The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and fifty fifth rain

The second day was sunny and sunny, and the people of Koi Town, who were staying in the wilderness, lined up to wait for the yamen to distribute the porridge and noodles, and they were all a little listless.

Except for the children having fun in the fields.

Last night, the children who were still clamoring to go home ran under the blue sky and white clouds, chasing and scrambling, shedding a string of crisp laughter.

This relieved the irritable mood of the adults a little. After drinking the porridge bowl, look at me, I look at you, and start to stay in a daze.

"I'm going to work in the fields today." Someone said.

It was in May that there was too much work in the fields, and there was no idle day.

Lizheng was surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside.

"Lizheng, I have to go hoeing today."

"Lizheng, my family still has to plant corn, so I can't delay it."

"Yeah, Lizheng, if you have a nice word, can we leave?"

Li Zheng was sweating profusely after being asked, and only felt that he was about to suffer from heat stroke: "Everyone, don't worry, it's still early, I'll ask when the adults come."

Many people looked up at the sky: "It's still early, the sun is coming out, and it's still dark on weekdays and I'm going to carry a hoe to the ground..."

"On weekdays, on weekdays, on weekdays, the ground doesn't move." Li Zheng was a little annoyed and muttered.

This was heard, and immediately attracted a burst of questions: "Lizheng, do you think our town can really move?"

There was a lot of water in it.

The answer to this question has almost dried his lips.

When Yu Jin finally appeared, Li Zheng hurriedly said, "My lord, the folks are in a hurry."

"No hurries?"

Li Zheng smiled bitterly and said, "My lord doesn't know, May or June is the time when there is a lot of life in the field, and I can't live without people."

Yu Jin didn't think about these details. Hearing what Li Zheng said, he pondered for a while: "It's okay for the villagers to go to work in the fields, but remember to go back here to sleep after finishing the farm work."

Worrying that these people would go home directly after finishing their work, he warned: "Wait until the evening, and I will remember to arrange for someone to count the number of people."

Li Zheng wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered, "My lord, there are more than 1,000 people in the town. If someone slips back, they may not be able to count them."

"try your best."

"Okay, okay." Li Zheng had to nod his head.

"Long Dan, you stay here to help Li Zheng."

Long Dan clasped his fists: "Yes."

Yu Jin glanced around and left with Er Niu.

By the evening, there were indeed hundreds of people who did not come back.

Li Zheng was helpless, so he sent a few people back to the town with gongs to beat, and persuaded 70 or 80 people back.

Yu Jin spent the whole day in Qianhe County busy with the resettlement of the newly displaced victims, and only heard Long Dan's report when he returned to Wuji Town in the evening.

"So, there are eleven people who return to Koi Town after finishing the farm work?"

Eleven is one of ten.

"Master, that's right. Are you saying those people are stupid? You planned for them, and they went back to die."

Yu Jin smiled: "How can you force everyone to believe in a dream?"

Long Dan continued: "Later, Li was leading people to persuade seventy or eighty people to go back, and there were more than a dozen people who were dead or alive."

Yu Jin frowned, went to the temporary courtyard to wash off the cold, and went back to the house to lie down.

The summer night is very vivid, and the ears are full of birds and insects.

Yu Jin couldn't sleep, thinking about Jiang Silai.

I don't know what happened to Ah Si, is her belly bigger? Is it easy to move?

Without him by his side, wouldn't he be able to sleep like him?

Jiang Si did not sleep at this time.

Counting the days when Yu Jin left, her heart has been hanging.

What day was that cruel and relentless second earthquake? Or has it already happened, but it hasn't reached Beijing yet?

The capital is not far from Qianhe County. If this is the case, it will be urgent for 800 miles, and the news will be heard tomorrow.

She stroked her bulging belly and carefully rolled over.

"Master, can't you sleep?" Ah Qiao, who was resting on the ground, got up, put a pillow under Jiang Si's feet, and gently kneaded her calf.

in late pregnancy,

Jiang Si sometimes has calf throbbing at night, and Yu Jin always pinches her leg when Yu Jin is at home.

Ah Qiao started to do the chores that Yu Jin often did, and Jiang seemed more and more concerned about the person who was away from home.

"Sleep." She sighed while staring at the sky-blue flower tent, and closed her eyes again.

The people of Koi Town slept in the wilderness for three days in a row. The people sleeping in the tents were fine, but the people sleeping outside had been bitten all over their bags.

And the children who felt fresh when they first arrived have lost that freshness and started clamoring to go home.

"Mother, I want to eat meat buns, there are only steamed buns and gruel."

"Dad, Nini seems to have a fever, so she said it's not good to sleep in this field, how can the child bear it..."

"It's so itchy, I want to take a bath!"

The complaints gradually increased.

In the afternoon, the situation changed suddenly, and it started to rain.

In this way, not to mention people without tents, even people with tents to shelter from the rain can't stand it.

Looking at the rain, will this tent be able to withstand the next night?

More were clamoring to leave.

Li was thinking about Yu Jin's explanation, so anxious that his face was red and his neck was thick: "I can't go, the lord said that the town will move in five days at the latest, and the time will come, folks, please be patient."

"Be patient?" A tall and strong man wiped his face. "It's raining so hard, how can I sleep tonight? Lizheng, please bear with you, I can't bear it anymore!"

"That's right, I can't bear it anymore!" Many people echoed.

Those who were clamoring to leave gathered together and walked forward in the rain.

Yu Jin, who came in a hurry, stood in front, the rain soaked his clothes.

"My lord, these people are clamoring to go back." Long Dan greeted him.

Yu Jin nodded, wiped the rainwater that was about to enter his eyes, and asked loudly, "Do the folks really want to go back?"

The sound of the rain was not small, but his voice seemed to have penetrating power and fell into the ears of everyone.

The tall and strong man shouted: "My lord, we have been living here for several days, where is the ground movement? Now it is raining again, there is really no way to sleep here, we have to go back."

"If the villagers go back now, the remaining half of the subsidy silver will be gone." Long Dan shouted.

The tall and strong man shook his head: "I would rather go back if I don't want it. My baby has a fever."

The woman standing next to the tall and strong man was holding a young child in her arms. Her head was covered with a woven grass hat. Her little face seemed to be flushed red from fever, and she was staring at Yu Jin with wide eyes.

Meeting those black grape-like eyes, Yu Jin's cold heart softened a bit: "A tael of silver."

"What?" Everyone was puzzled for a while.

Yu Jin said lightly: "According to the head count, in addition to the previously agreed subsidy, each person who stays will get one or two silver."

Many people who were determined to go home smeared a handful of rainwater.

A tael of silver can top them for half a year, and if it rains, they can sleep here even with a knife!

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