The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and twentieth eight bad news

In the semi-dark stables, there was a complex and unpleasant smell mixed with the disturbed neighs of the disturbed horses.

King Qi never thought that he would appear in such a place one day.

"What are you doing?" King Qi's eyes lit up, eager to eat the driver in front of him.

The driver was so horrified that he repeatedly kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Your Highness, forgive your life, Your Highness—"

With another kick, the King of Qi asked every word: "Is it your fault, Princess?"

The driver suddenly gave a shudder, and seemed to be frightened by the question of King Qi. After a while, he woke up like a dream, lying on the ground shivering and saying: "I dare not kill the old slave, and I dare not harm the princess!"

This is what King Qi finds strange.

The coachman was a servant brought by the princess from her parents' house. How could she have the heart to harm the princess?

"Then what are you wiping?"

The driver was speechless with trembling lips.

King Qi's eyes were as cold as ice, and he said coldly, "It's ok if you don't say it, be careful with your family!"

The driver shook his body and slapped his face hard: "It's all the old slave's lard blindfolded... When something happened to the princess, the old slave found that there was oil on the board of the car, and was afraid of being punished by the prince. I just wanted to secretly wipe the oil off..."

Only then did King Qi understand the reason why the driver did this.

There is oil on the wagon, someone must have spilled it secretly, but the coachman who should have stayed half a step away from the carriage didn't realize it. machine. The driver was worried about being blamed by the master, so he thought of destroying the oil and destroying the traces.

In terms of crime, it is not an exaggeration for the driver to dereliction of duty to cause the princess to have a miscarriage.

King Qi suppressed his murderous intention and asked, "You really didn't find anyone with suspicious behavior?"

The driver shook his head blankly.

King Qi's face was as cold as ice.

The driver was horrified, and kept twitching: "Damn this old slave, damn this old servant—"

"You really deserve to die." King Qi gave the coachman a deep look, then turned and left the stable.

The air outside suddenly became cold and refreshing.

King Qi looked up at the sky where the ink clouds were rolling, and his heart seemed to fall into the abyss.

He didn't go back to the main room to accompany Princess Qi who had a miscarriage, but went to the study in the front yard.

King Qi has always wanted to compete for the throne. There are many people who come and go, and the study is naturally spacious and decent.

He plunged his head in, beat him hard for a long time before he calmed down, looked at the mess on the ground and murmured, "Youngest son, wait!"

In King Jin's mansion, King Jin and Princess Jin rested together, and the lights were turned off in the house.

Princess Jin couldn't sleep, she turned over quietly, staring at the silver hook on the top of the tent.

An arm stretched out and landed on her, and a man's voice sounded: "Can't sleep?"

Princess Jin turned sideways and said apologetically, "Did you disturb the prince?"

"No. Why can't you sleep?"

Princess Jin was silent for a moment and said, "I'm thinking about Princess Qi's miscarriage."

"What do you want to do with this? There are many accidents in this world. Princess Qi is only a small child, and it's not that she lost her life. It's not a big deal."

Princess Jin pursed her lips.

King Jin patted her lightly and said warmly, "Okay, go to sleep, don't affect your mood because of irrelevant people."

"Well, lord, let's sleep too." Princess Jin smiled and closed her eyes.

After a long time, there was an even and long breathing sound in her ears, and Princess Jin quietly opened her eyes and stared at the profile of King Jin.

Was Princess Qi's miscarriage really an accident? Or the lord shot—

Princess Jin didn't want to think about it any longer, and closed her eyes again.

Its daybreak.

On the second day of the new year, the weather was fine, and the concubines in the palace went to greet the queen as usual.

They live in the deep palace, and the uproar last night has not yet reached my ears.

The queen has not yet appeared, and the waiting concubines chatted casually.

There have been no newcomers in the palace for several years. Whether the concubines and concubines have been mixed, whether it is miserable or miserable, they are very familiar after all. .

Concubine Xian naturally became the focus of everyone.

"It's still lucky for Sister Xian Fei, both daughters-in-law are pregnant,

Really enviable. "

"That's right, the two princesses will be able to add two grandchildren to the concubine Xian this year."

"I heard that people who are pregnant on the front and back feet often have different births. One has a boy and the other has a girl. At that time, Concubine Xian's grandson and granddaughter will all be born..."

"Is there such a saying?" Concubine Xian, who had been smiling all the time, looked at the concubine who was talking.

The little concubine nodded: "There is such a saying in the concubine's hometown."

"Princess Yan and Princess Qi are pregnant one after the other. I don't know who will give birth to the dragon grandson?" Yingying Yanzhong, I don't know who said something.

Concubine Xian frowned subconsciously, ignoring the voice, but staring at the little concubine.

Which gave birth to the dragon grandson? Of course, she hoped that the fourth daughter-in-law would give birth to a grandson. As for Lao Qi's daughter-in-law, seeing the attitude of Lao Qi and his wife towards her mother-in-law, she was not very happy no matter what happened.

Wouldn't it be even more arrogant if the old seventh daughter-in-law, who didn't know how to lift up, gave birth to a dragon grandson? This is something she really doesn't want to see.

The little concubine was clever and said hurriedly: "The concubine's hometown also said that it is good fortune to bloom first and then bear fruit. Both princesses are blessed."

Concubine Xian smiled, looking at the little concubine with approval.

This little hoof can still talk very well.

The flowers bloom first and then bear fruit. Princess Qi, who already had a daughter, gave birth to a son, while Princess Yan, who gave birth for the first time, gave birth to a daughter.

Although Concubine Xian knew that Concubine Concubine picked up what she liked to hear, but who doesn't want to listen to good things, she still couldn't stop her from being in a good mood.

The little concubine who was praised by Concubine Xian raised the corner of her mouth.

It is said that King Jin and King Qi are most likely to ascend to the throne after the prince is deposed, and with the support of Concubine Xian and the Duke of Anguo, and Princess Qi is pregnant, King Jin may not be able to compete with King Qi.

If King Qi is in the upper position, Concubine Xian will be the actual mistress of the harem in the future.

There are not many concubines who think like the little concubine, and many echoes sounded for a while.

The harem is often the shadow of the vestibule. For example, if the two ministers are not in harmony, if there are girls in the two families who enter the palace, the two concubines will definitely not be able to live in harmony. Now that King Qi has become a popular candidate for the prince, the concubines in the palace are naturally more flattering to the concubine Xian.

Concubine Zhuang lowered her eyes and took a sip of tea.

The matter of Prince Li hasn't even been mentioned yet, but these people are really positive.

"The Empress is here—"

Not too often, the empress dressed up in costume appears in front of the concubines.

The concubines immediately bowed to the queen.

"Don't be too polite."

After greeting her as usual, the queen said some trivial matters in the palace and turned her attention to Concubine Xian.

"Sister Xian Fei, there is something this palace wants to tell you."

Concubine Xian hurriedly said, "The Empress, please speak."

According to the rules, the emperor will rest at the queen's place last night. What can the queen tell her?

The queen paused and said, "Princess Qi unfortunately had a miscarriage last night."

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