Yu Jin's face showed surprise at the right time: "Is it because Aunt Rongyang entered the palace?"

Pan Hai slightly moved his brows.

King Yan used the word "because" very well.

Because Princess Rongyang entered the palace, it is difficult for Princess Rongyang to get rid of the troubles caused by this person.

Emperor Jing Ming's face darkened.

There are rules for recruiting people in the palace. Rongyang violated the rules and sent people into the palace, which really brought many troubles.

This Rongyang has never been sensible.

Emperor Jing Ming had already had opinions on some of the actions of Princess Rongyang, but he was kind by nature, and he didn't want to hurt the relationship between his brothers and sisters, and he didn't want to hurt the queen mother's heart, so he had been holding back.

But now because of Princess Rongyang's reckless actions, even the queen mother may be harmed, which is unbearable.

Emperor Jing Ming had the intention to teach Princess Rongyang a lesson, and asked Yu Jin: "At present, these can only show that Duo Mama has the opportunity to do evil, but Chen Meiren's death is not enough to convict people, what do you think?"

Now it is Yu Jin who locks the Duo mama first, and then finds out that Duo mama has contact with Chen Meiren and Yang Fei. This alone is not enough to convince Emperor Jing Ming that that person is Duo mama.

In such a huge harem, as time goes on, there is more than one person who can have contact with Chen Meiren and Yang Fei.

Yu Jin pondered for a moment and said, "Why don't you try to lure the snake out of the hole."

"Let the snake out of the hole?" Emperor Jing Ming became interested, "Could it be that she was given a chance to leave the palace to see if she was in contact with the people from that shop?"

Yu Jin shook his head: "This is too obvious, and it may arouse her suspicion."

At the moment, the messages of Duo Ma and Wu Miao's grandparents are inconsistent.

The ancestors and grandsons of Wumiao knew that the saint had come to the capital, but because of doubts, they sent a letter back to Wumiao to ask for confirmation.

When she returned to the palace, Yu Jin and Jiang Si went to the Cining Palace, and only then did she find out that she was stunned. The saintess that Elder Hua said was actually Princess Yan.

Yu Jincai didn't want to give Duo mama and Wumiao's grandson a chance to meet again, and the reason was open and aboveboard.

For this reason, Emperor Jing Ming quite recognized, leaned forward and said, "Then tell me how to lead the snake out of the hole."

Yu Jin looked at Emperor Jing Ming and said, "Father is still skeptical about whether that person is Duo Mama?"

"Well." Emperor Jing Ming did not deny it.

Yu Jin smiled: "Whether that person is Duo Mama or not, if she finds an opportunity to do evil, she will probably not let it go. Why don't we create such an opportunity for her."

Emperor Jing Ming's eyes flickered slightly, and his expression became serious.

He wanted to hear what Lao Qi had in mind.

"That person is looking for a woman who has resentment in the harem. My son thinks that he can find a suitable person to lead this person out."

Emperor Jing Ming's eyes narrowed.

suitable person? Could it be that there are so many resentful people in his harem?

Pan Hai gave Yu Jin a deep look, feeling helpless: King Yan's words really pierced the emperor's heart..."

Yu Jin looked at Emperor Jing Ming's expression and said with a smile, "What do you think of the Fourteenth Princess?"

"Princess Fourteen?" When Emperor Jing Ming heard this, his face sank and he said displeasedly, "Nonsense, your Fourteenth Sister is still a little girl, don't use her as a game!"

Yu Jin smiled: "Eunuch Pan, the fourteenth princess is one year older than the fifteenth princess, isn't she already in her hair?"

Pan Haifei took a quick look at Emperor Jing Ming and nodded, "Your Highness remembers correctly, the Fourteenth Princess has indeed reached her wedding age."

King Yan looked at the rough and big leaves, and he knew so much about people's hearts. He asked the fourteenth princess's age, but mentioned the fifteenth princess.

Emperor Jing Ming did think of the fifteenth princess.

Fifteen is a little smaller than fourteen, but now it has disappeared...

Emperor Jing Ming had more than 20 daughters, and there were not many opportunities to meet them on weekdays. It would be a lie to say that he has feelings for each daughter. For example, the fifteenth princess, in the fourteen years she lived, Yu Jingming was just a girl. daughter's name.

But with the tragic death of the fifteenth princess in front of Emperor Jing Ming,

Her impression in Emperor Jing Ming's heart suddenly deepened.

She became an immortal presence in the emperor's memory.

Fifteen died, because of the mother concubine of Fourteen. Although Fourteen is innocent, using her to draw out that person can be regarded as a relief for the mother and concubine.

After a long silence, Emperor Jing Ming said lightly, "Tell me about your specific plans."


After some negotiation, Emperor Jing Ming took a few sips of tea: "The three-day appointment you said will arrive tomorrow."

Yu Jin laughed: "Is the father worried that his son will not finish?"

Emperor Jing Ming's face stern: "I just ask casually."

Who cares if this kid can finish it, the stinky kid is quite self-motivated.

"As soon as my son leaves the palace, I will arrange it." Yu Jin showed a big smile to Han Ran, "I hope that the commander Han will cooperate."

In front of Emperor Jing Ming, what else could Han Ran say, so he hurriedly responded.

After Yu Jin left, Emperor Jing Ming lifted his foot and went to Kunning Palace.

"Niangniang, the emperor is here." The palace maid hurried in to communicate.

The queen's eyelids twitched.

The king is here again...

It seems that since the death of Concubine Yang, the emperor has come to her more and more times, so that the harem is rumored to be favored by the queen.

The queen just wanted to sneer at this.

She is an empress, not a favored concubine like Concubine Yang, and she has never wanted the favor of an emperor.

The emperor gave her respect and dignity, and she took good care of the harem for him, so that was enough.

Who doesn't have Bai Yueguang in their hearts, the emperor has Yuan Hou in his heart, and she still has a bamboo horse.

Unlike the miserable woman who can't be with her sweetheart, the queen is very open to this.

It is the family's intention to want her to enter the palace as a queen, and since she was a child, she was dressed in fine clothes and food, and had a group of slaves. Since she has enjoyed the benefits of the family, it is fair to pay for the family.

The queen greeted her calmly.

"You all retreat." Emperor Jing Ming walked in, drove out the palace servants who were serving in the house, and pulled the queen to sit down.

In front of the empress, Emperor Jing Ming was very casual: "I have something to ask the empress for help."

The queen twitched the corners of her mouth slightly.

Sure enough, it was a once-in-a-lifetime familiarity, and the emperor asked her for help this time without even a polite word.

"You say."

"Find an excuse to give Fourteen a meal."

The queen was stunned: "What?"

Did the emperor mean the Fourteenth Princess?

She is a dignified queen, a sick princess who is full of food?

Emperor Jing Ming explained the matter clearly and held the Queen's hand: "I'm going to wrong the Queen. The Queen Mother is a pity for the poor and the weak. Knowing that the fourteenth received training, she will probably say something to you."

At the same time, I will also send Duo Ma to visit Fourteen...

The queen nodded: "Since this is the case, it's nothing for me to be said by the queen. The emperor can rest assured, and leave this matter to me."

But the queen's heart moved slightly: the emperor values ​​King Yan very much.

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