The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and fifth in public

Countless people raised their heads and tried to read the words on the long page: "Shenzheng today invites all the people of the city to condemn the villains."

After reading it, everyone looked at each other in dismay.

What does this mean, which villain is condemned?

Suddenly someone shouted, "It must be the villain who killed the wife of the Li family!"

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd.

Who is going to seek justice for the Li family's wife?

The actor's hand on the chair ladder fluttered again in a long line, with three huge characters written on it: "Yan Wangfu."

The audience immediately boiled over.

It's actually a person from Prince Yan's mansion, this is really unexpected!

People are talking, from low to high, gradually converging into a sound wave.

Long Dan leaned in front of Yu Jin and said with a smile: "Master, it will be crowded here in the afternoon."

"That's right." Yu Jin smiled.

Speaking of which, using banners to attract the world's attention, he still learned from Ah Si.

The method is not old-fashioned, just easy to use.

Yu Jin led people to make such a scene on the street, and it soon reached the ears of Emperor Jing Ming.

Emperor Jing Ming was stunned, and after a long time sighed: "It's only the cheeky Lao Qi who can do this kind of thing. If this kind of thing happens to others, I can't wait to hide it and silence all the insiders, Lao Qi. However, he did the opposite, and the whole city knew about it..."

Pan Hai is not good at commenting, and he echoes with a smile.

King Yan's move, which went the other way, worked well.

With the speed at which gossip spreads among the people in the capital, it won't take long to know anyway. No matter how convicted of Princess Yan's cousin, people will not believe it, and it will only make the news of Yan Wangfu worse.

Spreading things out and letting the people of the city see with their own eyes what happened to Princess Yan's relatives was the only way to draw money from the bottom of the pot.

At that time, people may praise the Yan Wang couple for not protecting their relatives.

"When King Yan finishes the matter and asks him to come into the palace, I will scold him well, it's really nonsense."

I don't know how lively it is to denounce the villains in the afternoon? Too bad I can't see it with my own eyes.

Pan Hai silently rolled his eyes.

The emperor was wrong again.

"By the way, Your Majesty, the banner denouncing the villains is hung on the chair ladder as high as five feet. If we climb the tall building, we might be able to see..."

Emperor Jing Ming's eyes lit up, and he immediately returned to his serious face: "What's so beautiful about the banner?"

Pan Hai lowered his head.

After a while, Emperor Jing Ming got up and walked out with his hands behind his back: "I've been bored after watching this for a long time, go out and take a breath."

Pan Hai: "..." Following a master who doesn't care about his heart, his heart is very tired.

When the time just arrived at noon, Long Dan was worried to check the venue and almost dropped his jaw.

Yu Jin rested in the study, saw Long Dan walking in with a strange look, and glanced at him: "What's wrong?"

Long Dan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Master, let's hurry up, we might not be able to squeeze in later."

"So exaggerated?"

"It's not too much to say that there are too many people, there are even people sitting on the trees by the roadside..."

Yu Jin thought for a while and said, "Then let's start from the Jinlin Guard Yamen."

It took about half an hour to walk from the Jinlin Guard Yamen to the place of the incident. Considering the actual situation, Yu Jin rushed over an hour earlier.

Uncle Dou was escorted out by Jinlin Guards.

Han Ran's expression was a little complicated: "My lord, there are so many people in a mess, we must beware of people throwing things and killing people..."

"Thank you Lord Han for reminding me." Yu Jin thanked with a smile and nodded to Longdan.

Long Dan raised his hand, and the gong sounded immediately.

A lot of people poked their heads out to see it.

Han Ran, who was standing in front of the yamen, had a distorted expression.

It was the first time in the world to beat gongs and drums in front of the Jinlin Guards.

The team moved forward, and more and more people followed behind.

Uncle Dou, who was wearing shackles, looked numb, enjoying the treatment of smashing cabbage gangs along the way.

"Come, come, come!"

The crowd who had been waiting for a long time immediately boiled.

"That's the disciple who killed the wife of the Li family?"

"That's right,

it's him! "

Immediately, countless rotten vegetable leaves and rotten eggs flew out with broken straw sandals.

They have already prepared these things, just waiting for this moment.

As ordinary people in Beijing who have seen countless lively scenes, they know the rules very well. For example, hard objects such as stones cannot be thrown, and throwing people's lives will cause trouble for each other.

Coming to the banner blowing in the wind, the team stopped.

Long Dan jumped on the table and shouted: "The next is the guard of Yan Wang's mansion, and now I have brought the Dengzi who molested a good family girl under the name of our princess. Neighbors don't have to be polite, how many rotten leaves do you want to smash? How much is smashed, just be careful not to smash people, and the men have to escort people to Lingnan to open up wasteland..."

The crowd watching the excitement fell silent, and then there was a lot of discussion.

"Delivered to Lingnan? Is this a distribution?"

"Is distribution so serious?"

There are not many death row prisoners in Dazhou, and most of the heavy criminals are sent to the army. Biaoshu Dou molested a good woman on the street and forced her to death. Although the crime was not small, it was not enough to be distributed in the people's perception.

The reason is very simple. It's a daily scene for the playboys to molest women from good families. If they are distributed like this, then the escort of the prisoners may not be enough.

Someone in the crowd shouted, "You say you will distribute it, right? Who knows when you turn around and secretly let people go."

After a short silence, countless voices echoed: "That's right, don't coax us?"

A man suddenly rushed over, his hair was loose, and his expression was grim: "Beast, give my daughter-in-law's life back—"

"It's Li Dalang!"

The two hugged Li Dalang on the left and the right: "Dalang, don't be impulsive, it's not worth it to implicate yourself for this kind of person. Haven't you heard that the official sentenced this disciple to exile——"

Li Dalang pouted vigorously: "I pooh, their officials protect each other, can they believe what they say? Everyone actually knows that now that Prince Yan's mansion is doing a good job, he turns his head and quietly lets him go, and then my daughter-in-law will die in vain..."

He said, weeping aloud.

Such a painful and sad cry made the people watching the lively quiet, silently looking at Li Dalang and Uncle Dou Biao not far away.

A tall, tall man between the age of a teenager and a young man walked in front of Li Dalang.

He was born like a jasmine orchid, and as soon as he appeared, he attracted countless attention.

Li Dalang's sobbing stopped for a while, and then he heard the man who looked like a pearl and jade raised his voice: "I am King Yan."

The scene was quiet.

"Xiongtai doesn't believe that this disciple will be exiled?"

Li Dalang stared at Yu Jin vigilantly and said nothing.

For ordinary people, a character like Wang Ye is like a cloud in the sky, out of reach.

Yu Jinchong bowed his hands to Li Dalang: "How about Xiao Wang ask Xiongtai to escort him with the official escort? You can watch this person be exiled to Lingnan with your own eyes."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then continued: "Xiao Wang will also give another thousand taels of silver tattooed as hard work."

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