The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and twenty seventh coachman

In King Qi's view, since the child can't be saved and Emperor Jing Ming is still outside, if he behaves too badly and disappoints the father, the loss will outweigh the gain.

"It's too much trouble."

"Your Highness has smashed a small minister." The imperial doctor sighed secretly, and hurriedly left this place of right and wrong by prescribing medicine.

King Qi held Princess Qi's hand: "Princess, don't think too much, we will have more children after raising our bodies."

"No, no..." Princess Qi was extremely sad and cried incoherently.

A look of disgust flashed in King Qi's eyes, but he didn't show it at all: "Princess, calm down, this is in the palace."

His reminder was not heard by the always virtuous Princess Qi.

At this moment, her stomach hurts like a thorn, and her heart is like a knife, and she doesn't care where she is.

What happened inside the palace and outside the palace, the child she had longed for was gone, and her support for the rest of her life was gone...

Princess Qi's cry became more and more miserable.

The grandmother who came here said, "My lord, it is inconvenient for you to stay here, so let's go out first."

King Qi wished to leave this bloody place, and said with a heavy expression on his face, "I'll trouble you to take good care of the princess."

King Qi bowed to the queen, comforted Princess Qi in a warm voice, turned around and walked out.

Qi Wangfei had a miscarriage, and the blood flowed continuously from below. Although the queen was a woman, it was not easy to stay for a long time.

After all, a small birth is a bad thing for people with distinguished status. Even if the queen doesn't care, it will be said by the female official.

The queen gently persuaded: "Princess Qi, this palace knows that you are uncomfortable, and any woman will be uncomfortable when faced with such a thing. But people always have to look forward, the days are still long, and you are still young..."

What responded to the queen was a heart-wrenching cry.

The queen sighed and explained to the mammy and the others: "Take care of the princess."

The maid hurriedly responded, instructing the palace maid to get busy.

The queen glanced at the miserable Princess Qi and walked out.

King Qi, who came out first, bowed to Emperor Jing Ming and said in a hoarse voice, "My son is ashamed, and it makes my father feel uncomfortable on the first day of the new year."

Emperor Jing Ming waved his hand: "Forget it, don't say these words at this time. How is your daughter-in-law?"

King Qi shook his head heavily: "The child is gone, she can't stand it..."

Emperor Jing Ming sighed, not knowing how to comfort him for a while.

Putting it in the homes of ordinary people, it is not bad to have seven or eight children and raise three or four children, and it is not uncommon for women to have miscarriages. But it was not easy for Princess Qi to look forward to this child, he knew it.

"Why did your daughter-in-law fall?"

King Qi lowered his head and said sadly, "It's because my son is not good, and I didn't take good care of the princess."

He could see clearly on the horse, the princess' fall was too inexplicable, and he was the first to not believe it when he said it was an accident.

No one knows better than him how much the princess cares about this child, how could she accidentally fall down?

But these cannot be mentioned to the father, he can only knock down his teeth and swallow blood.

"Forget it, things have already happened. It's useless to be sad. Fortunately, you are still young."

King Qi wanted to cry without tears, but he insisted: "Yes, my son understands."

At his age, other people's sons have entered the school, and his son is still in the shadows, not to mention in the critical period of competing with the third child. The first wife is pregnant and has a miscarriage, this child might as well not come——

"Are the others scattered?" Emperor Jing Ming asked Pan Hai.

"Most of them are waiting outside the palace."

Emperor Jing Ming's face sank, and he said angrily: "What are you waiting for, let them go home quickly!"

One by one knows that they are causing trouble, and the people on Duo Ma's side are about to be beaten to death, but I still can't ask a word.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jing Ming felt a pain in his heart.

Pan Hai took the order away, looked around outside the palace gate, and said loudly: "The emperor ordered everyone to leave."

You can't help but gossip and ask: "Eunuch Pan, is Princess Qi okay?"

Pan Hai thought that Princess Qi's miscarriage could not be concealed, and he was so happy that he could not offend anyone, and said, "The child is gone."

Bursts of sighs sounded, and only heaven knows how much sincerity there is.

The carriages drove one after another, and in the end, only the carriage of Prince Qi's mansion was left alone.

The coachman squatted beside the carriage, glanced at the guards who were patrolling back and forth, and cried softly while hugging the horse's legs.

The princess fell from the car and had a miscarriage. He must not be able to get it.

"Shut up!" The approaching guard yelled.

The driver wiped away his tears and stood up slowly, his eyes suddenly shrinking when he touched something, and his expression gradually became terrified.

The side hall was busy until the palace gatekeeper locked it, and Princess Qi was carried into the soft sedan chair, and was accompanied by King Qi out of the palace.

Although Princess Qi had a miscarriage, there was no reason for the King and his wife to stay in the palace, and some rules were difficult to break even by the emperor and the queen.

The driver, who was leaning against the wall of the car but didn't dare to close his eyes, saw King Qi coming out, and greeted him with a white face: "My lord—"

King Qi didn't feel in the mood to talk to a coachman at this time, he turned on his horse with a sullen face, and came to the side of the soft sedan chair: "Let's go."

The soft sedan accelerated slightly.

The coachman looked at it, got into the carriage and raised his whip.

On the night of the first day of the new year, there were no stars and moons in the sky, just like the mood of King Qi at the moment, a gloomy cloud.

King Qi couldn't wait to rush back to the palace, but he felt that the journey was extremely difficult.

The soft sedan finally stopped in front of the second gate of Prince Qi's Mansion.

King Qi got off the horse and said to the bearer, "Let's carry it directly to the gate of the main courtyard."

There is no way to hold the princess in the palace, and it cannot leave a ruthless impression on the father and emperor. He had already arrived at the mansion, and he didn't want to be contaminated with the smell of blood again.

The soft sedan chair stopped outside the gate of the main courtyard, and several maids and old ladies came around to help Princess Qi out of the sedan chair, and carried them into the house.

After some tossing, Princess Qi's face was bloodless at all, which was shocking to see.

Several confidant maids cried: "Princess, princess—"

"Shut up!" King Qi snorted angrily, and the cry disappeared immediately.

Princess Qi moved her eyelids and opened her eyes with difficulty.

"How do you feel?" King Qi's voice softened.

Princess Qi didn't know where the strength came from, grabbed King Qi's wrist and hissed: "My lord, the deck is very slippery—"

King Qi's eyelids jumped, and his first reaction was to look for the shoes that Princess Qi took off.

In winter, noble women are used to wearing boots, which are light and warm.

Because Princess Qi was pregnant, her boots were specially made without heels.

King Qi directly grabbed the short boots and turned them over, reached out and wiped them, and then looked closely at the light.

The dark brown dirt was a little sticky when rubbed.

King Qi's face immediately became extremely ugly, and he didn't care what Princess Qi said, so he rushed out and went straight to the stable.

The coachman usually rests in a shed not far from the stables, which is convenient for maintaining the carriage and taking care of the horses.

At this time, the coachman, who should have stopped, stayed in the stable, wiping the deck of the wagon with a damp cloth over and over again.

King Qi strode over, raised his foot and kicked the coachman's heart.

"what are you doing?"

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