The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and fortieth errand

The ceremony of restoring the crown prince was much simpler because of the disaster in Qianhe County.

The prince didn't mind this, and when he moved back to the coveted East Palace, he was so happy that he almost sang loudly.

There was not much joy on the face of the Crown Princess, but there was more sadness in the depths of her eyes.

The prince was not happy when he saw it, he opened his mouth to scold him, thinking about how hard it was to become a prince again, let's just bear with it for the time being.

For a while, Donggong looked at it quite harmoniously.

The disaster situation in Qianhe County has become more and more serious, and some victims have gathered together and started to make trouble due to the restricted movement of the epidemic.

The officials who went to the disaster relief sent an urgent report for help. Emperor Jing Ming stared at the book on the bookcase and pondered the candidates for the disaster relief.

The riots of the victims, if there are royal children on behalf of the emperor to come to condolences, it will undoubtedly play a very good role in comforting people's hearts.

After thinking about it, Emperor Jing Ming decided to leave this errand to the Crown Prince.

Although so many ministers supported the restoration of the prince before, it was because they were worried that the vacancy of the crown prince would cause instability in the country, not because they recognized the prince himself.

Emperor Jing Ming knew in his heart that the prince was not a good talent and good quality, and he had never done anything that made his subjects and people praised, not to mention the stigma of instigating the killing of the Prince of Anjun when the prince was abolished.

This stigma is to cover up a bigger stigma, but even such a stigma may one day cause the prince to be suppressed by important ministers.

Emperor Jing Ming hoped that the prince would have more political achievements, so that he would be able to sit firmly in the future.

"Pan Hai, ask the prince to come here."

The prince was just teasing with the palace maid in the familiar little garden before being called to the imperial study.

Previously, the prince was abolished. In order to turn around and listen to Father Yang's idea, he worked hard to please Emperor Jing Ming. Now that he has become a prince again, his mentality has changed, and the natural fear of the emperor has returned.

"Father, do you have something to do with your son?" the prince asked cautiously.

Emperor Jing Ming glanced at the prince and couldn't help frowning: "What are you doing?"

The prince was immediately nervous.

He just touched the little palace maid's hand in the garden. Could it be that this was also discovered by the royal father?

The prince smiled dryly: "My son is walking in the garden..."

Emperor Jingming didn't care whether the prince was walking in the garden or touching the little palace maid's hand, and asked, "Is it still a habit to go back to the East Palace?"

The prince hurriedly said: "Too used to it!"

Emperor Jing Ming twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "In the future, you must remember your duty and don't act recklessly."

"My son knows." The prince lowered his head and answered honestly.

He now fully understands that no matter how beautiful a woman is, the royal father's woman cannot be touched.

Emperor Jing Ming felt his brain hurt when he looked at the prince. The only consolation was that the grandson was good. If he lived long enough to wait until Brother Chun grew up, he would simply pass the throne directly to Brother Chun. .

Thinking of this, Emperor Jing Ming was not so picky about the prince, and coughed softly: "I have an errand for you."

The prince was stunned.


Growing up so old, it seems that the father has never given him any errands... Hey, is the father going to give him a heavy responsibility?

The prince was refreshed and looked at Emperor Jing Ming with burning eyes.

Emperor Jing Ming touched his chin and asked slowly, "Do you know about Qianhe County?"

"Qianhe County? Did the royal father ask about the earthquake in Qianhe County? Of course my son knows." The prince said hurriedly.

If it weren't for the earthquake in Qianhe County, and then the earthquake in the capital, he would still be spending the summer in Jingyuan now.

Emperor Jing Ming said solemnly: "Not only the earthquake, but now there is an epidemic in Qianhe County, and there are riots among the victims..."

The prince was not sure what Emperor Jing Ming meant, and followed: "The people of Qianhe County are really miserable. My son is so heartbroken when he hears it, he can't sleep at night."

Emperor Jing Ming's eyes showed a look of relief: "It's good if you have this heart. I asked you to come because I want you to travel to Qianhe County on my behalf to appease the hearts of the people..."

The prince was stunned.

Did he hear it wrong? His father even asked him to go to Qianhe County!

There is an epidemic and a mob in Qianhe County!

The crown prince stared straight at Emperor Jing Ming, and there was only one thought in his heart: Father Emperor must still hold grudges for Concubine Yang,

Otherwise, why would he let his own son die?

"Why, don't you want to?" Seeing the prince's stupid appearance, Emperor Jing Ming became angry again.

This bastard who only knows how to eat, drink, play and touch the little palace maid, will be cowardly when he has a serious errand!

Touching Emperor Jing Ming's deep eyes, the prince suddenly recovered with a jolt, grinning dryly with his stiff cheeks: "Of course my son would like to..."

Emperor Jing Ming nodded: "It's good if you want, then you can go back and talk to the Crown Princess, make some preparations, and leave tomorrow."

The Crown Prince almost fell over with a flick of his body. Seeing Emperor Jingming's serious face, he didn't seem to be joking. Finally, he couldn't slap his swollen face to be a fat man. How exactly..."

Emperor Jing Ming glanced at his unpromising son.

No matter how terrifying the epidemic is, someone will eventually control it. When Qianhe County can move into the city or not, he will be able to respond flexibly. His son is really nothing, and he is intimidated before he even goes.

"How the epidemic situation is, you have to see it to know." Emperor Jing Ming said lightly, looking at the prince's reaction.

The prince's face turned pale.

Emperor Jing Ming lowered his face: "If you don't want to go—"

"My son wants to go!" The crown prince hurriedly interrupted Emperor Jing Ming's words.

He became the prince again, and his butt was still hot, so he couldn't disappoint his father.

Emperor Jing Ming looked at the prince quietly.

The prince bit his head and said: "Father, my son has never left the capital when he is so old. I feel a little uneasy about taking such a heavy errand for the first time. I don't know if I can..."

"Speak if you have something to say." Emperor Jing Ming eased his tone.

Although the prince is a little weaker, it is not bad to be able to recognize how much he weighs.

"Can you find a partner to go with..." The Crown Prince made this request boldly, looking at Emperor Jing Ming's reaction.

How could Emperor Jing Ming make the prince look happy and angry, he thought about it with a straight face, and asked, "Who do you want to accompany you?"

The prince quietly breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Whoever the royal father thinks is suitable is the one who the son does not choose."

He still understands the principle of accepting it when it's good, and it's okay if someone accompanies him to be unlucky.

"This way—" Emperor Jing Ming pondered for a while, and instructed Pan Hai, "Call all the princes."

It didn't take long for the imperial study room to be filled with princes, except for King Jin who had already gone to guard the imperial mausoleum.

Emperor Jing Ming silently counted his sons. Seeing that the number was right, he said solemnly, "I called you here because I wanted to choose one of you to accompany the prince to Qianhe County to condolence to the victims. I wonder which of you would like to go?"

When the princes heard this, they couldn't help looking at each other.

Accompany the prince to Qianhe County?

The first thought that popped up from everyone was: This is the real study with the Prince!

The second thought came up immediately: Qianhe County, where the epidemic is serious and the victims are rioting? This is a chore.

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