The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 988 Xia Yan: Masters? Do Not! Baby Cup! (7K!)

Chapter 987 Xia Yan: Masters? Do not! Baby Cup! (7k!)

Sinnoh, Sandgem Town.

A luxury villa that was quickly built and completed at an unknown time has become an extremely beautiful landscape in Sandgem Town.

The wind in the summer night is gentle, taking away the heat and throbbing of the day.

In the garden of the villa.

The rustling forest leaves rolled up green waves under the breeze, and among the shadows of the trees, a Kricketune led a few Kricketots of round Doduo, and played a summer concerto in the corner of the garden.

A row of uniform Starly was parked on the branches. Under the refreshing rhythm, he shook his head and twisted his plump buttocks.

The two Bidoofs stuck their heads out of the pond in the yard. When they heard the melody, their heads shook involuntarily. The two thick tails also beat the beat, splashing the water in the pool.


At this time.

A well-proportioned and graceful Milotic jumped out of the water and stretched out the perfect curve of the most beautiful Pokémon in the air, accompanied by drops of crystal water, reflecting the brilliance of the moon.

This scene made the water Pokémons in the pool straighten their eyes.

But only see.

Going back to Milotic in the water again, the gorgeous tail of the Pu Fan Normal swayed gently, rolling up a pool of crystal clear water, which spread all over the newly cultivated fields next to it.

Under the tree in the yard.

Two relaxing lounge chairs.

A young man rests and relaxes with his hands on his head and a hat over his face.

Another young man was meticulously dressed and was carefully fiddling with the box in his hand with tweezers.

What is placed in the box is like a block of stones with different shapes, shapes, textures, and origins.

these two.

Naturally, Steven and Xia Yan, who were temporarily relaxing in Sandgem Town, were chosen.

Feeling the thin cool mist coming towards him, Steven carefully protected the stone in the box, looked at the "culprit" Milotic, and couldn't help sighing.

"The Milotic Pokémon is indeed the most beautiful Pokémon."



Sylveon and Ninetales, who were stretched out on the lawn beside Xia Yan, heard Steven's words, slightly pricked up their ears and raised their eyelids.


Faced with the "death stare" of the two Pokémons, Steven's answer was very sincere.

This made Sylveon and Ninetales bow their heads again.


Under the hat, Xia Yan seemed to be able to sense what was happening next to him, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Steven's eyes twitched.

He muttered, "I'm not good-looking, but I can't eat it. I always thought that my appearance limited others from seeing the truth, goodness and beauty in my heart."

"Yes." Xia Yan echoed.

Before Steven showed the appearance of "confidant", Xia Yan continued to add: "But I think if you remove the title of the young owner of your German company, maybe people will see it more real. Maybe."

Is Steven popular or not related to his looks?


There are still some.

If Steven's popularity is ten, then his looks can only account for 0.5 at most, and the remaining 9.5 are all derived from his damn "money ability".

"Speak nonsense to tell the truth."

After spending time with Xia Yan, Steven and him are considered to be completely familiar with each other.

Others get along with him Steven, either because of his status as the young owner of the German company, or because of his status as the champion of Hoenn, no matter how close they are, there will always be an unspoken barrier between them.

But Xia Yan is different.

He didn't take Steven's identity and status to heart. He was still joking when he should be joking, joking when he should be joking.

This makes Steven feel very relaxed.

So even though the Sinnoh Region thing was over, he was not in a hurry to go back to Hoenn.

The champion had already stepped down to Wallace anyway, and he rarely had a bit of free time to relax.

"But let's talk about it." Steven looked at Infernape in the yard, who was plowing the fields, his expression became a little weird.

"Plough with Groudon's Carapace Fragments, water with Kyogre's Scales, expand plantings with Palkia's Space Scales, use Dialga's Time Scales to speed up the flow of time, and Pokémons like Fengmilong to speed up the ripening."

After a pause, he looked at Xia Yan again, "You do this, do they know?"

Speaking of this, Xia Yan finally sat up.

"Don't think about who it is because of?"

"Huh?" Steven was taken aback.

"My stock has been eaten up by that big idiot in Regigigas, and the guys like Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina have further squeezed me, won't your conscience hurt?"

If it wasn't to save Steven and have a good relationship with Regigigas, with his abundant energy blocks and tree fruit reserves, he would not have been exhausted in such a short time when he came to this world.

every day.

His own Pokémon energy block spending is also quite a cost.

What can I do without farming?


Whether it's Groudon's carapace fragments speeding up ground reclamation, Kyogre's scales irrigating growth.

It's the flexible use of the rules by the scales of Dialga and Palkia, and Xia Yan is really going to be squeezed out.


A touch of embarrassment appeared on Steven's face, who understood what Xia Yan meant.

"Cough, small things, small things, if it's a big deal, I'll give you an orchard."

"Hey, just talk and don't practice, fake handle." Xia Yan stretched and lay back on the reclining chair again.

Looking at the bright and bright starry sky, I sighed at the speed of time.

Almost a month has passed since the collision of time and space brought about by Mt. Coronet Team Galactic.

during this month.

In addition to accompany Steven to collect some precious stones, and Lesotho often conducts Pokémon training, he also secretly followed Charon's line to investigate some more important information.


With the strength of the Rockets alone, the investigation has been severely hampered in many ways.

In particular, some investigations within the Alliance are severely limited.

He glanced at the black ring formed by the question mark Unown on his right index finger.

He can feel it.

There is not much time left to stay in this world.

So we must seize this last little time and find out as much as possible about the other party's details.

When he returns to the original world, Xia Yan can join forces with Agatha and Du, Lorelei, Steven, Cynthia and others who are gradually entering the high-level of the Alliance to thoroughly find and remove the real worms of the Alliance!

Listening to Xia Yan's words, Steven's eyes flashed.

He changed the subject again and said, "Are you really going to participate in the Lily of the Valley Competition?"

"Can't you? I've collected all eight Badges."

Saying that, Xia Yan unfolded the neckline, and eight of them belonged to the Sinnoh Region's characteristic Badge, which were neatly displayed in it.

This is the first time Xia Yan has collected all eight Badges in his life, and it is estimated that it is also the last time he has collected all Badges in his life.

After going back, in order to have enough authority, he may try to challenge the champion.

At that time, there will be no chance to collect Badge.


Xia Yan felt that there was still a sense of ceremony.

After all, if you want to bully and bully children in the future, I'm afraid I won't have a chance.

Looking at Xia Yan's Badge, Steven's eyes twitched.

Six of them were given by others, right?

However, after a brief pondering, Steven's expression gradually became serious, and he said slowly, "Do you want to challenge the Victory Road of Sinnoh Alliance?"

If you can win the Lily of the Valley Competition, you will be eligible to challenge Victory Road.

If you can beat an Elite on Victory Road, you have a chance to take his place.

If you can beat all of them, you can finally walk in front of Sinnoh champion Cynthia, and defeat Cynthia, you can directly complete the triple jump.

Triple jump from Grand Champion to Region Elite to Alliance Champion.

But this is only theoretical.

so far.

It seems that no one has completed such a terrifying triple jump.

"Try it." Xia Yan said ambiguous.

"Are you trying to get in touch with the higher-ups of Alliance?" Steven said slowly against his chin.

After getting along during this time, although he didn't know what Xia Yan was going to do.

But Steven knew that his father, Zivqi Hibiscus, seemed to have guessed it, and provided Xia Yan with a lot of help and support.

Out of trust in his own father and understanding after getting along with Xia Yan during this period of time, Steven believes that Xia Yan can never be a bad person.

Just have their own clear goals and objectives.

Xia Yan was also noncommittal about this, just shrugged slightly.

"Then why don't you try to challenge Battle Frontier?"

"Battle Frontier?" Xia Yan was taken aback.

"The top sixteen of the competition is eligible to challenge Battle Frontier. If you can get the approval of all the leaders of the development area, you can become a new leader. Compared with the champions of each region and the Elite Four, Battle Frontier is directly affiliated to the general alliance. Maybe it's better for you to do what you want than to become an Elite Four.

Of course, if you can go straight down the Victory Road and beat the champion Cynthia, don't tell me. "

Defeat Cynthia?

The Cynthia of this world is a complete champion!

If it is an unrestricted all-member wild fighting mode.

Xia Yan may still be able to win Cynthia with tactics and some showy operations.

But if the battle is played according to the Alliance's rules, he has little hope.


Once Victory Road starts, there is no chance to stop, and there will be no time to recover Pokémon's stamina and Contest Condition.

Relatively speaking, getting through Battle Frontier is much easier than getting through Victory Road.


As Steven said, Battle Frontier is directly affiliated with the General League.

Maybe it will allow Xia Yan to investigate better.

Xia Yan listened to Steven's suggestion.

Because he really doesn't care what Elite Four, Champion or Battle Frontier leader is.

He just wanted to find out the identity of the group of people, even if he only knew the identity information of some marginal people, it was enough.

"And I heard that this Lily of the Valley competition seems to have attracted a lot of top Trainers from Kanto and Johto Region? It seems to be a trend to evolve from an ordinary competition to a world championship." Steven's words contained a little teasing. .

"World Championship?" Xia Yan's expression was even weirder.

He knew that what Steven was talking about was the group of Crimson, Xiaolan, Akin, and Silver who had heard the news.

But yeah.

"Don't worry, it won't." Xia Yan said firmly.

three days later.

Lily of the Valley, Sinnoh Region.

During the annual Lily of the Valley Contest, not many Sinnoh Region residents who were not affected by Team Galactic, still arrived at Lily of the Valley Island one after another during the opening of the contest.

Compared to Hoenn Region, Sinnoh Region is already very lucky.

Only Mt. Coronet suffered.

The opening ceremony of the Lily of the Valley Competition was also held on this day.

In a huge silver brazier, Ho-Oh's flames were successfully escorted from Johto Region to Sinnoh, blazing golden fire, rendering a large area of ​​the night sky.

Along with the fireworks, the bunting and satin fluttered.

The lively competition finally opened Veilstone in the roar of the crowd and the cheers.


Volcarona looked at the golden flame in the silver basin torch at the top of the arena, smashed her mouth subconsciously, and swallowed.

"Don't be impulsive. When the people disperse at night, we will come back quietly, and I will show you a taste." Xia Yan pressed the brim of his hat and said to Volcarona.

It caused the unanimous and speechless eyes of several people around him.

What about eating Ho-Oh's flames?

Volcarona, however, pounded garlic in his head, and kept clicking.

Only one person, carelessly carrying a billiard cue-like thing, wearing a hat crookedly, said to Volcarona:

"How can there be enough to eat? Next time you go back to the Johto Region with the young master, the young man will call Ho-Oh to make you full."


Volcarona's eyes lit up instantly.

"Akin, don't brag, Ho-Oh see you don't burn you in one bite, thank God."

Crimson patted his forehead. He had really seen Akin's boldness more than once.

Don't look like he's joking now.

But believe it or not.

As long as Xia Yan's Volcarona dares to go to the Johto Region with Akin, he really dares to turn over the Johto Region to find Ho-Oh.


It's hard to say whether Volcarona will eat the flame given by Ho-Oh or the flame ignited by Akin.


The red-haired Silver with his arms crossed his chest pouted, his face full of disdain.

"Are you saying that again?!" Akin was instantly furious, and was about to rush towards Silver with the club in his hand.

But he was stopped by Crystal.


Seeing this, Akin could only raise his head and snorted coldly.

In response, Silver responded with the same snort.

"Speaking of which. Although we arrived in Sinnoh before the start of the Lily of the Valley Competition, there is not much time left, but I still have the last Badge left, which is a pity." Xiaolan looked at the seven Badges in her box and felt a little regretful road.

"Me too."

The one who spoke was red.

But his result surprised everyone.

Will there be times when Crimson can't collect all the Badges?

Noticing everyone's gaze, Chi Hong scratched his head embarrassedly.

"I don't know what happened, the gym owner of Sunyshore City, Mr. Denji, has been missing for a month, so he can't be found."

Then he looked at Xia Yan, who was looking up to the sky forty-five degrees with his head raised, and his regret became more and more intense.

"Others are okay, but I can't compete with Teacher Xia Yan in the competition."

"Huh?! Crimson, are you also short of Sunyshore City's Beacon Badge?"

Xiao Lan blinked unexpectedly.

Immediately, the two compared some Badge boxes and found that they were exactly the same, but one was missing.

"Me too."

At this time, Silver with a cold face also took out his Badge box.

Strange to say.

He originally heard that Sunyshore City's Gym's main electricity is sent directly to Badge, so he put Sunyshore City at the end.

As a result, when he went to the Sunyshore City challenge gym, he found that the Badge was no longer available.

Even if he turned to the Sunyshore gymnasium, he couldn't find one if he wanted to steal one.

"Me too." Crystal stuck out her tongue and smirked.

"Could it be that Teacher Xia Yan was afraid of the competition, so he hid the gym owner in Sunyshore City?"

Akin looked conjectured.

Xia Yan next to him trembled while holding the hat.

"Why are you looking at the young master?! It's not impossible."

Noticing the gazes of several people, Akin glared.

"Teacher Xia Yan is afraid of you? How many Badges have you collected?" Silver asked in a flat tone.


Akin's expression stiffened, and he swung the club fiercely in his hand, saying viciously:

"Next time, let Xiaoye see Ji Xian, the master of the gymnasium in Nohara City, and Xiaoye will blow his dog's head!"

"You didn't collect a single one?" Chi Hong hesitated.

Akin put the club on the ground, stared at him and said:

"Then a burly man is not allowed to directly attack the Trainer in battle?!"

Everyone: "."

Everyone showed a "that's true" expression.

Akin believes that if he can kill the Trainer, he will never get along with Pokémon. This habit has been deeply rooted and cannot be changed.

"That's why you came so early, and it turned out that there was no one who could compete. There was also one who didn't even have a Badge."

Green with his pockets in his pockets almost didn't laugh out loud.

"Damn, can the young master kill him directly?" Akin's eyes were fierce.

Qinglu squinted at him and said lightly, "You can try."

"Try and die!"

Akin rolled up his sleeves.

Just as he was about to move forward, he found that his chest was being held back.

I tried a few times, but I couldn't move.

Look down.

I just saw a straw hat.

"Sister Straw Hat, are you so strong?"

Xiao Huang said with a smile: "Alright, alright, everyone has not been able to participate, so let's cheer for Teacher Xia Yan together."

Akin pouted, "You and Chi Hong came to Sinnoh for a couple vacation, and we became fools."


Xiao Huang's face flushed a little, and he lowered his head and hesitated, not knowing how to explain.

Crimson next to him heard the words, looked at Qinglu, and suggested, "Let's do Akin, right?"

Qinglu nodded, "That's what I meant."

Silver, who had been resting on the concave shape, interjected, "Count me in."

Akin, who saw this, not only was not afraid, but also laughed strangely.

"Jie Jie Jie - I've been waiting for this day for a long time! I'm going to kill all three of you today!"

After a few minutes.

Akin: "Wrong, wrong, really wrong."

Seeing that Crystal, Xiaolan, and Xiaohuang all supported their foreheads.

"Hey, what about Teacher Xia Yan?"

At this time, Xiaolan realized that Xia Yan was gone.


Xiao Huang closed his eyes and felt it for a while, then opened his eyes and said.

see you.

Xia Yan didn't know when they left them, pretended to be not very familiar, and chatted with many "acquaintances" from Sinnoh Region.

"Hahaha - Teacher Xia Yan has praised it, praised it badly."

The owner of the gymnasium in Nohara City, Chi Guo showed a lump of flesh on his upper body, and Ji Xianhan, a former professional wrestler with a mask, smiled.

"Well, that kid is right there, he wants to fight with Mr. Ji Xian, you are a real person, saying that you have a whole body of tendon and you are vulnerable."

Ji Xian followed Xia Yan's line of sight and saw Akin sitting on the ground with a bruised face.

Clenching his fists and "grinning", he walked towards Akin step by step.

"It turned out to be your kid, calling himself a kid in front of this uncle"

Akin just broke free from the clutches of the three of them, and met Ji Xian's gaze.

He stepped back in a hurry, "You don't come here!!"

Xia Yan, who was standing behind Ji Xian and looked at with a smile, cast a "pity" look at Akin.

Akin, you know too much.

The Baby Cup is upgraded to the Masters?

Do not!

I, Xia Yan, said it was a baby cup, a baby cup!

"Teacher Xia Yan."

The voice came from behind Xia Yan.

"It's Paul."

Seeing Paul with an expressionless face, Xia Yan greeted him with a smile.

Paul bowed slightly respectfully.

"Teacher Xia Yan won't use the main Pokémon in the competition?" Paul asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Xia Yan was stunned for a moment.

But as long as Crimson and the others don't participate, he really doesn't need to use his main Pokémon.

I had promised a few little guys to let them show their faces.

Seeing Xia Yan being silent, Paul's face showed confidence again, and said seriously: "I will definitely become the champion!"

Then challenge Battle Frontier and go back to the old ways of brother Reggie.

But he definitely won't go down at the last minute like Reggie did, and he'll be in a tailspin!

"Courage is commendable." Xia Yan patted him on the shoulder, and did not have many emotional fluctuations because of this.

Even if he doesn't use the main Pokémon, Xia Yan feels that if he can't win the championship like this, he should go home and sleep.

Just wait until you return to the original world and lie down.

Not to mention the Sinnoh champion.


Darkrai isn't the main Pokémon, is it?


That's it.

Paul nodded solemnly and left.

"Teacher Xia Yan! Found you!"

And Paul had just left, and Ash, Dawn, and Xiaogang also found him.

"It's you." Xia Yan greeted them all and rolled his eyes: "Paul also said just now that he has to beat you Ash first, and then beat me to win the championship."


Ash's face turned pale, "Don't worry, Teacher Xia Yan! Paul, I will definitely defeat him!"

"come on."

Xia Yan nodded.

This time around, Ash should call out all the Pokémon he's captured before to prepare for the fight.

The difficulty and excitement of the battle are even higher than that of Kalos.

It can be said that Ash's combat skills are at their peak.

That Kalos vs. Allen. Water spray, not to mention.

"Teacher Xia Yan, I finally found you."

The three girls, Miss Plantina, also squeezed through the crowd and found Xia Yan.

"Teacher Xia Yan, let me introduce you to someone."


Plantina, Diamond and Parr stepped aside.

A young man with fluttering long hair and a handsome look in a red trench coat walked in front of Xia Yan.

"Teacher Xia Yan." The young man was quite aristocratic. He bowed slightly and introduced himself: "My dear Dakoto. I have seen news about Teacher Xia Yan on the Internet more than once recently, but I didn't expect to meet you in this competition."

Looking at the person, Xia Yan's eyes twitched slightly.

He thought he would never meet.

did not expect.

So, this time is a battle of true and false beast men?

Rayquaza, give me back my Latios!

"Cough, come on, I look forward to your performance."

Dakduo's eyes were bright, "Of course! I'm also very much looking forward to the moment of fighting with you, Teacher Xia Yan!"

"It's Dakdo of the Berlitz family."

Cynthia didn't know when to appear behind Xia Yan, looked at the distant back, and said slowly.

"He's from the Berlitz family?" Xia Yan was taken aback.

Say so.

The hair colors of Dakto and the eldest seem to be really close!

Moreover, if Dakdo is a member of the Berlitz family, then he has so many divine beasts, to a certain extent, it makes sense.

after all.

The Berlitz family is also an important member of the "Rayquaza Capture Program".

Rayquaza got caught, so it makes sense to capture a Darkrai and then a Latios?

Plantina stuck out her tongue.

"It's not entirely true. Dakdo is not named Berritz, but he does have something to do with our family. Well, it's my cousin."

good guy.

Xia Yan once again realized how terrifying the family background of this world is.

Steven of the Zvoch family, Dakot of the Berlitz family?

"Dakto has been studying and growing in the region outside before returning to Sinnoh. My father told me after I got home." Plantina added.

"It's a good Trainer, worthy of attention." Cynthia blinked slightly playful eyes and looked at Xia Yan.

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth pulled down.

The identity of this beast man, I am afraid that this time it is really necessary to distinguish the true and false.

After continuing to chat with Xia Yan for a while, Cynthia walked to the high platform of the arena amid the cheers, supported by the rustling Black windbreaker.

Holding the microphone in one hand and supporting her waist in the other, her blonde hair scattered.

"Lily of the Valley Conference, officially started!"

In an instant.

Gorgeous fireworks shot up, and the enthusiasm of the audience and all the players was instantly ignited.


Fullmoon Island.

The slightly embarrassed Yongdai sister Dianji got out of the jungle, "Strange, why can't I find the electric-type Pokémon that Xia Yan said I had never seen before?"

An electric slap on the forehead.

"Crap! Lily of the Valley Conference! My Badge."

After a long while, he let out another breath, "Fortunately, I have left the battle robot and enough Badge. It shouldn't affect the players' participation. Let's look for it."

do not know why.

this time.

In addition to looking for the Pokémon, Denji felt that he had a lot of dreams at night.


PS: For a new month, ask for a monthly pass~~

(End of this chapter)

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