The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and eighty nine visiting the prince

"King Yan brought two... uh, brought General Xiaotian?" The prince almost broke out in a cold sweat.

Sure enough, he almost called out Er Niu's name!

Although Er Niu is famous, he still has amnesia, and he has not had the chance to understand this in the eyes of others.

The servant hurriedly said, "Yes, Your Highness. General Xiaotian is a dog raised by King Yan, whose name is Erniu, and he is the fourth-rank general of the imperial seal."

General Xiaotian is called Erniu, and the people in the palace already know it.

It is impossible not to know that General Xiaotian was summoned by the emperor not long ago. Such an honor falls to a dog, and this dog can still be an unknown dog? Certainly not.

But it is obviously a dog, why is it called Erniu?

The inner waiter wondered how many times he pondered this question, waiting for the prince to speak whether to see or not see.

The prince hesitated for a while.

Having seen several brothers, it is obviously inappropriate to see Lao Qi alone.

He is a person with amnesia now, and it doesn't matter whether he is close or distant in the past, and his attitude towards these brothers should be impartial.

If you see Lao Qi, you will definitely want to see it, so do you want to see Er Niu?

Thinking of being bitten by Er Niu in the garden of Prince Yan's Mansion, the crown prince was a little scared.

But if Lao Qi can bring Er Niu to see him, Er Niu will definitely not bite anyone casually, right?

For Er Niu, the prince obviously won't give up because he was bitten.

It's not normal for a dog to bite someone other than its owner.

If it were another dog, it would be killed, but Er Niu is different. Er Niu can move predictably and can save lives at critical moments.

Greed had the upper hand and stepped on the fear under his feet. The prince smiled and said, "Then please invite King Yan and General Xiaotian to come in together. I really want to see what a dog of the fourth rank looks like."

The prince said, very satisfied with his performance.

Well, his reaction was quite natural.

Wouldn't anyone be curious when he heard that a dog that was conferred the fourth rank came to see him?

The waiter hurried back to pass a message.

In the imperial study, Emperor Jing Ming put down his memorial, took a sip of the tea cup handed over by Pan Hai, and asked, "It's very lively over there, Prince?"

The prince lost his memory, and there is a possibility of re-instructing him. Emperor Jing Ming has been very concerned about the troubles in the East Palace these days.

Yesterday's Mid-Autumn Festival family banquet, and today several princes entered the palace to visit the prince, as he expected.

The prince has performed well in the past two days. Not only has he calmed down a lot, but he has actually taken the initiative to read the history books, which is really gratifying to him.

Let the fourth and the others take a look at the prince's transformation now, so they can rest their minds that they shouldn't have.

Pan Hai replied, "King Yan has just arrived."

"Elder Seven?" Emperor Jing Ming said casually, "I came later than them."

"My lord brought General Xiaotian here."

Emperor Jing Ming put down the tea cup and became interested: "Did you bring Er Niu?"


"What a joke!"

How can there be a visiting person with a dog--

Emperor Jing Ming got up and said lightly, "Go to the East Palace to see."

Speaking of which, he also misses Xiao Aiqing a little bit. I wonder if Xiao Aiqing has lost some weight after his promotion?

Emperor Jing Ming was bored in the palace, it was impossible to go out at will, and it was even more impossible to summon General Xiaotian from time to time. It was rare to have such an opportunity, and naturally he would not miss it.

Emperor Jing Ming sat on his shoulders, with Pan Hai following him, and leisurely went to the East Palace.

When Yu Jin heard the servant say, "Your Highness has a request," he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that the prince would not dare to see Erniu again because he was bitten by Erniu. In that case, if you want to expose the prince, you have to wait for the opportunity.

Yu Jin is an impatient person. He wants to kill someone who wants to kill him immediately, so he doesn't have so much patience to wait.

What, the prince may be summoned because he lost his memory and forgot to be bitten by Erniu?

Yu Jin sneered at this.

No matter what others think, in his opinion, the crown prince must be pretending, and this may be due to the beast-like intuition he has cultivated in the southern border so many times of life and death.

"My lord, go this way." The servant led the way respectfully.

I heard that after Er Niu bit the prince, nothing happened.

King Yan was not reprimanded by the emperor. It can be seen that both King Yan and Er Niu have been favored and must not be neglected.

After Yu Jin brought Er Niu into the house, he found that King Lu was still in the house.

"I was about to leave, but I heard that the seventh brother is here. I'll go with you later." King Lu explained.

"That's good." Yu Jin responded casually and greeted the prince, "I knew yesterday that the second brother was injured, and I was very worried, but I didn't ask more questions at the banquet. I came to see the second brother today."

The prince has heard this several times, and said with a smile: "Seventh brother, you're welcome, I'm fine."

"Second brother is fine." Yu Jin smiled and patted Erniu, "Second brother used to be very rare in Erniu, so I brought Erniu as well."

Following Yu Jin's shot, Erniu took a step forward.

At that moment, the prince's pupils suddenly enlarged.

Yu Jin looked in his eyes and raised the corner of his lips.

The prince really pretended, otherwise he wouldn't have such a reaction when he saw Er Niu approaching.

The pupils are enlarged, is this nervous?

If the crown prince really lost his memory and saw a dog that was named a fourth-rank general, wouldn't his first reaction be curiosity?

With this discovery, Yu Jin became more and more sure of what to do next.

It's a pity that I can't disguise the prince's disguise in front of the emperor. It's a little regretful. But it doesn't matter, the news reaches the emperor's ears, and the effect is the same.

Just thinking about this, I heard the servants sing: "The emperor is coming—"

At this moment, Yu Jin was stunned.

He was just dozing off and someone gave him a pillow?

Thinking about whether his father did not love his mother in the past 18 years, Yu Jin silently came to a conclusion: Marry Asi and move on.

Emperor Jing Ming walked in quickly, and Pan Hai silently followed behind.

"My son has seen his father." The prince, Yu Jin and King Lu said in unison.

"Don't be too polite." Emperor Jing Ming didn't seem to know anything, and said to Yu Jin, "You guys are here too."

King Lu was a little nervous when he saw Emperor Jing Ming, and said hurriedly, "My seventh brother and I came to see the second brother."

He said and gave Yu Jin a wink.

Father is here, let's leave.

Emperor Jing Ming was quite amused by King Lu's reaction.

In the past, he felt that this son was the most reckless, but he didn't expect to be punished once, and he knew it would be restrained.

King Lu sighed silently.

Don't restrain yourself, Lao Qi's daughter was born as the county lord, and his daughter can only be named county lord when she leaves the cabinet. When the daughter asks why, where should he put his face?

"Hey, Xiao Aiqing is here too?" For his two sons, Emperor Jing Ming had nothing to see, so his eyes fell on Er Niu.

Er Niu rushed to Jing Ming and shook his tail obediently.

The prince's eyes were hot, and he thought that Er Niu was so fierce to him, how could he be so well-behaved in front of his father?

Yu Jin glanced at the prince from the corner of his eyes, with a harmless smile on his face: "Early Huan's full moon banquet, the second brother said it was very rare for two cattle, so my son brought the two cattle."

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