The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 539 Restoration

"Why are you crying, Prince?" Father Yang was a little at a loss by the reaction of the abolished prince.

The waste prince looked at his father Yang with tears in his eyes, and said with a look of fear: "Father-in-law, you are cheating on me. I thought that the fallen flagpole was sawed off by you in advance. It must have been carefully calculated, and I will be fine if I get hit by the flagpole. of!"

"Your Highness is all right--" Father Yang didn't know what to say anymore.

The waste prince said angrily: "I'm fine because I'm lucky, but I rushed up because I thought it was safe..."

Father Yang was choked for a moment, and asked tentatively, "If the lord knows it's just a coincidence—"

The waste prince said without hesitation: "Of course you can't make fun of your own life!"

Father Yang: "..."

The abolished prince was still a little angry: "If I was really killed, what if the emperor gave me supreme honor? In the end, this huge country is not cheap to others, then I will die..."

Father Yang can't wait to cover the mouth of the abolished prince: "My lord, don't say that again."

What can he say about this mess?

"I know, I'm just talking to my father-in-law." The waste prince suddenly frowned and said, "It hurts to death!"

Father Yang got up and said, "Your Highness, take good care of him. Many people will come to visit your Highness in the past few days. Before the good news is settled, Your Highness will not see him on the grounds of recuperating, so as to avoid further disturbances."


Seeing that the abolished prince deserved to be absent-minded, Father Yang said bitterly: "My lord, you have swallowed your voice for so long, but don't ruin the good situation by relaxing for a while..."

The waste prince got a little impatient after being nagged, and said, "Father-in-law doesn't need to say it again, I'm not a child anymore, I've learned a lesson once is enough, this time I'll keep a low profile and keep it until the day I turn over."

Father Yang moved his lips, wanting to say that even if he turned over, he should keep a low profile and calm down, and then he silently swallowed the words.

It is too early to say these words, it will only make the son-in-law impatient.

Furthermore, once the son-in-law becomes the prince again, the relationship between the son-in-law and the son-in-law will be different.

In King Qi's mansion, King Qi closed the door tightly, smashed a set of tea sets into pieces, and slammed his fist on the wall.

"My lord, you hurt your hand carefully." Princess Qi recovered a little, and changed back to that virtuous and virtuous princess. Seeing King Qi doing this, she took out the handkerchief and gently wiped the blood oozing from her hands.

King Qi shook his hand and said coldly: "What is this injury? If I can save the father and emperor, I would rather suffer a hundred times heavier injury than the second child—"

Princess Qi put her finger on his lips: "Don't say that, my lord, nothing matters to your body—"

King Qi was distracted and avoided, sighing: "But the second one just suffered some skin trauma, but he turned over."

King Jin was banished to guard the imperial mausoleum, and there was a catastrophe in Qianhe County, and it was imminent to establish a prince.

He thought that he had finally waited for the opportunity to keep the clouds open to see the moon, but who would have thought that such an accident occurred during the sacrifice at the Tai Temple.

"Could it be that... the second child is the destined prince?" At this time, King Qi couldn't help but believe in the will of God.

No matter how firm his will is, he is only an ordinary person, and naturally there are times when he is hesitant.

Seeing that King Qi was shaken, Princess Qi quietly stroked her lower abdomen, her eyes were extraordinarily firm.

She has already sacrificed a child for the prince's great cause, and she has never turned back, even if the prince wants to back down, she can't agree. Her child cannot die in vain, she must wear a phoenix crown to give an explanation to the miscarriage child!

"My lord, you are wrong."

King Qi was startled: "Am I wrong?"

"Yes, you are wrong."

"Tell me how I was wrong." King Qi only felt that his future was bleak.

Even if a waste prince is a straw bag, those who support the abandoned prince are not a straw bag.

He is the biggest threat to the abolished prince. If the abolished prince becomes the prince again and ascends the throne successfully, there will be a day when he will be settled by the autumn queen. At that time, it will be really miserable. I am afraid that it is better to go to the King Jin who guards the imperial mausoleum.

Princess Qi took King Qi into the back room, and the two sat down on the bed.

This is how he said: "If King Jing was destined to be the crown prince, he would not have been born so stupid and incompetent. Wang Ye, just imagine that King Jin is the direct son of the Empress of the Yuan Dynasty. His status is extremely noble, and he has been named a prince since he was a child. Don't say how outstanding he needs to be. , even if he is mediocre as an ordinary person, he can sit back and relax. But he is just a muddy mud that can't support the wall, so I don't know how many times my father has been disappointed..."

King Qi nodded.

"If God stood with King Jing, why would he make him so unbearable? It can be seen that he was not destined to return, and this gave the king a chance."

King Qi felt a little better and sighed, "But he will be reinstated soon..."

Princess Qi sneered: "What about the restoration? King Jing is so stupid, since he can be deposed once, he can be deposed for the second time. Your Highness, what would happen if King Jing was deposed again after his restoration?

King Qi was startled, then laughed.

The first time he was abolished, the father emperor had a father-son relationship with the second child, and he could give him the identity of the king of Jing.

He and the abolished prince are already one or the other, and the day when the abolished prince will turn over is his real chance.

King Qi's eyes softened when he looked at Princess Qi, he held her hand and said: "Princess is right, I was disappointed and confused. When the father and the emperor still had feelings for King Jing, he forcibly stepped on King Jing. On the contrary, you will sink yourself into it, and waiting patiently is the safest."

Princess Qi showed a smile: "It's good that the lord is not discouraged."

"Thanks to your reminder. When King Jing is restored to the crown prince, the princess remembers to give him a generous gift."

"Don't worry, my lord, I will take care of this."

The next day, Prince Fuli's voice sounded immediately.

Emperor Jing Ming did not get angry and did not answer.

On the third day, the voice of the Prince Fuli became even more loud.

Those who responded to this proposal had good reasons: King Jing sacrificed his life to save the emperor in front of the Taimiao Temple, and did not care about his personal safety at all, which shows his sincerity. Now that the position of the prince is vacant, people are unstable, and disasters occur frequently. It is not appropriate to delay the establishment of the prince. Since King Jing is pure and filial, and has been a prince for more than 20 years, is there a more suitable candidate than King Jing?

Restoring the crown prince is what everyone expects.

The voice is getting louder every day, and Emperor Jing Ming's hesitant heart is loosening day by day.

On the night of the sixth day with the voice of Prince Fu Li, Emperor Jing Ming suddenly woke up, thinking about the scene in his dream and feeling lost.

He dreamed of the Yuan Dynasty.

The details of the dream have not been remembered clearly, but the faint sadness has never been erased.

The next day was a sunny day. When everyone continued to bring up the topic of restoring the crown prince, Emperor Jing Ming finally nodded.

"That's right."

The ministers were overjoyed and shouted that the emperor was wise.

Emperor Jing Ming slowly stood up from the dragon chair and looked into the distance.

Is it wise?

I just hope he made the right decision.

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