The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 182 Talk about marriage before the spirit

Xie Qingyao looked at Jiang Si suspiciously: "Asi, what can you do?"

Jiang Sifu whispered a few words in Xie Qingyao's ear.

Xie Qingyao became more and more surprised: "Is this possible?"

"Try it, if it doesn't work, think of another way, there is no way out."

Xie Qingyao nodded vigorously: "Okay, then try it."

The two went to find Xie Yinlou together, and when they walked to the door, they heard a woman's voice: "Yinlou, my aunt won't hurt you, the girl that my aunt said is one of a hundred in personality and looks, and it matches you exactly. "

Xie Qingyao stepped over the threshold and said coldly, "Brother, why are you here if you don't go to the mourning hall at this time? Let me have a good meal."

Seeing his sister and Jiang Si, Xie Yinlou's tense expression was slightly relaxed, and he was a little embarrassed.

I thought he wouldn't talk to him, but they would temporarily die when they were boring, but I didn't expect my sister and the others to listen.

Seeing Xie Qingyao coming in, the woman frowned quickly, and immediately showed an affectionate look: "Qingyao, the adults are talking about business, you go and rest first."

Xie Qingyao looked at Xie Yinlou innocently: "Brother, is there anything more important than treating the funeral of your parents?"

Xie Yinlou got up with a cold expression: "Of course not."

Seeing that he was about to leave, the woman hurriedly said, "Yin Lou, you are wrong about this. In addition to handling the funeral of Uncle Uncle and Madam, there is another major event that is your marriage!"

Xie Yinlou looked at the woman coldly and said nothing.

The woman doesn't care about Xie Yinlou's expression of freezing people to death. In her opinion, the other party is a junior, but they got the nod of the patriarch. If this kid dares to put on the air of the prince, he will not have a good reputation.

You don't have a good reputation, but you still want to be a prince? dream!

"Marriage?" Xie Qingyao raised his voice as if he had heard a joke, "Parents have passed away, and those who are children must observe filial piety for three years, how can they marry?"

The girl's chin was slightly raised, and the corners of her brows and eyes showed dissatisfaction.

The woman was not afraid of Xie Yinlou, but was somewhat apprehensive about Xie Qingyao.

A little girl without her parents is like a barefooted person who is not afraid of wearing shoes. If she really loses her face, who can she justify?

At this time, Xie Qingyao's aunt spoke up: "Qingyao, there are always exceptions to everything. Your brother is the only child of Uncle Yongchang, your parents are in a hurry, you don't know how sorry you are for not seeing your brother get married, you have the heart to bear it. Let them wait for another three years? Besides, you can't rely on your brother to take care of this huge uncle's house alone, right? Marry a sister-in-law for you before the first seven years, and your brother will have a sage helper in the future. How can this be? Isn't it good?"

On this point, the eighth aunt and aunt agree, she glanced at Jiang Si, who was beside Xie Qingyao, and pointedly said: "If your aunt guards your brother, you will definitely marry a virtuous and virtuous one. It's better than your brother being coaxed away by a young and ignorant woman."

Xie Qingyao's face suddenly sank, and he looked at his aunt: "Is this also what my aunt means?"

Aunt twitched the corners of her lips and said, "This matter was discussed with your grandmother when your uncle came. How dare your aunt be in charge. You, Qingyao, don't have to worry about it."

I didn't expect that after a few years of absence, this girl became so eloquent. Fortunately, the master meant to marry his daughter to Uncle Yongchang's mansion, not to let her son marry this girl, or she would die!

"Yes, there is an aunt in this matter, you don't have to worry about it, a little girl." The eight aunt glanced at her aunt.

The eyes of the two met, and the smell of gunpowder was full.

Half of their goals are the same, and who can achieve the other half of the goals depends on their abilities.

Xie Qingyao saw it in his eyes and felt sad in his heart.

Ah Si is right, both aunt and aunt wish their own people to be future uncles, and taking advantage of their conflicts is an opportunity for her and her brother.

"But I heard from my mother that the eldest brother is already discussing a marriage. If I want to let my parents rest their eyes, I think it is more appropriate to choose the girl that my parents like."

At this moment, Xie Yin downstairs glanced at Jiang Si subconsciously, and couldn't help thinking of some possibility.

Xie Yinlou frowned, ready to speak to stop his sister's nonsense.

The mess of their house,

Don't bring others into it.

Xie Qingyao seemed to have expected his brother's reaction, and the hand behind him pulled him hard.

Xie Yinlou lowered his eyes to hide the doubts in his eyes, and decided to wait and see what happened.

"Negotiating a relative? Which girl?" The eighth aunt raised her voice immediately.

The aunt followed: "The marriage has not been decided yet, and the woman will definitely not want to get married within seven days, and then she will have to wait another three years—"

"Three years later, my eldest brother will only be twenty years old, so it's not too late." Xie Qingyao couldn't bear to argue.

The eight aunt patted her thigh: "Qingyao, you are talking about a child. Why do you rush to let your eldest brother get married in the first 70% of your parents? It's because he is the only seedling. You have also seen the impermanence of the world. Who knows what will happen in three years' time? How much has happened?"

Xie Qingyao's face turned pale with anger: "What do you mean by that? Could it be that something happened to my eldest brother?"

My aunt looked indignant: "Yes, what you said is too unkind. Yin Lou, your parents have passed away, and your uncle can decide your marriage. Today, it is up to your uncle and aunt. We are all For your own good-"

"Aunt and uncle are really for our good?"

"Of course it's true."

The eighth aunt is unwilling to be left behind: "Qingyao, we are a family, and we are all surnamed Xie. The eighth uncle and the eighth aunt are all for you."

Xie Qingyao wiped away her tears and sneered: "Since my aunt and eighth aunt both said that it is good for us, if any of you can say these words before my parents, my brother's marriage will depend on whomever."

My aunt and eight aunts suddenly became dumbfounded.

"If my aunt and aunt don't dare to talk about it, then you don't care about my eldest brother's marriage. As the elders said, what my parents are most concerned about is eldest brother's marriage, and this matter must not be taken lightly. The woman who promised to be mentioned before my parents' spirit is a good one, and my parents can rest assured when they are in the spirit of heaven. If not, I'd better wait until the three-year filial piety period expires before choosing slowly."

"Go and go, Auntie has a clear conscience." Eighth Aunt glanced at her aunt, raised her feet, and walked towards Ling Peng.

Unwilling to be left behind, my aunt immediately followed.

There were also several elders of the same clan and grandfather's family sitting in the house, including the uncle and eighth uncle of the Xie family, all got up and followed.

It's not easy for men to come forward in this kind of dispute, but in fact it is what they meant.

"Ashi—" Seeing everyone pouring into the spirit shed, Xie Qingyao pulled Jiang Si nervously.

It was noon at this time, and there were no guests who came to express condolences. The spiritual shed was empty, and was instantly filled with people pouring in.

Jiang Shi flicked her fingertips, and Huan Ying quietly flew to the eighth aunt and aunt.

Jiang Si gave Xie Qingyao a reassuring look.

Xie Qingyao calmed down and said, "Aunt Eight, tell my parents first."

The eighth aunt looked at the two dark coffins placed side by side, the smell of burning paper pierced his nose, and somehow felt a little more chill than when he came before.

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