The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 982 Don't, Don't, Provoke, This Man! (9K!)

Chapter 981 Don't provoke this man! (9k!)

Sunyshore Gym.

As Xia Yan pushed the door open, the scene in the gym made the people who came in with him stunned.

The huge gears are constantly turning with the sound of "click", and there are also Discharge columns shining with golden lightning in the middle, releasing thick current.

And above the gears, there are paved roads for people to walk.

Look at this posture.

If you want to enter the gymnasium, you must make these gears rotate in a certain pattern, and string the roads above the gears into a line to reach it.

"It turns out that Ma Zhishi's Discharge columns were learned from here."

At the same time Xia Yan thought to himself, he fell on the back of the hunched waist, sitting decadently on the stairs at the entrance of the gymnasium.

Just look at this back and the golden fluffy broken hair.

It is undoubtedly the Yongtai sister.

Hearing the movement, Dianji raised his head slightly and said lazily with his back to them: "Is it a gym challenger again?"

He stretched out for a long time, and even squeezed out two drops of crystal from the corners of his eyes, and hit Yawn.

"I've already put the Badge at the door, take it yourself if you want."

Saying that, he shook the jacket hanging on his shoulders and slowly stood up.

Grabbing the blond hair and continuing,

"Although such a gym installation has been built, I still can't get the slightest interest in weak challengers. Everyone. It's really too weak."

Looking at the lazy Dianji thinking about himself, Steven couldn't help but look at Cynthia.

That look seemed to say, "This is the strongest gym in the Sinnoh Region, Trainer?"

Cynthia held her forehead, her face full of helplessness.

Despite the appearance of Denji, it is indeed hard to believe that he is a powerful Trainer.

But for the strength of Dianji, Cynthia can still give affirmation.

after all.

Alliance has passed the "Elite Four Challenge" letter requested by Dentsu.

In the next telecast, there will be an Elite match against one of the Elite Four in Sinnoh Region today!

Those who win will become Elite, and those who lose will not qualify for the Elite Four.

In fact, every Region has such an opportunity for Gym Trainers.

As long as you have been the Gym Master for five years, you can get a chance to challenge the Elite Four.


It's really a bit too much to do this time.

While the Sinnoh Alliance was preparing for the Lily of the Valley Competition, the Gym Trainer in the Sinnoh Region actually handed out Badge directly at the door?

As a result, the quality of the lily of the valley competition in Sinnoh Region has been questioned.

Plantina and Parr couldn't help but look at each other.

They also heard about Denji's daimyo after they started to challenge the gym.

But I can't think of anything.

The dignified Sinnoh Mightiest Gym Trainer actually looks like this.

Xia Yan put one hand on Parr's shoulder and the other on the eldest lady's head, leaned down, and said with a smile:

"Okay, I'll show you a sample."

The two nodded together.

Plantina has absolute confidence in Xia Yan's strength.

And Pal is very curious, what kind of strength can someone who can intersect with the two champions on an equal footing.

"Electric times."

Xia Yan shouted with a smile.


Dianji finally turned his head lazily.

However, his eyes went directly past the smiling Xia Yan.

Falling on Cynthia and Steven behind him.

As for Xia Yan, he was directly ignored by Dianji.

呲, weak challenger.

And saw two people.

Dianji lifted his spirits slightly.


Rarely, in Dianji's calm and even sleepy eyes, there was a little excitement and a trace of interest.

"Is the champion coming to the gym?"

If it's a champion, it shouldn't be as boring as an ordinary challenger, right?

And this moment.

Pal, who followed Xia Yan, suddenly trembled, and the hairs on his arms stood up.

His eyes flicked around in panic.


Staying on the sunny smile on his face, Xia Yan's eyes were even narrowed into a slit.

He swallowed softly, pulled Plantina's clothes next to him, and said in a low voice, "Teacher Xia, Xia Yan, okay, so scary."


The eldest lady blinked and looked towards Xia Yan following Parr's line of sight.

Gentle smile, firm edges and corners, handsome face, and quite gentlemanly behavior

Very handsome.

She looked at Pal strangely, "No."

Parr wiped the sweat from his brow.

Is it only he who feels it?

At that moment just now, when Dianji ignored Teacher Xia Yan, the aura emanating from Teacher Xia Yan

Is it an illusion?

Par raised his head again and looked towards Xia Yan.

But it happened to see that Xia Yan had turned his head and looked at him.

this moment.

Parr jumped up in horror, couldn't help but took a step back, and turned to show an extremely ugly embarrassing smile.

"He, hehe - Xia, Teacher Xia Yan."

"Pal, don't speak ill of others behind their backs. Those who speak ill of others behind their backs will have to swallow a thousand needles."


Par swallowed hard, his head like mashing garlic.

at the same time.

"No, Dianji, the challenger is him, Xia Yan."

Cynthia introduced.

There's nothing wrong with Pal's feeling, because Cynthia and Steven both feel it.

It is estimated that only the eldest Miss Plantina, who thinks Xia Yan is very reliable, has no feelings.

Cynthia gave the phone a worried look.

Steven couldn't help but give him the look of "seeking more happiness".

Xia Yan, seems to be really a little angry to say?

But Dianji ignored the "friendly" reminder of the two.

Hearing Cynthia's words, Denji finally set his sights on Xia Yan who was smiling.

Couldn't help pouting.

Although he doesn't really want to play against weak challengers.

But even Sinnoh champion Cynthia has spoken, and there is really no reason for Denji to refuse.

The whole person became lazy again.

"Is that so? Forget it, come with me."

At this time.

"Is there anyone? Is Mr. Denji the Gym Trainer here?"

At the door of the gymnasium, a familiar voice came from Xia Yan.

Ash and his party!

"Teacher Xia Yan, are you here too?! So soon?"

Seeing Xia Yan, Ash, Dawn, and Xiaogang's eyes lit up.


Are you the one who is really fast?

Xia Yan couldn't help complaining in his heart.

speak up.

After Xia Yan woke up Steven, Ash and his party came all the way towards Sunyshore City after they separated from Ash at the Xuefeng Temple.

It's Xia Yan and the others.

There was a lot of delay in the battle with the old star at Lake Acuity.

Went the wrong way to Veilstone City.

Again, a lot of time wasted on the streets of Veilstone City and looking for Team Galactic trails, as well as trying to find some useful information in Team Galactic's base building.

When I came to Sunyshore City and exchanged information with Cynthia, it took a lot of time.

But even so.

Ash and the others were able to catch up with the progress of Xia Yan and the others, and they had to say that their speed was indeed a bit fast.


In the original book, Ash and the others also took the time to go to the Johto Region, and it took so long to participate in the Shallow Conference. This time, they probably didn't go. After all, the regions are not peaceful now.

"Another weak challenger?"

When Denji saw Ash and the others who were bustling with excitement, instead of being excited by the increase in challengers, he was even more distressed and helpless.


The smile on Xia Yan's face was even bigger.

He is not the kind of person who gets angry because he is said to be weak, ignored, or bored.


Absolutely not!


Can't help it.

"Why does this man talk like that?"

Dawn, who heard the words, couldn't bear it for the first time.

Fortunately, Xiaogang stopped him.

"It's the same anyway, let's end it quickly."


Denji called Yawn and walked towards the gym.

Ash and others also greeted each other a few times with Miss, Pal, Cynthia, Steven and others.

One of them is that Ash and Parr have met, and the two have played against each other, so it is considered an acquaintance.

Inside the Sunyshore Gym.

on the battlefield.

"I heard that Mr. Denji, the Gym Trainer in Sunyshore City, is a very good trainer, Sinnoh Mightiest Gym Trainer!"

Ash, who was sitting in the spectator seat, clenched his fists excitedly, not at all displeased by being looked down upon before.


Dawn, who heard the words, folded his arms and raised his head in awe.

"No matter how strong you are, you shouldn't say that."

"That's it."

The eldest young lady next to it, Plantina, agreed.

She was not very happy about Dianji ignoring and underestimating Teacher Xia Yan.

"Yeah, right?" Dawn looked at Miss.

a time.

The two girls immediately had a common topic and quickly became good sisters.

"Hey, Ash, what is the identity of this Teacher Xia Yan?"

On the other side, Pal, who was sitting next to Ash, was full of Xia Yan's smiling face just now, and couldn't help asking.

"Hmm—Teacher Xia Yan." Ash pressed his chin.

"Pickup pickup~~"

Pikachu followed his example and moved.

Under Palshwing's gaze, it took a long time for Ash to finally hit his palm with his headbutt.

"A very good trainer!"

Pal: "."

Does this even need to be said? !

Just now he was almost "killed" by Xia Yan with one look, right?


Ash fell into thought again, his eyes lit up tightly, "Teacher Xia Yan's Ninetales, with one move, frozen thousands of Flying-type Pokémon!"

"Pickup pickup!"

Pikachu's ears closed and his mouth pouted, becoming a Staraptor.

"Boom plus boom!"

Piplup lay on all fours on the ground in coordination, and he let out a sigh of relief as he turned into the first tail of the simplified version of Ninetales.


Pikachu's expression froze suddenly, and fell to the ground with a "squeak".

Seeing this, a drop of sweat fell from Parr's forehead.

One trick, thousands of Flying Pokémon in seconds?

"And beat up the divine beast Regigigas."

Dawn interjected suddenly.

Mythical beast? !

"There are also three divine beasts and three divine pillars." Miss Plantina also joined their discussion.

Three more?

Palton felt numb.

What kind of monster is this?

Steven thought for a while behind him, but in the end he didn't tell the story of "riding the Rayquaza".

Leave some space for the kids to continue to replenish the divergence.

Look at the field.

Xia Yan, who was smiling, and Dianji, who was slouching and drooping his head, stood on both sides of the gymnasium.

"Xia Yan, can you wake up the phone?"

Next to her, Cynthia's knees folded, her elbows supported, and her arms pressed against her chin, looking interested.

She just heard about what was happening in the Hoenn Region.

Today was also the first time she met Xia Yan.

Although from the mouths of Ash and others, she heard some things that Xia Yan did after coming to Sinnoh, but this was the first time she saw Xia Yan fight.

"I hope it's not completely destroyed."

Steven held his forehead, slightly worried.

"In the Gym Challenge, the number of Pokémons that can be used by both sides is 3. When one person's three Pokémons are all incapacitated, the other side wins! During this period, only the challenger is eligible to replace the Pokémon!"

The robot referee unique to Sunyshore Gym held two flags, one red and one blue, announcing the challenge rules.

It's not much different from a normal tunnel match.

The reason why Candice at Xuefeng Gym is 4v4 is that she hasn't played a gym game for a long time.

"Gym Challenge, start now!"

"Then make a quick decision and end it quickly."

Denji hit a Yawn and threw a Poké Ball.

in red light.

Appearing in the field is an electric Pokémon with a black pattern on the whole Saffron, Electabuzz!

"Quasi Elite?"

Xia Yan glanced at Electabuzz.

Not the main Pokémon, just the resident Pokémon of the gym, has a quasi-Elite level strength, which can be comparable to the main Pokémon of Candice in the Xuefeng gym.

It's no wonder that Denji gets bored with the challenger after another.

Even Ash, who has come all the way here, is barely able to defeat such a Pokémon.

If the other trainers are the first, or even the second or third gym, they will come to challenge the Sunyshore gym, not to mention Dianji is not interested, Xia Yan will be bored after a long time.

But this.

That's the job of the gym trainer.

"The first one is just you."

Xia Yan throws the Poké Ball.


Amidst the interweaving of firelight and red light, Volcarona appeared in the field under the fluttering wings, accompanied by a little bit of fiery heat.

"Come on! Teacher Xia Yan's Volcarona!" Ash's eyes twinkled with stars.

Pal looked at Ash.

Xiaogang explained: "Teacher Xia Yan's Volcarona completed a series of three in Contest when he played against the Candice master of Xuefeng Gym."

"And it's all one-shot kills." Plantina added.

"Okay, okay." Parr said dryly.


Dianji raised his eyelids and cheered up a little, "It's kind of interesting."

"Battle begins!"


After the robot referee's voice fell, neither of them moved.

for a while,

It was actually cold.

Xia Yan reluctantly pressed his forehead.

Want him to take the initiative to attack?

It really doesn't fit his character.

He still prefers to be passive.

But there is really nothing to do now, so we can't waste time here, right?

"Volcarona, double dance."

As Xia Yan's voice fell, Volcarona vibrated its wings and danced in a gorgeous dance. Clusters of sparks scattered on it, turning into gorgeous flame butterflies, burning holes of different sizes in the Ground.

Seeing this, Dianji's pupils shrank slightly.

"Electabuzz, Quick Attack, and Thunder Punch!"

Bear! !

The intensely burning golden flames grew more and more surging on Volcarona's body. In the rolling heat wave, huge flame butterflies danced gracefully and fluttered towards Electabuzz.

Although Dianji is lazy, it is undeniable that he does have enough pride.

Yu Daye has fought together from childhood to adulthood, and he also has a wealth of battle experience.

in particular.

When facing fire-type Pokémon.

Electabuzz's figure flashed, leaving two large pits on the ground at the same time, and quickly rushed towards Volcarona.

Towards the edge of the flame butterfly transformed by "Fiery Dance", countless thunder lights burst out from its fist.

The fine electric current completely wrapped its fist in an instant.

With the burst of thunder, it appeared in front of Volcarona.

"Dodge?" Ash and the others looked confused.

Dianji's eyes narrowed, staring at Xia Yan and Volcarona, but he didn't notice, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.


In the face of Electabuzz's attack, neither Xia Yan nor Volcarona showed any signs of panic.


The smile on Xia Yan's face was even bigger.

I see.

Volcarona flapped her wings gently again, rolling up a thin milky white airflow.

next second.

Electabuzz, who was about to smash his fist into Volcarona's face, suddenly felt a hot and fiery breath coming from his back, causing his back to feel a scorching sting, and all the muscles in his body curled up uncontrollably. .

boom! !

Just before Electabuzz's fist hit Volcarona, the surging flame butterfly hit Electabuzz's back first.

Cynthia's eyes lit up as she watched the battle.

"Have you achieved absolute control over the 'Fiery Dance' with airflow? Confused Dianji made him think he had dodged, but it was just a feint."

"Fire Blast!"

Taking advantage of Electabuzz being hit by "Fiery Dance", Xia Yan and Volcarona gave a fatal blow at the moment when the mistake was also eroded by pain.

The surging flames turned into the word "big" and instantly appeared in front of Volcarona, and slammed into the staggering Electabuzz.

boom! !

all of a sudden.

Fire splashes.

Amid the burst of flames, Electabuzz fell heavily to the ground.

"Electabuzz is incapacitated."

Is this defeated?

Dianji stared blankly at Electabuzz, which fell to the ground, and a trace of excitement appeared in his heart.

He takes out the Poké Ball and takes back the Electabuzz.

When he looked at Xia Yan again, he finally lost the indifferent contempt he had before.

The strength displayed by this Volcarona alone is definitely not comparable to ordinary challengers.

Silently retract the Poké Ball.

Electric times became a little more serious.

But before he could summon the second Pokémon, Xia Yan said, "I advise you, it's better to recognize Drew."

While talking, Xia Yan actually took back Volcarona, who won the victory and superimposed the blessings of "Quiver Dance" and "Fiery Dance".

Before Denji, a new Pokémon was summoned.

"Just yah-!!"

In the red light, Togekiss with wings spread playfully hovering over Xia Yan's head.

"Why did Teacher Xia Yan replace Pokémon? Shouldn't Rival be summoned first?" Ash couldn't help but wonder.

In this regard, Dawn, Plantina, and Xiaogang also expressed their incomprehension.

But Parr's forehead was already covered in fine sweat.

I am afraid.

The reason, only he knows.

But he dared not say it.

"Togekiss?" Cynthia's eyes lit up.

Steven twitched the corners of his mouth, "Elite? Xia Yan is really angry?"

Seeing Togekiss appear, and feeling the strength of Togekiss, Denji couldn't help but be astonished again.

Turned to look serious.

Facing the Electric Gym, use Flying Pokémon?

How confident is this?

Even so, this is an Elite-level Pokémon.

But so what? !

Dianji took a deep breath, originally hunched over his waist, he straightened up little by little.

Elite-level Pokémon are not scary, and what makes him reluctant to accept is the Flying-type Pokémon.


Denji also threw his second Poké Ball.



As soon as the rebellious Raichu appeared on the stage, he set his eyes on the agile Togekiss. The red electric sacs on his cheeks continued to overflow with flocculent fine currents.

This time.

The main Pokémon of Denji!


It can be said to be Trump Card Pokémon.

Cynthia sat up slightly, "Denji is finally getting serious."

"Battle begins!"

"Raichu, Quick Attack!"


As the robot referee's voice fell, Denji finally took the initiative to attack this time.

Raichu is much bigger than Pikachu, but not slow at all.

During the rapid running, a folded "Z" white light was left on the field.


Togekiss's expression also became serious, and the slowly narrowed eyes flashed with black light, accompanied by the dangerous Cal.

Denji's ignorance and underestimation of Xia Yan, although it stayed in the Poké Ball, does not mean that it does not know.

To underestimate Xia Yan is to underestimate it Togekiss!

at this point.

It can't stand it!

"Extreme Speed!"

Xia Yan's expression remained unchanged, and he commanded lightly.

see you.

Togekiss vibrated its wings, and the milky white light enveloped it, and the next moment, the electricity shot out, and the speed was even better than that of Raichu!

Bang! !

Two Pokémon, in the middle of the field, collide for the first time.

"Chance! Raichu, Thunderbolt!"

Dianji quickly made a judgment that such a close distance was Raichu's best chance to attack.


At the same time as the electric voice sounded, Xia Yan's voice also came in sequence.

"Air Slash!"


The dense electric current converged into a sturdy thunder of golden light, slashing towards Togekiss in the air.

Faced with an attack, Togekiss does not dodge.

The wings fluttered, and two bright white "Air Slash" came out.

one of them.

He collided with Raichu's "Thunderbolt" head-on. With the sharp air friction, he resisted the attack of the electric current. Togekiss, who seized the opportunity, dodged.

at the same time.

Another "Air Slash" that hits Raichu with precision.

Togekiss's eyes flashed.

"Heaven" triggers!

Raichu, caught in the "creeping" Contest Condition!

"Raichu!" Denji, who saw this scene, couldn't help shouting.


Once Rival fell into the "creeping" Contest Condition, it fell into the rhythm of Togekiss's one-on-one invincibility.

"Continue." Xia Yan's tone was calm.

A smirk appeared on Togekiss's face, and his wings fell again.


"Heavenly Grace", continue to trigger!

Use a Flying-type move against a Lightning-type Pokémon.

Am I the master of inverse Attribute?

"Is it under control again?" Ash and the others were stunned for a while.

"You can use your Pokédex to see the ability of this Togekiss," Cynthia reminded.

Hearing this, Ash and others started to operate.

And when they listened to Pokédex's description of the "Grace" Ability.

look at each other.

And such a battle? !


Xia Yan and Togekiss let them see a battle scene they had never seen before.

A Pokémon can be exported, and a Pokémon can be charged.

Even if the Flying-type move is twice resisted by the Electric-type Pokémon, it can't stand such a round of baptism.

the most important is.

Even though Dianji had been calling out to Raichu, it was still useless.

What should be controlled, still must be controlled!

At the same time, there are incidental mental attacks.

"Just yay!! (Let you look down on you! Let you ignore it! Make you weak!)"

The mental attack of the broken thoughts may be greater than the physical damage.

Raichu: I didn't say that!


Trump Card Pokémon as Denji, Raichu.

I was stunned that apart from the initial collision, I never touched a single feather of Togekiss again.

It turned into a one-sided beating battle.

"Raichu, incapacitated to fight!"

It was not until the robot referee bluntly announced the result that Ash and the others finally recovered.

Ash: "What a powerful combination of abilities and moves!"

For some reason, Ash suddenly wanted to have a battle with Xia Yan.

even lose.

Dawn: "Humph—make him talk bad."

Miss: "Mmmm!"

The tacit understanding between the two who quickly became sisters was also ridiculously high.

Parr: "Don't, don't, provoke, this man!"

Pal couldn't help but think of his identity as Denji, what should he do in the face of such a Rival?

In the end, only one conclusion was reached.

No solution!

This is a one-on-one trick.

As long as you can't drop Togekiss in seconds, let it control it, and the nightmare will begin.

I have to admit that this tactic is extremely talented!

It's been a long time since Togekiss fought in this form.

just think.


The idea is mastered, comfortable!

Seeing Raichu falling into a coma inside the Poké Ball, Denji was silent.

When looking at the opposite side again.

His eyes and Contest Condition finally completely changed.

up to now.

Electric times finally understood.

Where is the weak challenger?

They are smashing the field!


How should he deal with that Togekiss, whose control is too perverted?


Just as he was thinking.

But I saw Xia Yan took back the vigorous Togekiss and quickly summoned his third Pokémon.


Seeing this Pokémon, Denji's pupils shrank suddenly.


He is most familiar with Rival Daye, and his signature Pokémon is also Infernape!

What's the meaning?

But I saw Xia Yan raised the corner of his mouth, "Let's fight head-on, Dianji."

Is it positive?

For some reason, the blood called boiling gradually flowed in his body until it spread throughout his body.

"it is good!"

"It seems that Dianji is finally recovering from the Contest Condition." Cynthia also smiled, "Xia Yan's method is very effective."

Steven glanced at her.

He had seen Xia Yan's true abilities of this Infernape.

"Are you sure, the electric times will not be cancelled?" Steven couldn't help asking.


Cynthia tilted her head oddly.

Just as the two exchanged, Denji's third Pokémon also appeared.


Electricity, Elite class!

"Infernape? I wonder what tactics Teacher Xia Yan will use this time?"

When Ash saw Xia Yan's Infernape, he was a little surprised and quickly summoned his own Infernape.

"Infernape, watch and study hard, how did Teacher Xia Yan's Infernape fight."

Hearing this, Ash's Infernape nodded vigorously with a serious expression.

It can feel the power of Xia Yan Infernape, and the flame breath almost blows.

Such a powerful senior needs to learn one or two skills in order to truly surprise Paul next time!

"Battle begins!"

"Luxray, Electric Terrain! Wild Charge!"

This time, Denji, who was finally serious, decided to use tactics and snatch rhythm while commanding quickly.

a time.

The golden venue instantly covered the entire venue.

Moreover, Luxray was bathed in thunder, and at an extremely fast speed, he launched an impact on Infernape.

While rushing towards Infernape, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

Roar--! !

The intimidating breath surged, and even the people outside the venue could not help but tremble.


"Have you skillfully applied Ability to actual combat? Dianji is really serious." Cynthia said.

"Strange, why didn't Teacher Xia Yan and Infernape respond?" Ash asked in confusion.

I see.

In the face of Luxray, who was rushing towards him bathed in thunder, Infernape did not dodge or hide, but stared at it with flames in his eyes.

"Next." Xia Yan's voice sounded.

Bang! ! !

The thunder light dissipated in an instant.

I saw Luxray rushing forward, and the mighty attack, while slamming into Infernape, was firmly grasped by Infernape's forelimbs with both hands.

Fight like this?

It's completely different from Togekiss's fighting style that never let Rival touch a feather!

Adapt to Pokémon characteristics, so use a different fighting style?

Steven's eyes lit up when he understood this.

Not many Trainers have unique tactics, but if they do, they are usually top Trainers.

And the Trainer who can formulate corresponding tactics according to the characteristics of each Pokémon, and completely match the characteristics of Pokémon and the tactics of personality habits, it is really very, very rare.

Is this the "tactical man"?

Dianji frowned, "Luxray, Discharge!"

"Close Combat, throw it out!"

Xia Yan spoke faster and his intentions were clearer.


Infernape's eyes flashed, and at the same time when his fists released Luxray, his normal fists, accompanied by top Fighting skills, were bombarded by turns, giving Luxray Stockpile no chance at all.

Bang-! !

Hit Rival hard on the ground.

"Come on!" Steven said solemnly.

Cynthia stared at Infernape.

Although she didn't understand the reason why Steven was so solemn, her instinct told her.

Xia Yan's move is probably not easy.

"Cliff." Xia Yan said solemnly, "Sword!"

Let you ignore it, let your eyes be above the top!


next second.

Infernape's whole body burst into a fiery dark red flame, and the rolling heat wave skyrocketed wildly in the rapid climb of the flame.

"This is."

"An unknown Fire-type move, plus. 'Fire'?!" Dawn looked at Pokédex.

Triggering the "Rapid Fire" Ability so quickly?

I didn't expect this to happen.

and many more.

What is the name of the move that Xia Yan said just now?

unequal response times.

Seeing the majestic Infernape, he punched heavily and hit the ground heavily.

boom--! !

The entire stadium shook under Infernape's punch.

Ash and others even felt their butt numb.

next second.

Although he had already hurriedly glanced outside the Xuefeng Temple.

But at that time, their main attention was still on the hunters of the Hunter Guild, and they did not watch the whole process.

But this time.

They saw it with their own eyes.


The Ground shook violently.

The opposing battlefield of the gym burst apart, and a dark-red flaming magma column suddenly rose to the ground. The terrifying power carried the sharp tip and directly pushed Luxray, who had fallen to the ground and had no time to get up, into the air.


The pillars keep rising.

Until the entire gymnasium was blasted out a huge hole.

Bang! ! !

At the top, a violent roar erupted in the end.



It slammed into the field heavily.

Undoubtedly, incapacitated!

a time.

The entire gym was silent.


Until Parr swallowed, breaking the eerie silence.

He stared blankly at the huge rock pillar, his mouth widened, and he wanted to say something, but found that his language ability was lacking.

Ash looked at Infernape beside him.

Since both are Infernape.


Ash's Infernape caught the look in his eyes and almost jumped up.

Infernape: You don't really think a normal Infernape can learn this trick, do you?

"Luxray is incapacitated! So the winner is the challenger from Pallet Town, Xia Yan!"

The audience.

It is estimated that only the robot referee can remain calm.

Pal looked at Dianji, who lost his mind, and murmured, "So this is Teacher Xia Yan?"

Plantina and Dawn nodded at the same time.

"This is just the tip of the iceberg," the eldest lady added.

Steven looked at Cynthia, whose expression was also a little dull. After thinking about it, he carefully suggested:

"Why don't we change the gym owner?"


PS: No break! Ask for a monthly pass! (hard gas, akimbo!)

(End of this chapter)

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