The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 502 Deep investigation

Dou Shuwan lowered her head, raised her eyes in silence for a moment, and looked at Jiang Si with a firm tone: "I just want to save my brother's life, and the rest is up to the princess."

This time, if she pleads for her brother and doesn't get the punishment he deserves, that's what hurts him.

The elder brother thought that he had a backer, and he would act more and more arrogantly in the future, and one day he would commit the big crime of beheading.

After listening to Dou Shuwan's answer, Jiang Si smiled: "Cousin just don't blame me."

Dou Shuwan laughed at herself: "I would be too confused if I blame the princess. Princess, the Chinese New Year is approaching, why don't I go back to the uncle's house to accompany my aunt."

When my brother did such a thing, it hurt the reputation of the prince and princess, and she had no face to stay.

Jiang Si reached out and held Dou Shuwan's hand: "Cousin said that, it's my fault."

Dou Shuwan hurriedly denied it.

"Then the cousin can stay at ease. The prince has a lot of things to do on weekdays, and I'm bored alone in the huge palace."

Dou Shuwan blushed and nodded.

She still can't do anything for herself. If she doesn't have to, she doesn't want to go back to the uncle's house.

The next day, Yu Jin went to the Zhenfu Division where Cousin Dou was imprisoned.

Yu Jin was received by one of Han Ran's envoys.

Regarding Yu Jin's arrival, the Zhenfu envoy was quite muttered.

King Yan wouldn't be foolish to come to plead for the bastard, right?

It shouldn't be, this matter has gone to the emperor and the empress dowager. King Yan should not be so stupid.

However, if Princess Yan asked softly, it would not be so.

"Mothering a woman from a good family on the street makes the woman commit suicide with shame and anger. What crime should she be convicted of according to our Dazhou law?"

The Zhenfu envoy thought for a moment and said, "Sin is to be exiled."

Strictly according to the law, the crime is not trivial, but in fact, the real people who will be exiled are all prodigal sons who have no backers, and none of those dudes have been exiled.

"Did he have any other sins?"

Zhen Fu was stunned for a moment, and became more and more uncertain about Yu Jin's intentions.

"No more has been found yet."

"How long will it take to find out?"

The Zhenfu Envoy suddenly felt a little stressed and said, "It will take at least two days."

The thorough investigation of the gangster's past was personally explained by the commander Han, so they naturally did not dare to be vague.

"I'll come back in two days." Yu Jin didn't hesitate, he left after asking, leaving Zhenfu confused.

Just two days later.

Emperor Jing Ming heard Han Ran's report for the first time, and his eyes were heavy: "So, Princess Yan's cousin did not have any serious evil during this time in the capital?"

"Yes, after he left Dongpingbo Mansion, although he was idle, he did not commit any criminal acts. When he was short of money, he would try to ask his sister to ask for it. This is the first time that he molested a good family girl in the street. Wei Chen's subordinate asked. When he came out, someone gave him a hundred taels of silver and instructed him to do so."

Emperor Jing Ming raised his eyebrows: "What is the purpose of instructing him to molest a girl from a good family?"

"According to his account, the man said that the woman had seduced a wife's husband, and the wife wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. However, Wei Chen's subordinates inquired about the woman's past. She's frivolous..."

"If you are a frivolous person, you won't be ashamed and angry and kill yourself." Emperor Jing Ming said coldly.

In this way, if the cousin of the seventh daughter-in-law didn't lie, he was taken advantage of.

The purpose of that person is self-evident, that is, it is aimed at the old couple.

Emperor Jing Ming couldn't help but remember what Yu Jin had said at the Cining Palace two days ago: "My son just thinks it's too coincidental that the emperor's grandmother encounters A Si's cousin doing evil in the street when she rarely leaves the door."

Seventh is right, most things in this world are not coincidences.

By this time, the anger that Emperor Jing Ming had raised because of Jiang Si's relatives' doing evil had already disappeared, and only anger remained.

The cloud is still cloudy in the palace, and it doesn't even stop outside. Who is the person who is calculating the seventh?

"Has the person who instigated him found out?"

Han Ran lowered his head: "Not yet."

Jin Linwei sounds majestic and frightening,

But after all, there is no immortal ability, and it is impossible to find out everything.

Street gangsters such as Uncle Dou will come into contact with too many people in a day, and it is not like some characters are already within the surveillance range of Jinlinwei. To find that person is no different from Looking for a needle in a haystack.

Of course, Emperor Jing Ming understood this, so he endured his displeasure and asked, "Is King Yan still moving?"

The boy said he would solve the trouble in three days, and now there is only one day left.

"King Yan went to Nanzhen Fusi the day before yesterday, and he didn't respond after that." Han Ran was also curious about what method Yu Jin would use to restore his reputation.

It was not a conspicuous thing for a distant relative of a princess to do evil, because it was concerned by the emperor and the empress dowager, and now almost all the nobles and officials knew about it.

Everyone is waiting to see what King Yan will do next.

Emperor Jing Ming frowned slightly: "What happened to that small shop on Xishi Street?"

"Reporting to the emperor, that small shop has been open for fifteen years, and it is indeed opened by a pair of Wumiao grandparents. Every year in May and June, the small shop will be closed for a period of time. Don't deal with others. According to the reports of Wei Chen's subordinates, the old Wu Miao woman seems to be aware of someone being followed, should you control them first..."

Emperor Jing Ming nodded: "Alright. Pan Hai, it is said that King Yan has entered the palace."

When Yu Jin arrived, both Pan Hai and Han Ran stayed in the imperial study.

Yu Jin greeted Emperor Jingming: "Father."

Emperor Jing Ming nodded and said bluntly: "Pan Hai checked Duo Mammy in the past two days. She did have contact with Chen Meiren. Princess Fourteen was ill several times, and Cining Palace sent Duo Mama to visit and condolence. "

Concubine Yang had fought with his elder brother several times since the death of his elder brother, and the Cining Palace also sent Duo Ma to persuade Concubine Yang to stay safe, but it was inconvenient to explain to Lao Qi because of Concubine Yang and the Crown Prince.

Han Ran stood aside with his eyes down, surprised.

He thought that the emperor called King Yan into the palace to ask him how to solve the troublesome matter of Princess Yan's cousin, but he did not expect to tell King Yan about the privacy of the palace.

It seems that King Yan's performance at the family banquet really won the emperor's favor.

Yu Jin didn't know the surprise that Emperor Jing Ming's action brought to Han Ran, the commander of Jinlin Guards, and said, "Mother Duo guessed that this person is not low-level before she surfaced in front of the water, and she has a fair chance to come into contact with Chen Meiren. , now it seems so.”

Speaking of this, he paused and asked Emperor Jing Ming, "Has Eunuch Pan found out how Duo Mamma entered the palace? From the information previously given by Eunuch Pan, it was already twenty years old when Duo Mama entered the palace fifteen years ago. I'm old, and the age of recruiting maids in the palace is mostly limited to thirteen to sixteen years old."

Following Yu Jin's question, Emperor Jing Ming's face sank, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said, "Mother Duo entered the palace through the relationship of Princess Rongyang."

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