The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 506: 2 cows and 1 roar

One thousand taels of hard work?

Many people widened their eyes.

A thousand taels is enough for a family to live comfortably in the capital for a lifetime.

However—people exchanged glances quietly and shook their heads.

I'm afraid I won't take this thousand taels.

Let’s not talk about the hardships of traveling long distances in the bitter and cold places in Lingnan, let’s say that Li Dalang followed the road stupidly, who would know if he was harmed?

Soon someone hid in the crowd and shouted.

"Your Highness said it nicely. If you kill Li Dalang halfway, you will save money if you don't have any money. We people don't know about it..."

Everyone agreed: "That's right, the sky is high and the road is far away. Who knows if Li Dalang is killed on the way? Not only will he save money, but maybe he will quietly let the disciple go..."

The law does not blame the crowd, so many people gather together, and they are not afraid of being punished by King Yan for talking too much.

Hmph, if King Yan dared to do this, his reputation would be even worse.

Yu Jin smiled and listened patiently.

After the people talked for a long time, he raised his hand and said loudly: "Please listen to Xiao Wang."

There were a lot of people, and even if they were whispering, they were noisy, but his voice seemed to have a penetrating power, and it fell very clearly to his ears.

People suddenly quieted down.

They were still very curious about what King Yan had to say.

It should be said that King Yan's appearance on this occasion is enough to arouse everyone's curiosity.

Having seen so many lively events, this is the first time that a noble person has stood up and regarded them as part of the lively event.

Really excited to think about it.

Excited people stared at the overly good-looking young people in the field.

"Xiao Wang invites fifty more people to escort the prisoners together with Li Dalang. All meals are included. After returning to Beijing, each person will be given two hundred taels of silver."

Han Ran, the commander of Jinlinwei who was hiding in the crowd to watch the excitement, twitched the corners of his mouth.

King Yan could really come up with any ideas. Fifty people followed the official escort to escort the prisoners, and they also provided food. Is this a gift for the princess and her relatives?

However, he could only smile on the sidelines.

King Yan asked him to cooperate in front of the emperor, what else could he say?

Han Ran had a feeling of being miserable, thinking that the hard work and food expenses promised by King Yan were all out of his own pocket, and he was relieved in one breath.

That's all, it's not spending his money anyway, King Yan is rich and self-willed, so he can toss as much as he likes.

From the capital to Lingnan, it takes about four months to go back and forth, including food and lodging, and earning two hundred taels of silver?

The onlookers, whether literate or illiterate, hurriedly pinched their fingers to count, and their eyes immediately turned red.

This is so cost-effective, they can't even earn thirty taels after a year of hard work!

What, a security issue?

There are fart safety issues, with so many of them, does King Yan dare to silence them all? Just think about it and know it's impossible.

Yu Jin glanced at the audience and asked aloud, "What do you all think? If you are willing, you can sign up now and make statistics on the spot."

People immediately went crazy when they heard it, and many people squeezed forward and shouted: "I sign up, I sign up!"

For a while, no one cared to smash vegetable leaves on Uncle Dou.

Uncle Dou blinked and burst into tears.

Li Dalang is one thousand taels, and fifty people each have two hundred taels, making a total of eleven thousand taels.

In order to escort him to Lingnan, King Yan was willing to pay 11,000 taels of silver... woohoo, knowing that he was so valuable, he sold himself to King Yan.

If Yu Jin knew that the fat and water did not flow to the outsider's field, he would have laughed angrily.

"My lord, the crowd is so chaotic that stampede incidents are prone to occur."

"Please be quiet-" Yu Jin shouted loudly.

The wealth and silk moved people's hearts. At this time, King Yan's handsome face was not very useful, and the shouts of the people overwhelmed his voice.

Yu Jin stretched out his hand.

Er Niu, who was squatting not far away, ran over, looking docile and well-behaved waiting for orders.

Yu Jin rubbed Er Niu's head: "Er Niu, it's up to you next, you're doing so well, you can eat steamed meat."

Erniu's eyes suddenly lit up,

Looking around, he jumped up the chair ladder with his hind legs.

The chair ladder was originally unstable, and in the morning, the actors played with it to attract attention, and later it was reinforced with ropes and the like.

Er Niu's posture is extremely flexible, and soon climbed to the highest point, screaming in the sky.

Yu Jin's face darkened.

Erniu this guy is the most flamboyant, he just let it bark twice to attract attention, who would have known that this dog could climb so high!

Yu Jin looked up at the height of the chair ladder, a little dizzy.

Strange, when the actor stood on it in the morning, he was not dizzy at all.

And with this roar that was like a dog but not a dog, like a wolf but not a wolf, the crowd suddenly became quiet.

"Look at the top of the chair ladder, what a big wolf!"


Everyone subconsciously took a step back and looked up with their necks raised.

Seeing that it was quiet below, the goal had been achieved, Er Niu flicked his tail and quickly slipped down the chair ladder.

Omg, a wolf that can climb trees!

People's scalps exploded immediately, but fortunately, people were so brave that they didn't run away for a while.

Is this afraid?

Erniu walked up to Yu Jin and sat down, looked around in contempt, and opened his mouth: "Wow!"

With Er Niu's cry, everyone's expressions became strange.

So this big guy should be a... dog?

Erniu patted the ground with his tail dissatisfied.

Stupid person, it can't even recognize such a standard dog face?

Yu Jin gave Er Niu a look back and said, "I didn't expect you to be so enthusiastic, it's Xiao Wang who didn't think carefully. Let's just leave the fifty people to choose Xiao Wang and leave it to Li Dalang to decide, and he will choose the trustworthy ones. Fifty people from the escort escort the prisoners with him, do you have any opinions?"

When Yu Jin said this, the people watching the lively shouted: "No opinion——"

"Thank you for your understanding." After Yu Jin finished speaking, he looked at Li Dalang, "I don't know if this arrangement is made, does Xiongtai have any comments?"

Li Dalang moved his lips, and his face kept changing.

In theory, how can the dignified prince do this?

On love-

Li Dalang said slowly: "But my daughter-in-law can't come back..."

Yu Jin had a sincere apology in his eyes, and bowed deeply to Li Dalang: "Xiao Wang knows that the wife of the Li family is priceless to Xiongtai, so I apologize to Xiongtai..."

Li Dalang is a small businessman, and the dignified lord saluted him in such a panic: "Your lord doesn't have to do this, you don't have to do this—"

The audience looked at the scene that seemed to be written in a book, and they all sighed with emotion: King Yan is really a good person.

Those who were hidden in the crowd and sent from each government quietly returned to their respective residences to report to their masters what they had seen and heard.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Emperor Jing Ming closed his eyes and listened to Han Ran's report, and slowly opened his eyes.

Lao Qi actually figured out a way for the bitter master to escort the prisoner in person?

In this way, all the people's doubts about the case will be dispelled.

This stinky boy, Seven, dares to act like a book!

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