It was dark late in May, and when the people of the town dragged their families out with their mouths, the sky was full of red clouds.

"Don't eat, don't eat, the officials and gentlemen are waiting!" The people organized by Li Zheng urged the people who were sitting at home to pick up dinner.

The man who was urged put the rough porcelain sea bowl on the wooden table, and said dissatisfiedly, "What are you doing, I don't believe in some gods and dreams, so I can't even eat a meal."

"Okay, don't complain, these two pigs that your family can't take away can get a lot of money."

The man didn't say anything as soon as he heard it, wiped his mouth, carried a full load, and walked out with his mother-in-law and doll.

Walking to the gate, the man reluctantly glanced at the two fat pigs humming in his pigsty, and then locked the door.

There are quite a few townspeople who are dissatisfied with this, especially when everyone is led to an open space in the wilderness, the dissatisfaction is even higher.

"No, are you sleeping in this wilderness tonight?"

"That's right, didn't you say there is a tent, just sleep like this without feeding the mosquitoes?"

"Mother, I want to go home—" The child's cry sounded, making the adults more and more irritable.

Several people stood up in a hurry: "No, ask Li Zheng to go, can't we just place us like this!"

Inside is surrounded by a group of people, one head and two big.

"Lizheng, you can't just sleep like this. Although it's May, it's wet at night and there are so many mosquitoes. Even adults can't stand it, children can't stand it."

"That's right, it's better to go back, don't sleep with a good kang head, why are you sleeping in this wilderness?"

Li Zheng was dizzy due to the noise and shouted, "Fellow folks, don't be impatient, the adults have already sent troops to camp for us, just wait."

"It's going to be completely dark in the sky, can those soldiers come? Lizheng, the officials must be coaxing you."

The inside face couldn't hold it anymore, and he said with a straight face: "Don't talk nonsense, folks, can Master Guan coax me?"

The townspeople sighed in unison.

Isn't it the little common people who are being coaxed by Mr. Guan.

Li Zheng coughed: "Cough, I mean that even if the official can coax us, His Royal Highness and the prince will not coax. For such a big noble, spitting is a nail, and it is impossible to talk without saying anything. Now, didn’t the lord say to give everyone a silver subsidy, a fat pig is counted as one tael of silver, and a subsidy of two or two silver is given, which is more cost-effective than raising the fat pig until the New Year’s Day and slaughtering it, the folks said, don’t you?”

Hearing that Li Zheng mentioned subsidizing silver, those opposing voices weakened.

Li Zheng secretly said that King Yan's move was very powerful, and he wanted to appease people, but nothing worked for money, and it has been the case since ancient times.

"If that's the case, let's bear it for now."

"Well, bear with it, I haven't got the money yet."

"What don't give it?"

Just as the people in the town were muttering, there were many footsteps.

"Look, the soldiers are here!"

Soon a team came from far to near, with luggage.

Seeing so many soldiers, the people in the town did not dare to say a word, and watched nervously as the officers and soldiers quickly set up tents one by one in the open space.

The sunset on the horizon has just dissipated, the sky is full of stars, and there are more tents in the originally barren fields.

First, the elderly, women and children were arranged to stay, and finally they were assigned. Most of the people did not have tents to live in.

It was Yu Jin who led the officers and soldiers. Hearing the complaints of these people, he raised his voice: "The tents are limited, so I can only aggrieve you all."

Facing the dignified lord, those who complained did not dare to shout out openly. Some people mixed in the crowd and asked, "My lord, how long are we going to stay here?"

"At least two days, as many as five days."

When everyone heard it, there was a lot of discussion.

"I have to live in this ruined place for several days. What if it rains? If it doesn't rain, those of us who don't have tents have to feed mosquitoes at night, and the sun will kill people in the daytime..."

"That's right, I've suffered too much, it's better to go back..."

Yu Jin frowned.

His sympathy is limited,

What should be done, if some people have to go back, then he can't stop them.

"Xiao Wang really got a warning from the gods, saying that our Koi Town is about to move. For the safety of the villagers, we put everyone here. Please bear with the villagers for a few days. The wind is blowing and the sun is feeding mosquitoes, at least there is no life. Danger."

Some people pouted secretly.

If life is in danger, it is worth the pain, but who knows if the earth will move?

There are more than 1,000 people in Koi Town, and most of them believe that the gods warn King Yan.

King Yan said that the good money subsidy didn't know when it would be distributed, so it must be to fool them.

Just thinking about it, I heard Yu Jin say: "Xiao Wang, who promised to subsidize the villagers, has brought half of it today, and the other half will be distributed when everyone leaves. Of course, if anyone leaves early during this period, then there is none left."

When I heard that the first half of the subsidy will be distributed, people immediately rejoiced.

Half of it is fine, it was originally doubled, but half of it has actually recovered the loss... No, half of it is also earned!

You must know that this is May, and the pigs in the pen are still thin. These two silver coins are estimated at the price of the pigs when they are released.

Seeing the people in the town gathered around to collect money, Yu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and it was already late at night when he returned to his new place.

Although it was late at night, the prince did not sleep.

"Seventh brother, you are back."

"Second brother hasn't slept yet?"

The prince waved his hand: "I can't sleep."

After changing to Wuji Town, the prince wanted to return to Beijing more and more.

Living in Wuji Town is not as comfortable as in Koi Town, and the daughter of the squire in Wuji Town is not as good-looking as the daughter of the squire in Koi Town...

"Uh, then I'm going to sleep." Yu Jin didn't have a boring day like the prince. In the daytime, he first comforted the victims in Qianhe County, and at night, he went to comfort the people in Koi Town.

Seeing that Yu Jin was going to wash and sleep, the prince hurriedly asked, "Seventh brother, does Koi Town really move?"

In the dark of night, Yu Jin looked at the prince through the lights in the courtyard, and after a while he said lightly, "Of course it's best if you can't move."

Although he listened to Ah Si's words and temporarily coaxed the people out of a town, he did not expect the natural disaster to come.

Natural disasters can instantly destroy homes that people have built for a lifetime, which is too cruel and ruthless.

The prince thought clearly more practically: "But if there is no earthquake, the royal father will scold you..."

Yu Jin smiled indifferently: "It's okay, I've already entered the Zongren Mansion twice. Second brother, I'm going to wash up first, I'm sorry."

Looking at Yu Jin's back disappearing at the door, the crown prince was a little envious.

Why is Lao Qi not afraid of his father?

A fluffy tail swept across, startling the prince.


Erniu gave the prince a contemptuous look, and walked over with a wagging tail.

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