The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 560 Thanksgiving

There was an earthquake in Koi Town, and the materials used for disaster relief can be used in an open and fair manner.

By the time Yu Jin and his party returned to their lodgings in the sunset, more tents had been set up there, and earthen stoves had been built one by one.

The whole town is ruined, and the problem of feeding so many people can no longer be solved.

"Li Zheng is back!"

The people in the town who stayed at the place of residence quickly gathered around and asked in a fuss: "Lizheng, have you rescued anyone?"

At this time, it was useless for Li Zheng to cover up. Facing those eager eyes, he sighed, "Only Nini from the leftover family was rescued. The child was sent away by the prince to see the doctor. The others—"

Crying sounded immediately.

"My son, it would be great if I didn't let you go back at that time! Hey, how can you live with us orphans and widows after you leave—"

"Second brother, you shouldn't go back. You've only been married for two months, and you didn't even have time to stay after—"

Those who had no casualties at home and no particularly close relatives who were killed or injured did not cry, but their eyes were red, and they were even more afraid: if they had gone back then, they would have died in the earthquake now.

All this is thanks to King Yan!

A man dragged his daughter-in-law and child to his knees in front of Yu Jin, raised his hand and slapped himself: "My lord, Xiaomin's lard is blinded, and he still complains about you... You saved Xiaomin's family, little boy. The people kowtowed to you, and I will set up a longevity card for you in the future, praying for your safety and longevity every day..."

Another family knelt down: "My lord, you are really a kind person. In order to save our lives, you even used money to stop us from going back to seek death... There is no one more kind-hearted than you..."

Many people broke out in a cold sweat.

If there is no money promised by the prince, they will definitely go back...

More and more people came to Yu Jin and knelt down, saying grateful words.

The prince looked at him coldly, feeling a little unhappy.

How could these foolish people know that the one who rescued them was obviously a second ox!

It was Er Niu who foresaw the danger, and Lao Qi made up the lie that the gods were dreaming to warn them.

Seeing Yu Jin being worshipped by the people, the prince became more and more unhappy: he had known that there would really be an earthquake in Koi Town, and he had taken the matter of the gods into a dream as a warning at that time.

"You don't have to do this, Xiao Wang is just doing his best, it's the adults who really bother..." Yu Jin was not interested in how to deal with the grateful ordinary people, and simply pushed Zhao Shilang out.

Zhao Shilang and other officials felt quite comfortable when they heard that: when the earthquake occurred in Koi Town, it was certain that King Yan would be admired by the people, and King Yan did not forget to mention their contributions, which was really heart-warming.

Zhao Shilang cleared his throat, and was about to say a few words when he heard the prince say: "Folks, I am the prince of the dynasty, and I'm here to visit you this time. Don't worry, folks, the imperial court will definitely take care of you when you suffer a disaster. I will place you properly. I promise you that in addition to the money promised by King Yan earlier, each person will also give out two taels of relief money to help you rebuild your home..."

Zhao Shilang and the others turned green when they heard it.

The subsidy promised by King Yan was a bit too high according to the disaster relief standard of the imperial court, and it could still be filled. ah?

Although Zhao Shilang and others were in a hurry, they couldn't interrupt the prince's eloquence in front of the people, and could only listen with a dark face.

Fortunately, it was late, and no one noticed the black face.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose-" someone shouted.

"Thanks, Your Highness, Your Highness, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose-" Everyone shouted in unison.

When the prince heard this, his blood boiled immediately, and he opened his mouth and said, "Give each household another piece of silk—"

The eyes of a group of household officials were darkened and they almost fainted.

The people of Koi Town shouted more eagerly.

It's easy to shout twice, and you can get silver and silk, which is a huge benefit.

Hearing the loud shouts of the people, the prince was so excited that he wanted to give something.

"Your Excellency,

I can't let His Highness go on, and let's say we're going back to Beijing with our bare bottoms! "In a hurry, the official couldn't care about the gentleness, and said anxiously.

The prince just thought of giving some benefits to these ordinary people, and was slapped heavily behind him.

"What's wrong?" The prince turned back in dissatisfaction.

He has never enjoyed the scene of so many people thanking Dade and bowing down. His emotions are running high. Who doesn't bother him with long eyes?

Looking down, Erniu was wagging his tail not far away.

Seeing that it was Er Niu, the prince's expression softened: "It's Er Niu."

Erniu silently tilted his head.

What the hell is it, self-assured idiot.

Zhao Shilang grabbed the prince and was racking his brains on how to explain it. Seeing this, he could not wait to rush to kiss Er Niu.

Er Niu is really a magical dog, not only can predict danger, but also bear the blame at critical moments.

Back in Wuji Town, the prince was still excited: "I didn't expect these people to be soothed..."

Everyone's mouth twitched.

I really want to slap the face of the prince.

That's soothing? In the face of a fool who is giving money, who is not willing to say a few good words, and it is easy to say good words!

Zhao Shilang resisted the urge to scold, and calmed his emotions: "Prince, do you know that each person is two taels of silver, and each household is one piece of silk, how much do we need?"

The prince was stunned: "Gap?"

Zhao Shilang supported his forehead: "His Royal Highness, there are regulations for the court to distribute disaster relief silver. If it exceeds, where will the silver money come from?"

The prince was dumbfounded.

The crowd couldn't bear it any longer and said: "Yes, Your Highness, you can't promise money easily, it's a lot of trouble, not to mention that you have to give a piece of silk, the gap is even bigger..."

The prince blinked.

Is he being accused by the ministers?

The prince couldn't help but look at Yu Jin.

Lao Qi promised to give money to those people to be praised, but why should he be blamed for giving money?

"King Yan may have promised money before!"

Zhao Shilang twitched the corners of his mouth: "His Royal Highness, the prince promised to give money at that time, because only a dream was not enough to make the people evacuate with peace of mind, and it must be motivated by money. Now that the earthquake has occurred, how to relieve the victims of the disaster? There is a set of rules, any addition or subtraction will cause trouble..."

If you give less, it will be trouble for the victims. If you give too much, it will be trouble for them. This His Royal Highness really makes trouble when he opens his mouth. It is better to stay in Wuji Town honestly.

Besides, how the prince compares with King Yan, King Yan said at the time that if there was no earthquake, the money would have come out of King Yan's mansion.

The prince looked unhappy: "Those people don't even have their homes. What's wrong with how many taels of silver they have? Master Zhao, don't worry about it. I'm tired and go to bed."

The prince flung his sleeves away, leaving Zhao Shilang almost to his knees in anger.

The officials were even more frowning.

Zhao Shilang sighed: "Forget it, I'll write an urgent report and send it to the capital."

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