The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 989 Tactics? No, Violent Flat Push! (5.4K!)

Chapter 988 Tactics? No, violent flat push! (5.4k!)

"Everyone is a Trainer who has obtained eight Badge, and their strengths are very close to each other. I'm just lucky."

In the round of 64, Xia Yan, who used Sliggoo, completed the sweep. With such words, he comforted the injured heart of the opponent.

I don't know whether the other party was cured or gave up the treatment completely.

at the same time.

Some people who didn't know Xia Yan at first also gradually got to know Xia Yan through his performance in the preliminaries.

In part, out of curiosity about Xia Yan's identity, a certain search was carried out on the Internet.

The results are, of course, surprising.

The events of the Hoenn disaster have slowly surfaced, and more and more people know about it.

And Xia Yan, who turned the tide in the Hoenn disaster, also gradually ran into the hot search.

"The man who rides Rayquaza, he competes in the Lily of the Valley! 》

Recently, news headlines with this text have been on the official website of Alliance for a long time.


He even stood on Mega Rayquaza's head with his hat, facing the high-definition photos of Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre, hanging directly at the top of this news.


And put the high-definition photo of Xia Yan commanding Shelgon in the preliminaries of the Lily of the Valley competition, and put it at the beginning of the next paragraph.

at last.

The writer of this news ended with one sentence.

"Teacher Xia Yan, the 'inheritance' of Rayquaza, participated in the Lily of the Valley Competition to fry fish, please listen to my advice: Everyone, run!"


Sylveon, who stood on the table and read the entire report with Xia Yan, pouted and covered Xia Yan's computer with dissatisfaction.


Sylveon is angry.

You said it was fried fish?

Everyone is a Trainer with eight Badges, how can you say fried fish?

If Xia Yan is unhappy, and he is not given the last chance to show his face, how can this be good?

Looking at the angry but worried look of the little guy, Xia Yan couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

The two silks that rolled it up, carefully tying a brand new bow on Sylveon's head.

"Don't worry, public opinion can't affect me at all."

"Buyi?" Sylveon carefully touched the bow on his head, and while smiling, he tilted his head and looked at Xia Yan with doubts.

Xia Yan stretched out for a long time.

"Everyone has conquered Mewtwo and participated in the Indigo Alliance and the Johto Region Alliance. This time, the Lily of the Valley Conference almost caught up. I just rode the Rayquaza, and I didn't know where to go."


Sylveon suddenly showed a sudden color.

Makes sense.

When Chi Hong, who was chatting with Xiao Huang next to him, heard this, his expression suddenly collapsed.

"Teacher Xia Yan, don't whip the corpse. Now whenever someone mentions this to you, take me out to block the knife. I'm about to be slashed and numb."

Xia Yan shrugged, "Okay, let's put it another way. Two people got the approval of Ho-Oh and Lugia, and they didn't pay it back in the end."

"I didn't attend this conference!" ×2

Akin and Silver spoke at the same time.

After he finished speaking, he realized that the other party actually said the same thing as him, so he couldn't help but glance at each other, and then turned his head with a "hum" at the same time.

"Then take another example."

Xia Yan is not in a hurry, anyway, there are many people here, and he is not the only one.

"Some people punched Mewtwo head on. If Mewtwo hadn't blocked it with Psychic in time, they might have fallen down with one punch. They're not still participating in the Lily of the Valley competition."

Ash, who was stuffing the energy cube in his mouth, raised his head blankly.

"Me, me?"

Point to yourself.

He doesn't remember doing it himself!

"Pickup pickup?"

On the contrary, Pikachu tilted his head and drooped one ear thoughtfully, as if he was thinking a little.

Seeing Ash's act of slamming the energy cube, Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

"Is it tasty?"

"good to eat!"

Ash's eyes suddenly lit up, "I didn't expect Teacher Xia Yan's energy cubes to be so delicious."

Finished calf.

This kid won't become a Pokémon after being resurrected by Ho-Oh?

Steven happily sat down on the sofa with a latte.

"However, let's talk about it, Xia Yanyi is indeed a dimensionality reduction blow. Now that the top 32 have been decided, and the previous qualifiers are connected, others have only seen your Sliggoo and Shelgon, and the other Pokémon. never seen it.

Moreover, it is also a series of three games that end. "

"Dimensional reduction strike?"

Xia Yan was very unconvinced.

"Do you think the water at this Lily of the Valley Conference is very shallow? Let me tell you, at least a quarter of the current round of thirty-two has been played from the beginning of the qualifiers with only one Pokémon. The tail comes up easily."

"Really?" Steven raised an eyebrow.

Except for Xia Yan's game, he really didn't pay much attention to it.

"Only divine beasts and phantom beasts, there are already two of them at this conference."


"Darkrai of Dakdo, and Heatran of another person." Xia Yan said.

Darkrai only appeared after the qualifiers started.

And that Heatran, someone took him with him when he signed up for the opening of the conference.

Think about it now.

Charon went to great lengths to get Heatran, and one of the Lily of the Valley Conference players had one of those Pokémons.

"Hmm—is that so? That does sound like it's getting more interesting."

Lily of the Valley Conference.

Thirty-two into sixteen games.

It is still carried out in three branch venues.

Whether it is 64 into 32 or 32 into 16, the rules of the game are in the form of three to three.

And only after advancing to the top eight, the rules will become a six-on-six full-player mode.

"Kricketune of Nando player is incapacitated! So the winner is Ash player!"

As Host's voice fell, Ash officially entered the top sixteen of the Lily of the Valley Conference.

And his Heracross also showed a very good side in this round of battle.


Ash was thrown down by Heracross all of a sudden, and laughed excitedly, showing a happy smile.

Paul, who was lying on the top railing of the spectator seat, turned around and left without any hesitation after seeing Ash's victory.

Dawn also quickly put away the flower ball and quickly left the field with Piplup in his arms.

Xiaogang followed.

Although this seems a little inauthentic to Ash who has just won the victory.

But no way.

Another sub-field.

Teacher Xia Yan's battle is about to begin!

And there are not a few people who have the same behavior as Dawn and Xiaogang.

The entrance to the Pokémon Center in the Player's Village.

With a professional smile, Xiao Lan responded with the most sincere attitude to every Trainer near the Pokémon Center.

"Friends, I don't want to go to the Pokémon Center."

Then open the bag that I carry with me, "I have the latest healing sprays and medicinals, do you want to consider it? I'll give you a 20% discount! Teacher Xia Yan also uses this one."

"Oh, really?"

Trainer, who didn't have much interest at first, became interested when he heard that it was Teacher Xia Yan's same style.

The blue green who came patted his forehead.

Holding Xiaolan Destiny's neck, he dragged her away directly.

"Teacher Xia Yan's game is about to start."

"oh oh!"

Xiaolan reacted instantly.

Close the stall.


"Xia Yan is quite serious, who is his Rival this time?" Cynthia crossed Erlang's legs and ate ice cream in small bites, looking like she was afraid of melting.

"Well, it looks like it's called Conway?"

Steven put his head against his head and thought for a while before the name sounded.

"Oh~~" Cynthia showed a sudden look.

"You know?" Steven was a little serious, someone who could make Cynthia remember his name, at least not too weak.

"do not know."

Steven: "."

"Conway." Lucian on the other side pushed his glasses, "I remember him as someone who is good at observing Rival and formulating his own tactics based on Rival Contest Condition and strength. He is a Trainer who can fight with his brain."


Steven nodded.

Competing tactics with "Man of Tactics"?

The ring-shaped venue, the cheers and tsunami Normal swept over.

Xia Yan and Conway stood on opposite sides of the battlefield.

The battle field this time is the field of grass.

After the two simply said hello, Conway pushed his eyes slightly with trembling hands.

"Calm down, Conway! Calm down! Although Xia Yan Teacher has ridden Rayquaza, from the previous qualifiers and his performance in the first round, his main purpose should be to train the second-tier Pokémon, and Shelgon and Sliggoo should be on the court. one of the.

As long as it is them, there is a chance! "

Conway patted his cheek, lifting his spirits.

"Please call the Pokémon of both players!" The referee's voice sounded.

"Go on, Shuckle!"

Xia Yan was still impressed with Conway.

after all.

This is the first man who moved the move "Trick Room" to the animation.

He flipped the Poké Ball in his hand, and suddenly moved.

Tight and smiling.

"That's it"

After whispering to himself, he quickly completed the replacement of the Poké Ball, and immediately threw it.

boom! !

in red light.

The one who appeared on the grass was a sturdy man with thick limbs, with the exception of his feet wrapped in a thick carapace, Shelgon!


Conway's eyes lit up and he pushed his glasses excitedly again.

It's Shelgon, then there's hope for him.

Maybe. He can defeat the careless Teacher Xia Yan and become famous since then!

"Phew—catch up."

Xiao Lan wiped the sweat from her forehead, sat down beside Xiao Huang, and saw the Shelgon summoned by Xia Yan, "Teacher Xia Yan really came to the Conference to level up."

Chi Hong handed her a few tissues, looked at the Shelgon on the field, and said hesitantly:

"However, I think this Shelgon is like... like"

"It's approaching the tipping point."

The cyan complements the red words.

In the training of Pokémon, he is obviously the most authoritative of several people.

"Wow. It's too much. It's okay to play the baby cup, but I'm still ready to instantly restore blood to blue, tsk tsk tsk." Akin sighed.

on the field.

"The Conway player goes first, and the battle begins!"

"Shuckle, use Iron Defense!"

Conway's Shuckle is already a very defensive Pokémon.

This can be seen from the fact that Shuckle left a hole in the grass after he came out.

However, when he had the opportunity to take the lead, he decisively chose to strengthen his defense, and showed the words "like passive" to the fullest.

In the face of Conway's "stable" style of play, everyone is looking forward to what method Xia Yan will use to crack it.

after all.

In terms of strength alone, it seems that the difference between Conway's Shuckle and Xia Yan's Shelgon is not big.

Shelgon belongs to the kind of aggressive Pokémon. Faced with a turtle shell, do you want to attack it?

Or Yu Biao strengthening?


Xia Yan's choice exceeded everyone's expectations.

I saw him raise the corner of his mouth, revealing a bright smile, flipped his palm, and there was a blue-green slap-sized dragon scale.

Throw to Shelgon.

At the same time, he said loudly: "Evolve, Shelgon!"

Everyone: "???"

This scene.

Sylveon, who was in the audience, couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Bu Ying! Bu Ying!"

It wants that too!

That's what it wants!

How handsome is the evolution under the attention of the audience?

And this is also one of the things that Xia Yan promised to a few little guys before.

Shelgon and Sliggoo in the second echelon, because of their status as quasi-god Pokémon, did not have many opportunities to play.

If Xia Yan participates in any competitions in the future, the chances of them getting the chance to appear will be much lower.


Rather than waiting for a chance to play in a future game.

It is better to present them completely in front of everyone in this competition!


Shelgon has reached a tipping point after a long accumulation, as well as in previous games.

It's better to be here and take this opportunity to complete the final transformation!



We just want to push!

As for Conway, who was standing opposite Xia Yan, his glasses slipped onto the bridge of his nose.

All his previous preparations, all tactical planning, and all battle calculations were completely overturned when he saw the giant dragon on the opposite side that slowly unfolded its scarlet wings and revealed a ferocious appearance.



The loud and clear Long Yin shook the entire arena.

Assisting the evolution, Salamence has also successfully moved from the master level to the quasi-Elite level in one fell swoop!


It finally got the coveted Flying ability!


Salamence roared excitedly, and while shaking his wings, he rolled up the wind and waves, which instantly overwhelmed the entire lawn.

After the sudden change completely interrupted Conway's plan, he became a little flustered.

"Salamence, the Dragon Dance is approaching!" Xia Yan did not hesitate at all.


Another roar.

Salamence doesn't seem to have just mastered Flying at all. It is already in a dream, in a fantasy, and I don't know how many times it has the ability to have the ability of Flying.

Now, the dragon-type Trump Card move "Dragon Dance" is faster and stronger!

"Shuckle, Withdraw!" Conway commanded hastily.

Shuckle's soft yellow body parts immediately curled up into the hard shell.

"Dragon Claw!"

But Salamence wrapped the claws of fierce dragon energy, but slapped Shuckle directly, just like hitting a ball.

Bang! !


Shuckle has been strengthened twice, so it won't be instant.

Conway finally calmed down after the initial tension.

No matter what happened to Xia Yan, he could only proceed according to the original plan.

"Shuckle, Power Trick! Gyro Ball!"

A Psychic halo instantly appeared on Shuckle who was shot flying.

"Stone Edge."


Before it could completely stabilize and spin, Salamence stepped out without hesitation after landing.

boom -

A sharp rock pillar rose from the ground.

Accurately hit Shuckle, who was constantly trying to stabilize his body.

This trick.

Learned from Infernape.

boom! !

Shuckle hit the ground hard.


Salamence, who had completed the defeat, roared recklessly, showing his Contest Condition.

The momentum keeps rising.

"Salamence of overconfident Ability?!" Conway swallowed involuntarily.

"Shuckle is incapacitated! Please replace the Pokémon with Conway!" the referee signaled.

Conway, clutching the Poké Ball, took two deep breaths, trying to calm himself down.

"Please, Dusknoir!"

Then came Conway's Trump Card, which is also his biggest support.


"Dusknoir, Trick Room!"

Sure enough, Conway was left with the option of trying to open the Salamence gap with Dusknoir.

The only thing that makes him happy.

After Shelgon evolved into Salamence, he finally opened the gap with Dusknoir in terms of speed.

The "Trick Room" stance enveloped the audience, and the speed rules suddenly changed.

Salamence hovered in mid-air, savage eyes swept around.

But Xia Yan didn't order, and Salamence didn't move.


Use "Trick Room" in front of Xia Yan?

This is all he has left to play.

After opening "Trick Room", Conway let out a long breath.

It was finally time for the battle rhythm he was most familiar with.

"Dusknoir, Shadow Punch!"


Dusknoir's figure suddenly flashed and appeared behind Salamence.

The cunning one-eyed red light rose up, his fist swelled under the thick Ghost energy, and he punched Salamence's back with a punch.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

"Salamence, Crunch!"

But only see.

Salamence fluttered his wings, as if he was ready for Normal, and turned around abruptly.

The bloody mouth that opened, directly smashed Dusknoir's fist Bite, the thick black light shattered the package of Ghost-type energy, and bit Dusknoir's fist firmly.

Conway's eyes widened when he saw this.

Can you do this?

Xia Yan had to admit.


Ash's style of play is actually quite effective.

"Dragon Rush!"

Salamence biting the Dusknoir did not hesitate, dragged its body abruptly, and smashed to the Ground under the coverage of the surging dragon energy.

boom! ! !

A large cloud of dust rose.


When Salamence's imposing roar sounded again, with the momentum rising again, Dusknoir, who fell in the ruins, had lost his ability to fight!

Overconfidence, the god of pushing the team!

"Big, Lickiliki."

And Conway, who summoned the last Pokémon, was completely disrupted by Xia Yan because of the tactical arrangement and rhythm.

In addition, facing Salamence who has superimposed "Dragon Dance" twice and "overconfidence", there is really not much confidence.

Besides, his Lickilicki was originally a Pokémon for Dusknoir's tactics.

"Dragon Rush!"

As Salamence hit Lickiliki again with the surging waves, the result of a one-shot kill was almost certain.

Conway looked defeated.

No matter how he can observe, how can he calculate, it is not enough that Xia Yanhui will let Shelgon evolve on the spot.

Unexpectedly, the evolved Salamence Ability is not intimidation, but overconfidence.

Once the ability "Overconfidence" is stacked, sometimes a string of six is ​​very easy.

"All three of Conway's Pokémon are incapacitated!"

The referee raised the flag, "The winner, Xia Yan contestant!"

"Ah? I thought Teacher Xia Yan would use some tactics, but it turned out to be unreasonably pushing the team violently?"

"It feels like I'll give Conway three more Pokémons, and the results will be the same."

Other people's string of threes is because they can only do one string of threes.

Salamence's string of threes, and that's because Rival only has three.

The concept is still different.

Successfully advanced to the quarterfinals.

For Xia Yan.

There is no movement inside.


In his own words, "I'm already thinking about whether to go Victory Road or flatten Battle Frontier."


The quarterfinals are sometimes interesting.

For example.

Ash's quarterfinals Rival, it's Paul!


PS: Today's 1.2w+! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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