The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 140 The princes of the melee

What would it be like to smash a wine jar on the head of a prince, not to mention the maids who were present, even the princes who were also the prince could not imagine.

But now it's happening!

At that moment, everyone was dumbfounded, and even the fifth prince who was smashed did not respond.

Of course, others didn't respond because they were surprised, and the fifth prince didn't respond because he was dizzy after being hit.

A stream of blood flowed down the fifth prince's forehead and flowed into his mouth, which was wide open because of his shock.

The strong smell of blood came, and the fifth prince woke up like a dream, jumped up and shouted: "How dare you hit me?"

The fifth prince's mother-in-law was the daughter of the general. The fifth prince liked fisting and kicking since he was a child. He was considered the best among the princes, and he responded immediately after reacting.

Yu Jin sneered, stretched out his hand and grabbed the fifth prince's arm, twisted him hard on the long table, raised his fist and hit him.

Some people are cheap, and they must be beaten first!

The princes were stunned when they saw it.

It turns out that brothers can be so direct?

Among them, the fourth prince's face was the most ugly, and he almost rolled his eyes.

He organized a birthday banquet just to gain a good reputation as a brother and brother. Why would there be a fight between two princes like gangsters?

If the fifth brother is beaten up by the seventh brother, he will not be able to please him in front of the father.

Thinking of this, the fourth prince hurried up to fight: "Seventh brother, stop quickly—"

Seeing this, the other princes went to dissuade them, whether they were sincere or fake.

Yu Jin was just tired of fighting and relaxed his suppression of the Fifth Prince.

The fifth prince got his hands free for a while, and immediately punched out.

Hearing a bang, the fist hit the sixth prince's face, and the sixth prince's nose bleed immediately.

The sixth prince, who had already drank a little too much, touched his nose, and when he saw the blood, he was immediately furious, raised his hand and gave the fifth prince a slap in the face.

The string called reason in the fifth prince’s mind was broken long ago, his fists were swayed, his legs were not idle, he kicked the eighth prince flying with his feet, and shouted angrily: “All hit me, all hit I, let you all hit me!"

The eighth prince smashed on the third prince at once, and the two fell down together under the huge inertia.

The eighth prince instinctively reached out and grabbed, as if he had caught something soft.

what is this? The idea flashed through the Eighth Prince's mind, and he pinched it subconsciously.

The third prince screamed and rolled back and forth in pain while clutching his bottom.

The fourth prince is not well.

Shouldn't the eighth brother break the lifeblood of the third brother?

Well, that seems like good news, but it depends when! If something like this happened at the banquet he organized, the third brother will not hate him for the rest of his life!

The fourth prince hurried up to pretend to comfort the third prince: "Third brother, what's wrong with you?"

I don't know if the third prince was intentional or unintentional. When he rolled, half of his body just pressed down on the fourth prince's trouser legs. The fourth prince stepped back subconsciously, and suddenly felt cold in his legs. He fixed his eyes and saw that the third prince had pulled his pants together with his jacket. down.

In the blink of an eye, a group of princes became a group.

The people who were waiting on the side were stunned.

The eldest prince, who was struggling to get out, finally called the guards to separate the princes, and then saw a few younger brothers with disheveled hair, disheveled clothes, and bursts of angina.

Play big now!

Half an hour later, the seven princes knelt side by side on the hall, and Emperor Jing Ming stood with his hands behind his back, pacing back and forth in anger.

The prince heard the wind and rushed to watch the fun, but before he spoke, Emperor Jing Ming stretched out his hand and pointed: "You also kneel for me!"

Prince: "..." He didn't say anything, he just came to see the fun!

Emperor Jing Ming didn't care about the prince's thoughts. In his opinion, if the sons fought in groups, and the one who stayed out of the matter did not follow the punishment, wouldn't he be rewarded with a big red flower?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he glanced coldly at the stone steps.

These are his proud sons!

The Dazhou royal family has always had few children, and when he has seven sons, he has always felt that he can raise his eyebrows in front of the ancestors.

Who knows that many sons also have many troubles for sons!

and many more!

Emperor Jing Ming, who was pacing back and forth, was suddenly stunned.

How many sons did he just say?

One, two...eight.

Not right!

Emperor Jing Ming silently counted again, and it was still eight.

Obviously seven sons, how come there is one more?

Kneeling down a string of steps, all of them buried their heads low, only the top of their heads could be seen.

"Raise your head!" Emperor Jing Ming ordered after silently counting the third time.

As an emperor, especially a self-proclaimed emperor, it is impossible to count numbers within ten!

The princes raised their heads honestly, and Yu Jin was quite indifferent among them.

Emperor Jing Ming looked from the far left first.

The eldest, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the fourth, the eighth, the prince...

Hey, how come there are two fourth children?

Emperor Jing Ming raised his hand and rubbed the sun too much and felt a little dizzy.

He walked down the stone steps to see more clearly, and his eyes suddenly fell on Yu Jin.


After I really saw it clearly, I found that the young man in front of him was much more handsome than the fourth oldest, with more delicate facial features, more outstanding temperament, and more upright posture, as if the originally rough mold had been carefully adjusted.

Like or like, anyone can see the similarities between the two at a glance, but the young man in front of him seems to be more brilliant than the fourth.

"My son, I would like to meet the emperor." Yu Jin let Emperor Jing Ming see enough and lowered his eyes.

"Sincerely?" Emperor Jing Ming became more and more confused, and couldn't help but glance at Pan Hai, his confidant eunuch.

Pan Hai immediately reminded in a low voice, "Your Majesty, this is the seventh prince."

Emperor Jing Ming was stunned for a while before he reacted, staring at Yu Jin: "Are you the seventh?"

"It's my son."

Emperor Jing Ming was silent for a while.

He almost forgot about the son.

No, it's not right to say that he forgot, because this son has left the palace since he was born, but he is the most special one in his heart.

But this kind of special does not make him remember that there is such a son anytime and anywhere. Just like looking at his son who was kneeling in a row just now, he never imagined that there was also the seventh son.

Seeing that Emperor Jing Ming's face was wrong, Pan Hai wiped his sweat quietly, and he had already scolded the reckless imperial guard in his heart.

The emperor heard that several princes were fighting so hard that he ordered people to bring all the princes over, but these people actually brought all of them over. There is also a seventh prince here, and he didn't know how to say it in advance.

These idiots!

"Your Majesty, today is the seventh prince's birthday, and the seventh prince is eighteen years old." Pan Haixin knew Emperor Jing Ming's taboo, and hurriedly said something in a low voice.

Hearing this, Emperor Jing Ming's brows moved, and after a long time he sighed, "Time flies so fast."

Suddenly, an 18-year-old eldest son appeared, just like Bai picked up.

No one knew what Emperor Jing Ming meant, and the hall was silent.

Glancing at the sons kneeling in a row, Emperor Jing Ming's face sank: "Tell me, what the hell is going on today!"

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