.

"She was right."

Steven affirmed.

This person is naturally Cynthia, the Sinnoh champion who has fallen into "choice phobia"!

Xia Yan also agreed.

Unexpectedly, no matter which world Cynthia is, there is such a problem.

"Boss, a cup of espresso, a cup of latte."

Xia Yan stepped forward and said to the boss.


Then Xia Yan added:

"Bring this lady a mocha."

The boss's eyes lit up immediately.

There were even grateful glances.

"No problem, no problem."

Turned around and hurried to make it, for fear that Cynthia would go back on it.


Hearing the words, Cynthia turned her head sideways, just in time to meet Xia Yan's eyes.

There seems to be a shallow spring hidden in the smart almond eyes.


Suddenly a bright light said: "Teacher Xia Yan?!"


Xia Yan, who was just about to introduce himself, held his hat and opened his mouth halfway, when Cynthia called out his identity.

"Cough, long time no see, Cynthia."

At this time.

Steven behind Xia Yan also said hello after a light cough.


Seeing Steven, Cynthia was even more surprised, "Have you stepped down as a champion to mine in Sinnoh?"

Steven: "."

After a few minutes.

The three finally managed to sit down.

After listening to Steven's brief remarks, Cynthia was suddenly surprised.

"I see."

The Hoenn disaster must not be hidden from Cynthia, who is also a champion.

And for Xia Yan, who made outstanding contributions in the Hoenn disaster, it is not surprising to recognize him.


Among the entire Alliance executives, there is more than one Alliance, and Xia Yan was singled out.

no way.

A Trainer that has been recognized by Rayquaza and has driven Rayquaza to crush Kyogre and Groudon with absolute strength, it is hard for Alliance not to pay attention to it.


The current Xia Yan.

The awareness of the public base in this world is not high, but the popularity among the senior leaders of the major alliances is still not small.

It's just that the Hoenn Alliance blocked the fact that the champion Steven was in a coma, and announced that Steven passed the championship to Wallace.

So Cynthia doesn't know why Steven is in Sinnoh.

"So, the huge movement that happened on Xuefeng Mountain not long ago was because of Regigigas' recovery? The Hunter Guild is making trouble?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

He took a small sip of the mellow espresso, and suddenly there was a bitterness in his mouth, but after the bitterness dissipated, the mellow aftertaste made Xia Yan like it very much, and at the same time, his spirit was a little boosted.

The coffee in this coffee shop is really good.

Steven next to him also held coffee and looked at Xia Yan strangely.

"Xia Yan, how do you know that I like to drink latte?"

Cynthia also looked down at the Mocha in front of her.

The less bitter mocha did suit her taste better than a latte.

Xia Yan's expression froze slightly.

Then Solaceon said:

"Guess. Drink whatever you want."

turn out to be.

Before he knew it, he had already remembered the habits of Steven and Cynthia.

There was a brief silence, lost among the three of them.

After a while.

"How did you come to Sunyshore City?"

"Why did you come to Sunyshore City?"

Cynthia's and Steven's voices sounded simultaneously.

"Ladies first," Steven said immediately.

Cynthia didn't refuse, she gently pushed her hair behind her ear, and said slowly:

"There was a group of people who carried out wanton destruction in my hometown Celestic Town and stole one of the very important things, and I followed them here."

After a pause.

"what about you?"

Xia Yan and Steven looked at each other.

Under Xia Yan's suggestion, Steven explained what Team Galactic did and what they were about to do from beginning to end.

After listening.

Cynthia's expression became very serious.

She had thought that Team Galactic, who had destroyed Celestic Town, was bold enough.

did not expect.

Cyrus, the leader of Team Galactic, is not plotting two precious things at all. What he wants is the legendary plane Opelucid, Dialga and Palkia!

"Stop them!"

Cynthia settled the matter right away.

"But I think the first thing to do is to figure out why Team Galactic, the gods of the lake, did not summon Dialga and Palkia for the first time, but came to Sunyshore City. Could it be that there is something in Sunyshore City that can give them Help? ?

Or, the location they chose to summon was in Sunyshore City? ' Steven analyzed.

"Do not."

Xia Yan and Cynthia spoke almost simultaneously.

The two looked at each other in surprise.

Finally, Xia Yanxian said:

"According to the legends of the Sinnoh Region, the best place to summon Dialga and Palkia is definitely at Mt. Coronet."

"Xia Yan, do you still understand ancient myths?"

Cynthia once again felt the surprise from Xia Yan.

"I understand a little, I understand a little. When the Xuefeng Temple happened, I understood a little bit." Xia Yan explained casually.

Can't always say.

He is the one who knows Opelucid the most and has dealt with it more than once.

"Xia Yan is right. According to the ancient Sinnoh legend, Mt. Coronet is the closest place to Opelucid in time and space. Even, it can be accurate to one location."

"Spear Pillar."

Xia Yan and Cynthia spoke in unison again.

Steven's eyes swept back and forth between Xia Yan and Cynthia, his expression was a little strange, but he still said:

"Then what are they doing in Sunyshore City?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out."

Xia Yan tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, thinking and analyzing.

"Sunyshore City, the most distinctive, has only two."


Fingers up.

"First, energy."

Then put up the second one.

"Second, Harbor."

After listening, Cynthia and Steven nodded in agreement.

"But Harbor is not very likely. With Team Galactic's background, if you want to transport any cargo, it can be carried out by air or even data transmission in more concealed ways.

So, I'm more inclined to, energy. "

Xia Yan bent one of his fingers.

"Now the enemy is in the dark, we are in the light, and it is not easy to find them."

Steven gently put down the cup in his hand and said.

"It's not a good choice to just sit back and wait at Mt. Coronet Spear Pillar. A well-prepared enemy will only be more difficult to deal with, and staying on the sidelines is always the worst option."

Cynthia's green jade fingers rubbed against the wall of the cup and analyzed.

"So it's the best option if Team Galactic can be intercepted here in Sunyshore City."

Xia Yan finalized the most important direction of the response plan.

"And the best way to do that is to define Team Galactic's goals."

Steven continued to comb down in the direction.

"And to determine their goals, we need someone who knows Sunyshore City best."

Cynthia continued to add.

With a single word from the three of them, the context and direction of the matter were quickly and thoroughly clarified.

at last.

The three looked up at the same time.

“Sunyshore City Gym Master!”


Plantina took a slightly sick young man and found the three of Xia Yan.

This young man, who was one of her two friends, witnessed Pal in Lake Valor who blew up the entire Lake Valor with a single shot of the "Galaxy Bomb".

Cynthia had met Plantina and Parr, and even gave them some pointers.

After a brief introduction, I almost got to know each other.

Pal was very surprised that Plantina had made friends with the Hoenn champion Steven, the champion Xia Yan and the Sinnoh champion.

Two and a half champions all at once, still afraid of Team Galactic?

"Teacher Xia Yan, you said, you want to challenge Sunyshore gym? Now?" Plantina was a little surprised.

Not tracking Team Galactic?

How did it become a challenge gym?

"Platina, Pal, can you contact Dia?" Xia Yan asked.

The two shook their heads at the same time, looking worried.

Daya entered Team Galactic's ship alone, and there were even a few Pokémons he didn't take with him.

Now there is no news at all, which makes the two very worried about Daya's situation.


With Cyrus's level of care, even if someone did sneak in, there was absolutely no way to get the message out.

And Xia Yan, who should have a certain connection with Azelf, could not feel the existence of Azelf.

Clearly, Team Galactic's protective measures are doing a good job.

So the plan to hit the door directly can be abandoned.

The only way to find Team Galactic's goals is through electricity.

Then go back to their goal and find them.

This is the only way.


Cynthia conveyed the news to Sinnoh Alliance at the first time.

Alliance has begun to seal off the area around Mt. Coronet.


The Mt. Coronet mountain range is too vast, even the Sinnoh Alliance cannot completely block it.

All Alliance can do is try to block Team Galactic as soon as possible.

To prevent Xia Yan and his plans in Sunyshore City from having an accident, there is enough time for them to arrive at Mt. Coronet.

"Want to save Daya, do you want to help him?" Xia Yan asked again.

Plantina and Parr nodded at the same time, their heads like garlic.


Xia Yan looked at the building full of technology in front of him, and it was the only building that still had bright lights when Sunyshore City lacked electricity.

Sunyshore Gym!

With both arms, he pushed open the door of Sunyshore Gym directly.

". Give the owner of Sunyshore Gym a good beating!"

The strongest gym trainer in Sinnoh Region, right?

Getting ready to challenge the Elite Four, right?

Are you bored because of the weakness of the challenger?

I don't know Xia Yan, can you stand it?


PS: Today's 1.1w! Isn't this out of context? Today's Contest Condition is very bad, the whole person is weak, and dare not write more. Have a good rest at night, write more tomorrow, and strive to keep chapters every day!

(End of this chapter)

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