The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 580 The prince was taken away by the official

This movement can be described as earth-shattering.

There are several elegant rooms on the second floor of the Treasure Pavilion, each of which is used to entertain guests with money and status.

There was such a big movement here that two private rooms immediately ran out to check.

"Oh my god, there's... someone is having an affair in the Treasure Pavilion—" a woman shouted, pulling her throat halfway, as if her throat was blocked by a stone, and her lips trembled for a long time before shouting, "Two men sleeping together-"

Strange, the person who gave her the money clearly stated that there was an affair between a young man and a married woman, and she told her to scream when she saw this situation. Why is it not a man and a woman sleeping on the same bed, but two men?

No matter, it's a scandal anyway, she's only responsible for shouting out.

"Come and see, everyone, two big men are having an affair in the Treasure Pavilion in broad daylight—" the old woman shouted louder.

The Treasure Pavilion was already facing a lively street, and as a result, countless people rushed into the Treasure Pavilion.

The female shopkeeper was about to go crazy, and hurriedly shouted: "My lord, wake up, wake up!"

Yu Jing's dark guard seemed to be too heavy, the prince and the servant hugged each other naked and still slept soundly.

There were already many people surrounding the door and talking loudly.

"Tsk tsk, which descendant is this? It's too embarrassing. If it were my son, I would have to break his leg."

"Hehe, you can't give birth to such a son. Didn't you look at the clothes on the ground? They are all good materials. Which son must be your brother?"

"It's also strange, why did you go to the Treasure Pavilion to do such pickled things?"

"Otherwise, it's easier to be discovered by two big men messing around at home?"

"Makes sense—"

The female shopkeeper was about to go crazy and pushed the person at the door: "Go out, go out quickly!"

The person who was pushed was not convinced and pushed the female shopkeeper back, pushing the female shopkeeper to a staggering position.

"Why go out, I finally squeezed in!"

"That's right, you are allowed to hide the filth in the Treasure Pavilion, but you are not allowed to take a look at it?"

The people watching the fun said, but they became angry. I don't know who took out a roast chicken and smashed it in angrily.

The roast chicken just hit the prince in the face and woke the prince.

Seeing the crowded crowd, the prince was stunned, and the servant who kicked his arm and was still pressing on him jumped up: "What's the matter?"

After this jump, I felt a chill on my body.

The prince looked down, almost fainted, grabbed the clothes on the ground to cover it, and shouted angrily, "Get out!"

He thought it was in the East Palace, and when he shouted, the eunuch and the palace maids were so frightened that they scattered.

None of the people watching the fun left, and someone shouted, "Look, that person has no male roots!"

The frightened prince immediately took off the blocking clothes and looked down, only to find that the object was still alive, and he was relieved.

Of course, what everyone saw was not the prince, but the inner servant who was kicked to the ground by the prince.

With such a fall, the servant also woke up and screamed.

A shrill voice, a white and beardless face, and a lower body that is missing something...

Finally someone reacted with hindsight: "This is from the palace—"

He didn't say anything more, and the man turned around and left.

If the nobles and servants in the palace are in trouble, they will not be silenced, right?

There are many people who have this idea, and they all run out with that person, trying to stay away from the right and wrong places.

It's a pity that they ran up actively. There were already many people outside, and it was difficult to get out quickly.

"Get out of the way, out of the way—"

The people in the back didn't know what was going on, and they pushed forward to watch the excitement. The people in front tried their best to get out, and many people rolled down the stairs under the push.

The scene became more and more chaotic.

The prince put on his clothes in a hurry, and the hands that tied the belt were shaking.

"Dang... Master, what should I do—" The servant was about to cry with his trousers on.

"Go away!" The prince kicked the servant, rushed to the window, raised one foot and stepped out.

The waiter was so frightened that he lost his mind,

Holding the prince's other thigh tightly: "Master, you can't jump—"

The prince pushed the servant away.

Can't jump? Being blocked here, do you want everyone to know that the prince and his servants are messing around here?

Up to now, the prince has completely lost his mind about how Jiang Yi escaped. There was only one thought in his mind: run quickly and leave this hellish place.

The prince jumped from the window on the second floor of the Zhenbao Building and fell in front of the officials who came in a hurry.

The leading officer took a step back in shock: "This is the perpetrator? Come on, take him down!"

He was leading his men to patrol the streets when suddenly people came to report that there was a murder in the Zhenbao Pavilion, and that people had been killed.

Under the feet of the Son of Heaven, in the clear sky and the sun, is it okay to cause a human life?

The lead officer almost came with his subordinates without hesitation.

Looking at the prince who fell in front of him, the leading official sneered: "Do you still want to run? Let's have your sweet dream!"

Seeing that the prince who fell speechless for a while was about to be locked away by the officials, the servant shouted, "I can't take it!"

He hurriedly jumped through the window and jumped down. After a scream, he was silent.

Too flustered, my face fell to the ground...

Glancing at the person who fell unconscious, the leading officer waved his hand: "Take them all!"

Killing at this level?

He just jumped off the second floor and replaced him. He didn't even blink his eyes at this height. What a waste.

The prince was taken out a dozen feet away, and finally came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and said, "Bastard, let me go!"

"Oh, it's quite absurd to do evil things."

There was chaos at the entrance of the Treasure Pavilion, and the leading officials had already dispatched staff to investigate, and they became more and more convinced of the secret report of a certain commoner.

"Let go, do you know who I am?"

Today, the prince was going to the Ministry of Household to observe politics. After slipping out of the Ministry of Household, he deliberately changed into clothes bought from a ready-made clothing store. Although the material was good, it was only good in the eyes of ordinary people, not luxurious.

The leading officer glanced at it and sneered: "Why, can't you still be a noble son? I tell you, no matter which family you are, if you do something wrong today, just report to the yamen with me."

When he heard that he had gone to the yamen, the prince's expression changed immediately, and he hurriedly said: "I am the prince, let me go!"

The leading official laughed: "Are you the prince? Then I'm still the prince. Stop talking nonsense, be careful to destroy the nine clans!"

"I'm really a prince, let me go quickly!" The prince struggled to escape, but he didn't dare to preach loudly, so don't worry too much.

The leading official frowned, took out a sweat towel and plugged the prince's mouth, and said coldly: "You can't let you talk nonsense and ruin the reputation of the noble!"

"Woo woo--" The prince couldn't shout, and went to see the chamberlain.

The servant who fell to the ground was bruised and swollen, and was in a coma.

The crown prince was completely desperate, and there was only one thought in his mind: he was so stupid, he shouldn't have left the secret guard in the yamen!

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