The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 142: Joy descends from the sky

In the position of the fourth concubine, she has two princes. Although the seventh prince has left the palace since birth, Concubine Xian is regarded as the straightest concubine in the harem. Don't forget that the current queen doesn't even have a prince, only Princess Fuqing has a daughter.

People who can go this far, of course, will not be heartless, or that such people love to complicate things.

Now Concubine Xian began to think about it: Lao Qi saw the emperor because of the accident, which shows that the accident was probably intentional. So, isn't she very scheming about her son who hasn't seen a single look at the folks for 18 years?

It is a good thing to have a plan in the royal family, but the key depends on his attitude.

If Lao Qi has her mother concubine and elder brother in her heart, then everything will be fine. If she has other thoughts, then she must keep an eye on it and not let Lao Si suffer.

Concubine Xian had countless thoughts in her heart, and she suddenly had the thought of seeing Yu Jin.

She had to see it with her own eyes to feel at ease.

Concubine Xian had the idea of ​​seeing her son, Concubine Ning directly overturned the dining table.

Concubine Ning is the mother concubine of the fifth prince. She was born in the door and has a beautiful appearance. She has been favored for many years. She has turned the table in front of Emperor Jing Ming, not to mention that there are no outsiders.

"I'm so mad that a wild child dares to beat my son!"

When Concubine Ning got angry, all the maids looked at their noses and noses, but no one dared to persuade them, only the sound of the soup bowl rolling on the ground was heard.

"Has the emperor come yet?" After waiting for a while, Concubine Ning asked.

As soon as she heard that her son was beaten, Concubine Ning immediately sent someone to invite Emperor Jing Ming. Usually, the emperor had come over at this time, but now there is still no movement.

The inner waiter said tremblingly: "The emperor is reviewing the memorial, and said that he will come when he is done."

"What?" Ning Fei stood up abruptly, raised her feet and walked out.

Review memorials? It was purely an excuse, obviously because she was afraid that she would find Concubine Xian to settle accounts with that wild child.

Of course she can't just let it go, otherwise no one will dare to step on her son in the future.

If the emperor does not come, she will go!

In the imperial study, Emperor Jing Ming turned over the book with a distressed look on his face.

The sons don't worry, and the concubines don't stop. There are three or four servants who have come to invite him in such a short time.

For the time being, he didn't want to face those weeping concubines, so he still hid in the imperial study and read the book comfortably.

Pan Hai tiptoed in. Seeing that the emperor was serious, although he couldn't bear to disturb him, he had to say, "Your Majesty, Concubine Ning is here."

Emperor Jing Ming shook his hand holding the book and frowned, "Just say I'm busy—"

Before she finished speaking, the beauty in the crimson palace dress broke in.

Emperor Jing Ming hurriedly shoved the notebook into the pile of memorials, and said with a dry smile, "Why did Concubine Ai come here?"

"Your Majesty, Jinger's head has been broken, how can the concubine come here!"

"It's okay, it's not serious."

Concubine Ning's face sank: "It's not serious? Your Majesty, that's the head, not something else. Even if it doesn't look serious, what if the root of the disease falls? Besides, it looks very serious. The concubine heard that Jing'er was full of faces. blood!"

"Uh, it's the sixth man with blood all over his face. His nose made the fifth man bleed." Emperor Jing Ming explained.

Concubine Ning's tone was stagnant, and she said slowly: "Anyway, you have to punish the culprit! Whether it's the fifth or sixth or several other princes, they are not injured because of the one who made the first move. What do you think, the emperor? Don't think about it, these princes have never had such a thing happen in a small gathering before..."

Concubine Ning spoke quickly, but seeing that Emperor Jingming didn't respond, she reached out and grabbed his sleeve: "Your Majesty, can you say something!"

"Uh, uh, Concubine Ai is right, she should be punished!"

Concubine Ning raised the corner of her mouth: "What is the emperor planning to punish?"

Emperor Jing Ming smiled and said, "Don't worry, Concubine Ai, I have already punished her severely."

"I haven't heard of this concubine." Concubine Ning was very puzzled.

Could it be that the message is wrong?

"I asked Lao Qi to go to the Zongren Mansion and think about it."

"What?" Concubine Ning's eyes widened instantly, seeing Emperor Jing Ming's serious face,

Her lips turned white with anger, and she blurted out, "What kind of punishment is this? Chen and concubine heard that several princes and even crown princes have been punished and thought about it. You let the seventh prince be punished with them. What kind of punishment is this? It's purely flattering. He. He deserves it too!"

After Concubine Ning finished speaking, she suddenly found that the atmosphere in the room was stagnant. When she looked at Emperor Jing Ming again, her face was cold and her brows were deeply wrinkled.

She hadn't seen the emperor's expression like this for many years.

After a moment of silence, Emperor Jing Ming said, "How could Concubine Ai think that being punished is to flatter the seventh?"

Concubine Ning has been favored all the year round, and she was sure of Emperor Jing Ming's good temperament. Hearing the words, she curled her lips and said, "Let's not talk about the prince, who are the princes? They are all princes, except for the few in our palace, they are the most honorable. As for the seventh prince, the one who grew up on Zhuangzi is different from the village husband in the countryside? Your Majesty, you want him to be punished along with several princes, isn't it just to flatter him!"

"I see." Emperor Jing Ming nodded slowly.

Concubine Ning pursed her lips: "Your Majesty, the seventh prince hurt the princes and caused such a big disaster. You can't just let it go. You must punish him heavily to prevent him from causing more trouble in the future."

"Pan Hai—" Emperor Jing Ming shouted.

Pan Hai stuck his head out at the right time: "The servant is here."

It seems that the seventh prince is going to be unlucky. The emperor is fine, but he can't stand the wind alone, and the concubine Xian will never help the seventh prince to intercede.

Pan Hai came from a poor family with many brothers and sisters, and he happened to be the one who was the least favored. At this time, thinking of the seventh prince who had been raised outside the palace and only met his father because of trouble, it was inevitable that he would give birth to a bit of pity for each other.

"Pass on my will, and make the seventh prince the king of Yan, and order the Zongrenfu and Qin Tianjian to choose a good day and auspicious day as soon as possible to prepare for the canonization..."

As soon as Emperor Jing Ming said this, Concubine Ning and Pan Hai were dumbfounded.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement, and Emperor Jing Ming snorted displeasedly: "Pan Hai, are you deaf?"

Pan Hai suddenly returned to his senses, and hurriedly said, "Slave and servant lead the order."

God, what's going on here? The seventh prince's luck is so unbelievable, could it be the son of God?

Pan Hai walked out in a daze and wiped his face.

The emperor played cards so unreasonably, which challenged his ability to respond as a big eunuch too much.

Before Pan Hai had gone far, an earth-shattering scream broke out in the imperial study: "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Emperor Jing Ming had a good-tempered look: "Don't be anxious, Concubine Ai, didn't you say that Lao Qi is not worthy of punishment? I will first let him have the same status as other princes before punishing him."

Ning Fei was trembling with anger and was speechless.

So reasonable, what else could she say? If we go on, are we going to seal that wild boy as a crown prince?

Concubine Xian heard that Concubine Ning went to the imperial study to complain. Although she did not care about Yu Jin, she was afraid of affecting the fourth prince, so she hurried to the imperial study and met Pan Hai on the way.

When Pan Hai saw Concubine Xian, he immediately congratulated: "Congratulations to Concubine Xian."

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