The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and eight fish come

Princess Fuqing turned pale and pulled the queen's sleeves: "Mother, you—"

The queen only felt that acting was more tiring than taking care of the harem, and she patted Princess Fuqing's hand exhaustedly: "Aquan don't have to worry, the husband and wife are fighting at the head of the bed, and a few disputes are nothing."

Princess Fuqing leaned beside the queen, pursed her lips and said, "But the royal father is the king of a country—"

The queen showed a reassuring smile: "The ruler of a country is also your father."

Thinking of her father's love over the years, Princess Fuqing felt a little relieved, and hesitated for a moment to ask: "Mother, do you really hate Fourteenth Sister?"

The queen smiled: "Where's Fuqing?"

Princess Fuqing shook her head: "I don't hate it, but I feel that the Fourteenth Sister is a little pitiful."


"Although the father's debt to the son is justified, the fourteenth doesn't know anything. Isn't there a saying that those who don't know are not blamed?" Princess Fuqing pursed her lips, "The father wants the fourteenth sister to be the princess, and the daughter feels that It's not a big deal, there's no need for the mother and the queen to make trouble with the father..."

The queen caressed Princess Fuqing's hair lovingly: "You child, you are worrying about adults. Okay, let's eat, mothers have their own discretion in these matters."

Seeing what the queen said, Princess Fuqing had no choice but to stop mentioning it and eat her meals in a proper manner.

The queen looked at her daughter and felt relieved.

Fuqing has a good temperament, and such temperament seems to be easy to suffer, but she believes that her daughter is lucky.

A poor family girl needs a bit of fiery energy to climb up, and A Quan is already the most noble princess in the world, no one dares to be angry with her even if she has a good temper.

With Aquan's temperament, he will definitely be able to raise the eyebrows with his concubine in the future.

Thinking of this, the queen thought of a person, with mockery hanging from the corner of her mouth.

But don't be like Princess Rongyang, who thinks she can get everything based on her noble status, and ends up harming others and herself.

When Princess Fuqing left, the queen immediately ordered her confidant to go to Princess Fourteen's residence, warning the Fourteenth Princess to stay safe and not think about anything.

The dispute between the emperor and the queen and the beating of the queen on the fourteenth princess blew through every corner of the harem like a gust of wind.

When Concubine Xian heard about it, her first reaction was envy.

Look, the queen is just different from them.

When they saw the emperor who was not gentle and submissive, they had to bear it no matter how angry they were, but the queen dared to quarrel with the emperor.

The queen is the wife of the emperor, which is different in the end.

After Concubine Xian sighed, determination flashed in her eyes.

She must help the fourth child to fight for the crown prince. It doesn't matter if she can't be the queen for a while. When the fourth child takes that seat and becomes the emperor, she will definitely be the queen mother.

Thinking of this, Concubine Xian was extremely eager, but she disapproved of the Queen's warning to the Fourteenth Princess.

The queen was probably angry, and it would be very disrespectful to send someone to beat a sick princess. Hehe, the Queen Mother may have an opinion.

When the matter reached the ears of the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother did have quite a few criticisms.

"The queen has always been stable, what's the matter today. The emperor's small suggestion is worth her anger?"

The confidant was secretly amused.

The empress dowager felt distressed that the emperor had opinions on the empress. In fact, if the empress dowager wanted to plug a princess into the empress dowager as a direct princess, the empress dowager would probably turn her face on the spot.

"Don't take it to your heart, the empress has always been harmonious, and it will be better soon if you think about it."

The queen mother was still unhappy: "Aijia sees the queen because Princess Fuqing's eyes are good and she is a little lost."

A princess who stands out in everything, and a princess who is blind, will have a completely different future.

From the queen mother's point of view, the queen used to have no hope of guarding a blind princess. She knew that she was submissive and submissive. Now that she felt that her daughter had a future, she couldn't help but be proud.

This can't be done.

The queen mother frowned and said to her confidant, "Tell Duo to bring some supplements to the fourteenth princess, and she said that Ai's family is not worried about her body, let her take good care of her, and come to Ai when she is well. Home please."

Different from the straightforward and barbaric tactics of the Empress Dowager and the Empress in the playbook, in fact, the two extremely noble women are silent every time they confront each other.

For example, the empress dowager is dissatisfied with the queen's words and deeds. Of course, she will not directly reprimand the queen, but send someone to visit the fourteenth princess.

The queen didn't want to see the fourteenth princess, but the queen mother expressed her concern for the fourteenth princess. This is to beat the queen without fireworks, so that everyone in the harem knew that the queen mother was not satisfied with the queen.

The confidant hesitated for a moment: "Is this to let the Duo go or wait for tomorrow?"

The queen mother raised her eyelids: "Go there early, so that people can know that although Fourteen has no mother and concubine, it is not a rootless weed."

The confidant mother agreed, and turned her head to explain the matter to the mother.

It gets dark early in winter, the sky has completely darkened, and strings of palace lanterns emit a soft glow under the eaves.

The snow on the eaves and branches is expansive and piercing to the eyes.

Madam Duo walked forward with an expressionless face, a palace maid holding a palace lantern to light up in front, and another palace maid following behind with a brocade box.

The wind was cold and biting, and even if he was wearing thick clothes, he still drilled into his neck. The three of them were uncomfortable walking outside in such a cold night.

As slaves, no matter how difficult it is to accept the errands explained by the master, they must quickly complete the errands, and the three speed up their pace.

The residence of the Fourteenth Princess was a bit deserted. At this time, only a palace servant was guarding the door.

Seeing the three of them coming, the palace maid hurriedly greeted them.

"Is Your Highness asleep?"

The palace maid glanced at the door and whispered, "Your Highness should not have slept yet. Mammy, wait a moment, I'll go in and pass the message."

The palace maid opened the door, took a few steps inside, and shouted, "Your Highness, the Queen Mother has sent your maid to see you."

In the depths of the heavy curtains, Princess Fourteen's subtle crying stopped abruptly.

After a while, a calm voice came back to the palace maid: "Please come in."

Madam Duo took the brocade box from the palace maid who came with her, and said lightly, "Just wait here. The princess is thin-skinned, and I'm afraid she doesn't want to see too many people at this moment."

The two palace maids did not feel any difference, and after they responded, they chatted in a low voice with the palace maid who was guarding the door.

Mother Duo walked in step by step with the brocade box.

The scent of the medicine is getting stronger and stronger.

She soon saw a pale girl sitting against the head of the bed, her eyes slightly red.

"Greet your highness."

The Fourteenth Princess moved slightly, her voice weak: "Don't be too polite, Duo Ma, please come to see me so late."

Madam Duo glanced at Princess Fourteen and asked softly, "Your Highness is crying?"

The Fourteenth Princess was startled by the question of Duo Ma, and her tears flowed out of her eyes uncontrollably.

Duo Mammy walked over quickly and comforted her with a warm voice.

"Every time I come to see His Highness, I feel that His Highness is getting thinner every time. Your Highness, if you go on like this, the beauty will feel distressed..."

Princess Fourteen's cry became more and more sad, and she murmured: "I miss my mother-in-law so much... Mammy, why did my mother-in-law suddenly disappear..."

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