The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 141 I am very angry

As soon as Emperor Jing Ming spoke, several princes buried their heads even lower.

"Fourth, they fought in your house, tell me!"

The fourth prince sighed secretly.

Sure enough, he, the host of the banquet, couldn't escape.

Under the emperor's majesty, the fourth prince had to say: "Today is the eighteenth birthday of the seventh brother. My son thought that the seventh brother would rarely be in the capital this year, so he asked his brothers to celebrate his birthday. Because the seventh brother does not have a mansion yet. , that's why I called everyone to my house..."

The fourth prince's explanation made Emperor Jing Ming move his brows.

He remembered that Lao Qi has not yet been crowned king, so he has no place to live.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jing Ming felt a little guilty when he looked at Yu Jin again.

Because the eight characters are restrained, he should not meet the son, but in the final analysis, it is not the child's fault, but God's will to make people, and what should be given to the seventh is still given. No matter how many sons he gave birth to, not from the wind.

Emperor Jing Ming thought silently, a little angry.

Civil and military officials, harem concubines, so many people from the inside out, no one reminded him of this!

Of course, Emperor Jing Ming would not admit that he was forgetful, but turned the sudden guilt into anger and put it on others.

"Afterwards, we drank too much, and we started fighting——" The fourth prince's face turned blue, and he couldn't continue.

The fighting process was too embarrassing, he was ashamed to mention it.

Emperor Jing Ming's expression darkened slightly: "Can you fight after drinking too much? Who will move first?"

The fifth prince suddenly regained his energy, clutching his broken head and shouting, "It's the seventh, he hit Erchen on the head with a wine jar!"

"Is that so?" Emperor Jing Ming looked at Yu Jin.

Yu Jin hummed and said concisely, "Yes."

Emperor Jing Ming's fire surged up: "Why did you beat your fifth brother?"

Don't mention Emperor Jing Ming at this time, even the princes who were kneeling were also thinking about this question: Why? At that time, I was listening to the fifth bragging. It was very interesting. How did the seventh open the fifth's head?

Yu Jin touched his nose: "Drink too much."

The princes fell.

"You can!" Emperor Jing Ming narrowed his eyes and looked at all the sons who were smothered in anger. "What about you? The fifth and the seventh fight, how did you become such a virtuous person!"

Seeing that Emperor Jingming's eyes fell on him, the sixth prince said with a bloody face: "The fifth brother has beaten the nose of the son!"

Of course, the people who drank too high at that time did not remember who moved the hand first, and the fifth prince shouted righteously: "He slapped me on the face!"

The sixth prince was very angry: "You hit me on the nose first, and then I slapped you in the face!"

The eighth prince said in a chorus: "The fifth brother moved his hand first, and the fifth brother also kicked the son away, so the son accidentally caught the third brother's life-"

"Pfft!" Some of the servants who kept their heads down finally couldn't help laughing softly. Fortunately, the nobles were all angry at this time and no one paid attention, so they took a breath and didn't dare to make a sound. .

The third prince was so angry that his lips were white.

The old bastard, he originally planned to suffer a dumb loss for such a shameful thing, and he didn't even mention it when he was beaten to death. This is good, he has become the laughing stock of everyone, and his nose is bleeding and his head is opened.

Why did they have no brains to fight and it was him that was the most embarrassing in the end?

The third prince's heart was full of anger, and he glanced at the fourth prince, and immediately said: "My son is also at fault, he shouldn't have accidentally pulled off the fourth brother's pants and even his small clothes, causing him to be bare- —”

Fourth Prince: "..." Who did he provoke!

Emperor Jing Ming's beard was crooked: "You bastards!"

The princes immediately bowed their heads: "My son is guilty!"

"It's good to know that you're guilty!" Emperor Jing Ming's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, "All of them will go to the sect's mansion to face the wall and think about the past. You must not eat meat and grains for three days. I see that you are full of food before fighting in groups!"

It's really promising, why don't these bastards play in the mud with their ass bare!

The more Emperor Jing Ming thought about it, the more angry he became.

He glanced at the prince, who had nothing to do with him, and frowned: "The prince is facing the wall in the East Palace for a day!"

The prince was taken aback.

It's no longer reasonable for him to kneel with the punishment, so why should he face the wall with him?

It just doesn't make sense!

Emperor Jing Ming was in a fit of anger, and when he saw the prince showing dissatisfaction, he sneered: "You eight brothers, all six of them gathered together to celebrate the seventh birthday, but you are not there, why is this?"

Is it because the prince feels that he is superior to others and disdains to deal with other brothers, or is too popular and left behind by other brothers?

In Emperor Jing Ming's view, no matter what the reason is, it is not a good thing.

The crown prince of the country looks embarrassed in the future and must be punished together.

"Erchen...wrong..." The prince's face turned red for a while, and he lowered his head depressed.

The fourth child invited him, but what is his identity, why should he give the seventh a face to the banquet with a face that even the father and emperor don't remember?

And the fourth child, why do you pretend to be virtuous every day? Want to be a prince? The face is so big!

At this moment, the prince did not understand Emperor Jing Ming's intention at all, only unwillingness and grievance.

The father was too partial, but because his mother passed away early, he was not close to his current successor, and there was no one in the palace to speak for him.

"Get out of here!" Emperor Jing Ming waved his sleeves, and immediately several guards stepped forward and took the princes out in the blink of an eye.

The hall suddenly became empty.

Emperor Jing Ming sat down with a dark face, but Pan Hai didn't even dare to persuade him, and stood silently aside with his head bowed.

The emperor's family affairs don't have his share of talkativeness, let's wait for the emperor to calm down.

Soon the concubines in the harem heard the wind.

Concubine Xian is the mother concubine of the fourth prince and Yu Jin. When she heard that Yu Jin had made a big accident in the Qi palace, she shivered with anger.

"This evil obstacle has burdened Ben Gong and Zhang'er since he was born. I didn't expect that it would not stop when he grew up. Poor Zhang'er still wanted to celebrate his birthday—"

There is no one else in the house at this moment, only a confidant of Concubine Xian.

Hearing the words, Mammy persuaded: "Niangniang calm down and ask the old slave to tell me, this is not a bad thing."

"Good thing?"

"Yes. Niang Niang, think about it, the seventh prince is already eighteen years old. It was time to meet the emperor, but no one dared to mention it without the emperor. However, the emperor has a lot of time, how can he remember seven for no reason? The prince is here? It’s alright now, no matter if it’s an accident or not, the emperor remembers the seventh prince.”

Concubine Xian sneered: "What if I remember it? It's just a mess!"

"Niangniang, Prince Qi's intentions are good, and the emperor is clear in his heart that the seventh prince can't blame the prince for any trouble. Now that the emperor remembers the seventh prince, it is very likely that he will be crowned king according to the rules, and wait for the future. Can't you still help the lord?"

After being reminded by Momma, Concubine Xian's heart moved.

Did Lao Qi get into trouble on purpose?

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