The whole April seemed to be an eventful autumn. Emperor Jing Ming was still worried about the establishment of the crown prince, and news of the earthquake in Qianhe County came.

Qianhe County is located in Lin Province and is very close to the capital. On the day of the earthquake, even the capital felt the earth shaking, and the roosters and dogs barked.

After receiving the urgent report of the earthquake in Qianhe County, Emperor Jing Ming immediately summoned the six ministers and other important officials to discuss the aftermath.

A team set off from the capital and rushed to Qianhe County.

One news after another came back from Qianhe County.

"Earthquake in Qianhe County, countless houses collapsed, and more than 10,000 casualties..."

A string of shocking numbers made Emperor Jing Ming's face gloomier every day.

In such a solemn and sad atmosphere, as May is about to enter, a bigger trouble came: there is an epidemic in Qianhe County!

It is almost common sense that there must be an epidemic after a catastrophe. The reason is very simple. After the disaster, there are countless casualties, so many corpses will rot and fester if they are not handled in time, mosquitoes and flies will skyrocket, and even people's drinking water will be polluted.

Under such harsh conditions, the emergence of an epidemic is almost inevitable.

Even if it had been expected, Emperor Jing Ming's mood was not much better. A team of medical officers rushed to Qianhe County with countless medicinal materials.

It's so unlucky!

Emperor Jingming couldn't bear it any longer, he listened to the advice of the national teacher, and then the supervisor of Qin Tian set a good day and auspicious day, and led the royal family, nobles, civil and military officials to worship at the Taimiao Temple and pray for blessings.

The Taimiao Temple is the family temple of the royal family. In addition to the ceremonial memorial ceremony that is formed in a year, every major event needs to be sacrificed to the ancestors in order to seek the blessing of the ancestors.

In the past few years, there have been many natural disasters in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Emperor Jing Ming originally felt that he could handle it, but he rushed all the troubles together, so he wanted to find the ancestors to cry and ask for some comfort.

The day of the sacrifice was a good day, the sky was blue, and the bright sunlight illuminated the white jade stone steps in front of the Taimiao Temple.

The people led by Emperor Jing Ming all dressed in grand formal attire and began to worship under the leadership of Emperor Jing Ming.

Emperor Jing Ming read the prepared words in his mouth, and said silently in his heart: ancestors and ancestors, the unworthy descendants have been in trouble recently, and if I don't take care of them, I can't bear it-

Before the silent complaint was finished, the world suddenly turned and the world was shaken.

The capital actually moved!

The ground movement was too sudden, and the royal family, nobles, and civil and military officials were all frightened at that moment. After a while, countless screams sounded, and the scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

Emperor Jing Ming couldn't stand still. One stumbled and fell to the ground. Seeing that a flagpole was broken and smashed down, the people who saw this scene couldn't help but tear their eyes and shouted wildly, "Envoy, escort—"

The one who was far away was helpless, and the one who was close—a figure rushed over and shoved Emperor Jing Ming away, followed by screams.

Fortunately, this place is not the epicenter. This kind of chaos feels extremely long, and it really stopped after just a cup of tea.

The world is no longer shaken, and people can finally climb up steadily.

"Your Majesty, how are you doing?" Countless people ran towards Emperor Jing Ming.

Emperor Jing Ming calmed down, stood up with the help of the people around him, looked at the person who was pinned to the ground by the flagpole, and said, "Lang'er!"

The abandoned prince's name is "Lang".

Only then did everyone realize that it was King Jing who had saved the emperor.

"Your Highness, are you alright?" everyone asked.

The waste prince lying on the ground was motionless, blood seeping out from his back.

Emperor Jing Ming rushed over regardless of the lingering fears he had experienced just now: "Lang'er, how are you, Lang'er?"

At this time, Emperor Jing Ming's heart collapsed and he felt real pain.

He had to admit that no matter how much he hated this son, he couldn't erase the affection between father and son.


"Cough-cough--" A soft cough came, and the waste prince said with difficulty, "Can you... get this flagpole up first..."

Hearing the voice of the abolished prince, Emperor Jing Ming was overjoyed and scolded: "Are you all dead? Why don't you raise the flagpole and save the prince!"

The prince who has been called for more than 20 years has long been used to it. When he is in a hurry, the title blurts out.

But he forgot the word "Jing Wang".

As soon as the word "Prince" came out, Yang Deguang, Minister of Rites, almost cried with joy.

Great, the emperor called the crown prince on this occasion, not worrying that the crown prince could not be reinstated.

King Qi, who had been scratched all over his body, just got up, and fell down in a state of embarrassment when he heard the words of Emperor Jing Ming.

Rescue the prince?

Do you know how much impact the father's misrepresentation will have?

His face turned pale, and his heart surged with fear that was deeper than when the ground moved, gradually turning into despair and slump.

What is the ground movement, this is obviously not the place where the earth dragons show their power. The ground shook for a while and it passed. So many people were trampled and injured at most.

But with the royal father's shout, all his previous plans suddenly turned into flowers in the mirror and moon in the water, all in vain...

King Qi's ugly face was not obvious in the crowd who had just been frightened. He suppressed the tumbling in his heart for the time being, and forced himself to join others in condolences to the abolished prince.

The abolished prince was directly carried back to the palace for treatment.

"How is King Jing?" When the imperial physician came to report, Emperor Jing Ming couldn't wait to ask.

The imperial physician bowed and said, "Your Majesty Hongfu, the injury on your lord's back is not serious, it's just that the internal organs have suffered some shocks and need to be raised for some time."

Emperor Jing Ming heaved a sigh of relief: "That's good, you must take care of King Jing's body, so that the root of the disease cannot be left behind."

The imperial physician is busy.

Just kidding, he heard the "Prince" from the emperor before the Taimiao Temple. It seems that King Jing is about to turn over, so he can't be sloppy.

Emperor Jing Ming walked in, glanced at the pale-faced waste prince on the bed, and asked, "How do you feel?"

The waste prince struggled to get up, but was stopped by Emperor Jing Ming: "Don't move, just lie down."

The waste prince turned his head to Emperor Jing Ming, endured the pain and said, "The son is fine, the father is fine."

"You—" Emperor Jing Ming wanted to ask why he rushed over desperately at that time, and finally swallowed the words silently.

They are father and son, he has feelings for the second child, and the second child is not to him.

Emperor Jing Ming lightly patted the abandoned prince on the shoulder, and said warmly, "Go back to Jingyuan and take good care of him."

The defunct prince who was still King Jing was carried out of the palace and returned to Jingyuan to recuperate, but everyone knew that Prince Jing might not be staying in Jingyuan for a long time.

As the father-in-law of the abolished prince, Father Yang went to Jingyuan to visit him.

After dismissing the waiters, King Jing asked excitedly, "Father-in-law, do you think the father is going to change his mind?"

Father Yang couldn't hide his joy: "The lord saved the emperor regardless of his life, and the emperor will definitely change his mind. Congratulations to the lord!"

The waste prince was amused for a while, and asked, "Father-in-law, did you find someone to move the flagpole?"

Father Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing and crying: "My lord thinks too much, how do you do things in that kind of situation..."

The waste prince burst into tears.

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