The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and seventh acting

After Han Ran reported, he bowed and stepped back.

In the huge Mental Cultivation Hall, there was only the sound of Emperor Jing Ming tapping the red sandalwood backrest.

Emperor Jing Ming thought to himself: King Yan was fined for a year's salary, and 10,000 taels of silver were taken out casually. This kid is quite rich.

The question flashed through his mind and was quickly forgotten.

It's not a big deal after all.

Lao Qi exchanged 10,000 taels of silver for a good reputation, which was much more cost-effective.

Prestige can sometimes drive people's hearts.

Han Ran left the palace. Seeing that the sky was getting darker, he was ready to go back to the house. Unexpectedly, his subordinate Zhenfu was waiting not far away, and he walked over quickly when he appeared.

Seeing Zhenfu's look ugly, Han Ran frowned and asked, "What happened?"

If there is no major event, the Zhenfu Envoy will not wait for him outside the palace gate.

The Zhenfu envoy lowered his head and said bravely, "Sir, that pair of Wumiao ancestors and grandchildren are gone."

"Gone?" Han Ran thought he heard a joke.

The pair of Wumiao ancestors and grandchildren are not in the small shop on Xishi Street now, but were brought back to the prison by Jinlinwei after receiving the nod from the emperor.

Now the envoy of Zhenfu told him that Jinlinwei's imperial prison was a place for detaining serious offenders, and the two big living people just disappeared?

"Are you kidding?

In the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, Zhen Fu Shi's forehead was covered with sweat.

He didn't care to wipe, and lowered his head: "Sir, the man is really gone. When he was found, the prison door was open, the door lock was not damaged, and the person guarding the door passed out and still had the key in his hand..."

The more Han Ran listened, the darker his face became: "You mean, our people took the key and opened the door to let them leave, and the guards turned a blind eye to them along the way?"

Zhenfu made a difficult nod.

"Ridiculous!" Han Ran couldn't bear it any longer, and kicked Zhenfu Shi.

Zhenfu didn't dare to hide, let the foot fall heavily on him.

After kicking, Han Ran closed his eyes and eased his rage: "Tell me the situation carefully."

The envoy told every detail, and finally looked into Han Ran's eyes and said carefully: "Sir, I heard that there are many strange things about the people in the southern border. Does that old woman understand witchcraft?"

Han Ran raised his eyebrows: "Do you know what witchcraft is?"

The soothsayer shook his head.

"Then you're talking shit!"

"Sir, what do you think we should do now--" Zhen Fuer asked frightened.

Han Ran wanted to kick another kick, but the guards guarding outside the palace gate held back and said coldly, "Follow me into the palace to face the sage!"

The Zhen Fu Shi resisted the urge to cry and followed Han Ran to the gate of the palace.

"Your Majesty, Commander Han asks to see you."

Emperor Jing Ming was stunned.

Didn't Han Ran just leave, why did he come again?

No, his eyelids started twitching again.

Now Emperor Jing Ming doesn't care whether it's his left eye twitching or his right eye twitching, he has already summed up his experience: any eyelid twitching is definitely not a good thing.

"Pass him in."

As soon as Han Ran came in, he knelt down: "Wei Chen is negligent in his duty and asks the emperor for his guilt."

Emperor Jing Ming didn't even feel any surprise, so he rubbed his temples weakly: "Tell me about it."

"Just now, the envoy of Zhenfu came to report that the pair of Wumiao ancestors and grandchildren were gone."

Emperor Jing Ming was so surprised that he forgot to close his mouth. After a while, he asked, "Didn't you bring that pair of Wumiao ancestors back to the yamen?"

Han Ran lowered his head, only to feel his face tightened at this moment: "People are invisible in prison..."

"Han Ran, did you forget to close the door of the imperial prison?"

Han Ran heard the madness from Emperor Jing Ming's sarcasm, and endured the shame and told the situation again.

After hearing this, Emperor Jing Ming did not respond for a long time.

He couldn't react, and if he didn't slow down, he couldn't help but ordered Han Ran to be chopped up.

Originally, this kind of idiot was chopped and chopped up, he didn't feel bad at all, but if he re-promoted a Jinlin Guard commander, then one more person knew about his green cloud cover...

Emperor Jing Ming couldn't think about it, as soon as he thought about it, he had the urge to chop people up himself.

"Get out of here!"

Han Ran thought about it,

A short body rolled on the ground.

Seeing this, the Zhenfu envoy hurried to follow suit.

Seeing the two of them get out, Emperor Jing Ming was so angry that he turned around a few times, kicked the little scorpion a few times, and lifted his feet to the queen's place.

"Niangniang, the emperor is here again." The palace maid reported happily.

The Queen's mouth twitched slightly.

The emperor must be urging Fourteen to make bait.

The emperor is really in a hurry...

While thinking about it, Emperor Jing Ming had already walked in, and the queen was busy paying her respects.

Emperor Jing Ming drove out the servants and said, "Empress, it's not appropriate to delay the matter any longer, and things will change if it's too late."

Anyone caught in the Jinlin Guards Prison can escape, what else is impossible?

The queen nodded.

When the Empress had dinner, Princess Fuqing came over.

"It turns out that the father is also there."

The queen smiled and said, "There happened to be a dish that both your father and you like to eat, so I asked you to come here."

Seeing her daughter who was smiling like a flower but had lost a lot of weight, the queen couldn't bear it.

Since Fifteen died, Ah Quan has often had nightmares, and I don't know how many times I cried.

Now, in order to do the game, I have to mention it in front of Ah Quan...

"Aquan lost weight." Emperor Jing Ming said.

The queen echoed: "I have lost a lot of weight, have I not eaten well?"

Princess Fuqing hurriedly said, "Father and mother, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

In front of a house of maids, Emperor Jing Ming suddenly sighed: "Yes, Ah Quan is much stronger than Fourteen and Fifteen..."

Princess Fuqing's eyelashes trembled and her eyes fell.

The queen frowned: "At this time, the emperor will not mention anything else."

"I just saw Aquan and suddenly felt a little emotional. Fifteen is gone, it is useless to talk about it, but it is fourteen. Since her mother-in-law went to her, her health has become worse and worse, so lonely I always worry..."

"The Emperor's meaning—"

Emperor Jing Ming gave the queen a deep look: "Empress, why don't you take Fourteen as your adopted daughter."

The maids in the house all showed surprise, and hurriedly lowered their eyes to cover.

After the queen was stunned, she categorically vetoed: "No! Did the emperor forgot how Fifteen died?"

The empress's decisive decision seemed to make Emperor Jing Ming somewhat unable to come down from the stage: "Although Chen Meiren is guilty, fourteen is innocent. Empress, you are the mother of a country, so you can't even be so tolerant..."

"Your Majesty thinks that if I don't agree to take Fourteen as an adopted daughter, it means that I have no tolerance for others? It is axiom for fathers and sons to pay their debts. Even if I pity Fourteen's situation and don't let people neglect her, that's all. There's no reason for her to be a princess. If everything is rewarded and punished improperly, how can you deter people with malicious intentions? Your Majesty, this is encouraging people to do evil, I definitely can't agree!"

"I'm just making a small suggestion, why should the queen be so angry?"

The dispute between the emperor and the queen scared the people who were serving in the room to the point where they didn't dare to come out, and all of them were silent.

After a fierce dispute, Emperor Jing Ming walked away with a black face.

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