The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 987 Anti-Bone Dragon (Two In One)

Chapter 986 Anti-Bone Dragon (two in one)

Distortion World!

Lying on the ground as if he had lost his spiritual support, Cyrus looked at a huge dimensional crack that suddenly opened in Soaring in the sky, especially when he saw the dilapidated appearance of that world.

But such a world.

But it was exactly what he longed for.

A world without a "mind".

And the figure that emerged from the opened crack of another dimension was the master who destroyed the world, Charon Dragon, Giratina!

Created the existence of the name "God of Fruit".

It can be regarded as "creating a god" from another angle.


And Giratina, who had just stuck her head out of Distortion World, was also stunned when she saw the three mythical beasts Dialga, Palkia, and Regigigas squatting on the ground around Xia Yan.

What are you doing?

Fighting the Landlord?

Why is Giratina here?

Naturally, due to the confrontation between Dialga and Palkia, the time and space of the Pokémon world have been distorted and destroyed to varying degrees.

Thus, the Pokémon world is mapped to Giratina's Distortion World.

after all.

The closest plane to the world of Pokémon is Giratina's world of destruction.

in the original.

Dialga and Palkia fought in Poplar Town, causing a lot of damage to Distortion World, and then there was the later theatrical version of "Bouquet of Ice and Empty".

Only this time.

in a special world.


In the plot of the special chapter, Giratina appears because of the time-space Opelucid fighting in Spear Pillar, and then because Charon's instrument conflicts with the dimensional rift.


Charon was caught by Xia Yan, and the instrument in his hand was naturally controlled by Xia Yan.


And seeing Giratina, Dialga and Palkia couldn't sit still.

If the two of them are still friends and enemies to a certain extent, then with Giratina, there is almost only hostility left.

Just finished a fight with each other and got beaten up by Regigigas again, Contest Condition is not very good.


They just kept yelling at Giratina, but they didn't mean to get up.

At the same time, he kept winking at Regigigas.

Dialga: [It's flying in the sky, beat it up! 】

Palkia: [Beat it! 】

At this time, the two guys were in the same breath and arched into flames.

Regigigas glanced at them with the look of an idiot.

Do you really think I'm stupid?

That guy's Contest Condition is in full swing, and his momentum is much stronger than the two of you, right?

And Giratina, who hovered at the entrance of the world of destruction, looked at the three mythical beasts below, and suddenly didn't know whether to go down.

I was thinking of getting into trouble with Dialga and Palkia.

See that another Regigigas has been added.

The difference in strength between the enemy and us, instantly came out.

both sides.

It seems that they are in a stalemate in the mutual jealousy.

But fortunately.

There is also a middleman here.

Xia Yan!

When did Xia Yan meet Giratina in this world?

Actually it's not difficult.

Able to travel freely between the Pokémon world and the destruction world, Duolong Bartto, known as the "Little Charon Dragon", used "Phantom Force" many times to enter the Distortion World, but he was not attacked or hostile by Giratina. Just met Giratina.


Compared with the Giratina of his original world, the Giratina of this world is more grumpy and difficult to get along with.

Of course, it may also be because Xia Yan got along too well with Giratina in the previous world, which gave people the illusion that Giratina was very easy to get along with.


It's not easy to get along, but it's not easy to get along, some things can't be erased.

Just like.

Xia Yan not only has the scales of Time and Space Opelucid, but also the scales of Giratina.

And the sporadic antimatter abilities that Aegislash and Doron Bartto possess.

After a simple fight, they recognized each other.

Darkrai: You say it again?


Mainly because Xia Yan promised Giratina a condition.

Very bold condition.

This is one of the reasons for the emergence of the "Slaughter Sheep Alliance".

Of course, Xia Yan was just talking nonsense at that time. Anyway, no matter if he did it in the end or not, it was Giratina who took the blame.

Just didn't expect it.

Through the confrontation and exchange between Dialga and Palkia, Xia Yan suddenly realized.

The Arceus of this world is actually the one who lost five slates.

When it wakes up and Revenge human beings, it can't be solved in three or two times.

It is also a mistake.

And now.

Xia Yan wanted to promote this "Alliance".

"Giratina, we won't do it."

Xia Yan said to Giratina using telepathy, and at the same time pressed his hand down towards it.

the other side.

And again to Dialga and Palkia:

"Don't be nervous, it won't do it."

The other hand pressed against them both.

In Dialga and Palkia's eyes, it became Giratina's willingness to listen to this human being.

They looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Giratina actually listens to a human being?

If someone told them that before, definitely a "Roar of Time" and a "Spacial Rend" called that person to the wall.

But in Giratina's eyes.

That's it. Is this guy able to appease Dialga and Palkia, two guys who get into a fight as soon as they meet?

Can they make them less hostile to themselves?

Giratina couldn't help but be more curious about Xia Yan's identity.

"Darkrai, when something goes wrong, remember to protect me."

Xia Yan's two foxes are fake tigers.

And don't forget to speak to Darkrai.

Darkrai: "."


After confirming that Dialga and Palkia really won't attack, Giratina in origin form flew out of Distortion World and changed into a different form.

Slowly landed in front of Xia Yan.

Four mythical beasts.

Four huge Pokémon like a mountain sat together on the top of Mt. Coronet.

Host is Xia Yan standing in the middle.

And the Alliance Trainers like Cynthia and Steven who also witnessed this scene were stunned, unable to believe that what they saw were actually four mythical beasts?

Are you sure it's not four normal Pokémon?

Do landlords become mahjong?

"Cough cough."

Xia Yan didn't care what others thought.

When Arceus wakes up, they'll understand what he's doing and why.

It's best to use it, and at least prevent it from happening if you don't use it.

Xia Yan didn't want to be killed by the alpaca before he could investigate clearly.

"One word!"

He swept to Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina.

"Do you want to be the younger brother forever, or do you want to turn over and be the boss?"

【Who is the younger brother? You speak clearly. 】

Giratina got up.


Regigigas, who was squatting on the ground with his knees behind Xia Yan, saw Giratina get up and followed suit.

a time.

tit for tat.

Xia Yan pressed his forehead and hurriedly beckoned to signal not to be impulsive.

"It doesn't matter who is the younger brother. One thing that everyone can't deny is that there is a big guy on the top, and no one wants to stand out. Right?"

Giratina crouched down again angrily.

But this time, it did not deny Xia Yan's words.

Although Dialga and Palkia did not make a direct statement, they also acquiesced to Xia Yan's statement.

"You compete for your competition. But what I want to say is that even if you compete to win, what's the point of ranking second, third, fourth and fifth? Above, isn't there another one?"

Xia Yan pointed to the sky.

He continued: "People were sleeping before, but now they are about to wake up, and everyone's good days are coming to an end."

Sanlong couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

Regigigas scratched his head.

This matter. It doesn't seem to have much to do with it, right?

But looking at the three dragons frowning, Regigigas nodded silently.

To and group.

"So, I asked, do you dare?"

a time.

Both fell silent.

After a while.

Palkia was the first to speak.

[After all, it is to create our existence. 】

Dialga thought about it and said:

[Although the restrictions on us are usually a bit serious, Palkia is right. 】

This made Palkia unable to resist looking at Dialga.

Throw the pot at me again?


Before Xia Yan could speak, Giratina couldn't help but pouted, her face full of contempt.

【coward. 】

Dialga also glared at Palkia.

[How many times have you been beaten yourself, do you have no idea? 】

[The Pokémon being controlled by humans really has no courage. 】

Giratina taunt mode is fully on.

【You have been beaten dozens of times by it! 】

【You have been controlled by humans! 】

【You can only hide in a dilapidated world! 】

【You have been controlled by humans! 】


【You have been controlled by humans! 】

Giratina is one against two.

Complete victory!

It held its head proudly.

Dialga and Palkia were frustrated.

Because that alone, Giratina said, is a stain they can never wash off.

They are not clean anymore.

Xia Yan, who was watching this scene, held his forehead.

Why does this scene seem familiar?

He took a deep breath.

Regardless of their expressions, they just said: "If I said, what about the one missing five slates?"

【Um? ! 】

Giratina stood up suddenly and said domineeringly:

[I don't need you anymore, I just lick it! 】

However, Dialga and Palkia ignored it at all and just looked at Xia Yan.

【I join! 】

【I also join! 】

good guy.

Is it so real?

A second ago, I was afraid of this and that.

Resolutely rise in the next second?

Xia Yan seemed to see the shadow of the bear child from them.

Giratina is the kind of "bad" kid that parents see as the one with the back of her head.

And Dialga and Palkia are relatively good "good" children, at least they are hidden.

Three anti-bone dragons.

But no matter what.

Children always have periods of rebellion.

But now it seems that this "rebellious period" has come a little earlier.


The so-called "Slaughter Sheep Alliance".

Slaughter is impossible to really slaughter.

Can't be slaughtered.

If the clone of the alpaca is really destroyed, and its true body is provoked, it is not just this world that suffers.

But if the alpaca is really like the movie version, because of the loss of five slates, the entire Pokémon world is to be destroyed, and the three dragons can ask for help.

It can be considered that Xia Yan left behind a little.


Xia Yan rubbed against his chin and looked at Dialga, Palkia and Giratina who were eager to try.

"Including Regigigas, there are only four of them, so I don't think it's safe."

Black Flash Mega Rayquaza is one-to-one.

The "seven" included the three dragons who couldn't hide their excitement.

And now there are only four, and it feels a bit unsafe.

"Cough. That's it. The first 'Sheep Slaughtering Alliance' Mt. Coronet meeting ends here. When will the second one be held, or the war will start directly, wait for my notice."

Xia Yan raised his head.



Cynthia and the others looked at Xia Yan, who had returned with Duolong Bart.

And Palkia, who disappeared in the twisted space, Dialga, who disappeared in the river of time, and Giratina, who disappeared in the rift of the destroyed world.


Xia Yan nodded slightly.

His eyes mainly stayed on Regigigas who was walking lightly down Mt. Coronet step by step.

I'm really worried that it got lost.

But look at it happy

Xia Yan's expression changed slightly.

"Regigigas! Wrong way, the temple is north! North!"


The cheerful Regigigas moved.


Xia Yan rubbed his temples and said to Brandon, "Mr. Brandon, I think you should do me a favor and send Regigigas back safely."

Brandon nodded solemnly.

"That's what I mean too. Don't slander Xuefeng Temple by then."


Driven by the Three God Pillars, they surrounded Regigigas, and then "escorted" them to the Xuefeng Temple in the north.

When the four mythical beasts finally left, everyone on the top of the mountain was relieved.

"Xia Yan, on behalf of Sinnoh, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to you." Sinnoh champion Cynthia said with gratitude.

But Xia Yan waved his hand.

"No. The heroes this time are them!"

While speaking, he pouted towards Plantina, Parr, Diamond, and Ash, Dawn, and Xiaogang.

If not for them.

Dialga probably won't be able to break free easily.

The melee will continue.

And the longer the melee lasted, the more damage it would do to Sinnoh.


Xia Yan really didn't think Cyrus could destroy the world with Dialga and Palkia.

Arceus fell into a coma, not to mention.

But Rayquaza, Groudon, Kyogre in Hoenn Region, and the Three Dragons of Dao in Unova Region, they cannot watch time and space and Opelucid act recklessly.

Not to mention Zygarde, the "God of Order" who guards the Pokémon world order.

Listening to Xia Yan's praise, the six also showed different expressions.

There is shyness, pride, calmness, self-blame and so on.

However, Xia Yan's words were recognized by many people.

Six of them, to a certain extent, can indeed be regarded as one of the heroes of this event.

"What are you going to do next?"

Steven also came over and asked.

Xia Yan shrugged,

"It's nothing more than continuing the challenge."

Not finished yet.

Donggua stepped forward.

"Mr. Xia Yan, this is 'Mine Badge'."

Melissa followed.

"Xia Yan, this is 'Relic Badge'."

Immediately after.

Coal Badge, Forest Badge, Paving Badge, Wetland Badge.

Xia Yan stared blankly at the six Badges that suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Don't do this, I just want to discuss with you."

The kind that only wins and loses, not life and death.

"No need, no need, I've heard the story of Mr. Xia Yan, Mr. Xia Yan." Donggua waved his hand.

"I also don't think it's necessary to do this."

Donggua's son Roark agrees, and the father and son rarely agree.

Steven grabbed Xia Yan's neck and said with a smile, "Let's accompany me to find ores. You promised to help me get those Meteorites from Team Galactic."

Xia Yan with a bitter face.

Made everyone laugh happily.


PS: Although there is no update this month, but I also wrote 36w words, or in the case of repeated wrist injuries, the monthly pass has not yet been voted, and it is about to expire, and then I want to ask for next month's guaranteed monthly pass~~ bow~ ~

(End of this chapter)

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