The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and fifty seventh greedy life

"Er Eggman, why are you kicking me?" The sleepy man complained and pushed the person next to him.

The man beside him pushed away his outstretched hand and scolded, "Who kicked you, I'm sleeping soundly, why are you shaking me?"

The shaking became more violent.

Li Zheng was the first to run out of the tent, looking at the shaking earth, tents undulating like boats on the river, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted, "The ground is moving, the ground is moving—"

The old man screamed, plopped down on his knees, put his hands on the wet ground, and cried, "The ground is moving, it is really moving!"

Countless people were awakened, and the screams of women and the cries of children were soon heard in the tent.

The men jumped up, feeling the shaking of the earth, their faces turned pale.

What the lord said turned out to be true!

"Not good, town!" Someone screamed, and was about to run in the direction of Koi Town, but was tightly held by the people around him.

The person who was held was so anxious that he shouted, "Let go, my brother is back—"

"You don't want your life? This vibration came from the direction of our town. The town is not as empty as this place, it's all houses and trees, and you won't be killed when you go back!"

The two pulled and fell to the ground as the ground shook more violently.

The terrified cries of the children grew louder, and even many women began to cry.

Even though it was an open field, the uncontrollable shaking of the world still made them feel deep fear.

Under natural disasters, people are always as small as ants, insignificant.

Wuji Town also felt the shaking of the ground.

Yu Jin opened his eyes almost instantly, jumped up, and walked quickly outside the house.

The shaking in the yard seems to be more obvious, and the branches and leaves of the trees can be seen swaying greatly.

Long Dan walked to Yu Jin's side, and his voice was a little panicky: "Master, is this earth moving?"

Yu Jin nodded slightly, looking in the direction of Koi Town.

"Er Niu is really amazing." Long Dan sighed with emotion, thought about it, ran to the kitchen and pulled out a few meat bones and held it in front of Er Niu.

"Er Niu, eat quickly, this is your reward."

Erniu glanced at the meat and bones and bared his teeth in disdain.

"This dog dislikes even meat and bones." Long Dan rolled his eyes, turned his head and put his arms around Er Niu's neck again, affectionately following his hair, "Er Niu, tell me, how did you notice the koi carp? Earthquakes in town?"

Er Niu: "Wang!"

Long Dan touched his nose and stood up.

It's a pity to forget that Erniu can't speak human words.

As the shaking continued, Zhao Shilang and others ran out after realizing it.

When I got outside, the shaking of my feet became more and more obvious.

Zhao Shilang turned pale and looked at Yu Jin with extremely complicated eyes: "My lord, the ground is moving!"

"Yeah." Yu Jin nodded calmly.

After a while, another person ran over with a complicated expression: "My lord, the ground is moving!"


Another person came running: "My lord, the ground is moving!"


Long Dan looked at the sky silently.

Have these people discussed it? Everyone has to say something when they meet the prince.

The last one to push the door out was the prince.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, the prince muttered, "What are you doing with the noise outside, it's so noisy that people can't sleep—"

The shaking of the soles of his feet made him wake up immediately, and his first reaction was to quickly fall to the ground and put his head in his hands: "The ground is moving!"

The scene was quiet for a while, except for the sound of the branches shaking.

The prince didn't feel any movement for a long time, looked up and received countless strange glances.

what happened?

The prince got up and looked around blankly.

There was still vibration underfoot, but standing still didn't seem to be a problem.

Then his reaction just now——

The prince blushed, walked quickly to Yu Jin's side, and said aggrieved: "Seventh brother, why didn't you call me when the ground moved?"

Yu Jin put his hands behind his back and said calmly, "It's fine here, second brother can sleep a little longer."

The prince shook his head again and again: "The ground is moving, who can sleep!"

What if he fell asleep and everyone else ran away?

The prince thought with a very simple thought.

"My lord, over there in Koi Town—"

Yu Jin looked at Zhao Shilang and said lightly: "It can make Er Niu create a strong danger. This earthquake is probably coming from there."

Zhao Shilang was silent for a while.

Wuji Town still felt such an obvious shock, and Koi Town might be a disaster.

The crown prince stared at Er Niu with a burning gaze: "Seventh brother, Er Niu is really amazing."

If a dog that can move predictably is his, then he will no longer be afraid of moving.

Feeling the eager eyes of the prince, Erniu bared his teeth vigilantly.

The way this person looked at it was so strange that it always wanted to take a bite...

The prince moved to Yu Jin's side.

Ahem, this dog is still unfamiliar with him, go back and try to feed the meat and bones a few more times.

"Let's go to the place where the people of Koi Town are resettled first."

The prince became nervous: "Seventh brother, will it be very dangerous there?"

Yu Jin smiled: "No, there is nothing to collapse in the wilderness."

The prince glanced at the dark sky and shook his head: "I caught a cold at night and felt dizzy, so I won't go with Seventh Brother."

"The second brother, just take a good rest." To the prince, Yu Jin never reported any hope, and it was good not to cause trouble at this time.

The prince glanced at Er Niu and said tentatively, "Seventh brother, can you keep Er Niu?"

"Huh?" Yu Jin raised his eyebrows.

The prince smiled and said, "If there is trouble here, Erniu can still report to you."

Yu Jin thought about something and nodded.

Zhao Shilang and others naturally wanted to go with Yu Jin, and in a blink of an eye the yard was empty.

Those officials who stayed behind were not able to come forward without the prince's orders, and only waited for orders from a distance.

Of course, the prince would not say one more word to those people, explaining to his personal servant: "Go to the kitchen and bring a pot of meat and bones."

After getting the meat and bones, the prince and Er Niu looked at each other for a while, and showed a pleasing smile: "Er Niu, do you want to eat meat?"

Erniu looked at the prince in disgust and turned away.

"Hey—" The prince opened his mouth to stop Erniu.

Erniu turned his head, squeaked at the prince neatly, and left with a flick of his tail.

While the prince was frightened, his eyes became more and more eager.

If he became the owner of Er Niu, the dog would only listen to him and look fierce towards others.

Just thinking about it makes me happy.

When Yu Jin led the people to the place where the people of Koi Town were staying, there was already a loud cry.

Li Zheng stumbled over and rushed over, thumping and kneeling on Yu Jin's knees: "Little old man kowtowed to the lord, the great kindness of the lord, the old and young of Koi Town will never forget—"

Yu Jin helped Li Zheng up: "How is it here, but someone is injured?"

Although this place is open, it is closer to Koi Town, and it is also possible to fall and trample in addition to the chaos.

"It's all okay, it's all okay." Li Zheng said and cried, "After the ground stopped shaking, the little old man sent a few good legs back to the town to take a look. The whole town has become a ruin..."

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