The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and fiftieth chapters God warns

If you can save a town's people, what's the point of this body?

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, and when they looked at Yu Jin again, their eyes were different.

Zhao Shilang seemed to see the dignified young man standing on the wall of Qianhe County again. Three arrows struck the morning bell to quell the scene, and then he jumped down from the city wall and picked up the fallen child.

The dignified prince is still like this, what is he worried about?

He called on the people in the town to temporarily move out. If there was an earthquake, it would save the lives of the people in the town.

It is self-evident that it is light or heavy.

"What do you think, lords?" Zhao Shilang asked.

The officials from the capital understood that Shi Lang Zhao agreed.

The chief officials agreed, what else did they say?

At this time, it is the dignified prince who offends the naysayer, and there is no benefit.

Local officials have mixed feelings.

These adults from the capital are actually willing to make a fool of themselves with King Yan, and then pat their buttocks back to Beijing after the incident, leaving them to be stabbed in the back by the people in the back.

But they seem to have no right to object.

The head of Qianhe County moved his lips and wanted to say something, but was dragged by the Qianhe County magistrate.

Seeing that no one had any objection, Zhao Shilang said: "Since everyone agrees, let Li Zheng come."

Not long after, an old man appeared in front of everyone.

The old man was quite excited and was busy seeing each other.

"Little old man has seen His Royal Highness, the prince, and all the adults—"

Seeing that Lizheng was about to faint with excitement, the Qianhe county magistrate coughed: "Lizheng, I have something important to tell you."

"Please instruct the county magistrate." Li Zheng's awe of the magistrate was obviously more real than the awe of the unreachable big man like the prince.

The mighty magistrate—ahem, that's wrong, the mighty magistrate.

Li Zheng was quietly wiping away his sweat.

Qianhe county magistrate said with a stern face: "Last night, the lord rested in Koi Town, and suddenly a goddess came into a dream to warn him, saying that Koi Town would move within five days—"

Li Zheng was shocked: "Is there such a thing?"

Qianhe County Magistrate frowned: "Why, does the lord make such a joke?"

Li Zheng glanced at Yu Jin quickly.

The young man who caught his eye was a handsome man he had never seen before, like a tall and straight green pines and poplars, pleasing to the eye.

Such a good-looking young man usually doesn't joke around.

Li Zheng also flashed this strange thought for some reason, and then regained his sanity, waiting for Qianhe County Magistrate to speak.

"What the adults mean is that Li Zheng should immediately mobilize the people in the town to evacuate this place quickly..."

Li Zheng was dumbfounded, and when Qianhe County Magistrate finished speaking, he stammered: "This, this can't be done..."

"Why not?" Qianhe County Magistrate frowned.

Li Zheng wiped the sweat from his forehead: "My lord, although the lord has been warned by the gods, but where will the people live after evacuating from the town, what will they do with their food and drink?

"It's easy to handle." Yu Jin took over, "Although there are more than 1,000 people in the town, it's not a problem to camp in the suburbs for a few days and the court will provide food and drink. As for the belongings at home, you can bring whatever you can. Leave what you can't bring for the time being, life is more important than these external things."

Li Zheng mustered up his courage and said, "But what about those pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks? Chickens and ducks are nothing more than chickens and ducks. You can't take the pigs and sheep away, right? If you leave the pigs and sheep alone for a few days, they will starve to death, and the people will be reluctant. "

Yu Jin's eyes twitched slightly, but he also knew the importance of these animals to ordinary people.

He pondered for a moment, and then made a decisive decision: "Just ask some people in Lizheng to make a quick count. If there are any living things in the house that are inconvenient to take away, the court will compensate them at the current price... No, double compensation—"

"My lord!" Everyone exclaimed in unison.

The disaster relief funds allocated by the imperial court are all set. If there is an earthquake in Koi Town, it is easy to say. If it is just a mess in the end, there is no way to fill this big hole.

Yu Jin said lightly: "If there is no ground movement, this shortfall will be filled by the Yan Wangfu."

Hear him say this,

Everyone was speechless and couldn't help but look at the prince.

King Yan is willing to use the money from the palace to make up for the shortfall, does the prince show no sign of it?

The prince was very calm.

He has no money!

What kind of savings can someone like him have lived in the East Palace since he was a child, and Jingyuan, who lived for a few months, almost starved to death.

The disappointment of the prince in the hearts of everyone is more than a layer, and the face is naturally not revealed at all.

"Lizheng, is this okay?" Yu Jin asked.

Li Zheng nodded hesitantly: "Little old man will mobilize everyone to move out of the town..."

It's really unreliable. Seeing that it's getting dark, every household has already made dinner.

dang dang-

The loud sound of the gong soon called the people of the town together.

It is common practice in Dazhou to sound a gong to warn or announce a major event, so once people hear the gong sound, they will immediately run out of their homes to investigate.

"Folks, last night the lord stayed in our Koi Town, and a man from a dream warned us that there would be earthquakes in Koi Town within five days, so for the safety of the villagers, all of you will go home immediately to clean up and evacuate for the time being. small town……"

The people in the town were shocked, and their first reaction was disbelief.

"Lizheng, our Koi Town has never experienced an earthquake in a hundred years." An elderly man shouted.

Who is willing to leave the comfort of home and go to sleep in the wild.

Li Zheng couldn't help but look at Qianhe County Magistrate.

Qianhe county magistrate was rarely witty, and shouted: "Could it be that the villagers have forgotten that Qianhe County has not had an earthquake in a hundred years, so what about now?"

When the Qianhe county magistrate mentioned the earthquake in the county seat, people fell silent.

Koi Town is not far from Qianhe County, and there will always be some kind of relationship. Many people's relatives died in this unprecedented earthquake.

The county magistrate of Qianhe was very satisfied that he calmed down the scene with one sentence, and then said: "The county town can move, why is it impossible for Koi Town? There are gods who come into a dream to warn the prince, this is the great creation of the villagers!"

good fortune?

Not only the people in the town were stunned, but even Yu Jin was stunned.

How is this related to good fortune again?

The county magistrate of Qianhe said with a serious face: "Why didn't the people in the county avoid this catastrophe? It's because there is no such honorable person as the prince in the city, and there is no one who wants to warn the gods. His Royal Highness and the prince happened to come here. When we stop in Koi Town, we can get a warning. The villagers say, is this your good fortune?"

The townspeople nodded blankly.

The county master seems to have a point.

Yu Jin stroked his chin lightly.

Unexpectedly, Qianhe County Magistrate is still a talent.

On the one hand, it is out of reverence for miracles, on the other hand, it has natural obedience to the court, and more importantly, it promises that living animals such as pigs and sheep will be subsidized by silver money. Under Li Zheng's call to lobby, he reluctantly agreed to temporarily move out of the town.

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