The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

#985 Crazy Flag (Two In One)

#984 crazy flag (two in one)

Seeing that the situation was not good, Cyrus chose to retreat after confronting Gyarados' "Giga Impact" with Cynthia Garchomp's "Draco Meteor" early.

His purpose has been achieved, giving Team Galactic's ships enough time to retreat.

However, Xia Yan, who had just caught Reggie Elecchi, and Cynthia, who was in a short period of exhaustion, had to let Cyrus leave safely under the desperate obstruction of the remaining Team Galactic members.

Picking up "Fast Ball", Xia Yan pressed his temples with a headache.


Steven and the others should have caught up.


Sinnoh Alliance should have deployed some manpower at Mt. Coronet Spear Pillar.

However, Xia Yan always felt that what should happen is always going to happen, and there is no way to stop it.

"So. to appease the Dialga and Palkia guys again?"

speak up.

Once in Baiyang Town and once in Xicui Period, he has appeased these two guys twice.



The only thing that made him more fortunate was that at least this time he didn't have to be at the forefront alone.

There are two champions, Steven and Cynthia.

It's okay to be a jerk once, right?

Turn on the "Fast Ball" and summon Reggie Elech.

speak up.

In the world where Xia Yan was originally, Cynthia also successfully subdued a Reggie Elech.

Reggie Elecchi fell into a coma, Xia Yan put the blue ring that was missing on it, the blue ring that could limit its current overflow, and put it on it.

And as Reggie Elech's ring was completed, its originally dull body finally became brighter again.

Reggie Elech is a powerful Pokémon that can generate electricity on his own.

Some researchers even calculated it.

The electricity released by Reggie Elech can supply the electricity consumption of the entire Galar Region for a day, which can be said to be very impressive.

If it weren't for the lack of a ring, which caused its electricity to flow continuously, and subconsciously absorb Sunyshore City's electricity to replenish itself, the electricity it generates alone is enough to maintain the daily operation of the entire Sunyshore City.

"This is the Electric God Pillar. Reggie Elech?" Denji looked at the unconscious Reggie Elecky and whispered with curiosity.

Cynthia put on her windbreaker again, her face was covered with a lot of dust, and she looked a little embarrassed.

But her eyes were extraordinarily determined.

Xia Yan had seen such a look not long ago.

He'd seen it in Steven, who forcibly rode a super-ancient giant, ready to give his life for Hoenn.


This look appeared in Cynthia's almond eyes again.

"It is said that the super-ancient giant Regigigas, when creating the Three God Pillars, actually tried to use the natural thunder and dragon energy crystals to create two other divine beasts in order to obtain greater help.

They are the Lightning God Pillar Reggie Elek, and the Dragon God Pillar Regi Dorago. "

Xia Yan settled Reggie Elecchi's aprons, and after simply spraying some healing spray, patted the dust on his body and stood up and told the story.

Just now, when Mega Beedrill and Duolong Bartto fought against Reggie Elecchi, Xia Yan thought of an opportunity to help Beedrill.


What would happen if Reggie Elage's lightning was injected into Mega Beedrill's wings?

I put a pair of invisible wings for you?


This is just an idea of ​​Xia Yan.

Whether Reggie Elech can communicate amicably is another question, whether Beedrill can withstand Reggie Elec's thunder and lightning is another question, and the compatibility of the two sides is a third question.

But at least.

During the battle, the currents of Mega Beedrill and Reggie Elech attract each other, and the magnetic fields are connected to each other, which gives such a possibility.

Even if the possibility is not high, it is very difficult to implement.

But Beedrill, who has already reached the championship level, if Xia Yan doesn't want to come up with new tricks, it has become very slow to improve its strength.

After seeing Giovanni's Beedrill, Xia Yan thought.


Above the championship level, there may be an unknown unknown area.

"Xia Yan, you have a lot of knowledge about the myths and legends of the Sinnoh Region."

Cynthia became more and more curious about Xia Yan.

The names of Reggie Ellich and Regi Duolago cannot be called out by anyone.

If it weren't for Cynthia's grandmother being the world's leading scholar of mythology, Cynthia had stumbled upon some research on this subject, and I'm afraid she wouldn't have known it.

But it seems that Xia Yan seems to be able to squeeze the legends about them casually.

"A little bit, a little bit."

Put away the unconscious Reggie Elech.

Look up in the direction the Team Galactic ship is leaving, which is also the direction of Mt. Coronet.

"Go over there." Cynthia followed Xia Yan's line of sight and said slowly.

"Ah." Xia Yan responded and nodded slightly.

In the dark.

Xia Yan gently raised his open hand and clenched it slowly. A thread called "will" was "grabbed" in his hand.

boom--! !

A huge Team Galactic airship, while blowing black smoke, slammed into the top of Mt. Coronet with a huge roar.

And the massive Avalanche that goes with it.


Before Team Galactic's airship landed, a part of Team Galactic's members completed the abandonment early and landed safely on the top of Mt. Coronet in a small airship.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he looked at the fire that kept rising behind him.

Cyrus, who looked extremely embarrassed and could only stand firm with the support of two executives, did not see any change in expression on his face.

"Damn brat!"

But Suixing, who was supporting Cyrus, was no longer so calm and couldn't help scolding.

"And that former Hoenn champion!"

The fellow star also made a sound of annoyance.

"They're already dead, what's there to be angry about? To deal with them, we sacrificed our most precious airships."

Zhen Xing's face was full of indifference.

Anyway, the world is about to be rebuilt soon, and everything will disappear. A ship will be lost if it is lost.

"But they interrupted our process of making the second Red Chain." Charon pushed his eyes and said slowly.

Having said that, Cyrus, who had been expressionless for a long time, finally showed a ferocious expression on his face.

"Is the spare ready?"

Charon bowed slightly.

"Of course. Chief, your preparations are absolutely full, giving us enough room to bear mistakes."

Flattered without a trace.

Sui Xing, Huo Xing, and Zhen Xing provoke unanimous contempt.

But Charon didn't care at all.

When the people of Team Galactic came to the top of Mt. Coronet and saw the ruins of Spear Pillar, a group of Alliance members stood in front of them.


It is headed by the gym owners, Ya Xuan, the "Wider Hero", and some veteran Trainers of Sinnoh Alliance.

to this.

The people in Team Galactic didn't care at all.

"Charon." Cyrus called out nonchalantly.

"Understood, Chief." Charon took out an instrument with a smile, and with a simple operation, the Mt. Coronet began to boil.

A riot of wild Pokémon inhabiting Mt. Coronet begins.

Team Galactic's executives, as well as members, also rushed towards the Alliance members who were trying to stop them.

The war between the two sides is imminent.

After finishing his control of the wild Pokémon, Charon quietly went into hiding.

'Next, is the most critical time. ’

In the chaos, under the protection of his own Pokémon, Cyrus walked step by step to the central high platform of Spear Pillar.

The footsteps staggered from the beginning, slowly became vain, and finally became firm.

While sweat dripping from his forehead, his eyes were extraordinarily firm and his will was extremely tenacious.


Cyrus came to the top of the Spear Pillar.

ding ding ding-

The crisp friction and collision sounded.

Two crimson chains appeared out of thin air.

Cyrus opened his arms, his face full of enthusiasm and devotion.

"Open it, the door of another dimension!"

"Dialga! The beating of your heart represents the passage of 'time'!"

"Palkia! The ups and downs of your breathing represent the stability of 'space'!"

"Open your eyes, Dragon of Time! Dragon of Space!"

Charon, who hid behind the stone pillar on the back of Spear Pillar, held a precise measurement in his hand.

At the same time, he pressed the characteristic earphones he was wearing on his ears.

With a creepy smile on his face, he whispered:

"The test to see if Cyrus is worthy of a 'help' is here."

Bang! !

Amidst the fire and rubble of the Team Galactic ship crash.

A heavy metal deck, easily pushed away by an Aggron.

Revealing its next bruised, Contest Condition is a bit sluggish and can even be said to be about to lose the ability to fight Steelix.

Under the curled Steelix, in the small space constructed by the body, Plantina, Parr, Diamond, Ash, Dawn, Xiaogang, and Steven were not injured much.

To know.

That was the explosion of the Team Galactic ship that had accumulated all its energy.

"Thanks to Mr. Steven." Miss Plantina patted her chest with a look of fear.

Parr and Diamond nodded again and again.


If it weren't for the fact that Steven posed too much threat to Team Galactic, it is estimated that Team Galactic would not have made the choice to crash directly.

But there is one thing.

They are successful.

Because there is Diaya going undercover, their goal is clear, destroying Team Galactic's control of the gods of the three lakes.

The result is naturally relatively smooth.

There are existences like Steven, as well as Ash, Pishen and the others, plus Plantina, Dia and Pal who could have destroyed part of Team Galactic's plan in the original plan.

"Team Galactic and Cyrus have already headed towards the top of Mt. Coronet, we have to stop them!" Daya said slightly excitedly.

During this period of undercover Team Galactic, although he failed to obtain any classified information.

But just from some daily exchanges, he could sense Team Galactic's terrifying plans.

Team Galactic wants to destroy the world!

"That." Ash said with difficulty.

"It's too late to repair." Plantina also said.


"I can already feel the movement up there." Steven narrowed his eyes.

He could clearly feel the shaking of the Ground and the collapse of the thick snow on Mt. Coronet.

"Mr. Steven, can you put the Steelix away first?" Ash finally couldn't help it.

turn out to be.

Steven's Steelix has lost consciousness, and the reason why this space can remain

"Sorry sorry." Steven quickly apologized.

Looking at Ash holding Steelix's tail, Plantina and others secretly stunned,

Is this the power that human beings can possess?

On the contrary, Dawn and Xiaogang are used to it.

How much does Steelix weigh?


Ash would be fine to lift for another half hour.

It would not be surprising if Xia Yan was here.

Just talking about the power of the thick waveguide in Ash's body, it's more than that.

And when Steven had just put away the Steelix.

The people found out.

"Space." Plantina looked at Steven whose body was distorted and enlarged, as well as Parr and Dia who had shrunk, and her pupils shrank.

"Not just space, but time."

"Boom plus boom!"

Dawn and her Piplup watched a cluster of Team Galactic airship burning flames next to them. The flames quickly disappeared, and the burned items quickly returned to their original shape.


Everyone's faces sank.


Doron Bartto and Garchomp quickly cut through the air.

Cynthia looked solemn as she listened to Professor Rowan and Professor Berlitz in the headset.

To Xia Yan, who was riding on the back of Duolong Bartto, he said: "Cyrus has summoned Dialga and Palkia, the collision of space and time is going on, and the area around Mt. Coronet has produced different degrees of space-time distortion.

After a while, time-space annihilation will be born. "

Xia Yan nodded.


Compared to the Hoenn disaster.

The collision between time and space in Sinnoh Region is not so dangerous.

in the original.

Plantina, Pal, and Daya, with their wisdom, will and emotion respectively, once again attracted the gods of the lake.

And with the power of the "heart" of the gods of the lake, and Dialga and Palkia had no plans to fight, after destroying the Red Chain, their collision was quelled.

There were no major casualties.

Giratina, who only made a final appearance, took Dialga and Palkia.

As long as there are no bizarre surprises.

This event is actually quite stable.

No more.

And the wake-up call of Regigigas.

So Xia Yan was not in such a hurry.

【Are you standing Flag? 】

Darkrai's voice suddenly sounded in Xia Yan's mind.


Xia Yan's expression stiffened.

Cardiac sensor:

"At this time, can't you stop talking? What attributes do you have, don't you have any thoughts in your heart?"

Hearing Darkrai's voice, Xia Yan's liver trembled inexplicably.

This is the "Nightmare God" Darkrai, "Disaster Beast" is its real name, and "Plague God" is its priesthood.

【I? Endorsement for evil Pokémon. 】

Xia Yan: "."

"It's alright, we'll be there soon. There's Steven over there, too, and all the Alliance's top trainers have gone."

Seeing Xia Yan's extremely ugly expression, Cynthia chose to comfort him.

Xia Yan shook his head with difficulty.

It's over, Flag is getting more and more standing.

"Did you feel something?" Xia Yan asked Darkrai using telepathy again.

【No. 】

Darkrai is quite crisp.


Without waiting for Xia Yan to breathe a sigh of relief, it spoke again.

[Just think, Dialga and Palkia seem to be afraid of something. 】

"Afraid?" Xia Yan was taken aback.

As far as the characters of Dialga and Palkia are these two guys, is there anything or existence that can make them afraid?


Not so.

then only

"Grandma Li's, the alpaca clone in this world, wouldn't it be the one that lost five slates?!" ————————

PS: 1.2w today! Ask for a monthly ticket~~Thank you for the reward of the "Dark Night Star Emperor"~~ I didn't see it before, sorry

(End of this chapter)

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