The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 986 Slaughtering Sheep Alliance (7K!)

Chapter 985 "Slaughter Sheep Alliance" (7k!)

time and space.

Start a crazy twist.

The whole world seems to be about to overturn under the blessing of these two forces.

After Cyrus used "Red Chain" to control Dialga and Palkia, he didn't let them do anything.

Just let them blast each other's moves.

"Spacial Rend" and "Roar of Time" are two moves that collide with the power of law that comes with it, and that's what Cyrus wants.

As long as Dialga and Palkia are allowed to continue to fight against each other, the world will completely collapse because it cannot bear the collision from time and space.

Dialga and Palkia collided in Spear Pillar, and the violent shock almost tore apart the entire sky.

The diamond blue Dialga floated above the crowd on four feet, looking at the old Rival Palkia, who was inlaid with space gems.

【Why do we fight? 】

Palkia, too, had to respond with glances, and her body was equally uncontrolled.

【You ask me, who do I ask? 】


The two mythical beasts are old Rivals, and the fight is not once or twice.

But in most cases, either because Dialga was accidentally introduced into Palkia's space, or because Palkia accidentally stepped into Dialga's realm of time.

They all know each other well.

Fighting has never yielded a single result.

In the end, I always end up hastily with excuses such as "I'm going home for dinner" and "I'm going to go home with some clothes".


They're still pretty decent, too.

Even if they fight, they rarely go to the Pokémon world to fight.


The one on their head, because of frustration, has fallen into a long sleep a thousand years ago, so that they can enjoy a Happy Hour with no one on them.

But once they fight in the Pokémon world, the resulting turmoil and the connection between the Pokémon world and that guy, it is very likely that it will be forcibly awakened from its dormancy.

By the time.

No one can eat and walk around, there is no good fruit to eat!

[Go on, that guy is really going to wake up! 】

Dialga growled as he spoke.

In Rage's roar, the power of time and time surged out, and the things that passed by were annihilated and disappeared.

【Can't you just take it lightly? 】

Palkia also roared, and the red gem on the shoulder blade of her right arm shone brightly.

At the same time as the arm slashed out, a crimson arc sharp blade slashed out.

Under the cutting of the crimson blade, the space is collapsing and collapsing.

to outsiders.

Dialga and Palkia fought hard because they were bound by Cyrus' "Red Chain".

After arriving, Xia Yan was stunned listening to Darkrai's "translation".

good guy.

Are you two chatting?

"Cynthia champion, what to do?"

Seeing Cynthia who arrived with Xia Yan, Sinnoh finally found the backbone.


It is their biggest support.

Cynthia frowned and glanced at Xia Yan who was beside her. Seeing that he had no intention of expressing her opinion, she quickly said solemnly, "Steven and Plantina have already interrupted Team Galactic's plan. In the Red Chain that controls the two divine beasts, One is an imitation.

find it! smash it! "

"But... you can't get close at all."

Even those Team Galactic members have been pinned down by Alliance members who have rushed in.

But the aftermath of Dialga and Palkia's confrontation is not something that Normal Trainer and Pokémon can fight against.

In light of the direct loss of combat ability.

In the worst cases, they may even die.

"I don't know, I can't stop it." Steven sullenly walked to Cynthia's side, looked at the two divine beasts, and said in a low voice.

Cynthia glanced at him involuntarily.

He pursed his lips.

"Steven, this is Sinnoh"

But he saw Steven showing a gentleman's smile as he lightly tidied up his sleeves.

"I'm no longer the Hoenn champion, and I don't need to save my life to protect Hoenn. Besides, let them fight like this, let alone Sinnoh, the whole world will not be spared."

Seeing Steven's affirmative eyes and expression, Cynthia nodded.


Immediately, he took a step forward and said loudly: "I am in charge of blocking Dialga, and Steven is in charge of blocking Palkia! The rest of you, look for the machine to destroy the chains! Plantina, you and Ash, are in charge of finding the trace of Cyrus.

And Xia Yan"

Cynthia finally looked at Xia Yan, "Let's move freely."

free time?

Xia Yan blinked.

There are actually two ways to understand this term.

One is.

Mix it up.

Another is

It's all packaged.

Before Xia Yan could speak, Cynthia's palms flew, all the Pokémon came out, Garchomp took the lead and attacked Dialga.

at the same time.

Steven followed closely behind, with Flash Metagross at the head, quickly approaching Palkia.

Their goal is not to defeat the two mythical beasts, but to buy time for the rest.

The strength of two champions alone is not enough to beat them.

But if it is only blocked for a period of time, it can still be achieved by risking one's life.

With Cynthia and Steven two champions have shot.

The trainers gathered here by the Sinnoh Alliance no longer hesitated or hesitated, and took action one after another.

No matter how much you pay, stop them!

"Is this the terrifying power produced by the outbreak of the two gods of time and space? I really want to get them, I really want to get them!"

And the other side.

Charon, who was hiding behind Spear Pillar, was full of frenzy, holding a precision instrument, measuring the terrifying value produced by the collision of two divine beasts.

The results are predictable.

Even the most sophisticated instruments cannot accurately measure the power of the two divine beasts.

Charon's hands trembled with excitement as he looked at the burst meter.



Charon's expression stiffened.

A hand suddenly patted his shoulder.

"I say."

A slightly playful voice sounded behind him.

Charon turned his head stiffly in his neck.

What I saw was Xia Yan's handsome face with a smile.

"Mingzhisen, is that you?" Xia Yan asked with a chuckle.


Charon's eyes narrowed, the name.


Seeing Charon's expression, the smile on Xia Yan's face became even wider.

The name "Nether Forest" appeared on the list of researchers who participated in the "Rayquaza Capture Program" given by Steven's father, Zvoch Hibiscus.

this time.

Although Xia Yan is busy in Sinnoh Region, it does not mean that he has nothing to do.

The Rockets' Sird has secretly launched an investigation on some of the people on the list according to Xia Yan's wishes.

Some of them are known by the names of Xia Yan, such as Professor Berlitz and his wife, Tie Xuan of the Great Mauville Holding Company, etc.

But some people Xia Yan has never been obedient, so he focused on investigating these people.

At this moment.

I have to praise Xia Yan for subduing Sird.

Sird, which has connections with multiple forces such as Team Rocket, Team Lava, Team Aqua, Team Galactic, etc., can call on a huge network of manpower and relationships.

Xia Yan has always been curious about Charon.

The first reason, of course, was because of his inexplicable relationship with Cyrus and the Rotom.

But slowly.

Xia Yan suddenly felt.

This Charon, the Charon from the Haunted House of "Old Chateau", joined Team Galactic at the latest and began to assist Cyrus in achieving his goals, and finally tried to replace him.

Why is it so consistent with the "Forest of the Underworld" on the list provided by Mr. Zvqi.

Charon has a device that can control Pokémon, which is consistent with the information provided by the old man, which has a certain restraint on Rayquaza.

Charon's goal is all mythical beasts and phantom beasts, and there is nothing more interesting to him than an attempt to capture a mythical beast like Rayquaza.

the most important.

It's time for Charon to join Team Galactic.

The "Rayquaza Capture Project" was five years ago, and Charon joined Team Galactic five years ago.


Charon's reaction made Xia Yan more sure about this matter.

As for the name.

This thing is the most useless reference value.

"No, no, don't move."

Charon saw that Xia Yan was temporarily absent-minded, as if he had made a move.

However, his body swayed a little, and an extremely sharp giant sword appeared beside his plump neck.

The sharp blade made a simple contact, leaving a scarlet bloodstain on Charon's neck.

Charon was so frightened that he didn't dare to make any small movements.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, and Psychic flashed in his eyes.

A palm-sized notebook flew out of Charon's pocket.

"That is!"

When Charon saw this notebook, he was in a hurry.

But it was directly ignored by Xia Yan.

In front of Charon, he simply flipped through it.

"Tsk tsk, Heatran of Stark Mountain, Darkrai of Poplar Town, Manaphy of Yashak, Temple of the Sea. You know, there are quite a few."

This notebook is the work of Charon's life.

All of them are his goals.

Although he hated Xia Yan who took the notes.

But Aegislash's sharp sword was pressed against his neck, no matter how much he hated him, he didn't dare to show it.

Xia Yan turned to the back.

"Sure enough, the dragon of Soaring in the sky, Rayquaza. And the implementation of its capture plan."

Participate in the catching Rayquaza program to increase your accumulated experience in catching mythical beasts and phantom beasts.

Charon's ability is still good, and he is indeed very courageous.

If Xia Yan did not appear.

After Cyrus fails in this operation, Charon will lead a group of Team Galactic members to complete the capture of Stark Mountain Heatran.

Enter "Distortion World" at the same time and collaborate with Giratina.


Xia Yan closed the note and stuffed it into his pocket.

The content recorded in this notebook is not only these, there are many parts worthy of in-depth analysis.

but now.

Xia Yan looked at Charon and was very happy.


After coming to this world, after such a long time, I found some clues about that group of people.

"First in Akroma, then in Charon's internal Rockets and the Alliance researchers, too."

What do they have in common?

Crazy for research? Chasing the beast? Curious about unknown energy?

There are too few reference points to be sure.

Xia Yanxu narrowed his eyes, secretly guessing in his heart.

do not know why.

The two researchers let Xia Yan think about the researchers subconsciously.

But for any big man who does big things, who doesn't have a top researcher by his side?

It is also these top researchers who are the easiest to understand the situation of the bosses and what they have done.

Maxie and Archie. (crossed out).

So he didn't take this subconsciousness as a joke, but thought that the subconsciousness of Psychic people was very effective.

"Just please rest for a while."

The voice fell.

From the shadow under his feet, two pieces of purple satin were pulled out, covering Charon's mouth, and dragging them into the fourth-dimensional space of the shadow in his horrified gaze.

And the other side.

While Xia Yan dealt with the trouble of Charon, with the efforts of the two champions, Steven and Cynthia, and a group of Sinnoh Trainers, they finally destroyed the imitation of the Red Chain that was bound to Palkia!


The collision of Dialga and Palkia.

But it didn't stop there.

no way.

Palkia can stop doing it.

But it can't just stand and be beaten, can it?

Moreover, their previous confrontation was indeed angry.


at this time.

Accompanied by the roar of Soaring in the sky, and the sound of the propeller spinning.

A huge pyramid spiraled up from the feet of Mt. Coronet.

"Xia Yan, here I come!"

Brandon in Battle Pyramid conveys a message to Xia Yan.

And most importantly.

It was the Regigigas who was lying on the pyramid, holding the pyramid firmly, not daring to move!


Xia Yan grinned.

This guy, Regigigas, is relatively honest and reliable.

You give it a full meal, and it will come when something happens!

Xia Yan motioned for Duolong Bart to go up.

Came to the side of Regigigas lying on the pyramid.

This is his biggest support this time, the Holy Pillar King, Regigigas, who has just recovered and is full!

[Next time, over, over 500 meters. Don't call me. 】

Regigigas glanced at Xia Yan, and the voice sounded in his mind.

Xia Yan: "."

Hearing this, he looked at Regigigas again, and his expression became slightly weird.

"You're not afraid of heights, are you?"


Regigigas raised his head sharply.

However, because the action was too violent, the Battle Pyramid, which was already under enormous pressure, was somewhat unable to support it.

【Who, who, who, who ****! Hold on! Who is afraid of heights? ! 】

Regigigas, the honest man, is swearing, is this not afraid of heights?

"I'll take you back later." Xia Yan comforted.

【Need not! 】

Who knows Regigigas vetoed.

Firmly said: [I will go back by myself! Go back! 】

"Go, go, go."

Xia Yan felt that Regigigas should be lucky, but fortunately, Spear Pillar was not far from the Xuefeng Temple.

If, like Hoopa, he had called Groudon from Hoenn Region to Kalos Region, after such a long distance, I don’t know if Groudon went back, or how.

Bang! ! !

Regigigas, visibly relieved, walked down as the Battle Pyramid wobbled into Mt. Coronet.

Feet hit the ground.

The whole mental outlook and Contest Condition changed completely.

It changed back to the Contest Condition, the holy pillar king who dragged the earth.


And seeing Regigigas here, Cynthia, Steven and others also have different expressions.

But after seeing Xia Yan next to Regigigas, they all breathed a sigh of relief.


is one's own.

"Are you full?" Xia Yan asked.

【Um. 】

Regigigas patted his stomach.

It hasn't really been full for a long, long time.

"Then let's go to persuade?" Xia Yan asked again.


Regigigas slowly raised his head and looked at Dialga and Palkia who were battling in midair, and the seven light spots flickered more frequently.

"Wait, are you resting?"

Xia Yan suddenly thought of something.

Bang! !

However, Regigigas's arms met and collided in front of his chest.

Just the airflow agitated by the force of the collision instantly blew away a lot of Rock rubble.

Xia Yan's eyes suddenly lit up.

very good.

Regigigas, no bondage anymore.

The real sheep is coming!

bang bang bang-

Regigigas stepped forward, and with the roar of one after another and the violent tremor of Ground, it rushed in the direction of Dialga and Palkia at a speed completely inconsistent with its size.

【stop fighting! 】

As he ran, Regigigas persuaded.


It was answered by the simultaneous roars of Dialga and Palkia.


Regigigas looked solemn.

Head up.

[Flying in the sky, come down and talk to me! 】


All they saw was Regigigas leaping, grabbing Dialga's forefoot with one hand and Palkia's ankle with the other.

Immediately after.

Two loud rumblings were heard.


boom! boom--! !

With the collapse and fragmentation of a large number of Grounds, large swaths of Icirrus flying dust were raised.

And when the dust clears.

As soon as I saw the top of Mt. Coronet, two huge pits appeared, Dialga and Palkia, and they lay in these two pits with a dull expression.

【stop fighting. 】

After pressing the two beings flying in the sky to the ground, Regigigas suddenly felt much more comfortable with his sight, and reassured him again.

Xia Yan was convinced by this method of persuasion.

"Fight again, don't talk about Arceus, Giratina is coming."

But he shows up right next to Regigigas, telepathically speaking.



However, Dialga and Palkia who reacted also wanted to save face, how could they be persuaded like this?

Palkia got up angrily and waved her arms, and a "Spacial Rend" hit Regigigas in the forehead.

Dialga's roar was also filled with the power of time, but "Roar of Time" was not aimed at Regigigas, and the target still chose Palkia.

Palkia: 【Who the hell are you hitting? 】

Dialga: [You think I can control it? 】

Regigigas: [Stop fighting! 】

Xia Yan, who was sitting on the back of Doron Bart, said in a stern voice:

"Regigigas, arm hammer!"

Hearing this, Regigigas unhesitatingly threw a powerful punch.

This punch once shattered the earth plate!

The crystals on his body flickered wildly, and a fist the size of a sandbag slammed into Dialga's forehead.


And Dialga, who just felt his head hit the hardest Oreburgh in the world, just stood up and was punched to the ground again.

at the same time.

Palkia's "Spacial Rend" slashed on Regigigas' arm on the other side, and a huge scratch appeared immediately.

But Dialga's "Roar of Time" also slammed into Palkia's body, blasting it several meters away, staggering back, and ploughing deep scratches on the ground.

The three mythical beasts were attacked and injured at the same time.

It's like a triangle!

Regigigas, who was suffering from pain, was also angry, and the seven light spots flashed red halo, and he spread his feet, covering his body with white light.

Heavy impact!


Boom! ! Boom! !

A daunting power, that is the power of running.

Every step shook the entire mountain.

He crossed his arms and forcibly blocked Palkia's "Spacial Rend". The white light on his body was under the "Power of Creation", and the wound healed quickly.


Palkia's eyes widened, watching Regigigas rush up like a barbarian, without the slightest "slow start" effect.

Stepping on Fissure and Skyfall.

Bang! ! !

Regigigas slammed into Palkia with all his strength, and both fell at the same time, hitting the snowy mountain hard.

Immediately after.

Fully fed and unaffected by the "slow start", Regigigas moved quickly, and a roll over pushed Palkia to the ground.

The terrifying sandbag fists fell like bullets Normal frantically.

Boom boom boom! !

【Let you stop fighting! Let you stop fighting! let you stop fighting]

The mouth was still muttering.


Palkia almost burst into tears of grievance.

It's TM Dialga hitting me! !

If it hadn't been in a fight with Dialga for a long time before, how many times the two had banged against each other, would it not be able to beat a barbarian? Can't beat a toilet king?

Either it smashed the continent with one punch, or dragged the plate for more than half a year, or it was full, or the "slow start" was over, or it was


The fist that Regigigas clenched suddenly stopped and stared blankly at Xia Yan not far away.

Xia Yan silently wiped his cold sweat and nodded.

Looking to the other side, he was just summoned by Brandon to try to join the "persuasion", but he was stunned by the scene in front of him, and he didn't know who to open the three pillars.

Noticing Regigigas' gaze, the lights of the Three Gods Pillars jumped quickly and nodded in unison.

Boss, you made a mistake!

However, the boss is mighty and domineering!

Dialga, who was hovering in mid-air looking for an angle of attack, a drop of cold sweat slowly fell from his forehead.

When Regigigas' eyes came again.

Dialga silently returned to the ground from the air.



and many more.

Dialga stopped? !

When everyone was shocked by this scene, on the other side of the top of Mt. Coronet, a contest between "heart" and "heart" also fell to Veilstone.

Cyrus stared blankly at the six little devils in front of him.

One by one with firm eyes and clear goals.

Diamond who hides his emotions under calm thinking, Pal who is strong-willed, and Plantina who is blessed with knowledge, the Iron Triangle of the special chapter!

Ash, who has a tenacious will and has never changed his goals, Dawn, who is delicate and emotional, Xiaogang, who has accumulated rich knowledge in his travels, the animation triangle!

six people.

Two different sets of "hearts".

But they point in the same "direction"!

Their power defeated the power of the "heart" of the Red Chain created by Cyrus with absolute will to control the Red Chain created by the gods of the lake!

"Although everyone's 'heart' can't be perfect." Plantina stared at Cyrus with a dull expression.

"But as long as all of us, all Pokémon together!" Ash also clenched his fists and stepped forward Eevee.

Six people in unison: "It's perfect!"

"Pickup pickup!!"

The duel between Dialga and Palkia was finally under Regigigas' unique "persuasion" and the "spiritual" blow to Cyrus caused by the two-team trio.



The impact of this incident will not end there.

Dialga suddenly raised his head.

[The great god born in the Hall of Origin will wake up in the turmoil of time and space and annihilation. 】

The grinning Palkia clutched her shoulders and stood up with Regigigas' help.

[He will drive time and space and annihilation to manifest his wrath. 】

A black line appeared on Xia Yan's forehead, and he scolded angrily: "Riddler! Be rough, Sinnoh!"

[Arceus is about to wake up, the two guys of time and space are afraid. ] The honest man Regigigas explained.

Dialga & Palkia: 【Who is afraid? ! 】

Xia Yan: "."

Some Pokémons are dead, rotting all over their bodies and still having hard mouths.

But Arceus, who lost five slates and was angry with humans, was indeed a big problem.

He thought for a while, his eyes narrowed, and he said, "I have a plan, I don't know which of you have the courage to participate?"


The three divine beasts looked at Xia Yan at the same time.

Just listen to him say slowly: "How about we form a 'Sheep Slaughtering Alliance'?"

Dialga and Palkia narrowed their eyes.

Shocked by Xia Yan's boldness.

Dialga: [The group is the group! But I have some clothes that I forgot to dry, it will rain soon, and I will come back later. 】

Palkia: [What is there to be afraid of? Wait for me to go back for a meal, right now! 】

Xia Yan's eyes twitched, "Regigigas, don't let these two cowards run away!"


Regigigas clenched his fists and looked at the two guys who were about to take off.

Dialga & Palkia: .

Dialga: [No, do you really think you can beat it? 】

Palkia: [Why do you organize Alliance? 】

Xia Yan, who heard the words, suddenly smiled, "Isn't it the end of asking so early?"

Immediately he stood up from Doron Bartto's body.

"I'm not qualified, but what if you add it?"


A pitch-black dimensional hole appeared above Xia Yan's head.

In the distorted and destroyed world, a figure intertwined with black and gold is looming.


PS: I encountered something bad, the update is late, sorry~~ bow~~

(End of this chapter)

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