The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and fourth lively is not too big

When Han Ran left the palace, he saw Yu Jin waiting under a tree not far away.

In winter, the tree is bare and only the branches are left, but because the snow falling on the branches has not melted, the ordinary and somewhat ugly tree becomes the Qiongzhiyushu, which is very beautiful.

The young man standing beside the tree stood tall and straight, with clear eyes, more attractive than Yushu.

Han Ran hesitated and walked over.

"Your Majesty hasn't left yet?"

"Wait for Lord Han to go with you."

Han Ran touched his nose.

King Yan speaks very directly.

In his capacity as the commander of Jinlin Guards, those ministers kept their distance from each other, and few would move forward, especially openly.

"Your Highness, please."

Yu Jin's good-looking eyes curled up with a smile: "Is Mr. Han going back to the yamen?"

Han Ran subconsciously looked up at the sky and said vaguely, "I want to return."

It didn't take long for the genius to light up, and I couldn't go home directly for tea.

"Then Xiao Wang happened to go with you."

Han Ran was puzzled.

Yu Jin explained with a smile: "Didn't the royal father order me to eliminate the bad influence caused by the princess's cousin within three days? I want to talk to him."

Han Ran glanced at Yu Jin, full of deep distrust.

Are you really just talking? For him to have such relatives who can't be beaten but stabbed in a big basket, he can't wait to break the other's neck.

No matter how he thought about it, Han Ran couldn't refuse Yu Jin's request, so he nodded.

With Han Ran's arrangement, Yu Jin soon met his cousin Dou.

At this time, cousin Dou Rushuang beat the eggplant, and seeing Yu Jin's eyes lit up: "My lord, you have finally come to save me!"

The last time he went to the uncle's mansion to ask his sister for money, he found out that his sister lived in the Yanwang mansion.

It's sad to say, he still can't forget the terrifying scene of waking up at night when his niece gestured scissors under him, so much so that he didn't even dare to go to the gate of the palace.

It is also because of this that he has no money to spend, and someone gave him money to make his heart move...

"Save you?" Yu Jin smiled coldly.

Uncle Dou only felt a chill in his neck and shrank back.

"You do evil in the name of the princess, and you expect this king to save you? It would be nice not to cut off your restless rotten roots and send them to the palace as an errand."

Uncle Dou suddenly turned pale, and looked at Yu Jin with panic-filled eyes.

Cut...he can't hear those two words at all now!

Yu Jin clasped his hands and pressed it, and said impatiently, "Well, do as I ask to keep you alive, otherwise—"

Uncle Dou was stunned by the murderous intent in the other's eyes, and nodded dumbly.

Two quarters of an hour later, Yu Jin left the Jinlin Guard Yamen and went to the scene of the incident.

It snowed again, and the dark red bloodstains on the stone pavement had long been covered, as if nothing had happened. The topic of the people who lived nearby couldn’t do without this, and as the winter was boring, it spread more and more widely.

The gossip about the royal family and nobles is really addicting...

Yu Jin walked all the way and listened to the gossip.

"I think the lady of the Li family died in vain, tsk tsk, that person is a relative of Princess Yan, and has a big backer."

"Isn't it taken by the adults of Jinlinwei, Jinlinwei is not sympathetic, right?"

"Then it depends on who is right. Of course we are not sympathetic to us. Can we be sympathetic to Princess Yan's relatives? Officials protect each other, watch, and finally it will be released quietly, anyway, we can't see it."

"Poor Li Dalang only came back today. He heard that his daughter-in-law was gone. He vomited blood and passed out. He woke up and struggled to seek justice.

"By the way, Mrs. Li's younger brother wasn't taken away that day. How are they going to settle the child?"

"Who knows, after all, the Li family is ruined, making a sin..."

Listening to these rumors, Yu Jin's face became colder and colder.

Even if he didn't make a promise in front of the emperor, he couldn't let the matter ferment.

He is an idle prince,

You don't have to care about reputation, but it seems that you can't, this world is very harsh on women.

Yu Jin stood still in the corner, and Long Dan immediately came over: "My lord, shall we begin?"


With a wave of Long Dan's hand, a group of people lined up in the street, and the gong in his hand banged loudly.

Immediately, the very poor and boring people came from all directions, and the experienced ones still had their horses under their armpits.

A group of people banged on the gong with all their strength. There were three layers inside and three layers outside, layer upon layer.

"What happened?" The late man asked eagerly, tiptoeing.

"I don't know yet." The person being asked patted the person in front, "Brother, what happened inside?"

The front shot the front, and finally the words came back: "I'm still beating the gong, I have nothing else to do for the time being."

Everyone quickly exchanged glances, excited: based on experience, there is a big gossip about to happen!

The sound of the gongs and drums finally stopped, and the group picked up chairs from nowhere and built them up in the middle of the fenced-in field.

The sound of gongs and drums stopped, but the people on the outermost side who couldn't see the situation inside were scratching their ears and scratching their cheeks anxiously, and kept poking at the people in front: "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Chairs piled up one after the other, as if building a high ladder."

"Using chairs to build high ladders? Is it a joke?"

Soon the outermost people stopped asking. The chairs in the center of the field were stacked higher and higher, and in the blink of an eye, they reached a height of 20 feet, which was enough for people inside and outside to look up.

At the top of the chair ladder stood a thin man. Someone threw a chair up. He caught it firmly, put the chair away carefully, turned over and jumped to a new height.

The crowd applauded loudly.

Seeing that the chair ladder has reached a height of more than thirty feet, the audience was silent.

If it falls from this height, it will kill people. They should watch it quietly, and don't scare people because of the loud noise.

The person standing in the air was not at all nervous.

He is the best actor in the city, and this is what he is best at. Such a height is nothing to him, and as long as he completes today's task, the reward he will get is enough to earn the juggling class for three years.

"At this height, no matter how many people are around, you can see it inside and out?" Yu Jin said lightly.

Long Dan wiped his face: "I think people outside the city can look at it."

The height of the city wall is only two or three feet.

This method can only be thought of by the lord.

Yu Jin raised his head with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "That's good."

Now that it has spread, the bigger the noise, the better.

It's not a big deal to watch the fun, and it's not a big deal for him to make fun.

The actor in midair stood firmly on the chair ladder and looked around, clasping his fists at the onlookers.

The onlookers held their breaths, looking forward to his next move.

The actor stretched out his hand and took out an object from his bosom, and tossed it out violently, a long strip shaking away in the wind, with black characters on a blue background very conspicuous.

"What is written on it?" the illiterate asked anxiously.

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