The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Five hundred and seventieth chapters give name

Jiang seems to miss his brother far away in the southern border.

"I don't know if the second brother is suitable for the southern border. The weather and diet in the south are different from those in the capital..."

Yu Jin got angry when he heard it, and said displeasedly: "What's wrong with a big man. You should eat, drink, and if you don't sleep well, you just don't feel tired."

Thinking that he was only twelve years old when he went to the south, and no one cared for him.

Of course, it's not uncommon for others to feel distressed about him, but at that time, Ah Si didn't have any impression of him, let alone distressed him.

Thinking of this, Yu Jin became more and more jealous of Jiang Zhan.

Stupid people have stupid blessings. I mean Jiang Zhan, a person as smart as him, before he married a wife, he had to feel sorry for himself.

Someone who was extremely unbalanced glanced at his wife and said maliciously: "The women in the southern border are different from the women in the capital. All of them are enthusiastic and bold. Maybe Jiang Zhan has a relationship now-"

Jiang Si grabbed Yu Jin's ear, and asked with a half-smile, "Passionate and bold? I wonder how many passionate and bold girls your lord met in southern Xinjiang?"

Yu Jin secretly said that it was bad, and just focused on digging a hole for Jiang Er, but he didn't expect to bury himself inadvertently.

"Cough, Asi, you know me, I don't even look at me if I don't look good-"

"What's prettier than you?"

Yu Jin's face was straight: "So far, I think you are prettier than me."

Jiang Sibai glanced at him and gave up.

Yu Jin secretly said that it was very dangerous, left Jiang Si and went to the study, picked up a pen and wrote a letter to Jiang Zhan.

To the end, I actually wrote a thick stack of paper.

Yu Jin stared at the wet stationery, touched the stubble of his chin, and thought to himself, "It's strange, the daughter-in-law has already married, so what else can he say to that idiot Jiang Er."

June in southern Xinjiang is the time when vegetation is at its most prosperous.

Jiang Zhan led a group of people to fight a beautiful ambush, and returned to the barracks to pack up the wild deer caught on the way and roast them on the fire.

The large pieces of venison were skewered on wooden branches, dripping with grease, and the fragrance emitted made the soldiers swallow their saliva.

"General, it's done." A soldier handed Jiang Zhan a bunch of slightly charred venison.

"Thanks." Jiang Zhan took it and sneezed three times in a row.

Who misses me?

Jiang Zhan pondered for a while, and his heart moved: Could it be that he is going to be an uncle again?

After biting down a piece of meat and eating it, Jiang Zhan asked the soldier beside him, "Are you married?"

The soldier was immediately excited: "General, do you want to talk to the humble post?"

Jiang Zhan sneered: "What a dream, I don't have a wife yet."

"Oh." The soldier was immediately honest.

Jiang Zhan asked a soldier who looked quite young this time.

The soldier looked embarrassed: "General, I'm just a little older, and I haven't married a wife yet."

Jiang Zhan twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking to himself, are you a bit old-fashioned, you look too anxious.

Finally, a soldier couldn't see it, and volunteered: "General, I have been married for a few years."

"Any children?"

"Yes, one son and one daughter." The soldier got excited when he mentioned his wife and children far away from home.

"Then tell me, how long does it take for a woman to get pregnant and give birth?"

He remembered the day when the fourth sister came out with good news, but he didn't know how long it would take to give birth to the child.

The soldier immediately got stuck, and he figured it out with his fingers, hesitatingly said: "It will take about nine months..."

"No, don't you all say that you are pregnant in October, at least ten months-"

A group of big men surrounded the venison that was about to be scorched, and quickly blushed and had a thick neck.

Jiang Zhan listened with a big head, biting the venison hard, thinking that there might be another relative in the distant capital, his eyes filled with smiles.

When he returns to Beijing, maybe the fourth sister's child will be able to call him uncle.

Three days after the birth of the young master of Yanwang's mansion, he ushered in the three rituals.

Washing three is a great auspicious gift, and it should not be sloppy, but it is not necessary to invite relatives and friends widely.

Just invite your next of kin to congratulate you.

The woman invited the female relatives of Dongpingbo Mansion and Yining Hou Mansion. Needless to say, the man was mainly the princess and the princesses who had left the cabinet.

Even so, on the day of the three rituals, Prince Yan's mansion was still very lively.

In the afternoon, an incense table was set up in the outer hall of the delivery room, and the grandmother of the admission began to preside over the ceremony.

As the accepting grandmother swept the water from the basin onto Ah Huan, Ah Huan burst into tears.

Everyone immediately said auspicious words, but they didn't take it seriously.

After all, she is just a girl, even if it is the first child of the Yan Wangfu, there is nothing to pay attention to.

Today's trip is just a passing.

When the grandmother to be accepted read the words "Kang Gong, Kang mother's original surname is Li, adults and children will be handed over to you; send more men, less women...", Princess Qi's eyes flashed a smile.

The lyrics of my grandmother were fixed, and she also came here after listening to these words.

Send more men and less women—she was so heartbroken when she heard it.

How come there is no man in one fell swoop?

Princess Qi couldn't help but look at Jiang Si.

After only three days of giving birth, the woman in front of her was not bloated at all, only a little more plump than before she was pregnant, and this plumpness made her look brighter.

Princess Qi's heart was sour.

There are always some people in this world who are blessed and can't be envied.

Looking at Jiang Si's calm and smiling eyebrows, Princess Qi thought to herself: Princess Yan doesn't care if she has a daughter?

Hehe, it must be forced to be happy.

"Princess, someone is coming from the palace." A maid hurried in and said.

Everyone in the hall was silent for a while, and couldn't help looking at each other.

How come there are people in the baptismal palace?

The family of the royal family adds to the family, whether the matter is big or small, it is a rule to enter the jade letter in the palace, as for whether there is a reward in the palace, it depends on which one is the child. If it is a clan child who is not valued, at most, it will send some supplements as usual.

It is rare to have someone specially sent over at the third baptism ceremony. If you think about it carefully, there are people who came to the palace when they gave birth to their sons...

Everyone guessed, and finally waited for the servant to come over.

When they saw that the inner attendant was actually Pan Hai's apprentice, Eunuch Le, everyone felt that it was a bit unusual.

Eunuch Le was Pan Hai's apprentice, and Pan Hai was the most capable person by the emperor's side. The servants in the palace were actually sent by the emperor, not the empress or the empress dowager—

Everyone became more and more curious about the servant's intentions, until Xiao Lezi took out the imperial edict and his eyes shrank suddenly.

How can there be a decree?

Xiaolezi glanced at everyone, carefully unfolded the imperial decree, and read: "Fengtian carries the emperor, and the edict said: Princess Yan is smart, dignified and virtuous, and now I hear that Princess Yan has given birth to the eldest daughter, she must resemble her mother's demeanor... King Yan The eldest daughter won my heart, and was specially named the Lord of Heshu County. I admire this."

There was no wind or sound in the hall, and the scene was eerily silent.

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