The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and sixty first emergency

The lamp in the imperial study was already lit, and Emperor Jing Ming frowned and looked at the book.

It is rainy in May, and there have been frequent floods in various places recently. In addition, the earthquake in Qianhe County is even more concerned about his heart.

Resources such as manpower and disaster relief silver flowed continuously to the places where the disaster occurred, and he saw the treasury emptying at a speed that made his heart skip a beat.

Anxiety and depression are the main feelings of Emperor Jing Ming these days.

The book that was left in the corner and forgot to pick up was already dusty.

There was a sound of footsteps.

Emperor Jing Ming raised his eyes and glanced at Pan Hai.

Pan Hai backed out gently immediately, and walked in quickly with an urgent newspaper in his hand after a while.

"Where is the report?" Emperor Jing Ming asked.

Pan Hai glanced at the envelope and replied, "The one from Qianhe County..."

Emperor Jing Ming put down the book in his hand: "Bring it here."

Qianhe County's memorial has recently appeared on his dragon case every morning. It has become a norm. He has already read today's memorial. Why is there another memorial at night?

Based on experience, Emperor Jing Ming expected that it was not a good thing.

After receiving the report from Qianhe County, Emperor Jing Ming took a while to open it. He hurriedly scanned the content of the earthquake in Jinli Town, Qianhe County. His hand trembled and he hurriedly looked down.

The urgent report is short and concise, and the content is very short. Emperor Jing Ming quickly read it.

After reading it, he was a little dazed.

Seeing Emperor Jingming's reaction, Pan Hai raised his heart and shouted cautiously, "Your Majesty—"

Emperor Jing Ming glanced at Pan Hai, clenched his hand to report, and said, "The Jinli Town under Qianhe County has moved."

Pan Hai's expression was shocked, and he couldn't help saying: "The casualties—"

Emperor Jing Ming had a strange look on his face: "The letter said that Koi Town was in ruins, and because the people in the town were evacuated a few days earlier, there were only dozens of casualties. More accurate results are sent..."

"How is this possible?" Pan Hai blurted out.

Emperor Jing Ming put the emergency report on the case and said in a deep tone: "Yes, how is this possible! Three out of ten houses in Qianhe County collapse, and more than ten thousand people were injured or killed, accounting for twelve of the population of Qianhe County. Li Town is in ruins, how come there are only dozens of casualties? Could it be that Koi Town is a small town with only a hundred people?"

Pan Haidao: "After the earthquake occurred in Qianhe County, the slaves read the information and remembered that Koi Town is the most lively town under the jurisdiction of Qianhe County, with a population of more than 1,000..."

More than 1,000 people, only dozens of people were injured and killed when all the houses collapsed, which is too bizarre.

Emperor Jing Ming patted the table and said: "This Zhao Ruqing, the urgent newspaper did not say clearly, what the hell is going on!"

Pan Hai stopped talking.

The key to an urgent report is the word "urgent", which is often written in a hurry, as long as the most important thing is written.

The next day when he went to court, Emperor Jing Ming touched the letter in his hand. After the ministers reported all the matters, he said solemnly, "There was an earthquake in Jinli Town in Qianhe County yesterday."

When these words came out, all the ministers were shocked.

Did it move again?

If the previous earthquake in Qianhe County made the ministers feel that they were far away, the small earthquake in front of the Taimiao Temple scared the courage of these people.

What happened this year, even the capital has been shaken. Now that the Koi Town is shaking again, could it be that the troubles of the earthquake are endless?

Earthquakes can be more terrifying than floods. Floods are not caused in one day, and can even be avoided if proper precautions are taken. Earthquakes are unavoidable and can only be left to fate when they happen.

"I received an urgent report from Zhao Shilang last night, saying that almost all the houses in Koi Town collapsed, thousands of people were displaced, and funds were urgently needed to resettle the people..."

"Impossible!" Zuo Shi Lang blurted out.

The Minister of the Household has reached the age of becoming an official. The left and right servants of the Household are both adjutants of the Household, and they are both aiming at the position of the Minister of the Household. The contest between the two has been going on for a long time.

Either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. At this critical time, Zuo Shilang can't care about his colleagues.

Emperor Jing Ming looked at the left servant of the Ministry of Housing.

"Your Majesty, there are more than 1,000 people in Koi Town. When all the houses collapsed, how can it be said that thousands of people have been displaced? From the perspective of Wei Chen, it must be Mr. Zhao exaggerating and wanting the court to allocate more money. !"

The Minister of the Household gave a fixed look at the left servant of the Household, and lowered his wrinkled eyelids again.

If he were a few years younger, Zuo Shilang would not be so eager to attack the officials of the same department, and he would not be able to bear the first joke of other yamen watching the Ministry of households.

Now that he is about to start his career, he can understand the battle between the left servant and the right servant.

Well, let them fight.

The Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Housing said so, and of course the ministers who were always at odds with Zhao Shilang would not fall behind, and immediately agreed.

Emperor Jing Ming was very calm, and when these people finished attacking, he said indifferently: "Zhao Shilang's emergency report mentioned that there were only dozens of casualties in Koi Town, and the specific number should be reported in the next two days."

"What? Only dozens of casualties?"

The main hall, which was in good order just now, was turned into a vegetable market, and there was a lot of chaos.

Emperor Jing Ming was not disgusted with such liveliness.

Many major events were settled in such repeated disputes and discussions, and such liveliness at least reassured him more than words.

The ministers debated endlessly, and finally came to a conclusion: there must be something strange about this matter.

Emperor Jing Ming looked at the minister of the household where the old god was present: "What do you think of Aiqing?"

Although the Minister of the Ministry of Finance was going to serve, but he was still in this position after all, so Emperor Jing Ming naturally wanted to ask.

The Minister of Hu opened his eyes a little and said slowly: "Qianhe County is not far from the capital. If you hurry up, you will be there in two days. Since everyone thinks that something is wrong, why doesn't the emperor send someone to take a look?"

When Emperor Jing Ming heard this, he couldn't help nodding his head.

That's what he meant.

In addition, the Crown Prince and King Yan were both there, so close to the ground movement, he was not at ease in terms of safety.

As for the Prince's performance in this disaster relief - Emperor Jing Ming was curious and looking forward to it.

Just thinking about this, a minister said: "Your Majesty, the crown prince is the crown prince of the country and the body of a thousand gold, so he should not be in danger. After Qianhe County, Koi Town has undergone earthquakes, how do you know it will not happen elsewhere? I thought I should call the prince back to Beijing."

"The minister waits for a second opinion."

Emperor Jing Ming pondered for a moment and said, "Send one of the censors to go to Qianhe County to investigate the matter. As for the matter of calling the prince back to Beijing... We will decide after the censors report."

Yu Si, he is the father of the prince, of course he does not want his son to be in danger. Yu Gong, it is precisely because the prince is the prince that he wants the prince to train more so that he can manage this huge country well in the future.

With such a direct descendant, Emperor Jing Ming had a headache when he thought about it a little more, and this heartbreak was not enough for outsiders.

Soon the supervisor and Pan Hai's apprentices were ordered by the emperor to leave Beijing and hurried to Qianhe County.

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