Emotionally, Emperor Jing Ming was very unwilling that the person who was hiding in the palace to make troubles had a little relationship with the Queen Mother.

But Yu Jin mentioned the Wumiao people, but the Duo mama in the Cining Palace took advantage of the opportunity to leave the palace to have contact with the Wumiao people, so he couldn't help but ignore it.

But there is still another question that Emperor Jing Ming wants to ask: "Lao Qi, how do your people know Duo Ma Ma?"

This question was asked very delicately, and Pan Hai glanced at Yu Jin quietly.

If King Yan didn't answer well, he would be out of luck.

Accompanying Emperor Jing Ming for so many years, Pan Hai knew better than anyone else the status of the Queen Mother in Emperor Jing Ming's heart.

The Empress Dowager was the adoptive mother of Emperor Jing Ming, and she was also the biggest help in pushing Emperor Jing Ming to the throne. After Emperor Jing Ming succeeded to the throne, he stayed in the harem peacefully and rarely talked much.

Emperor Jing Ming showed respect and filial piety to the Empress Dowager from the bottom of his heart.

People from King Yan will know people from Cining Palace. What does this mean?

Pan Hai shook his head secretly, feeling that King Yan was really bold and simple.

The person in front of him is not only the father of King Yan, but also the king of a country. It is not in vain to say that the Heavenly Family has no father and son, even a benevolent monarch like the emperor has the same scales.

Yu Jin didn't seem to think much, and replied with a smile: "Of course my son's people don't know Duo Mama. They just kept staring at the small shop. Anyone who entered the shop and felt suspicious would follow. My son's people followed. , I heard others calling her Duomo..."

Emperor Jing Ming's face sank: "You bastard, just because someone called a name, you guessed that you went to the Queen Mother's Palace?"

Yu Jin did not flinch at the rebuke of Emperor Jing Ming, and said solemnly: "Father, Lord Zhen once said to his son that a case has happened, and if you want to find the truth, you can't let go of any anomalies, and you won't be bound by any bold speculation. , Only in this way will the truth be touched as much as possible by us. The so-called Skynet is sloppy and not leaking, it does not mean that the bad guy did evil and the gods dropped a thunderbolt to kill him directly, but that there are careful investigators , will give justice to the victims..."

"What investigators and victims, so long-winded as an old man at such a young age!" Emperor Jing Ming rebuked him involuntarily.

Zhen Shicheng also told his son this? It seems to make some sense...

Yu Jin regained his relaxed expression and said with a smile: "In short, my son believed Lord Zhen, so he did as he said. The name 'Duo Ma Ma' was known to me when Cha Yin was making troubles in the palace. There is such a person in there, Royal Father, do you think you can't let this clue go?"

Zhen Shicheng, who was drinking tea at home, sneezed fiercely.

"Master caught a cold?" Mrs. Zhen asked with concern.

Zhen Shicheng wiped the tea splashed on his beard with a handkerchief: "I didn't catch a cold, I'm fine."

Motherfucker, which bastard is throwing the blame on him?

Emperor Jing Ming was also slandering: The stinky boy still respects Lao Zhen, and I'm afraid he doesn't have the heart to be a father...

After the belly slander, he asked the business: "How do you plan to not let this clue go?"

"Naturally, you should check the Duo Mammy carefully, such as how she entered the palace, and what was the situation before entering the palace..." Yu Jin said, nodding slightly to Pan Hai, "But this will trouble Eunuch Pan, I It's inconvenient to check."

Pan Hai resisted the urge to nod and looked at Emperor Jing Ming.

Emperor Jing Ming's face was solemn: "The investigation is to be investigated, but the Queen Mother must not be alerted until there is no conclusive evidence."

Pan Hai immediately responded.

"Father, the son will go back first."

"Go back." Involving the Queen Mother, Emperor Jing Ming was not in a good mood and said lightly.

Yu Jin didn't move.

Emperor Jing Ming glanced at him: "Why don't you leave?"

Yu Jin smiled dryly: "Didn't you ask your son to go back with A Si?"

Emperor Jing Ming twitched the corners of his mouth and instructed Pan Hai: "Send someone to see the Cining Palace. The Queen Mother needs to take a good rest when she is old, and Princess Yan doesn't have to stay for too long."

In the Cining Palace, without Emperor Jingming and Yu Jin by his side, the Queen Mother's tone became much colder when she beat Jiang Si: "Princess Yan, whether you know about this matter today or not, let your relatives make trouble in your name. It's all your fault.


Of course Jiang Xi would not be stupid enough to argue with the Queen Mother, and said obediently, "My grandson understands that it is all the grandson's fault."

Princess Rongyang said coolly from the side: "Princess Yan has a good attitude."

What about the sharp teeth in front of her? The little bitch is pretty good at pretending.

Jiang Si smiled slightly: "Auntie's words make me ashamed. It should be my fault, I will never shirk and escape, this is my principle of being a human being."

"Everyone has been killed by your cousin, how can you be responsible? If you don't avoid responsibility, you shouldn't just talk about it, right?"

Jiang Si looked at Princess Rongyang in surprise: "My aunt also said that the person was killed by my distant cousin, and the yamen will decide what punishment he should receive. Of course, the prince and I did not just talk about it. Isn't the younger brother who has promised to raise the woman left in front of you, did aunt not hear? Aunt thinks this is not enough, and will not ask me to pay for my life? "

Princess Rongyang's face sank: "What are you talking about—"

"Enough." The empress dowager interrupted the two of them impatiently, "Rongyang, you should say a few words less at this time."

Princess Rongyang pursed her lips and said nothing.

The queen mother looked at Jiang Si again, with disapproval in her eyes: "Princess Yan, Rongyang is your elder, don't be so tit-for-tat when you speak."

Jiang Si lowered her eyes: "My grandson-in-law knows."

Princess Rongyang bent her lips.

The most embarrassing thing for the Queen Mother is this kind of person who is neither big nor small. With her, Princess Yan will never want to please the Queen Mother in the future.

Jiang Si glanced at Princess Rongyang from the corner of his eyes, sneering in his heart.

For a person like Princess Rongyang, the only thing left in her mind is to please the Queen Mother.

"The queen mother, the emperor said that Princess Yan should leave the palace earlier." The servant came in and reported.

The queen mother was suffocated.

She originally wanted to beat Princess Yan more, but the emperor was in a hurry—no, it should be King Yan who was in a hurry.

Is this because you are worried that your daughter-in-law will be wronged?

The queen mother didn't understand the twists and turns, she tilted her head and glanced at Jiang Si, her eyes darkened.

Back then, the emperor and the queen were so good...

The empress dowager's eyes were a little cooler, and she took back her thoughts and nodded to Jiang Si: "Go, Aijia won't leave you."

"The imperial grandmother has a good rest, and the granddaughter-in-law retire." Jiang Sifu was blessed.

Princess Rongyang followed and got up: "Mother, I won't disturb you anymore. It's very tiring to go out, so take a good rest."

The two left the Cining Palace together.

"How does Princess Yan plan to get rid of the stigma?" Princess Rongyang asked in a low voice, her eyes flashing with pride.

Jiang Si smiled: "Why don't Aunty think about how to defend herself if she is caught by Jin Linwei?"

Princess Rongyang's eyes widened suddenly, and the corners of her lips tightened: "What's the matter with me?"

"It's not like Auntie's style if you have the guts to do it but don't have the guts to admit it. Auntie remembers, come and don't go indecent." Jiang Si said, and walked away.

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