The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Five hundred and seventieth chapters dead prince

There was a lot of traffic in front of the Yanwang Mansion, and gorgeous carriages came one after another.

No matter what the emperor thought of rewarding the eldest daughter of King Yan, one thing was clear: King Yan and his wife were very envious of the emperor.

If you can win the eyes of the most distinguished person in Da Zhou, then of course it is worth clinging to.

For a time, even people who had never even seen the King Yan and his wife tried to send congratulatory gifts.

A carriage that came out of the palace looked very low-key. The prince and the princess were sitting in the carriage.

Today, the Crown Princess was wearing a rose-colored wish-fulfilling flower robe, with a pendant inlaid with a pearl on her ear, with a rare smile on her face, which looked like a flower in full bloom.

The prince couldn't help but glanced at it a few more times and said with a smile, "If you were like today every day, you wouldn't be much stronger."

"Is there anything wrong with me on weekdays?" The Crown Princess asked lightly.

The prince was stagnant and said, "At least it's not as bright as today."

Speaking of this, the prince raised his eyebrows: "It's just to go to Yanwang's mansion to have a full moon wine, there is no need to be so solemn, right?"

Thinking of that handsome brother, the prince's heart sank suddenly.

Could it be that the Yang family treats Lao Qi differently?

The Crown Princess didn't know that the Crown Prince was thinking about saving others by himself, so she said lightly, "King Yan has saved his life for Brother Chun, shouldn't we pay more attention to it? Is it not because of this that Your Highness specially asked the Father to come out?"

The prince touched his nose: "Oh, that's it."

It stands to reason that this kind of full moon wine prince does not need to go out of the palace to congratulate each other, just send someone to send congratulatory gifts in the past.

Prince Baba ran to ask Emperor Jingming for instructions, just because he was grateful to King Yan for saving Brother Chun, so King Yan's daughter Manyue wanted to take the Crown Princess to celebrate.

Emperor Jing Ming affirmed that the prince knew how to be grateful, and he did not hesitate. Now that the princess is taking this back and forth with the prince, the prince naturally has nothing to say.

In fact, the prince was running towards Er Niu.

Having experienced the earthquake in front of the Taimiao Temple, the prince's words about the earthquake have changed, and since he almost caught up with the earthquake in Koi Town, he is even more afraid.

If there were no Erniu, he who lived in Koi Town would definitely be buried alive, and he would have nightmares just thinking about it.

In fact, the prince did have several nightmares after returning to the palace. Every time he was crushed by the gravel, he couldn't escape no matter how hard he struggled, but he couldn't cry out.

In the end, either a boulder fell down and smashed him to death, or he was dragged out by Er Niu.

The prince became more and more determined: he wanted to get two cattle.

With a dog with supernatural powers like Er Niu, he is no longer afraid to move.

In this way, there is a rare opportunity to go to Prince Yan's mansion in an upright manner, and the prince naturally cannot miss it.

The carriage drove all the way, and finally stopped.

The prince and princess got off the carriage one after another, and immediately a neatly dressed attendant came to lead the way.

The number of guests who came to Yanwang's mansion today is unknown, and naturally they will not be greeted in one place. One is that there is no such a large venue, and the other is that they have different identities.

The prince and his wife were led by their attendants to the palace garden.

In July, it is much more comfortable to have a feast in the garden and enjoy the scenery than being locked in the hall. The people who are arranged here are the royal family members, as well as Jiang Shi's family.

Seeing King Qi and other familiar faces in the distance, the prince said impatiently, "Okay, no need to lead the way."

The attendant withdrew respectfully.

The prince looked at the garden with great interest as he walked forward, and said with a smile, "The garden of Prince Yan's Mansion doesn't have any precious flowers and plants."

"The flowers and plants are not expensive, it's good if they can be lively." The chance for the princess to go out to the palace for a banquet is not much, and she looks around like a prince.

The prince looked at the princess and frowned secretly.

What to say about the gratitude of Lao Qi for saving his life, it is obviously to treat Lao Qi differently.

Thinking of the indifference of the Crown Princess to him recently, the Crown Prince's heart sank.

Shouldn't this woman want to get him a green hat?

Hmph, if she dares to think this way, he will strangle her first, and then chop up Lao Qi.

The prince was thinking wildly when his eyes suddenly lit up.

A big dog is lying beside the flowers not far away,

It's not two cows and which one is it.

"You go first." The prince hurriedly said a word to the crown princess and walked over quickly.

Erniu was enjoying the cool comfortably when he suddenly noticed someone approaching and looked over vigilantly.

"Er Niu, it's me—" The prince didn't dare to get too close, standing half a zhang away and smiled a little flatteringly.

Steady like a prince concubine, she couldn't help but open her eyes a little at this moment.

The prince somehow teased a big dog. Did he eat too much?

What surprised the princess even more was still behind.

Seeing that Er Niu was not baring his teeth, the prince was relieved, and hurriedly took out an oiled paper bag, opened it and said, "I heard that you like to eat braised beef, so I brought it here for you this time. This is the royal chef in the palace. Do you think the braised beef you made is much better than the one you usually eat?"

The princess' eyes widened.

When did the prince put the package of braised beef in his arms?

At this moment, the princess felt that she didn't know enough about the prince.

She thought she knew enough about the stupidity and badness of this man, but she never thought he had this side.

The princess was curious and watched the prince's actions with a cold eye.

Of course, the prince didn't care about the mood of others (Princess Concubine) at the moment, and carefully sent the oil paper package forward.

The two cows tilted their heads in disdain.

Braised beef is not his favorite for a long time, and his favorite is steamed meat now.

do not like?

The prince was not reconciled, he bent down and put the braised beef on the ground: "The royal chef made it, you must have never eaten it."

Er Niu's ears moved.

What is a royal chef? It's good to have a taste.

Erniu lowered his head and sniffed the meat on the ground, making sure it was all right, and took a bite.

The beef is strong, fragrant and crispy.

The taste was affirmed by Erniu, and the big dog immediately ate it happily.

Seeing that Er Niu quickly ate a pack of braised beef completely, the prince was very happy and took a tentative step forward.

Erniu looked up at the prince and licked his mouth.

What does this man want?

The prince took another step closer.

Erniu calmly looked at the people who were getting closer and closer, and said in his heart: It's about to reach the distance that it can't tolerate.

The prince was ecstatic when he saw that it was okay to approach Erniu step by step.

After all, he was suffering together in Qianhe County, and he also ate this package of braised beef happily. This big dog must be familiar with him, right?

He asked the servants who had raised dogs and said that as long as they were willing to eat food from someone, it meant that the dog accepted that person.

"Er Niu, is the braised beef delicious?"

Er Niu flicked his tail.

It's an honest dog, and it does taste better than anything he's ever eaten before.

The prince took another step forward with a smile and said, "Since this is the case, why don't you follow me in the future, and make sure you have braised beef every day—"

The big dog jumped up and bit the prince's ass.

The prince screamed, followed by the screams of the guests who saw this scene.

"No, His Royal Highness was bitten by a dog—"

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