The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and forty first lottery

Emperor Jing Ming first looked at the King of Qin.

King Qin was an adopted son, and he was used to keeping a low profile. It was even more impossible for him to speak if other princes didn't speak on such occasions.

Emperor Jing Ming looked at King Qi.

King Qi stood with his eyes lowered, and there was no extra expression on his face, but he made up his mind that as long as Emperor Jing Ming didn't call his name, he would definitely not be this early bird.

During the period when the crown prince was vacant, his rivalry with the King of Jin had already revealed his deeds. Right now, when the Crown Prince is re-establishing himself, it is the time to minimize his sense of existence, and it doesn't make any sense for him to make such a move.

And be patient for a while, waiting for the prince to die is the business.

Emperor Jing Ming's eyes were smooth towards King Lu.

King Lu was standing in the corner, thinking that no one was paying attention, but in fact, Emperor Jing Ming frowned when he was so carefree.

Tell him to go to Qianhe County? He didn't go. He was the king of the county among so many people. Why did he think about him because of the drudgery?

Don't go, don't go, definitely don't go!

Emperor Jing Ming looked at the King of Shu.

The King of Shu's heart: I don't want to go...

King Xiang's heart: I don't want to go...

Yu Jin: My daughter-in-law is about to give birth, of course I don't want to go...

Emperor Jing Ming was so angry that he touched the white jade paperweight on the dragon case.

Well done, these little beasts!

Since he didn't want to go—Emperor Jing Ming slowly swept over everyone from start to finish.

The princes immediately became nervous: The emperor asked for his name!

I don't know who is the unlucky one?

"Why is no one talking?" Emperor Jing Ming asked first.

The princes bravely expressed one meaning: such a glorious errand, it is not easy to compete with brothers, and everything obeys the father's instructions.

"In that case—" Emperor Jing Ming paused and said lightly, "Then let's draw lots."

The princes looked strange.


Is it appropriate to draw lots for such a serious matter?

Emperor Jing Ming sneered in his heart: There is nothing more suitable than drawing lots, fair and just, and the old man is innocent.

"What do you think?"

The princes said in unison: "It is best to draw lots."

Emperor Jing Ming glanced at Pan Hai and motioned for Pan Hai to get the lottery.

Not long after, Pan Hai returned with a beautifully carved vermillion lacquer lotion holder and stood in front of the crowd.

Emperor Jing Ming tapped on the table lightly: "Okay, let's draw lots, you're welcome."

Pan Hai cleared his throat and added: "There are six lottery tickets in total. Those who got the orchid lottery stay, and those who got the peony lottery will go to Qianhe County with the prince."

The princes twitched the corners of their mouths silently.

It's still a flower tag.

The lottery tubes passed in front of everyone, and the princes each took a lottery from the lottery tubes.

Yu Jin lowered his eyes and turned over the flower sign, revealing a delicate peony flower.

He wiped his face.

Damn, bad luck!

He's not someone who can't bear hardships, he's been beaten by the dead, and it's not a big deal to go to Qianhe County Committee, but in another month, Ah seems to be giving birth...

Yu Jin held the peony lottery and felt distressed.

Emperor Jing Ming coughed lightly and asked, "Who drew the peony lottery?"

After a moment of silence, Yu Jin stood up: "My son has drawn a peony lottery."

Gladness flashed across the eyes of the princes.

Seeing that it was Yu Jin, Emperor Jing Ming was inexplicably relieved.

Lao Qi is a bit skilled. If he accompanies the prince to Qianhe County, at least he won't worry about the prince coming back without arms and legs.

"You are all gone, Seventh, you stay."

All the princes breathed a sigh of relief, and had never been so eager to leave the palace as now.

In the imperial study, Emperor Jing Ming looked at the Crown Prince and Yu Jin, and said, "You two should leave tomorrow. The two brothers should support each other and pay attention to safety."

The two agreed in unison.

"Lao Qi, I know you miss your daughter-in-law. Fortunately, Qianhe County is not far from the capital. If you go early and return early, it won't take too long..."

"My son understands." Yu Jin didn't show any dissatisfaction on his face.

Now that he has already drawn the peony lottery, he is not so foolish as he is so angry that the emperor does not want to see him.

Seeing that Yu Jin had no resentment, Emperor Jing Ming showed a smile: "That's good,

You go out. "

Yu Jin and the prince walked out of the door before they walked out, and the prince patted Yu Jin on the shoulder.

Yu Jin dodged subconsciously, and the prince flinched and smiled shyly: "Seventh brother, I'm quite happy that you can accompany me."

Yu Jin laughed.

He is not happy!

The crown prince didn't realize that he was disliked, and his tone was affectionate: "The seventh brother saved Brother Chun that day, and my brother knew that you were a good person. With the seventh brother with me, I will feel at ease..."

Inexplicably regarded as a good person, Yu Jin twitched the corners of his mouth and didn't answer much. After listening to the prince talking nonstop for a long time, he paused and said, "Second brother, don't give it away, it's not on the way."

He clasped his fists at the prince and walked away quickly.

The prince stood where he was and touched his nose.

Seventh is still so cold.

But he could see that Lao Qi was cold-hearted and warm-hearted, much stronger than those few swordsmen.

The prince returned to the East Palace, told the princess about the trip to Qianhe County, and warned: "There is not much need to change the bedding, just prepare three sets... By the way, I have to bring my usual pillow, I am afraid that it will be used differently. I can't sleep well..."

When the Crown Princess heard that the Crown Prince had to bring a spittoon, she couldn't bear it any longer: "Your Highness is here for disaster relief, not for amusement, so it's inappropriate to bring these."

"Isn't it right?" The prince jumped up as if stepping on his tail, "I'm just bringing something I'm used to, why is it wrong? Risking my life to do disaster relief is hard enough and bad enough, I can't make myself a little more comfortable. point?"

The crown prince said solemnly: "Your Highness, the people of Qianhe County are in dire straits. You were ordered by the emperor to go to the disaster victims, and you have to bring a few carriages for your own items. If it falls in the eyes of officials and the people, won't it ruin your reputation?"

She originally thought that it would be better to be a quiet and quiet king, but God's will tricks people. During the sacrifice, the man turned over and the fate of her and Brother Chun became unpredictable.

If the royal family can reconcile, she really wants to take Brother Chun away from this mess!

"Bad reputation?" The prince hesitated when the princess said so.

He finally became a prince again, and he couldn't ruin his reputation.

"Okay then, just look at it and clean it up..." After the prince was frustrated, he was too lazy to look at the princess's righteous and cold face, and went to the garden to chat with the little palace maid.

Yu Jin returned to the palace and went straight to Yuhe Garden.

The beginning of May is the lush season of flowers and trees. The orchids of Yuhe Garden bloom in the quiet corners, and the tall acacia trees bloom with countless fluffy pink fans.

Jiang Si's belly was already very large, and Dou Shuwan walked slowly in the courtyard with Dou Shuwan.

Erniu followed lazily behind, occasionally brushing the horns of the ginger-like orchid-embroidered skirt with his big fluffy tail, so as to attract the attention of the hostess.

Aware that Yu Jin was back, Er Niu Dian Dian greeted him.

Yu Jin was thinking about how to go to Qianhe County with Jiang Si. He didn't pay attention to the enthusiasm of a big dog, and walked by with a sullen face.

Erniu: "..."

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