More and more people poured in, ignoring the dirt on the ground and kneeling down to Yu Jin.

At this moment, their gratitude to Yu Jin can no longer be described in words, they can only keep kowtowing to vent their extremely tense emotions.

They were not even fighting Yu Jin, but the fate of surviving by making a poor choice.

Especially those who see the familiar town in ruins, feel more and more how lucky they are to be alive.

"My lord, what should I do now?" Li Zheng was so impressed with Yu Jin that he obeyed every word.

"How many people are back in town?"

"Those who have men at home, or brothers and uncles who go back, have to make a fuss to go back, but they are stopped by the little old man."

Yu Jin nodded: "Lizheng has done a good job. Generally speaking, after an earthquake occurs in one place, there may be several aftershocks. In addition, it is not yet dawn. Going back will not only be useless, but may also be in danger."

Li Zheng was fortunate to wipe off his sweat and shouted: "Have you heard what the lord said, don't think about running to the town before dawn! The lord said before that there was ground movement, and he persuaded and paid money, but there are still people who want to go back. How is it now? This time, you must listen to the prince!"

"We listen to the prince..." the people in the town shouted, some with fear, some with crying.

The countryside was pitch-dark, and only a number of torches illuminated the surroundings, so I could barely see each other.

Yu Jin didn't look at those people too much, and said to Li Zheng: "You guys should rest first, there are still many things to do when it's dawn."

"Then the lord—"

"Let's go back first, and we'll bring people over when it's dawn."

Li Zheng diligently sent Yu Jin and others out all the way: "It's dark and the road is slippery, so it's easy for the lord to go."

This time, it comes from the sincerity of the heart.

"Li Zhengmo sent it."

Yu Jin waved his hand and left with Zhao Shilang and others.

The people who returned to Wuji Town did not go to sleep, but gathered together to discuss.

"There has really been an earthquake in Koi Town. As a result, the money that the lord promised to the people in the town will be settled..." An official of the Ministry of Household didn't know whether to be emotional or relieved.

The Ministry of Household is in charge of the disaster relief money. Although King Yan’s words came first, if King Yan did not recognize it when he returned to the capital, in the end the shortfall would fall on the head of the Ministry of Household. Tears.

Earthquakes happen, and that's different. The imperial court provided money subsidies to the people after the disaster, and sometimes even subsidized silk.

"Is this the time to think about this?" Zhao Shilang glared at the subordinate, but his mood was more complicated than that of his subordinates.

If nothing happened in Koi Town, their tossing would become a joke, and it would inevitably be scolded in the ears of the emperor, and now—

Thinking that Lizheng said that the town of Koi was in ruins, and the town of Koi with a population of more than 1,000 survived nine out of ten, this achievement is too amazing...

Zhao Shilang was a little uncomfortable and thought about it further.

After all, there are still casualties in the earthquake, which should not be a happy thing.

Seeing the crowd gathered around and discussing excitedly, I don't know when they are going to discuss. Yu Jin, who has little experience in post-disaster reconstruction, got up and said, "Everyone, please discuss slowly, Xiao Wang, go and close your eyes first."

As soon as Yu Jin left, everyone looked at each other in dismay, and someone said, "Why don't we leave as well, and disaster relief will have to wait until we see the disaster in Koi Town."

"Well, let's go."

Unconsciously, without Yu Jin's presence, these discussions were somewhat uninspiring.

Zhao Shilang, who returned to the room, lay on the uncomfortable bed and turned over a few times. He didn't feel sleepy for a while and looked out the window.

The window was open, and it was dark outside.

There is an earthquake in Koi Town, so the miracle of King Yan's dream and warning will be spread all over the world...

Zhao Shilang looked complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking, and finally fell asleep slowly.

Before dawn the next day, everyone got up in a hurry and dispatched soldiers to prepare to rush to Koi Town for disaster relief.

The prince's first reaction was to refuse.

Disaster relief was hard and dangerous, so he didn't want to join in the fun.

It was the inner servant who advised: "Your Highness, the earthquake has just happened, and it is the time when it is easy for those people to thank you for your kindness. If you don't go, won't it be cheaper for King Yan?"

The prince hesitated.

The inner servant's words made some sense. When he came out, of course, he wanted to have a good reputation, but he just felt that a good reputation was not as important as his life and safety.

If there is no danger—

The maid seemed to know what the prince was worried about, and whispered: "Your Highness, isn't the dog of King Yan's can predict the danger? If there is that dog, once there is danger, we can detect it in advance, and then we will just leave. ."

The prince was immediately persuaded, and said displeasedly: "What is that dog? It's Er Niu, a five-rank official of the eight classics. Speaking of which, it is no worse than you."

The servant twitched the corners of his mouth silently.

His Highness has not yet got Erniu, so he will maintain it first.

As someone who has accompanied the prince for more than 20 years, the inner servant naturally knew that the prince had already moved his mind towards Er Niu.

The prince ignored the servants and walked over to Yu Jin: "Seventh brother, will the two cattle go together today?"

Yu Jin's eyes fell on the prince's face, and nodded slightly: "I will go."

The prince showed a smile: "Then I will go too."

Yu Jin: "..."

The word "also" is used very well for the prince.

Together with the prince, a group of people rushed to the place where the people of Koi Town were staying, and they rushed to Koi Town together with the people from the town and the Queen.

It only takes two quarters of an hour to get to Koi Town from here, but in a hurry, I speed up, and the time is even shorter.

After arriving, people fell silent.

Under the morning light, everything is far clearer and more shocking than at night.

The bustling and bustling town has long since been in ruins. Looking around, there are hardly any houses standing there, and the air is filled with a strange smell mixed with mud and blood.

The people of Koi Town, headed by Lizheng, fell to their knees and cried bitterly.

There was absolutely no way they could control their grief.

There are more than 100 people who choose to return to the town, many of them are related to each other. Even if no relatives were killed in the earthquake, the destruction of their homes was enough to make a six-foot man cry.

This is the place where they lived for generations, and now it is a purgatory on earth.

According to the divided teams, people began to enter the town to search for survivors.

The soldiers who entered Koi Town searched in an orderly manner because of their experience in rescuing Qianhe County. Compared with the calmness of the soldiers, the people of Koi Town are much more vulnerable, especially when they see the broken corpses in the ruins, they can't help crying.

The prince was bored waiting by the town, and said to Yu Jin, "Seventh brother, I'll go and see where these people are temporarily staying."

"Second brother, let's go."

The prince glanced at Er Niu: "Can you take Er Niu—"

Before he could finish speaking, he received a blank eye from Er Niu, and the big dog shivered and ran towards a ruin.

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