The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and twentieth nine ready to fight back

Countless lines of sight fell on Concubine Xian's face.

Concubine Xian's thoughts were stagnant for a moment, and there was still a proper smile on the corner of her mouth.

After a while, her face paled a little, and finally became bloodless.

"Queen Empress, what did you say?"

The queen sighed lightly and persuaded: "Xianfei sister wants to be more open, Qi Wangfei is still young, and she will have children after she has raised her body."

"How could it be a small birth? Princess Qi was fine at the family banquet yesterday!" Concubine Xian didn't want to believe this fact and asked.

The queen frowned slightly and said, "Princess Qi accidentally fell off when she got into the carriage after leaving the palace..."

Concubine Xian moved her lips and swallowed the phrase "impossible" that she was about to blurt out, her hands shaking violently on her knees.

Princess Qi has always been stable, will she fall when she gets on the carriage? She couldn't believe it if she was beaten to death, someone must have done something!

But these words can only be thought in the heart, not out loud.

Concubine Xian is very clear that these women in the palace love to watch jokes on high and low, so what if she says it? You won't get the slightest sympathy.

Besides, the child in Princess Qi's womb is gone, what's the use of sympathy?

At this moment, Concubine Xian felt a little resentment in Concubine Qi's heart.

She had long since avoided Princess Qi's greeting, just because she was afraid that the child would have three long and two shorts in such a shallow month. Although the Zhengdan family banquet is important, no one will say anything if the fourth daughter-in-law does not attend. If the old seventh daughter-in-law was in her first month of pregnancy, she was sure that the old seventh daughter-in-law would not come to this family banquet.

Concubine Xian has been in the palace for so many years, and there is some effort to nourish her qi. After the initial shock, she quickly regained her composure and said with a wry smile: "Thank you, the Empress for telling me about this, and I will ask King Qi to enter the palace to ask Princess Qi later. How is your body?"

"It should be so."

Concubine Xian nodded slightly and stopped talking, the handkerchief in her hand was almost torn.

The queen looked at the concubines and said, "I have nothing to do today, you should all go away."

The concubines and concubines saluted the queen again, and when the queen was supported by the palace servants to leave, they all looked at Concubine Xian.

In the sight of countless inexplicable meanings, Concubine Xian threw the veil with no expression, and walked away quickly.

Whispers sounded from behind.

"Concubine Xian is really calm. When I heard that Princess Qi had a miscarriage, she accepted it so quickly."

"Hee hee, what if you don't accept it? Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing to be crying and wiping away your tears..." A concubine said, bumping her shoulder against the little concubine who had previously complimented Concubine Xian, and sneered, "Some people are flattering. I don't know if it's right, it's ridiculous."

The little concubine didn't have the qi-raising skills of the concubine Xian, and her face was red and white, embarrassed.

After receiving some contemptuous glances, the little concubine left Kunning Palace with a blushing face.

Different from the embarrassment exposed by the little concubine, Concubine Xian's pain was in her heart. She forced her style to return to Yuquan Palace, and directly kicked a small red sandalwood tadpole far away.

Hearing the sound of the little tumbler falling to the ground, Concubine Xian sat down on the chair and patted the table hard.

The tea cup on the table shook for a while, and the lid fell off and shattered at the feet.

Concubine Xian stared at the torn pastel tea cover intently.

It's too easy to destroy one thing, sometimes it's just an instant thing, such as this broken tea lid, such as the fourth daughter-in-law's unformed child...

Thinking of that child, Concubine Xian felt heartbroken.

This child came at the right time, just in time for the fourth child to compete with King Jin for the crown prince, adding a heavy weight to the fourth child.

But it didn't stay.

If you don't stay, it's better not to come...

Concubine Xian immediately ordered the servant: "Please come to the palace with King Qi."

King Qi, who didn't sleep much all night, quickly arrived at Yuquan Palace.

"Pray for the mother-in-law."

"Don't say anything, please. Let me ask you, what happened to your daughter-in-law's miscarriage?" Concubine Xian asked directly after withdrawing from the waiter.

King Qi raised his head and met Concubine Xian's gaze. His eyes were bloodshot, and his voice was even more hoarse: "There is oil on the car..."

Concubine Xian stood up directly with one hand on the table: "Is there oil on the car board?"

King Qi nodded solemnly,

He slammed the table heavily: "It must be the ghost of King Jin!"

Concubine Xian stood for a while, then sat down slowly, without even questioning, she said coldly, "Who else could he be? I told your daughter-in-law to be careful, please don't have to come. In the palace, how could someone take advantage of it..."

King Qi's face turned black when he heard this.

After Concubine Xian complained, she said coldly: "You and King Jin were originally equal, each with their own advantages. This child gave you the upper hand, but now that the child has not been saved, the situation will not be as good as before..."

King Qi has been childless all the time, and his first wife finally got pregnant and had a miscarriage, which will inevitably make some people feel that King Qi is fortunate and that God is not on King Qi's side.

You must know that the Son of Heaven is the Son of Heaven's Chosen, and there are almost no emperors who do not like the vision and auspiciousness, in fact, to confirm this statement.

People are still very concerned about these.

King Qi didn't know this, and said angrily: "The third child is no different from a beast when he starts attacking an unborn child!"

Concubine Xian sneered and said, "Using an unborn child as an opponent to reverse the disadvantage, why not do it?"

King Qi's eyes flashed fiercely, but he did not hide from Concubine Xian: "He can win a game with his child, and so can his son!"

Concubine Xian raised her eyebrows: "Do you have to do something to Brother Fu?"

Fu Ge'er was the only son of the King of Jin, and he was the direct son.

"This is not right." Concubine Xian shook her head, "Your daughter-in-law had a miscarriage, and when you turned around, Brother Fu had an accident again. This is too revealing. Your father and emperor are not confused, and he will definitely think more."

King Qi sneered: "Of course my son won't shoot at Fu Ge'er."

"Then how are you going?"

King Qi narrowed his eyes and coldly spit out a name: "Brother Chun."

Concubine Xian was startled: "You want to attack the son of the abolished prince?"

"It's not that the son will attack the son of the abolished prince, but he is tempting the third child to attack the son of the abolished prince!" King Qi explained with hatred in his eyes, "Could it be that the mother and concubine didn't realize that the father and the emperor still have feelings for the abolished prince? , the old fifth beat the abolished prince and was demoted a few days ago is the proof."

Concubine Xian nodded slowly, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth: "The emperor has never forgotten the Empress Yuan, and naturally loves Wu Jiwu for her son."

The phrase "Love the house and Wu" was said by Concubine Xian with gnashing teeth.

Ask which harem women envy the most, not the current queen, nor the queen mother, but the short-lived ghost queen!

A woman who has the honor of a queen and is still remembered by the emperor, her son has been the heir for more than 20 years, and all the good things in the world are occupied by this woman.

Of course, with the abolition of the crown prince, the women in the harem became more balanced.

"How are you going to lure King Jin to attack the son of the abolished prince?"

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