The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 139 Drink too much

When Long Dan saw that his master's sweetheart was actually dragged in by Er Niu, he smeared oil on the soles of his feet and quickly slipped away.

This kind of thing must be notified to the master in time, otherwise, when the master comes back and knows that he missed Miss Jiang, he will definitely clean up him.

As for when he left, no one greeted Miss Jiang—hehe, there are two bulls who are better than anyone else.

Yu Jin came to Qi Wangfu with the fourth prince, and the banquet was set in the palace garden.

Emperor Jing Ming had a total of eight princes to support, and Yu Jin silently counted the number of people, except for the prince who actually arrived.

Seeing Yu Jin coming, several princes looked different, and most of them flashed disdain in their eyes.

Although they came to celebrate Yu Jin's birthday, they were not in Yu Jin's field, or even in the field of the Fourth Prince.

This is the only brother who lived outside the palace and went to the south to fight barbarians since he was a child. Since he came to the capital, he has not dealt with them. How can he not take this opportunity to join in the fun?

"Seventh brother, it's not easy to have a drink with you." The eldest prince greeted with a gentle smile.

The eldest prince seals the king of Qin, and the situation is a bit embarrassing.

When Emperor Jing Ming was an ordinary prince, he had been married for many years and had no children. In order to get a good omen, he took the youngest son of his cousin's family as his adopted son. . When Emperor Jing Ming became emperor unexpectedly, the eldest prince, who was the eldest son, could only keep a low profile and keep a low profile, so as not to obstruct the eyes of the queen and the crown prince.

Over the years, the eldest prince has developed a good-natured personality.

Yu Jin looked at the eldest prince seriously, saw that he was looking at the oldest, and silently confirmed the identity of the other party, and then said: "Big brother."

Yes, after returning to Beijing, Yu Jin seldom met these brothers, and they couldn't even meet each other. The one who impressed the most was the prince.

Fortunately, although he is sloppy, once he is concerned, it is different.

The eldest is the eldest brother, the third brother is constipated, the fifth brother is the one who looks at the weak, the sixth brother is the one who thinks he is smart, and the eighth brother is the one who has no hair.

Hmm, still pretty good.

"Seventh brother, I have wanted to drink with you for a long time, but you don't have a palace yet, so there is no place to drink." The eighth prince said with a smile, his face pure.

Yu Jin raised his eyebrows.

At the age of sixteen, he had already cut off the head of the enemy's leader among thousands of troops, put the head aside, and ate meat and drink with the soldiers. What kind of innocence did this little bastard pretend to be in front of him? Not too disgusting!

"Drinking is not in the place, but in the person." Yu Jin said lightly.

The eighth prince was stunned. He didn't expect that a prince who had been forgotten by his father for a long time would still have a needle hidden in his mouth when he spoke.

Where did this guy come from?

Even he has sealed the king of Xiang, what kind of onion is Lao Qi?

Princes can only have their own mansion and soldiers when they are crowned kings. Although they will not go to fiefs to become vassals, the income of the fiefs belongs to them. Compared with this, the annual salary of the prince is a drop in the bucket.

It can be said that a prince only has the ability to form and manage his own forces only by conferring the queen. The reason could not be more simple, raising a person costs money, and the cost is huge.

Being a prince is the dream of every prince, and it is also the key for court officials to measure the power of a prince. This is enough to explain the difference between an ordinary prince and a prince who has been crowned king.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a world of difference.

The mother and concubine of the eighth prince is just a dancer, with a humble status. The eighth prince is the youngest and has been suppressed in front of the brothers. Now that she can finally show her prestige in front of Yu Jin, she is choked by the other party's lukewarmness. Coming back, this breath is really hard to swallow.

The Eighth Prince is not an impulsive person. If he is a mother and a concubine, if he has a frivolous temperament, he will not grow up so peacefully.

But people are always different when they face people who think their status is not as good as themselves, and it seems that they can be more reckless.

The eighth prince was not annoyed, he put the wine glass on the table, and filled the wine jar: "Since the seventh brother said so, let's have a good drink today as brothers."

As he said, he winked at several princes: "Brothers, the seventh brother said that drinking is not in the place.

If we can't greet Seventh Brother today, then it's the wrong person, the brothers said, right? "

The fifth prince developed a carefree and impulsive temper because of the favor of his mother and concubine. Hearing this, he said with a smile: "The eighth brother is right, today we are going to have a good drink with the seventh brother."

When the two made such a fuss, the others naturally raised their glasses to join in the fun, and even the Fourth Prince didn't say much.

He was arranging to celebrate the seventh brother's birthday, and he already had a good reputation. It was really worth it to offend other brothers for the seventh brother.

Yu Jin put the wine glass on the long table and made a soft sound.

"Why don't you drink the seventh brother?" The eighth prince smiled, "If the seventh brother can't drink enough, then let's drink less, don't worry-"

Yu Jin brought the wine jar over and put it in front of him, and patted the dark wine jar: "What's the difference between drinking from a wine glass and a bitch? Let's use this if we want to drink!"

The corner of the Eighth Prince's mouth froze in a smile.

Will this be his army?

After a brief silence, the eighth prince patted his hands and said, "Seventh brother is happy! Come on, remove the wine glass and change the wine jar!"

So many of them are still afraid that he can't be alone?

After drinking a jar of wine, Yu Jin didn't change his face, the Eighth Prince's cheeks were already burning like fire, and the others were not too strong either.

The fifth prince was originally a carefree temperament. As soon as he drank too much wine, he immediately became more talkative. He held a wine jar and said with a big tongue: "Follow, tell you, I have a crush on a girl."

"Who is it?" the other princes asked casually.

Yu Jin casually tapped the empty wine jar.

After drinking a jar of wine, it became this virtue, and he was embarrassed to ask him for a drink. If he had time to spare, he might as well wait for Ah Si at home.

If you wait, you won't be able to make money.

Thinking of this, Yu Jin couldn't wait, ready to get up and say goodbye.

Who knew that the fifth prince's next sentence made him stunned.

"Four girls from Dongping Uncle Mansion!"

"Four girls from Uncle Dongping? Hey, I've heard of this girl. Isn't it because Ji San of Duke Ang's mansion fell in love with a civilian girl and quit his marriage? Fifth brother, how did you like it?" The eighth prince asked curiously. .

The fifth prince snorted: "The day when the Prince of Changxing was arrested, I went to watch the fun, and I saw it by accident. After inquiring, I found out that the beauty is the fourth girl from the Dongping Uncle's Mansion. Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the man from the Duke of Anguo's mansion. Ji San is a fool, don't marry a common woman with such a stunning beauty. But that's fine, otherwise I won't be able to remember."

"Fifth brother, you have a fifth sister-in-law."

The fifth prince laughed happily: "Old eighth, you are talking about a child. What's wrong with the fifth sister-in-law, I have no plans to marry her as a concubine, and their family is not a fool to give her the name of a side concubine. Bring it here-"

Yu Jin suddenly stood up.

Everyone was stunned.

"Seventh brother, what's wrong?" The fourth prince had a bad intuition.

"I am drunk."

Everyone blinked: So what?

Yu Jin smiled, picked up the wine jar and smashed it directly on the fifth prince's head.

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