The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 138 Yu Jin's 18-year-old

Eighteen is a very important milestone for the Seventh Prince.

Before the age of 18, Yu Jin could be said to be a freelancer. There were masters who studied and practiced martial arts. As long as he wanted to learn, he would be taught, but no one would force him to learn what he didn't want to learn at the request of the prince. .

The royal family, nobles, civil and military officials have a laissez-faire attitude towards Yu Jin, and of course they will show basic respect for the prince when they meet.

They are also waiting for the seventh prince to turn eighteen.

The Heavenly Master at the time said that the Seventh Prince was born with the eight characters of the Emperor, so father and son could not meet, and it would be fine when the Seventh Prince turned eighteen.

They were just waiting for the emperor to remember this son after the seventh prince turned eighteen.

If you remember it, you don't need to say much. If you have forgotten about the seventh prince, they can ignore it from now on.

Yu Jin's restlessness is not because of this.

His birthday has arrived, and Ah Si has not been here yet!


Someone in a bad mood turned his eyes to a corner.

There was a big dog lying there, squinting and sticking out its tongue to cool off.

Someone is even more upset.

Shouldn't Erniu coax him? He was also tricked into a pot of meat and bones by this bastard!

Erniu turned his head as if he had felt it, and looked innocently at the black-faced master.

Yu Jin forcibly resisted the urge to kick the two cows flying.

Forget it, he was the one who pulled it big, he doesn't care about a dog!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Although there was not much movement in the ears of the people in the courtyard, Yu Jin stood up instantly and strode towards the door of the courtyard.

Long Dan shouted from behind him: "Master, go open the door, little one."

Obviously there is a gatekeeper, how is the master active?

Hey, could it be that Miss Jiang is here?

"No." Yu Jin replied to Long Dan, his voice unable to hide his eagerness.

The fire of gossip in Long Dan's eyes ignited.

He sure guessed it right!

Oh, girl Jiang actually took the initiative to come to the master, or is it on the master's birthday that the master's good deeds are approaching?

Yu Jin couldn't wait to walk to the door, and before the old gatekeeper could react, he excitedly opened the door, and the smile on his lips suddenly solidified.

Standing outside the door was a handsome man with a long body, in his twenties, followed by two imposing servants.

After a short silence, Yu Jin called out lightly, "Fourth brother."

The person who came was King Qi, the fourth son of Emperor Jing Ming, and Yu Jin were both descended from Xian Concubine.

The two brothers of the same mother, one standing inside the door and the other standing outside the door, are somewhat similar in appearance, and they are all outstandingly beautiful. It's just that King Qi is a young man who is in full bloom, and his gestures carry the nobility of being pampered, while Yu Jin still has the arrogance and unruly of a young man.

The fourth prince smiled: "Did the seventh brother think it was someone else?"

His seventh brother had never been enthusiastic about him.

Yu Jin's expression had long since returned to normal, and he said lightly, "Why is the fourth brother here?"

The fourth prince pointed to the door: "Don't Seventh Brother invite me in and talk about it?"

Yu Jin turned sideways and asked the fourth prince to enter.

The fourth prince looked around the courtyard.

The yard is not big, but it is neatly arranged. A tall acacia tree covers half of the sky, and a big dog lies in the corner.

Leisurely and peacefully, it was too shabby for the Fourth Prince.

The fourth prince sighed: "Seventh brother, you don't agree to let you live with me, you have to live here alone—"

"How can I disturb the fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law Qingjing." Yu Jin said lukewarmly.

"Look at you, what are you talking about?" The fourth prince smiled disapprovingly, raised his hand and patted Yu Jin's shoulder, "Seventh brother, it doesn't matter if you don't usually live with me, you must go today."

Yu Jin frowned slightly, wondering what medicine the Fourth Prince was selling in the gourd.

The fourth prince was stunned: "Seventh brother, wouldn't you forget that today is your birthday?"

Yu Jin was stunned.

Of course he didn't forget, he was still thinking about Axi giving him a surprise, but what was the fourth brother thinking about his birthday?

Over the years,

His birthday was all alone.

The fourth prince grabbed Yu Jin's wrist: "I have called the other brothers, and now they are all in my mansion, and the banquet is ready, just waiting for you to go."

Seeing that Yu Jin hadn't responded yet, the fourth prince simply dragged him: "Seventh brother, you were not in the capital in previous years, and the brothers couldn't help you if they wanted to celebrate your birthday. You can't miss it this year."

Yu Jin thought for a while and no longer refused.

Now that he came back, and decided to stay in order to marry Ah Si, he would have to integrate into this circle sooner or later.

Well, let's start from the day he turns eighteen.

Seeing that Yu Jin no longer resisted, the fourth prince smiled slightly: "Just say it, how can I always be bored by myself."

Today, the seventh brother is eighteen years old, and others can ignore him. If he turns a blind eye as a brother of a mother's compatriot, he will inevitably fall into a bad reputation.

Celebrating the seventh brother's birthday for Zhang Luozhu is beneficial and harmless.

If the royal father suddenly remembers the seventh brother, his move will be considered a help in the snow, and the seventh brother will remember his friendship in the future, maybe it will be a big help for him.

If the royal father completely forgets the seventh brother, he will also gain a good reputation as a friendly brother, and he will not suffer any losses.

But his seventh brother is really weird.

The fourth prince sighed in his heart, and then curved the corners of his lips.

He has so many brothers, each of them is already powerful enough, the seventh brother is so reassuring.

"Seventh brother, why don't you leave?" Seeing Yu Jin suddenly stop in front of the door, the fourth prince urged.

Yu Jin smiled: "It's okay, let's go."

Aki probably won't come...

About half an hour after Yu Jin and the Fourth Prince left, Jiang Shi and Ah Man appeared in front of the crooked neck jujube tree.

"Girl, do we want to go in?" Aman asked while holding his forehead.

You've been standing for a quarter of an hour, what do you think?

"Go and call the door." Jiang Si pursed her lips lightly and finally made up her mind.

She didn't come because of that person's birthday today, but just a promise. She promised Erniu a few days ago that she would come here, and she happened to be free today.

If she doesn't come, what if that person bullies Erniu? What? Isn't Yu Qi naive enough to get angry with Erniu?

Jiang Si pouted the corners of his mouth. Stop kidding, that bastard is such a naive person, she has already learned it.

It's just that when he sees her here today, will he misunderstand that she is here to celebrate his birthday? Maybe she has to decide that she cares about him, and she will climb more smoothly since then——

Miss Jiang was struggling when the courtyard door creaked open.

Facing the one-eyed doorman, Aman couldn't help but cheer up: "Is Young Master Yu at home?"

"Not in-"


The doorman and Long Dan said in unison. After the two finished speaking, they could not help looking at each other.

Ah Man was stunned: "Are you there?"

"Wang——" A big dog pushed Long Dan away with its mouth and got out.

Aman took a step back subconsciously.

Oh my god, she has experienced the ability of this big dog, she can't afford it!

Er Niu walked past A Man, grabbed Jiang Si's skirt and dragged it inward.

These stupid human beings, whether the master is not important, of course, drag people in first.

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