The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and eighty first anger

Before the chaos of the Treasure Pavilion started, Jiang Yi quickly walked out of the gate of the Treasure Pavilion.

Just after she left the door, her feet softened a bit, holding a tree in front of the door, her face was ugly and scary: "Help me in the car..."

The maid was taken aback by Jiang Yi's ugly face: "Master—"

"Help me in the car!" Jiang Yi said sharply.

On weekdays, Jiang Yi always spoke softly to her servants, but it was the first time that the maid saw her speak loudly, so she did not dare to delay any longer, and even dragged Jiang Yi to the carriage.

Sitting in the carriage, Jiang Yi felt alive, and was afraid that the sky would be overwhelming.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" The maid asked anxiously when she saw that Jiang Yi was very wrong.

Jiang leaned against the cold wall of the car, his face was pale and bloodless, and his bright and white forehead was full of sweat.

She seemed to have just been fished out of the water, gasping for breath with fear and happiness, ignoring the anxious maid.

What the hell is going on?

She was just strolling around the Treasure Pavilion, how could she be targeted? What are the identities of those two men?

She was unconscious without knowing it. If she hadn't been rescued today, the consequences would be—

By the way, the person who rescued her said that it was under King Yan!

Jiang Yi suddenly thought of something, and pulled the maid forcefully: "Tell the driver... go directly to Prince Yan's mansion..."

"What?" The maid was taken aback by this sudden request.

According to the etiquette, not to mention the family like Yan Wangfu, it is an ordinary family. If you want to communicate with relatives, you need to send a message in advance.

Master, what happened?

"Hurry up!" Jiang Yi pushed the maid.

Jiang Yi's eagerness infected the maid, and the maid climbed to the door and lifted the curtain of the car, probed and shouted, "Old Tietou, go to Prince Yan's Mansion."

The coachman held the whip and turned his head: "Aren't you going back to Uncle's Mansion?"

The maid glared at the coachman: "Go wherever the master tells you to go."

"Okay, sit tight." The driver flicked his whip and drove the car in a different direction.

Jiang Yi held the handkerchief without saying a word, and the atmosphere in the carriage almost froze.

The maid wanted to speak several times, but because of the dull atmosphere, she didn't dare to make a sound, and secretly pondered what happened.

She suddenly thought of herself who had fallen asleep at some unknown time in the Treasure Pavilion, and her face turned pale.

The carriage stopped, and the driver's voice came: "Great auntie, here we are."

The maid stuck her head out: "Old Tietou, go and tell the doorman."

The driver ran over and called for the door.

"No post?" The doorman waved his hand to signal the driver to leave.

Recently, more and more people have come to Wangfu to mess around with each other, but I can't let all cats and dogs come in.

The coachman was an honest man, and he was naturally timid toward the palace. He didn't dare to say much when he saw the doorman driving people away, and walked back in a muffled voice.

The doorman glanced at the carriage that was parked not far away, and felt a little familiar.

"Wait—" the doorman stopped the coachman, "what mansion is it from?"

The driver said, "The aunt from Dongping Bo's Mansion came to look for the princess..."

The doorman almost fell down, grabbed the driver's wrist and said, "Brother, you could have said it earlier!"

After shutting out the princess' sister, and being found out by the lord, how could he still survive?

The doorman snorted at the driver and said to himself: I can't see that this man is stunned. Fortunately, he asked a lot.

Jiang seems to be teasing Ah Huan.

For more than two months, Ah Huan has grown into a chubby doll with white skin and big eyes, and Ai grins at the corners of her mouth.

But at this time, Xiao A Huan suddenly burst into tears.

"Did you pee?" Jiang seemed to be in a hurry when she was a first-time mother. Seeing this, she hurriedly touched it, and she felt wet, "I really pee!"

Before the nurse could pick up the baby, Er Niu, who was lying on the side, suddenly stood up, and ran to the low cabinet, picked up a diaper on it, and ran back, motioning Jiang Si to change it for Ah Huan quickly.

Jiang Si took the diaper and looked at Er Niu who was asking for credit and couldn't help laughing.

Erniu has only been observing for a long time, and he actually learned to take Ah Huan's diaper. If he learns for a while, won't he change it?

The wet nurse who changed Ah Huan's diapers with quick hands and feet praised: "I have never seen a dog as smart as Er Niu before.


Aman curled his lips and said, "It's weird to see it, our Erniu are the court officials of the fourth rank!"

Although the nursing mother knew about this for a long time, she still felt extremely shocked every time she heard it.

Come on, it's the fourth grade! Putting it in an ordinary family, if there is a Qipin County master in the clan, the ancestral grave is smoked.

Can't compare, people are not as good as dogs——

The house was in full swing, and the maid came in and reported that Jiang Yi was here.

Jiang Shi was busy to invite Jiang Yi in.

"Why did the eldest sister come here all of a sudden—" The panic that touched Jiang Yi's eyes, Jiang Si swallowed the words behind, and motioned for the people in the room to step back.

Seeing that the wet nurse took Ah Huan away, Er Niu thought about it and went out.

There were only two sisters left in the room, and Jiang Yilian sent all the maids who came along.

"Miss, did something happen?"

Jiang Yi squeezed the teacup hard, her knuckles were faintly white, she calmed down and said, "Fourth sister, someone today... is trying to be mean to me..."

Jiang Shi's hands trembled, almost knocking over the teacup.

Afraid of scaring Jiang Si, Jiang Yi hurriedly added, "I'm fine!"

Jiang Si took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from Jiang Yi's forehead: "Sister, speak slowly."

Jiang Yi nodded and spoke in a trembling voice. The more I got to the end, the more I couldn't control the fear pouring out of my heart.

Jiang Si understands Jiang Yi's mood very well.

Just imagine that when you visit a shop on a regular basis, your innocence is almost smeared by gangsters. Which woman is not afraid of putting it on?

"The person who saved me claimed to be the prince's subordinate... Fourth sister, do you know what's going on?"

Jiang Si closed his eyes and pinched his palms to suppress the anger that he was about to burst out.

The only person Ajin has been staring at recently is the prince. If Ajin's people saved the eldest sister, nine out of ten, it was the prince's hand on the eldest sister!

"Fourth sister?"

Jiang Sichong smiled reluctantly at Jiang Yi: "I haven't seen the prince yet, wait for him to come back and ask to see if he knows something."

She said and held Jiang Yi's hand, both of the sisters' hands were cold.

"Eldest sister, go back to the manor first. Don't go out these days. We'll talk about the outcome of today's affairs."

Even if it is determined that the person who did something to the eldest sister is the prince, it is better not to let the eldest sister know until the prince is killed.

The eldest sister knew that she was being missed by the prince of the dynasty, and she would definitely have trouble sleeping and eating.

Jiang Yi nodded: "Well, I'll wait for the news of the fourth sister."

With King Yan's subordinates involved, it might not be so easy for her to attack her. She doesn't have the ability of the fourth sister to get justice for herself, at least to avoid causing trouble and not worrying the fourth sister.

As for being afraid... Of course I am afraid, how can I not be afraid...

Jiang Si ordered someone to escort Jiang Yi back to the Dongping Mansion, and immediately ordered: "Please bring the prince back from the yamen."

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