The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 571 The ugly girl in the eyes of Yu 7

As the master of the harem, the queen was naturally the first to receive the news, and immediately rewarded her, and arranged for someone to report to Yuquan Palace.

Concubine Xian was holding a small silver scissors to trim a pot of blooming flowers, when she heard someone from Kunning Palace, she straightened up: "Please come in."

After a while, the servant of Kunning Palace came in and said with a smile, "Congratulations to the concubine Xian."

Concubine Xian jumped in her heart, with a proper smile on her face: "I don't know where the joy comes from?"

Could it be that the seventh daughter-in-law gave birth?

He heard the servant say, "After midnight last night, Princess Yan was blessed with a daughter."

"Father Lao has made a trip. Hongyu—"

A palace maid immediately gave the servant a reward.

The chamberlain said a few more auspicious words and withdrew.

The smile on Concubine Xian's face was immediately put away, and she picked up the small silver scissors placed on one side and continued to trim it. She instructed lightly: "Prepare some supplements to send to Prince Yan's Mansion."

A girl, of course, has nothing to be happy about.

What's more, it hurts to think about it.

At that time, the fourth daughter-in-law and the seventh daughter-in-law were both pregnant. A young concubine complimented her by saying that the flowers will bear fruit first, but what about the results?

The fourth daughter-in-law had a miscarriage, not to mention the result, she didn't even see a flower, but the seventh daughter-in-law responded to this unfortunate remark and only gave birth to a girl.

There are so many princes who have opened their palaces, plus the East Palace, there are a lot of girls, it is estimated that the emperor will not even lift his eyelids when he knows.

Concubine Xian was pruning the flower branches slowly, and she put aside the matter of Concubine Yan giving birth to a daughter.

It was the first day of the sixth lunar month when Emperor Jing Ming went to court and went to the queen as usual.

"The emperor is done so early today."

"It's not too much recently, so I came over to have dinner with the queen." Xu Shi had a common secret between the emperor and the queen. Although Emperor Jing Ming had no love for the queen, he was very comfortable with him.

Husband and wife, this is enough.

"There is a happy event for the Pope to know."

Emperor Jing Ming was interested: "What's the happy event?"

Recently, the government affairs have been messy, and he has rarely felt happy.

"Last night, Princess Yan gave birth to a daughter safely. Is it a happy event that the emperor said?" The queen asked with a smile.

Emperor Jing Ming was stunned, and then put on a smile on his face: "It's really a happy event. It's good to have a safe delivery."

When the emperor's daily schedule is full of opportunities, it is naturally impossible to stare at when the daughter-in-law who is out of the house will give birth to a child.

"The queen remembers to prepare some supplements to send to the Yan Wangfu."

"It has been arranged for someone to send it there."

Emperor Jing Ming remembered what he had secretly promised, and said to the empress: "Lao Qi has been doing well recently, and I plan to name his eldest daughter."

Yu Jin found out the duo mama who was making trouble in the palace, and made a big splash in Qianhe County. Emperor Jing Ming remembered these things in his heart. As a prince, there is no way for him to be promoted to an official position, he can only express it from other aspects.

The queen was taken aback.

The emperor said to give a name, it is not as simple as giving a name to the child.

To give a name means to give a title to the person who was given a name, which is a great honor for a newborn baby.

You must know that there are so many princesses in the palace, in addition to Princess Fuqing, there are also the fifteen princesses who died in vain. The other princesses have no titles yet, and will only be canonized when they leave the cabinet.

The same is true for the daughter of the prince, who can only be sealed when her daughter leaves the cabinet.

The queen quickly thought of the reason why Emperor Jing Ming did this.

It is said that the father's debt is repaid by the son. In the same way, the children will also enjoy their parents' love. King Yan and his wife relieved a lot of troubles for the emperor, but there are some things that are not humane to the outside world, and the emperor naturally wants to compensate in other aspects.

The queen asked with a smile, "Have you thought of a name?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, let Zhen think about it." Emperor Jing Ming pulled his beard for a while, but he couldn't think of it for a while, so he said to the queen, "The queen should think about it together."

The emperor and the queen got together and began to think of the name of the youngest daughter born by the Yan Wang couple.

Jiang Si and Yu Jin are also struggling with their daughter's name.

Young in the end, Jiang seemed to recover a lot the next day, coaxing his daughter to hand over to the wet nurse, and the couple talked about the name.

"Don't worry about the name first, I've decided on the nickname, so let's call it Ah Huan."

Jiang Si blinked: "How do I remember when you said that if it was a boy, it would be called Ah Li, and if it was a girl, it would be called A Jiao?"

Thinking of the ugly daughter, Yu Jin sighed in his heart.

She's so ugly, why is she called A Jiao... What if someone else hears it and jokes about her daughter secretly?

To Jiang Si, of course Yu Jin didn't dare to say it outright, and smirked: "I suddenly feel that Ah Huan is better, it's good for our daughter to be happy and happy for a lifetime."

Jiang Xi thought about it for a while, and felt that it made sense, so she nodded: "Then call it A Huan, I also think A Huan is better."

"Master, there is someone from Dongpingbo Mansion."

"Who is here?"

Ah Qiao said, "The eldest master, the eldest aunt, and the third wife."

Yu Jin got up immediately: "I'll go meet my father-in-law."

Jiang Si was still in confinement, Jiang Ancheng couldn't see his daughter, he only saw his granddaughter wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Jiang Ancheng couldn't stare at the baby enough, he smiled and said: "Yi'er, look, this child is exactly the same as your sister when she was a child..."

Jiang Yi surrounds the baby and agrees with a smile: "Yeah, she is really similar to the fourth sister, her eyebrows and eyes are carved out of a mold, and she will definitely stand out like the fourth sister in the future."

Hearing the father and daughter gushing about their daughter, Yu Jin was confused.

Is someone else blind or is he blind?

"My lord, I'll go in and see the princess."

Jiang Yi and the third wife entered the delivery room together. Seeing that Jiang Si was well, they came out after talking for a while.

People in the confinement can't be bothered for a long time.

On the way back, Jiang Ancheng sighed uncontrollably: "Time is so fast, in the blink of an eye, your fourth sister has become a mother."

Jiang Yixin knew that her father thought of her late mother again, so she hurriedly comforted her.

When they arrived at Cixintang, Mrs. Feng, who had been waiting for a long time, hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

"The fourth sister and the child are all very well, grandma, don't worry." Jiang Yidao.

Madam Feng raised one eyebrow: "Where's the prince?"

Jiang Ancheng looked surprised: "There is no need for the prince to give birth to a child, what can he do wrong?"

Mrs. Feng gave her son a stern look: "I mean, if the son gave birth to a girl, the prince is not unhappy?"

Jiang Ancheng sneered: "Xianer gave birth to an extremely handsome daughter for him. Could he be unhappy? Mother, don't worry about it."

Madam Feng was choked to death.

Jiang Si woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he found Yu Jin guarding by his side, and couldn't help laughing: "Ajin, if you don't go to work, can you accompany me to confinement?"

Yu Jin laughed and said, "I don't have to go to the yamen recently. What can I do? It's business to be with you."

It's really hard for a woman to be confinement. In June, the doors and windows can't be opened. He was sweating profusely after he came in for a while. Poor Ah seems to have to endure for another month.

"Ajin, write a letter for my second brother to tell him that he has another niece..."

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