The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 183: Guilty Guilty Ghosts

In the high sky outside the spirit shed, the clouds and mountains are getting higher and higher, soaring to the ceiling, filling the entire sky almost in the blink of an eye.

The sky was still clear, and no one in the spirit shed noticed the change, all attention was on the Eighth Aunt.

Aunt Eight felt a little hairy in her heart, and smiled dryly: "What are you talking about?"

That smile hurt Xie Qingyao's eyes, the girl's pretty face was tense, and she said coldly: "Tell me how to plan for my brother, and what benefits the woman has. Didn't the eighth aunt talk about it just now, why did you get to my parents? Don't know what to say?"

The eighth aunt quietly tugged at the hem of her clothes and glanced at her aunt: "It's better for my aunt to talk first, you are the guests."

My aunt glanced at the eighth aunt disdainfully, and said sternly: "This is not welcome, we are all for Yin Lou, and there is nothing we can't say. Qingyao, your second cousin has been close to you since she was a child. What is she like? You know, marrying your second cousin over to tide over the difficulties with your brother, but it was your grandmother’s intention. Do you think, who is more caring than your uncle’s cousin? It’s not like some people get it out of nowhere. Here comes a girl, no matter how fragrant or stinky, I want to stuff it into the Bo Mansion—"

As soon as the eighth aunt stopped listening, she immediately retorted: "What does the uncle mean? I want to know the girl from Yin Louti is known to the patriarch. I can't write two 'thanks' in one stroke, we are a family. Could it be that you can't wait for Yin Lou to get better?"

Both of them are savage and can talk. You say every word, and you are evenly matched. You soon forget that this is a solemn and solemn mourning hall.

Xie Qingyao interjected from time to time to add fuel to the flames.

Xie Yinlou faintly guessed that what his sister did was by no means aimless, so he watched this farce expressionlessly from beginning to end.

Jiang Si stood on the outermost side and could clearly see the changes in the clouds in the sky.

Just as aunt and eighth aunt were red-faced, the cloud mountain that towered into the sky suddenly collapsed and fell.

Jiang Si coughed lightly.

Xie Qingyao couldn't help but grabbed the rough white linen skirt and restrained the subconscious urge to look at Jiang.

"My aunt and eighth aunt both said that it was for my eldest brother's good, and the eldest brother and I were even more undecided, and we were unhappy with my brother-in-law, so what should we do?"

Xie Qingyao's embarrassment made her aunt and eighth aunt stop their tit-for-tat confrontation, and they all looked at her.

In front of Ling, the young girl was full of filial piety, with a bleak smile on the corner of her mouth: "If aunt or aunt can swear to the sky that they are wholeheartedly good for my eldest brother, we will believe whoever is, and then marry the girl over there."

The eighth aunt's scalp went numb inexplicably, and she said dissatisfiedly: "You child, marriage is a good thing, what kind of oath should you make——"

Xie Qingyao turned his head directly and said to his aunt, "Auntie, then choose my second cousin."

When the eighth aunt was anxious, she hurriedly raised a hand and said, "I swear, we are wholeheartedly for the good of Yin Lou, and we have absolutely no selfishness..."

My aunt thought that Xie Qingyao's sudden loss of his parents was a little out of his mind, so his actions were so absurd. However, it is because her brain is not clear that this girl can do everything. In order to prevent the eighth aunt from taking advantage of it, she raised her hand unwilling to lag behind.

At this time, there is no need to care about an unruly little girl, it is business to grab the marriage.

When my aunt wanted to come, only the two families knew what happened in the spiritual shed. Whether it was the dispute with the eighth aunt or the oath now, it was not a shame.

There are a lot of people who have passed away parents and brothers who have split up the family. People are fools if they don't fight for their own interests. When her daughter becomes an uncle, outsiders will only see her daughter's splendor, who will know this?

When the two scrambled to swear, the clouds and mountains in the sky had already turned pitch black, and the spiritual shed, which was still bright, seemed to be covered by a huge black cloth, and it instantly became dark.

Immediately afterwards, a thunderstorm rolled down, and a loud noise was heard in people's ears, and the entire spirit shed seemed to tremble.

My aunt and my aunt screamed at the same time.

It was dark in the mourning hall, only white candles were dancing with candlelight, which looked pale and gloomy.

"Are you really doing it for Yin Lou?" A woman's faint voice came from out of nowhere.

Purple lightning pierced the sky, reflecting Xie Qingyao's bleak face.

Aunt Eight rubbed her eyes suddenly, stepped back step by step, and stepped into the earthenware basin where paper money was burned.

When the screams came, the eighth aunt's eyes were so frightened that she scrunched out and ran out, but the girl not far away from her suddenly changed her appearance and became Mrs. Yongchang Uncle.

"Eighth younger brother and sister, if you lie, you will be struck by thunder." Mrs. Yongchang, who was covered in blood, smiled grimly at Aunt Eight and took a step forward.

"Ah, don't come here, don't come here!"

Mrs. Yongchang Uncle came to the back of the eighth aunt almost instantly, and put her cold hands on her neck.

Aunt Eight soon felt unable to breathe, and her face became the color of pig liver.

"Let you lie, let you lie!" Mrs. Yongchang read this sentence back and forth, "Lying will be struck by thunder."

There was a bang, lightning flashes and thunder, as if it exploded beside the Eighth Aunt, and the Eighth Aunt could even faintly smell the burnt smell of her hair.

The eighth aunt suddenly collapsed in reason, and said loudly: "Let me go, I don't dare, I don't dare anymore. We just thought that the fat water would not flow to the outsiders' fields, and let Xie Yinlou marry my mother's niece. We have the final say in the industry of the house. It’s all the Xie family, and the house should always give the clansmen soup when they eat meat…”

At the same time, my aunt said something similar: "Should we marry our daughter, Yin Lou's marriage should not be remembered as a piece of fat? Ying'er is his cousin's cousin. Why is the dowry cheaper for others?"

"You're crazy, shut up!" Xie Qingyao's uncle rushed over and gave his aunt a loud slap.

Uncle Eight raised his foot and kicked Aunt Eight fiercely: "Idiot, have you lost your mind?"

It was raining heavily outside the shed, but the dark clouds and mountains dispersed at this time, and the earth regained its light.

The faces of everyone in the spirit shed were ugly, and they looked coldly at the two crazy women.

The eighth aunt and aunt shuddered at the same time, and gradually regained consciousness.

"What's wrong with me?" Eighth Aunt raised her hand to help her messy sideburns and touched a strand of hair that was burning and curled. Her face was pale now, and she vaguely remembered that it was after stepping on the pot of burning paper money just now and splashing it. The sparks scorched the scattered head.

"You still have the face to ask, are you a victim of evil?" Eighth Uncle roared angrily.

A sneer came, with a girl's unique clarity.

Xie Qingyao stared blankly at these people with ghosts, and when everyone's attention was attracted, he suddenly covered his face and cried: "It turns out that neither Aunt nor Aunt is really thinking about Big Brother, if Big Brother really promises to marry you for the first seven miles. , my parents will definitely die..."

The girl looked at her elder brother in despair: "Brother, don't you think so?"

Xie Yinlou looked at everyone as if frozen: "Yes, so if Re Xiaonei gets married, please don't mention it again, elders."

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