The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and seventy fifth don't worry

A group of people rushed over in an instant, ready to rescue the prince (to watch the fun).

Er Niu bit the prince's butt and didn't let it go, the prince screamed in pain: "Oh, get it away - Lao Qi, Lao Qi, don't you care about your dog?"

Yu Jin came over and shouted lightly, "Er Niu, let go."

Erniu thought for a while and let go.

For the sake of this man giving it the braised beef, it didn't bite to death, I didn't expect it to scream so badly.

Forget it, let's go and play with the little master.

The two cows flicked their tails and left.

"Stop!" The servant who came with the prince supported the prince and shouted to Er Niu in a sharp voice.

Er Niu stopped and gave the servant a serious look.

What, this person wants to make up for it?

The chamberlain suddenly understood what Erniu meant, took a step back in fright, and said in a trembling voice, "My lord, this dog offended His Highness the Crown Prince, so you let it go like this?"

Before Yu Jin could speak, the prince scolded: "Shut up, don't help me to deal with the wound!"

Erniu hasn't taken him as his master yet, what's wrong with biting him? It was the turn of the dog minion to yell.

The waiter was stunned.

He rushed over to save the prince immediately, why was the beast who bit the prince not scolded, but instead he was scolded?

Could it be that in His Highness's heart, he is inferior to this beast?

The chamberlain fell into deep self-doubt.

The prince twisted his face and glanced at the servant, thinking to himself: What is there to doubt? Of course, a slave can't keep up with Er Niu in his heart. In this world, only Er Niu can move predictably.

"Second brother, go to the house and deal with it first." Yu Jin suggested calmly.

"Okay, take me there!" The prince covered his buttocks, and the cold sweat broke down.

As today's male host, Yu Jin naturally accompanied the prince.

The princess still stood where she was, with a complicated expression.

Several princesses came around.

"Second sister-in-law, what's going on?" Princess Lu asked curiously.

The Crown Princess glanced at a few people and shook her head: "I don't know very well either."

Do you want her to tell everyone that the prince wanted to kidnap King Yan's dog, but it was not only unsuccessful but also bitten?

The only thing that the Crown Princess is fortunate now is that she did not bring Brother Chun to the banquet, and the child would not see this farce caused by the unreliable father.

Inside the house, the prince had taken off his trousers, and the good doctor who came in a hurry was giving him medicine.

"Oh, take it easy, take it easy!" The prince screamed again and again.

For the prince who grew up pampered, it has been rare for many years to even encounter a little bump. Not long ago, a trip to Qianhe County was the worst pain he had ever suffered. How could he bear this.

The good doctor was treating the wound to the prince and said with relief: "It's just a bit of skin that has been bitten. Your Highness will bear with it for a while. If the wound is not cleaned up, it will cause future troubles..."

When it was finally dealt with, the good doctor was secretly relieved, explained the follow-up matters that should be paid attention to, and hurriedly ran away with the medicine box.

The prince had just taken the medicine, so he could only lie on the bed with his bare buttocks.

The servant came up and said, "Your Highness, do you want to help you up?"

"I can't even lift my pants, are you letting me get up naked? Go to the door and stay there!"

The servant was scolded and silently stood at the door.

The prince looked up at Yu Jin.

"Second brother, why don't you take a rest here first. I can't get away today, so I'll excuse me. When I go out, I'll tell the second sister-in-law that you are here."

Seeing Yu Jin turned around and was about to leave, the crown prince hurriedly shouted, "Seventh brother, don't leave yet."

Yu Jin looked at the prince with a light expression: "Is there anything else, second brother?"

The prince hesitated.

He has coveted Er Niu for a long time, and if he does nothing, it is impossible to wait for Lao Qi to take the initiative to give Er Niu to him.

In this case, it is better to choose a day than to hit the sun, just ask for it directly, I believe that Lao Qi will not offend his prince for a dog.

The prince made up his mind, and said with a bitter face: "Today, the two cattle have bit me hard—"

Yu Jin asked lightly, "What did the second brother do to Er Niu?"

The prince said aggrieved: "What can I do?

I fed the two cows braised beef. Er Niu quite liked it and ate it clean. "

Unexpectedly, there was still meat residue on his mouth, so he bit him.

This dog is really ruthless - the prince thought wistfully.

Yu Jin's beautiful eyes narrowed.

No matter what you are doing, it is either a traitor or a thief. The braised beef that the prince feeds to Er Niu was brought out of the palace on purpose.

Seeing that the foreshadowing was almost done, the crown prince stretched his voice and said, "Seventh brother, you said that my dignified crown prince was bitten by Er Niu in public, so I can't just let it go."

Yu Jin raised his eyebrows: "Oh, what does the second brother think?"

The crown prince was overjoyed, and tried his best to put on a light-hearted look on his face: "How about this, you can give me Er Niu. Er Niu is also an official of the imperial court, and it is not easy to kill, but my face can't be taken away. So lost. Erniu bit me, and I became its owner, so the problem will be solved..."

Yu Jin almost laughed angrily.

It turned out that the prince had been around for so long, and it was the idea of ​​​​playing two bulls.

He gave the prince a deep look.

When did the prince become thief?

"Seventh brother, what do you think?" Seeing that Yu Jin was silent, the prince asked Baba.

The servant who was guarding the door suddenly realized.

No wonder His Highness is not annoyed by being bitten by a dog. It turned out to be the dog!

I don't know if King Yan will answer or not.

The waiter pricked up his ears.

Yu Jin said blankly, "I don't think so."

The prince almost didn't come up in one breath.

He thought that Lao Qi might have the slightest chance to refuse, but he never expected to refuse so simply, just like Erniu just bit his ass without hesitation.

Does Lao Qi have any respect for his prince?

The prince couldn't hang his face, and his face was hard to look at.

"Seventh brother, Er Niu bites me, can't just let it go? If you don't want to give Er Niu to me, then the dog that even the prince bit can't be kept-" The prince didn't say anything after that. The eyes of the other party suddenly froze into his throat.

Yu Jin's eyes were very cold, as cold as ice knives, capable of poking holes in people.

The prince suddenly felt that the wound on his buttocks hurt even more, and had the urge to reach out and cover it.

"Seventh brother...what are you doing..." The prince suddenly felt a little hard to breathe.

Yu Jin regained his composure, and said lightly, "Second brother can go to the father and sue the two bulls. How to punish the two bulls, I believe the father will make his own decision. As for the other—"

Having said that, he paused for a while, and his tone turned cold: "There is something my brother wants to tell the second brother in advance."

Captured by Yu Jin's terrifying aura, the prince asked subconsciously, "What?"

Yu Jin said word by word, "No matter how good other people's things are, my younger brother is never uncommon. Likewise, others should not touch my things. Second brother remember this, we are still good brothers."

After all, Yu Jin didn't even look at the prince, strode to the door and pushed it out, leaving behind the stunned prince and chamberlain.

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