The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 499: The sword points to the Cining Palace

Looking at Yu Jin's clear eyes, Emperor Jing Ming nodded.

Lao Qi is really a sincere child. If that's the case, then check it out. This kind of relative who will tire Lao Qi and his wife cannot be tolerated.

Princess Rongyang gritted her teeth secretly.

The person who instigated the libertine to molest the princess of the good family's princess did not show up, but if she investigates further, Jin Linwei finds out that the person's behavior is not spontaneous, but instigated, and it will be trouble for her after all.

What's more, let the emperor know that Princess Yan was not implicated by relatives but was calculated by others. Don't say punishment to King Yan and his wife, I'm afraid it's too late to show sympathy.

King Yan and his wife were more difficult to deal with than she thought, and she must be cautious in her future moves.

Princess Rongyang was annoyed in her heart, so she could only watch as Emperor Jing Ming ordered her to go on.

The Queen Mother didn't care about that.

A street gangster molested a woman from a good family. If it wasn't for the Yan Wang couple, she wouldn't even lift her eyelids.

Emperor Jing Ming got up and said, "Mother, you are tired when you go out of the palace to offer incense, so my son won't disturb your rest."

The empress dowager said with a smile: "The emperor is busy, Aijia is not tired, but I want to leave Princess Yan to talk."

There are strict rules in the palace, and it is not suitable for a prince like Yu Jin who has already opened a palace outside the palace, so it is much more convenient to leave a female dependent.

Emperor Jing Ming was so happy, and said calmly: "Then let the seventh wife accompany the mother, and the son also asks about the homework of the seventh, to see if he has been lazy these days, so that the couple can go back together. "

Yu Jin gave Jiang Si a wink and walked out of the Cining Palace with Emperor Jingming.

Outside the Cining Palace, it was icy cold.

Since the winter solstice, the snow this year has been one after another, which seems to be extraordinarily large.

Emperor Jing Ming exhaled, his breath emitting white smoke, and the distant scenery was also shrouded in mist.

Yu Jin walked beside Emperor Jing Ming without saying a word.

That kind of thing can't be said a word outside.

Both father and son quickened their pace.

Pan Hai opened the door of the imperial study and helped Emperor Ming to enter.

Emperor Jing Ming sat down, took a sip of the hot tea served by Pan Hai, and said to Yu Jin, "Tell me what clues you have found."

Pan Haifei quickly glanced at Yu Jin and lowered his eyelids.

King Yan has clues so soon?

But King Yan just flipped through the roster that he had sorted out that day, and didn't even call anyone to question him. If he could find clues in the palace by sitting in the palace, wouldn't he be a freelancer?

Pan Hai had deep doubts about Yu Jin's words.

Yu Jin, who had been prepared for a long time, said directly: "My son speculates that that person is in the Cining Palace."

Emperor Jing Ming suddenly lowered his face and slapped the table: "Bold!"

The tea cup that he had just put in his hand trembled and made a light sound.

Pan Hai was stunned.

He always felt that King Yan was bold, and he never expected it to be so big.

"You bastard, the Queen Mother is also capable of babbling nonsense?" Compared to the moment he was in the Cining Palace, Emperor Jing Ming was really angry.

Could this kid be dissatisfied with the empress dowager's mention of offering incense to him?

Yu Jin seemed to be frightened by Emperor Jing Ming's reaction, and said in a sullen voice: "How dare my son talk about the emperor's grandmother, he just speculates that the person is hiding in the Cining Palace. The son is worried that the person is too close to the emperor's grandmother. The grandmother's actions were bad, so I hurriedly told the was because the son was not thinking well, so let's wait until the solid evidence is found before reporting it to the father in detail."

Seeing that Yu Jin kept his mouth shut, Emperor Jing Ming became anxious again.

Lao Qi is right to worry, if that person is really in the Cining Palace, what if he does something to the Queen Mother?

Emperor Jing Ming couldn't care about offending the Empress Dowager for a while, and asked, "Who is that person?"

Yu Jin glanced at Pan Hai.

"You don't have to look at Pan Hai, Pan Hai is honest."

Yu Jin pursed the corners of his mouth.

Eunuch Bingbi and Admiral of Dongchang is an honest man... well, the emperor is the biggest, he is right.

"Of course, my son can trust Eunuch Pan. I can infer that person from the smear of his eyes, thanks to the roster compiled by Eunuch Pan.

"Yu Jin took advantage of the situation and sold it to Pan Hai.

Pan Hai naturally appreciates it, secretly saying that King Yan is really good, and he is an honest man like him.

Yu Jin took out the folded paper from his sleeve, opened it, and presented it to Emperor Jing Ming: "It should be this person."

He didn't dare to speak so full, but Jiang Xi quietly pointed out the Duo mama when he was in the Cining Palace, which gave him full confidence.

He has said long ago that the process is reversed from the results, which saves worry and effort, and is foolproof.

Pan Hai glanced at the paper, and saw many names, several of which were outlined, and one person's name was circled with a red pen.

Pan Hai's first reaction was not to look at that person's name, but to be amazed: King Yan is really unforgettable!

I was amazed to see the name clearly.

"Mother Duo?" Emperor Jing Ming had no impression of the name, so he couldn't help looking at Pan Hai.

Although he went to the Cining Palace many times, he only noticed two or three confidants around the Queen Mother, and it seemed that there was no such person as Duo Momo.

However, Pan Hai knew about the Duo mama, and said hurriedly: "I can enter the queen mother's house, and sometimes I will go to the harem for the queen mother to spread the word. But people are more honest, and they are not the most capable people around the queen mother..."

A nanny who occasionally speaks for the queen mother is too ordinary, and it is not surprising that the emperor is not impressed.

But in fact, it's not just the high-level harem, the slaves and maids who can enter the master and mother's house are considered to be doing well.

In the back house, there is a particular concern about which servants can enter the master's house. If they break in carelessly, they will be punished.

Emperor Jing Ming stared at Yu Jin: "Why do you think she is that person?"

"Intuition." Yu Jin quickly replied.

Emperor Jing Ming frowned subconsciously.

These two words alone can't convince him, only Lao Zhen can convince him with the word "intuition" in this world.

Humph, not even a son.

The unequal treatment made Yu Jin touch his nose, and then said, "Of course, the more important thing is the clue."

When Emperor Jing Ming heard the words, he sat up straight.

If I had said that the clues were not enough, the bastard had some intuition in front of Lao Tzu.


"My son bought a cream shop for the princess not long ago, and that shop is on Xishi Street."

Emperor Jing Ming's mouth twitched.

Showing off will hurt your daughter-in-law?

Knowing that Yu Jin would not aimlessly, he still had the patience to listen: "Continue."

"Chen Meiren used the zerg to harm Fuqing. Since her son has been in the southern border for many years, he knows that cult is prevalent there, so he speculates that the person is probably related to the Wumiao people in the southern border."

"What does this have to do with that fat powder shop?"

"It's no coincidence that there is a small shop on the same street as the fat powder shop. When the princess was managing the shop, she accidentally learned that the shop was opened by a pair of Wumiao ancestors and grandsons, and her son ordered people to watch it secretly. Just today, The son's people found out that this duo mama went to that small shop..."

Emperor Jing Ming couldn't help but change his face.

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